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A Prom to Remember

Description ajoutée par bellethiel 2018-03-26T21:43:59+02:00


Seven seniors, seven problems, one senior prom.

Cora: Head of the Prom Committee (and basically every other club in school). Has been dating Perfect Boyfriend Jamie™ for approximately forever, and has NO IDEA how to break up with him....

Paisley: Sarcastic feminist who wants nothing to do with prom. Has somehow managed to nominate her anxiety-ridden best friend for prom king...

Henry: Quiet ballplayer who hates social situations. Invited to prom by the most popular girl in school. SEND HELP!

Otis: Charming, popular, and one half of one of the cutest couples in his class. Doesn't know how to tell his boyfriend that he's not quite ready for a post-prom hotel room experience...

Lizzie: A little bit shy, and a lot excited to finally get out of her comfort zone and go to prom. With a boy. Whose name she doesn't know.

Cameron: Loner with two jobs and zero friends. Is so done with high school and this whole town: the only thing he still wants to do is meet the mysterious girl who's been leaving him notes...

Jacinta: Unnamed Nerd Girl #3. Determined to become the star of her own life, starting with prom. Now if only she could find a date....

A Prom to Remember, the newest book from Sandy Hall (author of A Little Something Different) is a funny and cinematic look at the biggest dance of every high schooler's life.

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Extrait ajouté par MilieP 2018-06-10T12:00:15+02:00

« Fine. I’ll say it, because I know everyone is thinking it.” She paused dramatically. “Our class just doesn’t have an obvious prom king.”

Cora massaged her temples. “I don’t think anyone wants to throw away the tradition completely, but it’s sort of old-fashioned, don’t you think? Since the beginning of the year we’ve discussed the possibility of not doing a king and queen vote but changing it to a merit-based prom court honoring the students who have helped so much this year and in previous years with class projects.”

Amelia rolled her eyes and sat down. Cora counted it as a win.

Kelsey Anderson raised her hand. “I think there are plenty of guys who would make a great king, and I think maybe we should consider a new way of doing things without completely getting rid of the old idea.”

“Okay,” Cora said. Kelsey always had an opinion, but they weren’t always particularly helpful.

“Like who would make a good king?” Amelia asked. “Our whole class is a bunch of beta males.”

The room fell silent.

“Like maybe, um, Henry Lai,” Paisley said, chiming in from the back of the room, surprising everyone.

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A Prom to Remember

  • France : 2018-04-24 (Français)

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