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Alpha Underground, Tome 2: Lone Wolf Dawn

Description ajoutée par feedesneige 2017-08-24T03:09:06+02:00


The second novel in a hot new urban fantasy series that reviewers are describing as "Packed full of action, emotion, and powerful writing!"

Fen is a half-werewolf who's lost her pack. All she wants is a home and an ordinary human life, which means seeking out the deadbeat mom who abandoned her a decade ago.

Her journey takes her to a simple small town that's serene on the outside yet contains a rotten core of complicated danger. A stalker, a bomb threat, and a rogue shifter keep her hopping, but Fen's greatest struggle lies within her own heart.

Will she be able mend her relationship with her mom and find a place to belong...and can she do so without risking her mother's life?

USA Today bestselling author Aimee Easterling's Alpha Underground trilogy begins with Half Wolf, continues with Lone Wolf Dawn, and concludes with Wolf Landing.

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Classement en biblio - 1 lecteurs


Chapter 1

L is for love.

And for laughable, lost, and—ultimately—lonely.

Twelve years ago, I said the L word one last time...and was promptly tossed to the curb for my efforts. After learning that lesson the hard way, I definitely wasn’t planning to backslide into stupidity anytime soon.

Not even when my mate looked at me with those penetrating amber eyes and murmured: “We make a good team.” Then ignored the fact that we were stalking prey and instead leaned forward as if for a kiss.

I certainly didn’t mind Hunter’s kisses. But something about the set of his shoulders suggested he was looking for more than simple physical pleasure this time around.

Darn Hunter anyway for his overwhelming cuteness, for his thoughtfulness, and for the way he gently but constantly begged me to reciprocate his affections.

The uber-alpha had named himself my mate a month earlier and had since waited on me hand and foot as I recovered from a gunshot wound. He’d been the rock I clung to as I dealt with losing both my small band of shifters and the alpha mantle that had allowed me to lead said pack in the first place.

The charmer had even brought home a wicked set of throwing knives to cheer me up in lieu of flowers. How sweet was that?

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