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Book one in the Dragonfae Series
After finding a dragon shape shifter, trapped in a magyck circle, Thalia succumbs to the erotic pull of this ethereal being. She must confront her fear of men and help Lumos, the Dragonfae, find his way home.
Thalia of Broclarre’s life deteriorates into chaos from the moment King Garro blames her for the queen’s death. Branded a Soul Catcher, brutalized by the king’s guards, and banished with her cat, Brew, she fights for survival in the Singing Forest. Each night she sings to her dream lover, the Nightdragon, to come to her.
Lumos’s life is wonderful. His bed is never empty. Many faeries flock to pamper the delicious Dragonfae before meets the challenger for the rule of Drakka in a fight to the death. Each day is bliss until his alter ego, the Nightdragon, hears the Dragonsong of his mate. Lumos, now consumed with love for the girl who haunts his dreams, leaves Drakka to search for Thalia.
Unbeknown to Lumos, the evil Magus of Fullmount used Thalia’s song to lure the Dragonfae away from Drakka and the challenge. Trapped in a magyck circle without his powers or the ability to shift into the Nightdragon, Lumos is helpless. He has to use all his masculine charms to convince the terrified Thalia to trust him.
If Lumos misses the challenge, Drakka will fall into the hands of the Magus. Is Lumos’s love for his terrified mate strong enough to repair the damaged Thalia? Creatures from the Darkside block them at every turn. Will Thalia trust Lumos enough to fight by his side and help him return to Drakka in time for the challenge? Or will she run screaming from the handsome Fae who morphs into the Nightdragon?
Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of anal sex and references to rape.
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