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« She found she was spending every waking moment with him. When her father found out she was dating a boy from the poor side of town he’d been furious and demanded her to end the relationship. It was the first time in her life her father told her she couldn’t have something she wanted. It also was the first time she’d defied him.

She’d been stubborn, putting her foot down and continued to see Derek behind her father’s back. She loved that he seemed to like her for her and not her money. He wouldn’t let her spend money on him, ever. He worked hard for a construction company, which would frustrate her at times, because she wanted him to be with her and not at a job. »

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« She had no idea her world was about to flip upside down. She was soon to learn the man she thought of as her hero, her father, wasn’t who she really thought he was. This would truly be her last night of innocence. When morning came, nothing would ever be the same again. »

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« Jasmine spotted Derek across the room and her insides went up in flames. She narrowed her eyes in anger at the man as he walked around like he owned the place. She knew the kinder, gentler side of him but that boy was long gone. He may have never really existed beyond her imagination.

He wasn’t the boy who had taken her virginity and promised her forever. She thought back to that summer so many years ago. She’d waited at the abandoned church all day hoping something had happened to make him run late. When the sun had faded from the sky she’d finally had to admit he wasn’t coming. It had all been lies.

She watched him now, as he turned and walked from the room. He was by far the sexiest man in the room, with his custom tuxedo and piercing blue eyes. He had a delectable body, even though he sat in an office all day. Her heart fluttered, remembering those long summer nights of running her hands and tongue down those hard muscles. »

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« As Derek watched David, a beautiful woman approached him, stepping up on her tip toes to kiss him on the cheek. David didn’t even bother to turn and acknowledge her, which she didn’t seem to notice. The man noticed nothing around him if it didn’t have dollar signs on it, not even his stunning daughter. Derek’s eyes narrowed to slits. He hadn’t seen Jasmine for ten years and those years had been very good to her.

Her dress was skin tight on top, dipping low in both the front and back. Her curves were even more pronounced now that her body had matured. She had dark hair, which was swept up in a classic bun, with tendrils floating around her delicate face. Her dark brown eyes had once mesmerized him. They had a hypnotic quality, with their deceiving innocence shining through and the thick, dark lashes surrounding them.

He was angry at the tightening in his gut at just the sight of her. She’d nearly destroyed him and yet he still wanted her. His full revenge included her though, so he’d have her in his bed again and then she’d be begging him not to leave. »

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« After his heart had been shattered by Jasmine, he wasn’t interested in any other woman. He figured once he got his revenge, he’d think about settling down.

A woman breezed by him wearing entirely too much perfume and he snapped back to reality. He sighed as he grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter.

These parties were all about who had the most to offer. The women were on the prowl and the men were fishing. He wasn’t interested. If he wanted a woman, he could have one at any time. He wasn’t interested in superficial, wanna-be socialites.

He watched as a couple of ladies passed by, dripping in diamonds and low cut gowns. They were trying to catch his eye and normally he’d make their day by flirting a little, giving them the impression they stood a chance but today wasn’t that day. He had a raging headache and he was pissed he’d been summoned. »

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« Derek Titan looked around the crowded room and had to force himself not to yawn. He couldn’t stand attending events where everyone drank too much, laughed too loud and tried far too hard to impress each other.

Derek knew he was what women considered a real catch. Hell, a stupid magazine had done a write up on Seattle’s most eligible bachelors and placed his picture as number one. He’d been furious and tried to have himself taken out of the article but his attorney had spouted some crap about freedom of speech. Since the article, he was being approached by even more materialistic females.

The magazine listed his net worth as equal to Bill Gates. They’d also said he was tall, dark and handsome. He stood over six feet, with broad shoulders and muscles that rippled throughout his entire body. He hated gyms but he ran every morning and sometime in the evenings too. He’d discovered at a young age running was a great form of relieving his stress. »

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« She was less than a foot away as she stared him down


with anger pouring off of her. He’d seen her angry before but he expected steam to start coming out of her ears at any moment. His own anger was rising to the surface. How dare she talk to him like that?

He pressed the button down on his phone. “I want zero interruptions into this room. I don’t care if the place is on fire,” he growled into the intercom.

“Yes sir,” came the reply and then the connection went dead.

He started stalking towards her. She seemed to realize her predicament, because she began to retreat fast. Her temper evaporated, as her eyes rounded. He must have looked a little more frightening than he thought but his cool had left and his anger was boiling over. »

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