Melissa Wright (Auteur) Paru en novembre 2015 (ebook (ePub)) en anglais

The Frey Saga Book III: Rise of the Seven

The Frey Saga Book III: Rise of the Seven - 1
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Nothing to hide.Memories and magic recovered, Frey is restored to the throne. But as she works to regain control of the North, a small silver dagger nearly brings her end.Someone wants her dead.She raises the Seven of her guard and proves her abilities in order to secure her position. But another attempt on her life, from what appears to be fey, reveals not all are pleased with her return.She'll have to find them first.If she could only figure out the force behind the attacks, she might be able to relax enough to decide...
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Date de parution

novembre 2015


Smashwords Edition


ebook (ePub)

Type de DRM

Sans DRM


3,09 €

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Nothing to hide.

Memories and magic recovered, Frey is restored to the throne. But as she works to regain control of the North, a small silver dagger nearly brings her end.

Someone wants her dead.

She raises the Seven of her guard and proves her abilities in order to secure her position. But another attempt on her life, from what appears to be fey, reveals not all are pleased with her return.

She'll have to find them first.

If she could only figure out the force behind the attacks, she might be able to relax enough to decide what to do about her other problem... Chevelle.

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The Frey Saga Book III: Rise of the Seven

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Melissa Wright


Smashwords Edition

Date de parution

novembre 2015


The Frey Saga





Type de DRM

Sans DRM

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