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Charlie Heggensford, the Idaho farm boy turned L.A. fluffer for hire, is back, and this time, Charlie and the rest of the gang from Fluffers, Inc. are hitting the high seas. Hired to provide fluffing service on a cruise ship filled with gay porn stars, Charlie soon discovers he is no less clumsy on sea than dry land as he continues to over stimulate his clients. While he works to master the art of his profession, Charlie meets up with a host of new, fetish-sporting men, including a glamorous drag queen with more than one surprise hidden beneath his skirts, a pair of hunky Latin twin brothers who bring new meaning to the term brotherly love, a hot masseuse with a mysterious past, and the ship s doctor who harbors some surprises of his own. As the ship steams toward Acapulco, hot, unavailable porn star Rock Harding begins to see ghosts from his past and the shock of his sightings affects his ability to perform. When all other mouths fail to bring Rock up to his task, Charlie is recruited to act as the hunky star s personal fluffer, much to the displeasure of Rock's lover and gay porn director extraordinaire Cedric Wilmington. During the cruise, Charlie discovers not only the healing power of vinegar, the trick to running in heels, and the lengths Cedric would stoop to hang onto Rock, but enough secret revelations to make his head swim!
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