Annette Broadrick
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Note moyenne : 6.62/10Nombre d'évaluations : 13
0 Citations 28 Commentaires sur ses livres
Les derniers commentaires sur ses livres
Beau moment de détente qui ressemble à beaucoup d'autres romans. La fin m'a beaucoup plu
Afficher en entierDeux très belles histoires d'anciens amants qui tentent de se ré-apprivoiser.
J'ai préféré le second tome.
Afficher en entierDeux histoires sympas et agréables a lire pendant les vacances.
Afficher en entierÇa vraiment d'inspiration
Afficher en entierChacun de ses romans de cette édition peut être entraînant, doux, érotique, attendrissant. Ils vont feront passer de délicieux moments. Une romance douce, tendre, pleine d’aventures.
Je ne pouvais pas, ne savais pas, lire lorsque j’étais jeune et… J’ai découvert plusieurs romans de cette édition dans une forêt lorsque j’avais 12 ans… Beaucoup de romans. Et c’est cela qui m’a fait commencer la lecture.
Cette histoire est d’un immense romantisme et pleine de rebondissements. Délicieuse. Chaleureuse. Un bon entre-deux, sans prise de tête. Des personnages doux. Attachants. Parfois même bouleversants.
#romance #attirance #passion #séduction #amour #tendresse #douceur #tendresse #suggestiondelecture #lecturedumoment #lecturedusoir
Afficher en entierCette histoire est d’un immense romantisme et pleine de rebondissements. Délicieuse. Chaleureuse. Un bon entre-deux, sans prise de tête. Une romance douce, tendre, pleine d’aventures.
Je ne pouvais pas, ne savais pas, lire lorsque j’étais jeune et… J’ai découvert plusieurs romans de cette édition dans une forêt lorsque j’avais 12 ans… Beaucoup de romans. Et c’est cela qui m’a fait commencer la lecture. Chacun de ses romans de cette édition peut être entraînant, doux, érotique, attendrissant. Ils vont feront passer de délicieux moments.
#suggestiondelecture #lecturedumoment #lecturedusoir
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Dédicaces de Annette Broadrick
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Annette Broadrick was born on November 26. Her mother read to her until she read to herself. From that time on, books became her closestcompanions and teachers. She was an only child until the middle of her 16thyear when her sister was born.
She married immediately after high school graduation in the middle of her 18th year. Twelve months later she had her first son. She ended up having four sons in seven years. People with children do not need to explain what their life was like for the next 20 years. Those people without children do not want to hear about it. Early on, she became a secretary to supplement the family income. Eventually she became a legal secretary and for 25 years she worked for attorneys in Arizona, Texas, Illinois, and Oregon.
Her love of books followed her throughout her career as a mother and a secretary. By the time her youngest son graduated from high school she decided to write a book of her own. After writing in a spiral notebook for six months, she rented a typewriter and rewrote the book, showed it to a creative writing teacher, who was also a friend, listened to her critique and rewrote her story. Next she showed it to another avid romance reader and carefully listened to her critique. She rewrote her story once again. Next she mailed the manuscript to the Silhouette office in New York. Two months later she received a phone call asking if she'd be willing to do extensive revisions, including cutting one hundred pages. She said yes. This was in January 1984. By the time the book, Circumstantial Evidence, came out in November of that year, she had sold a total of six books.
Since October 1984 Annette has supported herself with her writing. Her career as a published author has also supported her reading habit and in the past five years she has managed to establish a quiet life in the Hill Country of central Texas that soothes as well as stimulates her. She hopes to continue writing the kind of books that readers enjoy.
(Source :
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