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Toutes les séries de Cassandra Clare

6 livres
18 418 lecteurs

New York, de nos jours. Au cours d’une soirée, Clary, 15 ans, est témoin d’un meurtre. Elle est terrifiée lorsque le corps de la victime disparaît mystérieusement devant ses yeux… Elle découvre alors l’existence d’une guerre invisible entre des forces démoniaques et la société secrète des Chasseurs d’Ombres. Le mystérieux Jace est l’un d’entre eux. À ses côtés, Clary va jouer dans cette aventure un rôle qu’elle n’aurait jamais imaginé.

9 livres
5 158 lecteurs

Courte nouvelle de "La Cité des Ténèbres - Les Origines" nous montrant Will et Jem en pleine discussion, quelques temps avant les événements du tome 1.


Disponible sur le site de l'auteure : https://www.cassandraclare.com/excerpts-extras/bridg/

4 livres
2 282 lecteurs

Après le meurtre de ses parents, Emma Carstairs rejoint l'Institut des Blackthorn pour devenir une redoutable Chasseuse d'Ombres. Et quand des crimes similaires sont découverts, elle est décidée à retrouver l'assassin et à se venger.

Mais dans sa quête de vérité émergent de nombreuses questions : que veulent dire ces étranges inscriptions sur les corps ? Pourquoi l'Enclave leur a-t-elle interdit de chercher le coupable ? Et surtout, pourquoi ses pouvoirs de parabatai deviennent-ils aussi puissants en présence de Julian ?

4 livres
502 lecteurs

Et si tomber amoureuse était plus compliqué que de combattre les créatures des ténèbres ?

Cordélia Carstairs imaginait son avenir tout tracé : s'entraîner dur pour devenir une Chasseuse d'Ombres et protéger le monde. L'arrestation de son père va tout remettre en question. Accompagnée de son frère, la voilà à Londres pour tenter de le tirer d'affaire. Là-bas, elle renoue avec James et Lucie Herondale, ses amis d'enfance.

Bientôt, Cordélia se retrouve entraînée de bals en missions secrètes... tout en essayant de réprimer ses sentiments naissants pour James, déjà engagé. Pendant ce temps, le danger rôde. Quand une série d'attaques démoniaques d'une ampleur inédite met la ville à feu et à sang, Cordélia et ses amis décident d'agir. Mais comment écraser l'ennemi lorsqu'il est invincible ? Et qui est derrière ces attaques ? Une autre question se fait obsédante : ont-ils les qualités pour être des héros ?

3 livres
461 lecteurs

Magnus Bane voulait juste partir en vacances avec Alec, son compagnon. Mais dès son arrivée à Paris, il apprend qu'une secte, la Main Écarlate, est décidée à semer le chaos. Magnus et Alec se lancent alors dans une course à travers l'Europe pour traquer la Main Écarlate et son insaisissable leader. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, des démons les suivent à la trace et il devient de plus en plus difficile de différencier les alliés des ennemis. Pour mener à bien leur quête, Magnus et Alec vont devoir se faire confiance comme jamais auparavant, quitte à révéler des secrets tus depuis bien longtemps...

11 livres
655 lecteurs

Si Magnus Bane est interdit de séjour au Pérou, c'est pour une bonne raison. Au cours de ses escapades à Lima, il a entraîné ses amis sorciers Ragnor Fell et Catarina Loss dans des situations périlleuses et a provoqué plusieurs catastrophes. Il a également ingurgité des hectolitres d'alcool et s'est essayé à quelques instruments et danses folkloriques, ce que n'a pas fait remonter sa cote de popularité auprès des Péruviens. Mais pour savoir pourquoi le Haut Conseil des Sorciers péruviens à pris la décision radicale de l'interdire de séjour, lisez cet épisode inédit de The Mortal Instruments, exclusivement disponible en numérique !

5 livres
699 lecteurs

Dans une grotte, un nouveau-né abandonné. Gravée dans la glace, une inscription de la main de sa mère :


Douze ans plus tard...

Callum Hunt est devenu un garçon comme les autres. Ou presque. Car il a tout fait pour ignorer la magie qu'il portait en lui. Mais à présent Cal est rattrapé par un don qu'il n'arrive pas à maîtriser, et il doit intégrer le Magisterium. Un endroit fabuleux et terrifiant, où il va découvrir les secrets obscurs de son passé.

L'Épreuve de Fer commence à peine. Le plus grand défi reste à venir...

10 livres
176 lecteurs

Simon Lewis never thought he’d become a Shadowhunter…and now he has the chance. One of ten adventures in Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.

After living as a Mundane and a Vampire, Simon never thought he would become a Shadowhunter, but today he begins his training at Shadowhunter Academy.

This standalone e-only short story follows the adventures of Simon Lewis, star of the #1 New York Times bestselling series The Mortal Instruments, as he trains to become a Shadowhunter. Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy features characters from Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments, Infernal Devices, and the upcoming Dark Artifices and Last Hours series. Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy is written by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan.

7 livres
130 lecteurs

"L'adaptation en graphic novel de la série à succès The Mortal Instruments, avec des bonus inédits !

Clary est désespérée. Elle est témoin d'un meurtre perpétré par trois adolescents qu'elle seule semble voir, sa mère vient de disparaître et elle subit l'attaque d'une étrange créature qui veut sa mort. Ses certitudes et son monde s'effondrent. Elle entre – sans le savoir – dans une guerre opposant Chasseurs d'Ombres et Créatures Obscures.Et si Clary était plus qu'une simple humaine ?"

9 livres
44 lecteurs

The Lightwoods, the Shadowhunters who run the New York Institute, are expecting a new addition to their family: the orphaned son of their father’s friend, Jace Wayland. Alec and Isabelle aren’t too sure they want a new brother, and their parents are not assuaging their fears, too occupied with the dark news that Raphael Santiago, second-in-command of the New York vampire clan, has brought from the Shadow Market.

3 livres
49 lecteurs

This manga is the adaptation of "The Mortal Instruments : The Origins"

Tessa Gray thought her journey to London would be the beginning of a new life, but she never could have envisioned the dark turn that life would take... Abducted upon her arrival, Tessa is introduced to London’s Downworld, the sordid supernatural underbelly of the city, and informed that her future will be recast to service a man known as "the Magister". Only the intervention of the London Institute’s Shadowhunters delivers the girl from this fate, but sinister forces are still gathering around Tessa. Even so, Tessa’s attraction to two of the young Shadowhunters who have taken her under their wings may prove more dangerous by far...

2 livres
62 lecteurs

L'un a été élevé pour régner, l'autre pour mourir.

Dans la cité de Castellane, où tout le monde cherche à s'enrichir et à gagner du pouvoir, Kel est choisi pour devenir le Pare-Lame, la doublure du prince héritier Conor Aurélien. En tant que tel, son destin est de protéger celui qu'il considère comme son frère et de mourir pour lui.

Lin fait partie des Ashkar, une communauté isolée possédant les dernières traces de magie au monde. Doctoresse, il lui est permis de se déplacer à Castellane pour soigner les malades. Cependant, elle ne peut guérir la seule personne qui compte pour elle sans accéder à un savoir interdit.

Approchés par le mystérieux Roi Chiffonnier qui leur promet à chacun ce qu'ils désirent le plus, Kel et Lin découvrent qu'une conspiration menace tout ce qu'ils connaissent. Réussiront-ils à protéger leurs proches dans un monde sur le point de sombrer dans le chaos ?

6 livres
43 lecteurs

Cette nouvelle nous montre le premier baiser entre Alec et Magnus.

Disponible sur le site de l'auteure : https://www.cassandraclare.com/excerpts-extras/kissed/

7 livres
18 lecteurs

Th3rd World's adaptation of Cassandra Clare's New York Times best-selling novel, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. Set in modern day New York, the Mortal Instruments series centers on the "Shadowhunters," human-angel hybrids that hunt down demons while also keeping peace between the warlocks, vampires, werewolves, faeries and other mythical creatures who inhabit the Earth.

3 livres
3 lecteurs

Cassandra Clare said that she will publish another trilogy in the Shadowhunters' world after the Dark Artifices and The TLH trilogy. It will have two gay main characters. More information to come...

Cassandra Clare said about writing more books in the Shadowhunter World:

My plan at the moment is to do five Shadowhunter series, total. I don’t know if I’ll do any series in the Shadowhunter world beyond that. I don’t know why five exactly — maybe because one of my major literary idols has always been Tamora Pierce and she did five series set in Tortall. :) Maybe I think I have five stories to tell in this world. Maybe I’ll get to the end and want to tell more. Maybe not — I have a stockpile of other worlds and stories in my head; I’m writing one of them by writing Magisterium now, but there are many others.

There is a special sort of enjoyment in developing stories in a created world, because you can take the rules you yourself have invented, and bend them or break them. You can create connections and history — the story of Isabelle’s ruby necklace stretches back all the way to Vampires, Scones and Edmund Herondale. Then again, with a brand new world, you get to make everything up again. It’s like: brand-new baby or adorable five-year old? They’re both good.

(The five Shadowhunter series are TiD, TLH, TMI, TDA, and very far down the road, TWP. Don’t even ask about that one! It’s too far in the future! There are other Shadowhunter projects like The Bane Chronicles and the graphic novel project about the Circle, currently in planning stages and known as TST, but I’m not counting them: I’m only counting book series/trilogies written solely by me.)

Tous les livres de Cassandra Clare

Partir en croisière sur un paquebot de luxe, rencontrer l'homme de sa vie à la mer, se prélasser au soleil dans le sud de la France ou aux Caraïbes, faire un tour d'Europe avec ses amis. le rêve ! Mais, quand vampires, sorcières, psychopathes, démons et fantômes se joignent au voyage, les vacances se transforment en cauchemar...

Croisière à haut risque, Sarah Mlynowski

Drôle de charme, Claudia Gray

La Loi des Suspects, Maureen Johnson

La maison aux miroirs, Cassandra Clare

Danger Imminent, Libba Bray

Holly Black, amoureuse des licornes, et Justine Larbalestier, fan de zombies, se sont lancé un formidable défi : convaincre le plus de lecteurs possible de rejoindre leur camp ! Deux équipes de six auteurs célèbres ont choisi leur créature préférée…

Et répondent à des questions telles que : Savez-vous comment élever un bébé licorne ? Accepteriez-vous de devenir zombie par amour ? Certains people seraient-ils des zombies ? Une licorne peut-elle vous débarrasser de votre ex ? Et surtout, comment éviter de manger son petit ami quand on est un zombie ?

Maintenant, à vous de choisir votre camp !

The first bite is only the beginning.

Twenty of today's favorite writers explore the intersections between the living, dead, and undead. Their vampire tales range from romantic to chilling to gleeful—and touch on nearly every emotion in between.

Neil Gaiman's vampire-poet in "Bloody Sunrise" is brooding, remorseful, and lonely. Melissa Marr's vampires make a high-stakes game of possession and seduction in "Transition." And in "Why Light?" Tanith Lee's lovelorn vampires yearn most of all for the one thing they cannot have—daylight. Drawn from folk traditions around the world, popular culture, and original interpretations, the vampires in this collection are enticingly diverse.

But reader beware: The one thing they have in common is their desire for blood

Explore the world of the Mortal Instruments with Cassandra Clare and more.

Join Cassandra Clare and a Circle of more than a dozen top YA writers, including New York Times bestsellers Holly Black, Rachel Caine, and Kami Garcia, as they write about the Mortal Instruments series, its characters, and its world.

Inside you'll read:

• A cinematic tutorial on why the best friend (Simon) always loses out to the bad boy (Jace)

• The unexpected benefits of the incest taboo

• What we can read between the lines of Alec and Magnus' European vacation

• The importance of friendship, art, humor, and rebellion

• And more, from the virtues of Downworlders to the naughty side of Shadowhunting

A gorgeous hardcover book that features wise, inspirational or funny quotes from the script of this summer's blockbuster movie, alongside character profiles and stunning cast photos. There is even the chance to design and colour your own quotes and runes on the specially designed write-in pages! This beautiful hardback book, with its gold-debossed-foil cover and gold-pantone-and-black-ink insides, is a must-have for any fan!

Ce roman illustré aura pour thème le Cercle de Valentin et comme personnage principaux Robert Lightwood et son parabatai Michael Wayland.

Prévu pour 2015-2016.

Fourteen masters of speculative fiction, including two graphic storytellers, from Appalachia, ancient Rome, future Australia, and alternate California, create alternate universes where romance and technology reign. Where tinkerers and dreamers craft and re-craft a world of automatons, clockworks, calculating machines, and other marvels that never were. Where scientists and schoolgirls, fair folk and Romans, intergalactic bandits, utopian revolutionaries, and intrepid orphans solve crimes, escape from monstrous predicaments, consult oracles, and hover over volcanoes in steam-powered airships.

Maybe it's the long, lazy days, or maybe it's the heat making everyone a little bit crazy. Whatever the reason, summer is the perfect time for love to bloom. Summer Days & Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories, written by twelve bestselling young adult writers and edited by the international bestselling author Stephanie Perkins, will have you dreaming of sunset strolls by the lake. So set out your beach chair and grab your sunglasses. You have twelve reasons this summer to soak up the sun and fall in love.

Featuring stories by Leigh Bardugo, Francesca Lia Block, Libba Bray, Cassandra Clare, Brandy Colbert, Tim Federle, Lev Grossman, Nina LaCour, Stephanie Perkins, Veronica Roth, Jon Skovron, and Jennifer E. Smith.

A History of Notable Shadowhunters & Denizens of Downworld told in the Language of Flowers is a collection of artwork by Cassandra Jean, who created The Shadowhunter Tarot. Inspired by the Victorian language of flowers, this hardbound volume features characters from The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, The Dark Artifices, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, and The Last Hours, each with a beautifully illustrated portrait and a selection of never before known details and notes about the characters.

source: https://www.topatoco.com/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=TO&Product_Code=CC-NOTABLESHADOWHUNTERS-BOOK#.VsTC59Bftb8.twitter

Depuis le XIIIe siècle, le Codex est le seul et unique manuel du Chasseur d'Ombres. L'Histoire secrète du Monde Obscur, de ses héros et de ses lieux mythiques y est consignée. Mais le jeune Chasseur d'ombres y apprendra aussi à quoi ressemblera sa vie future, quelles créatures il y côtoiera et à quelles lois il devra se soumettre.

Un ouvrage indispensable pour tous les fans de la série The Mortal Instruments, de Cassandra Clare !

Acclaimed authors Holly Black (Ironside) and Cecil Castellucci (Boy Proof) have united in geekdom to edit short stories from some of the best selling and most promising geeks in young adult literature: M.T. Anderson, Libba Bray, Cassandra Clare, John Green, Tracy Lynn, Cynthia and Greg Leitich Smith, David Levithan, Kelly Link, Barry Lyga, Wendy Mass, Garth Nix, Scott Westerfield, Lisa Yee, and Sara Zarr.

With illustrated interstitials from comic book artists Hope Larson and Bryan Lee O'Malley, Geektastic covers all things geeky, from Klingons and Jedi Knights to fan fiction, theater geeks, and cosplayers. Whether you're a former, current, or future geek, or if you just want to get in touch with your inner geek, Geektastic will help you get your geek on!


Experience Cassandra Clare’s internationally bestselling world of the Shadowhunters like never before with this intricate adult coloring book featuring forty-five all-new illustrations!

From the hallowed halls of the New York Institute to the glimmering glass buildings of Alicante, from the depths of the city of bones to the forests of faerie, the world of Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series comes to life like never before in this stunning coloring book. The forty-five illustrations face text excerpts, highlighting never-before-illustrated scenes from The Mortal Instruments. With gorgeous original black-and-white drawings by Cassandra Jean, illustrator of The Bane Chronicles and Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, The Mortal Instruments Coloring Book is a must-have gift book for every Cassandra Clare fan in your life.

What does it mean to be married? What do we commit to when we commit to each other for life? On a tense, hot summer night at the New York Institute, one couple will begin to find out as they celebrate their engagement. Another couple will explore that step, only to be thrown back by a violent emergency that calls them to duty before love.

When Simon Lewis spontaneously proposes to Isabelle Lightwood, Clary Fairchild has two days to plan a grand engagement party. With a lot of help from their Downworlder and mundane friends, Clary and Jace Herondale pull it off.

But it wouldn't be the Shadow World if trouble didn't arrive to threaten even the most joyous occasion. As the new co-head of the New York Institute, Clary must deal with an impending Downworlder civil war, all while trying to keep Isabelle away from a room suspiciously full of tulips, to which she is dangerously allergic.

Clary and Jace finally find a moment for themselves, but Magnus Bane interrupts them before they can have the conversation they really need to have – a conversation about that longest of conversations, marriage, that they may never get to have if they don't survive the night...

The Shadow Market is a meeting point for faeries, werewolves, warlocks and vampires. There the Downworlders buy and sell magical objects, make dark bargains, and whisper secrets they do not want the Nephilim to know. Through two centuries, however, there has been a frequent visitor to the Shadow Market from the City of Bones, the very heart of the Shadowhunters. As a Silent Brother, Brother Zachariah is sworn keeper of the laws and lore of the Nephilim. But once he was a Shadowhunter called Jem Carstairs, and his love, then and always, is the warlock Tessa Gray.

Follow Brother Zachariah and see, against the backdrop of the Shadow Market’s dark dealings and festive celebrations, Anna Lightwood’s first romance, Matthew Fairchild’s great sin and Tessa Gray plunged into a world war. Valentine Morgenstern buys a soul at the Market and a young Jace Wayland’s soul finds safe harbor. In the Market is hidden a lost heir and a beloved ghost, and no one can save you once you have traded away your heart. Not even Brother Zachariah...

Ghosts of the Shadow Market will be co-written with Maureen Johnson, Robin Wasserman, Sarah Rees Brennan and Pulitzer finalist Kelly Link and will initially be available digitally.

The first eight stories will be published as e-books from around March 2018 monthly, with the final two available in a print bind-up of all the stories, to be published in 2019.

Les Chroniques de Bane est une compilation de 10 nouvelles racontant les aventures du Grand Sorcier de Brooklyn, Magnus Bane.

Simon Lewis has been a human and a vampire, and now he is becoming a Shadowhunter. The events of City of Heavenly Fire left him stripped of his memories, and Simon isn’t sure who he is anymore. He knows he was friend with Clary, and that he convinced the total goddess Isabelle Lightwood to go out with him... but he doesn't know how. An when Clary and Isabelle look at him, expecting him to be a man he doesn't remember... Simon can't take it.

So when the Shadowhunter Academy reopens, Simon throws himself into this new world of demon-hunting, determined to find himself again. Whomever this new Simon might be.

But the Academy is a Shadowhunter institution, which means it has some problems. Like the fact that non-Shadowhunter students have to live in the basement. At least Simon’s trained in weaponry—even if it’s only from hours of playing D&D.

Join Simon on his journey to become a Shadowhunter, and learn about the Academy’s illustrious history along the way, through guest lecturers such as Jace Herondale, Tessa Gray, and Magnus Bane. These ten moving and hilarious short stories give a satifying epilogue to the Mortal Instruments series and providde tantalizing glimpses of what's in store in the Dark Artifices.

Fifteen top voices in speculative fiction explore the intersection of fear and love in a haunting, at times hilarious, darkly imaginative volume.

Predatory kraken that sing with and for – their kin; band members and betrayed friends who happen to be demonic; harpies as likely to attract as repel. Welcome to a world where humans live side by side with monsters, from vampires both nostalgic and bumbling to an eight-legged alien who makes tea. Here you’ll find mercurial forms that burrow into warm fat, spectral boy toys, a Maori force of nature, a landform that claims lives, and an architect of hell on earth. Through these – and monsters that defy categorization – some of today’s top young-adult authors explore ambition and sacrifice, loneliness and rage, love requited and avenged ... and the boundless potential for connection, even across extreme borders.

Here's lots of Christmas special news about two emblematic characters from The Mortal Instruments, Clary and Jace.

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