Dernière connexion : Il y a plus d'un an
Qui suis-je ?
"I'm not sarcastic"
I say, sarcastically, with a sarcastic expression.
Teenager Post #25939
If you're feeling bored, find a group photo of 4 girls on Instagram, and then comment "you 3 look great!".
Teenager Post #25940
My momma always told me, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. And people wonder why I am so quiet around them.
Teenager Post #25949
I'm constantly torn between the "be kind to everyone" and the "f*ck evryone you owe them nothing" mentalities.
Teenager Post #25954
"Don't be sad" ok I am better now thanks.
Teenager Post #25960
Augustus Waters offered to write Hazel a sequel to her favorite book, and you can't reply to my text message.
Teenager Post #25968
Don't care if it's 1am, 2am, 3am or 4am. If you call and I care about you... I will answer.
Teenager Post #25985
A text from you would be great right now.
Teenager Post #25990
Who wants to give up on society and go live in a treehouse with me ?
Teenager Post #26038
"You're always on your phone"
Well, you're always on my nerves.
Teenager Post #26066
Thanks for posting pics of what you had for dinner, the suspense was f*cking killing me.
Teenager Post #26087
I prefer not to think before I speak. I like being just as surprised as everyone else by what comes out of my mouth.
Teenager Post #26119
Me a nerd ? Haha no. I'm just making sure I don't end up working at McDonalds with you in the future.
Teenager Post #26164
Just remember, it's only embarrassing if you care what people think.
Teenager Post #26165
Having a dirty mind makes life a lot more fun.
Teenager Post #26169
Mom : don't eat cookies yet, they just came out of the oven and are too hot.
Me : fire cannot kill a dragon.
Teenager Post #26182
That message felt like a great idea until I hit sent.