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Hard Ink, Tome 2.5 : Hard to Hold on To

Description ajoutée par Gkone 2015-12-19T14:10:26+01:00


Edward "Easy" Cantrell knows better than most the pain of not being able to save those he loves--which is why he is not going to let Jenna Dean out of his sight. He may have just met her, but Jenna's the first person to make him feel alive since that devastating day in the desert more than a year ago.

Jenna has never met anyone like Easy. She can't describe how he makes her feel--and not just because he saved her life. No, the stirrings inside her reach far beyond gratitude.

As the pair are thrust together while chaos reigns around them, they both know one thing: the things in life most worth having are the hardest to hold on to.

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Classement en biblio - 22 lecteurs


Chapter 1

AS THE BLACK F150 truck shot through the night-darkened streets of one of Baltimore’s grittiest neighborhoods, Edward Cantrell cradled the unconscious woman in his arms like she was the only thing tethering him to life. And right at this moment, she was.

Jenna Dean was bloodied and bruised after having been kidnapped by the worst sort of trash the day before, but she was still an incredibly beautiful woman. And saving her from the clutches of a known drug dealer and human trafficker was without question the most important thing he’d done in more than a year.

He should feel happy—or at least happier—but those feelings were foreign countries for Easy. Had been for a long time.

Easy, for his initials E. C. The nickname had been the brainchild years before of Shane McCallan, one of Easy’s Army Special Forces teammates, who now sat at the other end of the big backseat wrapped so far around Jenna’s older sister, Sara, that they might need the Jaws of Life to pull them apart. Not that Easy blamed them. When you walked through fire and somehow came out the other side in one piece, you gave thanks and held tight to the things that mattered.

Because too often, when shit got critical, the ones you loved didn’t make it out the other side. And then you wished you’d given more thanks and held on harder before the fires ever started raging around you in the first place.

Easy would fucking know.

The pickup paused as a gate whirred out of the way, then the tires crunched over gravel and came to a rough stop. Easy lifted his gaze from Jenna’s fire red hair and too-pale face to find that they were home—or, at least, where he was calling home right now. Out his window, the red brick industrial building housing Hard Ink Tattoo loomed in the darkness, punctuated here and there by the headlights of the motorcycles belonging to some of the Raven Riders who’d helped Easy and his teammates rescue Jenna and take down the gangbangers who’d grabbed her.

Talk about strange bedfellows.

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Commentaire le plus apprécié

Je suis vraiment dégouté que ce tome ne soit pas traduit en français j'aurais vraiment aimé lire l'histoire de ces deux personnages

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Commentaires récents

Je suis vraiment dégouté que ce tome ne soit pas traduit en français j'aurais vraiment aimé lire l'histoire de ces deux personnages

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A priori, ce tome n'a pas ete traduit en francais.

Il s'agit de l'histoire entre Easy et Jenna, la sœur de Sara.

C'est un beau moment, un rapprochement de deux etres abimés, une attraction très intense, très belle, mais on n'avance pas d'un iota dans l'histoire des Hard Ink, c'est surement pour cela qu'il n'a ps ete traduit

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Date de sortie

Hard Ink, Tome 2.5 : Hard to Hold on To

  • USA : 2014-08-19 (English)

Activité récente

J-Nora l'ajoute dans sa biblio or
Seve41 l'ajoute dans sa biblio or

Titres alternatifs

  • Hard to Hold on To (Hard Ink #2.5) - Anglais


Les chiffres

lecteurs 22
Commentaires 2
extraits 2
Evaluations 4
Note globale 6.33 / 10