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Oaths and Conquests : A Warhammer Age of Sigmar anthology

Description ajoutée par Shiravee 2022-12-21T12:22:16+01:00


War rages in the Mortal Realms. The heroes of Order stand against the darkness of Chaos, the fury of Destruction and the sinister chill of Death in thirteen tales that lay bare the oaths of the righteous and the conquests of the damned.

The Mortal Realms are burning. The hope brought by Sigmar’s storm is now nothing more than a dwindling light against the darkness of Chaos, as mighty warlords rise to prominence and teeming hordes of ratmen and greenskins threaten to topple civilisation altogether. Stormcast and mortal alike take up arms in defence of the bastions of Order, united in their hatred of Chaos. But every warrior killed in battle strengthens the legions of Nagash, which march relentlessly in their crusade against the living. This Age of Sigmar anthology includes thirteen tales concerning the oaths of the righteous, and the conquests of the damned.

Contents :

The Fist of an Angry God by William King

The Garden of Mortal Delights by Robert Rath

Shriekstone by Evan Dicken

The Serpent's Bargain by Jamie Crisalli

A Tithe of Bone by Michael R Fletcher

Beneath the Rust by Graeme Lyon

The Unlamented Archpustulent of Clan Morbidus by David Guymer

The Siege of Greenspire by Anna Stephens

Ghosts of Khaphtar by Miles A Drake

Bossgrot by Eric Gregory

Ashes of Grimnir by Michael J Hollows

Blessed Oblivion by Dale Lucas

Blood of the Flayer by Richard Strachan

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