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Dreg City, Tome 1 : Three Days to Dead

Description ajoutée par Lexia 2011-05-01T09:00:44+02:00


Description en anglais :

Slain supernatural bounty hunter Evangeline Stone is mysteriously brought back to life in the suicide-scarred body of Chalice Frost in the thrilling opening pages of Meding's urban fantasy debut. Evy's fellow hunters, thinking her a traitor, drive her relentlessly through a gritty urban landscape populated by a diverse collection of gargoyles, trolls, gnomes and other strange creatures as she tries to unravel the reasons for her original death, unlikely resurrection and fugitive status. With her would-be lover, Wyatt, and Chalice's close friend Alex as her only remaining allies, doomed to die again in just three days, Evy is forced to seek assistance among her former informants and enemies. Evy is a distinctive heroine, but explosive action scenes don't compensate for the muddled mystery, and an unwieldy cast dilutes the impact of her original approach and promising setting. (Dec.)

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Classement en biblio - 2 lecteurs


chapter one


I don’t recall the first time I died, but I do remember the second time I was born. Vividly. Waking up on a cold morgue table surrounded by surgical instruments and autopsy paraphernalia, to the tune of the medical examiner’s high-pitched shrieks of fright, is an unforgettable experience.

I vaulted off the table, my mind prepared to execute a move that my chilled body hadn’t quite caught up to, and promptly lost my balance. My knees didn’t bend; my ankles stayed stiff. I landed on my bare hip, earning another shock of cold and something quite new: pain. Sharp and biting, it lanced up my hip and down my thigh, orienting me to two facts: I was on the floor and I was completely naked.

Something metal clanged to the floor, rubber squeaked on faded tile, and the screams receded. Far away, a door slammed. The soft hum of machinery mingled with the hiss of my ragged breathing. Fluorescent light glared down from gray overhead fixtures. I smelled something sharp, bitter, and completely foreign.

My bruised hip protested as I sat up. The room tilted. A sheet dangled from the edge of the table I’d fallen from. I wrapped the thin, papery material around my shoulders. It did little to cut the chill.

Coroner’s table. Naked. Scalpel on the floor. What the holy friggin’ hell?

I searched my addled memory, hoping for an explanation as to why I was bare-ass naked on a morgue floor.

Nothing. Zilch. Awareness wrapped in cotton batting. No cinematic instant recall for me.

My chest seized and I began to cough—a wet rasp from deep inside my lungs. I spat out a wad of phlegm and continued coughing until I thought my chest would turn inside out. When the spasms ceased, I grabbed the side of the table and pulled. My feet responded. Knees bent. I managed to stand up, using the surgical table as a crutch, and found myself staring down at its shiny surface.

And a stranger’s face.

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Date de sortie

Dreg City, Tome 1 : Three Days to Dead

  • France : 2009-11-24 - Poche (Français)

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lecteurs 2
Commentaires 0
extraits 1
Evaluations 0
Note globale 0 / 10