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« Ryan sat at his desk, feeling a myriad of emotions coursing through him. He had known who was on the other end of his line from the very first word she had whispered. He could never forget that voice. It had haunted his dreams for the past twelve years. She’d been the girl who got away; hell not only got away but thrust him from her life.


He ran his hands through his hair and let out a sigh of frustration. How he wished he could’ve simply told her to go to hell and hung up the phone. There was no way he could be that much of a bastard. He’d loved Patsy as if she was his own little sister.


He felt a smile lift the corner of his lips, as he thought back to little Patsy toddling around his legs, as he spent time with Nicole. She had become attached to him from the very first moment he came through her doors. Over the years of watching her grow up she’d squeezed a piece of his heart. »

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« What do you want?” he demanded to know.


“I um, wanted to see if I could, um, talk to you about something important,” she forced through her trembling lips. “We used to know each other, a really long time ago, I don’t know if you still remember me,” she finished.


“I don’t have time to beat around the bush. Spit out what it is you want,” he demanded of her. She didn’t want to ask him for money over the phone but what choice did she have.


“My little sister is in the hospital and she needs an operation and we don’t have any other options. Your uncle said I should talk to you,” she finally pushed out, on the verge of crying, once again. She could tell by his tone of voice he was simply humoring her and in no way was going to help them out. She was going to lose her baby sister and she didn’t think she could possibly make it through the horrific experience. »

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« As the phone started to ring her nerves were at the breaking point. She was hoping it would go to voicemail. Then she could just leave a message and not have to face hearing his voice.


“Who is this?” a voice demanded, startling her.


“Th…this is Nicole,” she stuttered. There was an uncomfortably long pause on the other end of the line.


“Nicole who?” came the same voice, as cool as ice.


“Nicole Lander,” she said, barely above a whisper.


“How did you get my person number?” his voice demanded. She was thinking she’d made a really bad mistake. It sounded as if he didn’t even remember who she was. Maybe their time together had been far more significant to her than to him. »

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« I do whatever I want to do,” he said in a mocking voice.


“Well you know what? Let’s just add more fuel to the fire,” she shouted. She ripped off her robe and tossed it in the flames. »

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« By the time she got a robe on and followed him down the stairs, she couldn’t find him anywhere. Suddenly a smell hit her and she gasped again. He wouldn’t dare, she thought, as she made a dash towards the back yard. Her eyes widened in shock and fury, as she saw what he was doing. She came running out the door and he turned and gave her a victorious smile.


He was standing in front of the huge fire pit they used for bonfires and her clothes were going up in flames. She couldn’t believe he would burn her clothes. He must’ve doused them in gasoline first because the flames were huge. There was no chance she could salvage them.


“How dare you burn my clothes,” she yelled, fury making her see red. He then winked at her. She wanted to claw his eyes out. She was so mad, she was beyond reasonable thinking. The staff had seen what was going on and had all scurried away, no one brave enough to come between the two of them in the middle of a fight.



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« Take them off,” he said in a deadly calm voice.


“Not on your life,” she spat back but her words were bellied by the breathless quality to her voice.


He walked up to her and yanked the shirt off, then tossed her on the bed, which caused her to gasp. He pulled her jeans off next, leaving her in nothing but her bra and panties. She was incredibly grateful she was wearing one of the pairs the girls had made her get or she was sure he would’ve ripped those off as well.


She was breathing heavily, as his eyes raked over her exposed skin. Catching her by surprise, he stooped down and grabbed the clothes he’d taken off her, then walked out of the room. It took her a few moments before the shock wore off and then she went in search of something to cover herself. She couldn’t go chasing him through the house in nothing but her underclothes. »

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