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Bray is happy with life on Landran, surrounded by friends and those he considers family. But, just when he thinks they can settle down and enjoy the lives they’ve created there, another kidnapping forces them all back into action. With enemies coming from unexpected places, the hunt is on to find out who is targeting their clans and tearing apart families.
Known for his tactical genius and ability to solve problems, Bray works on piecing together the clues, determined to find the answers they need. What he finds leads him into the wilderness, facing one of the harshest environments possible, and Bray pushes himself to the edge, taking risks that no one would ever ask him to.
Leo has watched from the sidelines, helping out the Avanti, Kastain, and other clans as much as he can. Through it all he’s focused on one man— Bray. Thrilled to be close to him, he wishes circumstances were different. Rather than getting to know him, he’s watching Bray risk life and limb for those he cares about.
Meeting up with Leo brings Bray the help he needs, but also a need to fight the growing connection between them. They know if they are to have a chance to explore their bond, they must find the enemy out to destroy them and help put Landran back on the right path.
Their friends are quick to lend support, giving the Avanti and Landran the advantage they need to take on a fight that will determine the survival of everything and everyone they've grown to love.
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