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Mère célibataire et scientifique accomplie, Cara est habituée à se battre pour se faire respecter. Une chose compte par-dessus tout pour elle : protéger sa fille, Jane, et pour cela elle est prête à tout. Y compris épouser un inconnu dangereux et désagréable ? Certes, le mystérieux Talen lui promet que sa seule ambition est de protéger Cara et Jane. Mais il prétend également être un vampire vieux de plus de trois siècles. Cela dit, étant donné la façon dont le simple contact de ses mains suffit à faire frémir Cara de désir, il est bien possible qu'il dise la vérité...
Mère célibataire et scientifique accomplie, Cara est habituée à se battre pour se faire respecter. Une chose compte par-dessus tout pour elle : protéger sa fille, Jane, et pour cela elle est prête à tout. Y compris épouser un inconnu dangereux et désagréable ? Certes, le mystérieux Talen lui promet que sa seule ambition est de protéger Cara et Jane. Mais il prétend également être un vampire vieux de plus de trois siècles. Cela dit, étant donné la façon dont le simple contact de ses mains suffit à faire frémir Cara de désir, il est bien possible qu'il dise la vérité...
Chaque guerrier a son âme sœur.
Emma est généticienne et croit avant tout à la science. Mais elle est aussi dotée de pouvoirs psychiques, et quand un vampire l'arrache aux griffes des cruels Kurjans, elle comprend qu'il est l'homme qui hante ses rêves depuis longtemps. Dage a attendu plus de trois cents ans pour rencontrer son âme sœur, aussi il n'est pas près de la laisser lui échapper. Lorsqu'une nouvelle maladie menace de frapper les compagnes des vampires, il fera tout pour la protéger, même s'il lui faut pour cela tourner le dos aux siens.
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » - Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » - Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » - Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » - Under the Covers Book Blog
Description VO :
A Daring Rescue Emma Paulsen is a geneticist driven by science. But she's also a psychic, so when a dark, good-hearted vampire frees her from the clutches of the evil Kurjans, she realizes he must be the man who's been haunting her dreams. But with a virus threatening vampires' mates, Emma may discover a whole new meaning of "lovesick".
A Deadly Decision As King of the Realm, Dage Kayrs has learned to practice diplomacy. Still, it's taken three hundred years to find his mate, so he'll stop at nothing to protect her—even if it means turning his back on his own kind...
Chaque guerrier a son âme sœur.
Emma est généticienne et croit avant tout à la science. Mais elle est aussi dotée de pouvoirs psychiques, et quand un vampire l'arrache aux griffes des cruels Kurjans, elle comprend qu'il est l'homme qui hante ses rêves depuis longtemps. Dage a attendu plus de trois cents ans pour rencontrer son âme sœur, aussi il n'est pas près de la laisser lui échapper. Lorsqu'une nouvelle maladie menace de frapper les compagnes des vampires, il fera tout pour la protéger, même s'il lui faut pour cela tourner le dos aux siens.
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » - Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » - Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » - Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » - Under the Covers Book Blog
Description VO :
A Daring Rescue Emma Paulsen is a geneticist driven by science. But she's also a psychic, so when a dark, good-hearted vampire frees her from the clutches of the evil Kurjans, she realizes he must be the man who's been haunting her dreams. But with a virus threatening vampires' mates, Emma may discover a whole new meaning of "lovesick".
A Deadly Decision As King of the Realm, Dage Kayrs has learned to practice diplomacy. Still, it's taken three hundred years to find his mate, so he'll stop at nothing to protect her—even if it means turning his back on his own kind...
On the run from a mental institution and her vindictive half-brother, it’s safe to say that Sarah Pringle’s happy life as a schoolteacher is on hold. Too bad that as far as self-defense goes, “run and hide” is the best she’s got. And with the monsters that started her escape hot on her heels, that’s not going to cut it for long…
That is, unless Sarah has a bigger, badder, hotter monster on her side. Max Petrovsky is right at the top of the list of alpha male ass-kickers. And he knows exactly what Sarah’s up against. Good thing, because the minute he sees her something primal kicks in, turning everyday attraction into red-hot desire. As long as they’re cooperating, why not mix some pleasure with business? Of course, Max should probably tell Sarah he’s a vampire himself…
On the run from a mental institution and her vindictive half-brother, it’s safe to say that Sarah Pringle’s happy life as a schoolteacher is on hold. Too bad that as far as self-defense goes, “run and hide” is the best she’s got. And with the monsters that started her escape hot on her heels, that’s not going to cut it for long…
That is, unless Sarah has a bigger, badder, hotter monster on her side. Max Petrovsky is right at the top of the list of alpha male ass-kickers. And he knows exactly what Sarah’s up against. Good thing, because the minute he sees her something primal kicks in, turning everyday attraction into red-hot desire. As long as they’re cooperating, why not mix some pleasure with business? Of course, Max should probably tell Sarah he’s a vampire himself…
Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.
Moira est une sorcière en physique quantique - manipuler l'espace et le temps est pour elle un jeu d'enfant. Ce qui peut conduire à des situations embarrassantes... Comme lorsque son amant d'un soir, cent ans plus tôt, réapparaît pour réclamer son aide dans la guerre qu'il prépare. Conn a patienté un siècle avant de pouvoir retrouver celle qu'il a su être sa compagne dès le premier instant, sans jamais réussir à l'oublier. Pas question qu'elle lui échappe, à présent...
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Description VO :
Ready Or Not
Moira Dunne is a witch—the quantum physics kind. Time and space are her playthings. Which might explain why her one-night stand from a hundred years ago has turned up to “claim” her—and request her family’s assistance with the war he’s brewing. But the more she learns about Connlan Kayrs, the more she comes to think this is normal behavior for him…
There’s Nowhere To Hide
When Conn and Moira tumbled on the moonlit grass, Conn hadn’t meant to mark her as his mate for all time. She was only twenty! But it wasn’t easy to wait for her. It was even harder to forget her. So when he finally returns for his wicked-hot witch, he’s ready to let the sparks flying. Even if he burns up in flames…
Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.
Moira est une sorcière en physique quantique - manipuler l'espace et le temps est pour elle un jeu d'enfant. Ce qui peut conduire à des situations embarrassantes... Comme lorsque son amant d'un soir, cent ans plus tôt, réapparaît pour réclamer son aide dans la guerre qu'il prépare. Conn a patienté un siècle avant de pouvoir retrouver celle qu'il a su être sa compagne dès le premier instant, sans jamais réussir à l'oublier. Pas question qu'elle lui échappe, à présent...
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Description VO :
Ready Or Not
Moira Dunne is a witch—the quantum physics kind. Time and space are her playthings. Which might explain why her one-night stand from a hundred years ago has turned up to “claim” her—and request her family’s assistance with the war he’s brewing. But the more she learns about Connlan Kayrs, the more she comes to think this is normal behavior for him…
There’s Nowhere To Hide
When Conn and Moira tumbled on the moonlit grass, Conn hadn’t meant to mark her as his mate for all time. She was only twenty! But it wasn’t easy to wait for her. It was even harder to forget her. So when he finally returns for his wicked-hot witch, he’s ready to let the sparks flying. Even if he burns up in flames…
Katie est la meilleure dans son domaine : l'élimination des loups-garous. Douée d’une détermination à toute épreuve qui l’aide à affronter même les situations les plus hostiles, jamais elle n'a abandonné une mission, et jamais elle n'a échoué. Jusqu'au jour où elle doit tout risquer pour le seul homme qu’elle a aimé, sur le point de perdre son humanité. Jordan a consacré sa vie à protéger son peuple d’un virus mortel, mais une seconde d’inattentions suffit à faire basculer son destin. Une seule chose peut encore le sauver : que celle qu’il a choisie lui abandonne son cœur et son corps…
Katie est la meilleure dans son domaine : l'élimination des loups-garous. Douée d’une détermination à toute épreuve qui l’aide à affronter même les situations les plus hostiles, jamais elle n'a abandonné une mission, et jamais elle n'a échoué. Jusqu'au jour où elle doit tout risquer pour le seul homme qu’elle a aimé, sur le point de perdre son humanité. Jordan a consacré sa vie à protéger son peuple d’un virus mortel, mais une seconde d’inattentions suffit à faire basculer son destin. Une seule chose peut encore le sauver : que celle qu’il a choisie lui abandonne son cœur et son corps…
Chaque guerrier a son âme sœur.
Amber est un esprit libre qui aime sa vie chaotique et ne sait rien du monde surnaturel ou des pouvoirs qui sommeillent en elle. Elle n'a aucune intention de se lier à un vampire sexy et autoritaire. Mais Kane est convaincu qu'elle seule peut retrouver son frère, disparu depuis de longues années au cours de la guerre entre vampires et démons. Il est décidé à ne pas la laisser lui échapper, même s'il lui faut pour cela s'unir à elle.
Malgré toutes leurs différences, lorsque le vampire intransigeant et l'humaine rebelle joignent enfin leurs forces, les étincelles ne tardent pas à voler...
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Description VO :
A casualty of the war between the demons and the vampires, Jase Kayrs has been missing for six long years. His older brothers want answers—but they’re going to have to get them from an unlikely source. For when Kane Kayrs tracks down Amber Freebird, what he finds is a blonde, vegan pacifist who has no intention of using her skills in his war…
Amber enjoys her life of chaotic freedom and has no intention of falling in line just because a sexy-as-sin vampire insists on order. Unfortunately, he discovers she may be the only hope they have of finding his brother, and there’s no way he’s going to let her go—even if it means mating her to gain her cooperation. The two are as different as can be, yet when the dominant Kane and the untamed Amber finally unite to rescue Jase, they just may find that opposites really do attract…
“Hot and fast from beginning to end.”
Chaque guerrier a son âme sœur.
Amber est un esprit libre qui aime sa vie chaotique et ne sait rien du monde surnaturel ou des pouvoirs qui sommeillent en elle. Elle n'a aucune intention de se lier à un vampire sexy et autoritaire. Mais Kane est convaincu qu'elle seule peut retrouver son frère, disparu depuis de longues années au cours de la guerre entre vampires et démons. Il est décidé à ne pas la laisser lui échapper, même s'il lui faut pour cela s'unir à elle.
Malgré toutes leurs différences, lorsque le vampire intransigeant et l'humaine rebelle joignent enfin leurs forces, les étincelles ne tardent pas à voler...
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Description VO :
A casualty of the war between the demons and the vampires, Jase Kayrs has been missing for six long years. His older brothers want answers—but they’re going to have to get them from an unlikely source. For when Kane Kayrs tracks down Amber Freebird, what he finds is a blonde, vegan pacifist who has no intention of using her skills in his war…
Amber enjoys her life of chaotic freedom and has no intention of falling in line just because a sexy-as-sin vampire insists on order. Unfortunately, he discovers she may be the only hope they have of finding his brother, and there’s no way he’s going to let her go—even if it means mating her to gain her cooperation. The two are as different as can be, yet when the dominant Kane and the untamed Amber finally unite to rescue Jase, they just may find that opposites really do attract…
“Hot and fast from beginning to end.”
Maggie is a wolf shifter who was captured and experimented on by the Kurjans. Now that a cure has finally been found for shifters (although not for vampire mates or witches), she can concentrate on creating a new life for herself and finally accepting that her memories are gone forever. Most memories, that is. Sometimes in the hazy world between dreams and dawn, she hears a Scottish voice, dark and deep, that sounds suspiciously like wolf-shifter Terrent Vilks. A man she happened to anger by kidnapping a few years back. Hey, it was for a good cause.
Terrent Vilks knows more than he’s let on for the past several years. After digging for answers, he knows exactly why the demons want Maggie dead. And he remembers his past with Maggie…very well. She is finally where he wants her. Now all he has to do is discover what exactly the Kurjans did to her, beat the demons into so much submission they leave her alone, and get her to fall in love with him. Again. Good thing he’s used to wrangling monsters.
Maggie is a wolf shifter who was captured and experimented on by the Kurjans. Now that a cure has finally been found for shifters (although not for vampire mates or witches), she can concentrate on creating a new life for herself and finally accepting that her memories are gone forever. Most memories, that is. Sometimes in the hazy world between dreams and dawn, she hears a Scottish voice, dark and deep, that sounds suspiciously like wolf-shifter Terrent Vilks. A man she happened to anger by kidnapping a few years back. Hey, it was for a good cause.
Terrent Vilks knows more than he’s let on for the past several years. After digging for answers, he knows exactly why the demons want Maggie dead. And he remembers his past with Maggie…very well. She is finally where he wants her. Now all he has to do is discover what exactly the Kurjans did to her, beat the demons into so much submission they leave her alone, and get her to fall in love with him. Again. Good thing he’s used to wrangling monsters.
Chaque guerrier a son âme sœur.
Autrefois plein d’humour et de légèreté, Jase a souffert lors de sa captivité aux mains des démons. Ses frères ne reconnaissent plus l’étranger sombre et tourmenté qu’il est devenu. Bien qu’il soit à présent libre, il est hanté par l’idée que les démons ont fait de lui une bombe à retardement pour sa famille. Quand son roi lui demande de s’unir à l’une de leurs alliées afin de lui sauver la vie, Jase accepte à contrecœur, persuadé qu’il ne peut que lui transmettre sa part de ténèbres. Pourtant, leur union sera peut-être la seule chose capable de sauver Jase et Brenna de leurs démons…
Chaque guerrier a son âme sœur.
Autrefois plein d’humour et de légèreté, Jase a souffert lors de sa captivité aux mains des démons. Ses frères ne reconnaissent plus l’étranger sombre et tourmenté qu’il est devenu. Bien qu’il soit à présent libre, il est hanté par l’idée que les démons ont fait de lui une bombe à retardement pour sa famille. Quand son roi lui demande de s’unir à l’une de leurs alliées afin de lui sauver la vie, Jase accepte à contrecœur, persuadé qu’il ne peut que lui transmettre sa part de ténèbres. Pourtant, leur union sera peut-être la seule chose capable de sauver Jase et Brenna de leurs démons…
Caleb Donovan was never meant to be a prophet. At heart he's a conqueror, his appetites far more carnal than spiritual. He's not inclined to repress his passions and surrender to fate. After all, that's what cost him Lily—three centuries ago. She married another, because it was ordained. Now that he's in the same benighted calling—and forced into proximity with her—all the old desires are roaring back to life. . .
After widowhood and centuries of celibacy, Lily is eager to explore the wild side of life, except now she's vulnerable to another forced relationship, with an enemy. But this time she's determined to choose her own path. And if hot, furious Caleb comes charging to the rescue, it might just change both their destinies. . .
Love is about to start conquering. . .
Caleb Donovan was never meant to be a prophet. At heart he's a conqueror, his appetites far more carnal than spiritual. He's not inclined to repress his passions and surrender to fate. After all, that's what cost him Lily—three centuries ago. She married another, because it was ordained. Now that he's in the same benighted calling—and forced into proximity with her—all the old desires are roaring back to life. . .
After widowhood and centuries of celibacy, Lily is eager to explore the wild side of life, except now she's vulnerable to another forced relationship, with an enemy. But this time she's determined to choose her own path. And if hot, furious Caleb comes charging to the rescue, it might just change both their destinies. . .
Love is about to start conquering. . .
Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.
Zane est un guerrier endurci, habitué à la solitude. Mais Janie a exercé une fascination irrésistible sur lui depuis l'instant où ils se sont rencontrés dans ses rêves. La confiance qu'elle lui a toujours accordée est mise à l'épreuve lorsqu'il l'enlève et la retient dans un lieu isolé, pour lui raconter enfin comment il s'est retrouvé dans le mauvais camp. Alors qu'ils se découvrent pour la première fois en chair et en os, l'attraction entre eux devient trop forte pour qu'ils y résistent...
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Pour public averti
Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.
Zane est un guerrier endurci, habitué à la solitude. Mais Janie a exercé une fascination irrésistible sur lui depuis l'instant où ils se sont rencontrés dans ses rêves. La confiance qu'elle lui a toujours accordée est mise à l'épreuve lorsqu'il l'enlève et la retient dans un lieu isolé, pour lui raconter enfin comment il s'est retrouvé dans le mauvais camp. Alors qu'ils se découvrent pour la première fois en chair et en os, l'attraction entre eux devient trop forte pour qu'ils y résistent...
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Pour public averti
**This was previously published with WICKED BURN**
She'll love him forever . . . but he can't make her obey . . .
The war is over. Danger has passed. Cara Kayrs is healed after decades of illness and ready for a break.
Too bad her brooding, alpha vampire husband can't seem to change gears. In their twenty-five years together Talen Kayrs has learned to sense every shiver of her body, to ignite her desire with a word or a look. She would think he could learn she's not some fragile damsel in distress.
But Talen is on edge, watching their backs, treating her like she's made of glass. Like there's something following them, a deadly threat that somehow none of their intelligence has uncovered. It's enough to drive a woman crazy, and Talen has plenty of those tendencies already.
**This was previously published with WICKED BURN**
She'll love him forever . . . but he can't make her obey . . .
The war is over. Danger has passed. Cara Kayrs is healed after decades of illness and ready for a break.
Too bad her brooding, alpha vampire husband can't seem to change gears. In their twenty-five years together Talen Kayrs has learned to sense every shiver of her body, to ignite her desire with a word or a look. She would think he could learn she's not some fragile damsel in distress.
But Talen is on edge, watching their backs, treating her like she's made of glass. Like there's something following them, a deadly threat that somehow none of their intelligence has uncovered. It's enough to drive a woman crazy, and Talen has plenty of those tendencies already.
Chaque guerrier a son âme sœur.
Ronan s'est sacrifié pour détruire le mal ultime. Il aurait dû mourir... et non réapparaître des siècles plus tard dans un monde moderne où les vampires taisent leur existence, où la menace posée par l'ennemi est plus réelle que jamais, et surtout, où la femme qui hante ses rêves depuis toujours détient un pouvoir dont elle ignore tout.
Faith est une femme de science, pourtant sa rencontre avec un vampire en chair et en os met toutes ses théories à l'épreuve. Car Ronan est dévoré par une faim qu'elle seule peut assouvir – à condition qu'ils survivent au mal qui les traque...
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » - Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » - Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » - Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » - Under the Covers Book Blog
Pour public averti
Chaque guerrier a son âme sœur.
Ronan s'est sacrifié pour détruire le mal ultime. Il aurait dû mourir... et non réapparaître des siècles plus tard dans un monde moderne où les vampires taisent leur existence, où la menace posée par l'ennemi est plus réelle que jamais, et surtout, où la femme qui hante ses rêves depuis toujours détient un pouvoir dont elle ignore tout.
Faith est une femme de science, pourtant sa rencontre avec un vampire en chair et en os met toutes ses théories à l'épreuve. Car Ronan est dévoré par une faim qu'elle seule peut assouvir – à condition qu'ils survivent au mal qui les traque...
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » - Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » - Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » - Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » - Under the Covers Book Blog
Pour public averti
Chaque guerrier a son âme sœur.
Engagée pour se débarrasser d’un démon-vampire, Mercy ne peut se résoudre à tuer sa cible et décide de l’enlever. Malheureusement pour elle, sa pitié est mal placée… Logan est le plus jeunes des frères Kyllwood et il a fait de la violence un art de vivre. À présent sur le point d’entreprendre un rituel terrifiant et douloureux afin de devenir l’un des Sept, dédié à la protection du monde, il voit ses plans contrecarrés par le chantage d’une fae, une demande de rançon, et le désir irrésistible qui l’a saisi dès le premier instant où il a aperçu sa ravisseuse…
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy… Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Pour public averti
Chaque guerrier a son âme sœur.
Engagée pour se débarrasser d’un démon-vampire, Mercy ne peut se résoudre à tuer sa cible et décide de l’enlever. Malheureusement pour elle, sa pitié est mal placée… Logan est le plus jeunes des frères Kyllwood et il a fait de la violence un art de vivre. À présent sur le point d’entreprendre un rituel terrifiant et douloureux afin de devenir l’un des Sept, dédié à la protection du monde, il voit ses plans contrecarrés par le chantage d’une fae, une demande de rançon, et le désir irrésistible qui l’a saisi dès le premier instant où il a aperçu sa ravisseuse…
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy… Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Pour public averti
Dark protectors 9.5
Vengeance and revenge are the only forces driving vampire soldier Noah Siosal since losing his brother to an enemy he’s been unable to find. He’s searched every corner of the globe, going through adversaries and piling up bodies until finally getting a lead. The last place he wants to be is in a ridiculous anger management group with people expressing feelings instead of taking action. Until one fragile human, a green-eyed sweetheart being stalked by danger, catches his eye. One touch, and he realizes vengeance can’t be anywhere near her.
Anger and self-preservation are the only motivations Abby Miller needs or wants right now. Falsely accused of attacking the man who’s terrorized her for years, she’s forced as a plea bargain to attend an anger management counseling group with people with some serious rage issues, while learning true self defense on the side. Yet a man, one more primal than any she’s ever met, draws her in a way and into a world deadlier than she’s ever imagined. He offers her protection, but she finds the fight is really for his heart, and she’s ready to battle.
Dark protectors 9.5
Vengeance and revenge are the only forces driving vampire soldier Noah Siosal since losing his brother to an enemy he’s been unable to find. He’s searched every corner of the globe, going through adversaries and piling up bodies until finally getting a lead. The last place he wants to be is in a ridiculous anger management group with people expressing feelings instead of taking action. Until one fragile human, a green-eyed sweetheart being stalked by danger, catches his eye. One touch, and he realizes vengeance can’t be anywhere near her.
Anger and self-preservation are the only motivations Abby Miller needs or wants right now. Falsely accused of attacking the man who’s terrorized her for years, she’s forced as a plea bargain to attend an anger management counseling group with people with some serious rage issues, while learning true self defense on the side. Yet a man, one more primal than any she’s ever met, draws her in a way and into a world deadlier than she’s ever imagined. He offers her protection, but she finds the fight is really for his heart, and she’s ready to battle.
Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.
Ivar a survécu aux pires affres de l'enfer, grâce à son sang de vampire, de démon et de Viking. Mais l'expérience l'a brisé. Il ne vit plus que pour une seule chose ; sauver le frère vampire qui a sacrifié sa liberté pour lui. Pour cela, Ivar doit faire appel à une scientifique de renom. Promise pensait avoir compris le fonctionnement de l'univers, mais la révélation de l'existence des vampires bouleverse tout. En montrant à Ivar comment voyager entre les mondes, elle n'imaginait pas que ce frisson de plaisir puisse devenir le centre de sa vie...
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Pour public averti
Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.
Ivar a survécu aux pires affres de l'enfer, grâce à son sang de vampire, de démon et de Viking. Mais l'expérience l'a brisé. Il ne vit plus que pour une seule chose ; sauver le frère vampire qui a sacrifié sa liberté pour lui. Pour cela, Ivar doit faire appel à une scientifique de renom. Promise pensait avoir compris le fonctionnement de l'univers, mais la révélation de l'existence des vampires bouleverse tout. En montrant à Ivar comment voyager entre les mondes, elle n'imaginait pas que ce frisson de plaisir puisse devenir le centre de sa vie...
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
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Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.
Depuis des années, Haven est hantée par d'étranges rêves au cours desquels un séduisant étranger lui apparaît, en proie à de terribles tourments. Et les visions de Haven semblent si réelles, au point qu'il lui semble pouvoir lui parler et le toucher... Quade est prêt à basculer dans la folie, et seule ses visions d'une femme au coeur généreux l'aident à tenir le choc. Lorsqu'il parvient enfin à se libérer, il se retrouve seul et désorienté dans un monde qu'il ne reconnaît plus. Une seule chose compte alors pour lui : retrouver Haven, et la protéger contre le monstre qui les traque tous les deux.
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Pour public averti
Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.
Depuis des années, Haven est hantée par d'étranges rêves au cours desquels un séduisant étranger lui apparaît, en proie à de terribles tourments. Et les visions de Haven semblent si réelles, au point qu'il lui semble pouvoir lui parler et le toucher... Quade est prêt à basculer dans la folie, et seule ses visions d'une femme au coeur généreux l'aident à tenir le choc. Lorsqu'il parvient enfin à se libérer, il se retrouve seul et désorienté dans un monde qu'il ne reconnaît plus. Une seule chose compte alors pour lui : retrouver Haven, et la protéger contre le monstre qui les traque tous les deux.
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
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Tabi Rusko has a simple to-do list: Rob a bank, steal a recording, set up a lucrative factory, and survive the assassins on her tail. Sure, she’s a demoness with the cunning and instincts that come with her species, but she’s always spent more time exploring than training, and her fighting skills are okay at best. One sexy man, a human cop no less, is responsible for her being stuck in a small hick town and forced into a human anger-management group that’s crazier than her. To make matters worse, his dangerous blue eyes and hard body leave her breathless and ready to rumble, and his overbearing attitude is a challenge a demoness can’t refuse.
Evan O’Connell just wants to enjoy his time out of the military by policing a small town and hopefully pulling cats from trees and helping old ladies cross the street before he succumbs to the disease plaguing him. The last thing he needs is a stunning, too sexy, pain in the butt blonde casing his bank and causing a ruckus everywhere she goes. There’s something different about her that he can’t figure out, and when she offers him immortality in exchange for her freedom, he discovers that isn’t enough. One touch of her, a whirlwind beyond his imagination, and he wants the Vixen to be his forever, as soon as he takes care of the centuries old killers on her tail.
Tabi Rusko has a simple to-do list: Rob a bank, steal a recording, set up a lucrative factory, and survive the assassins on her tail. Sure, she’s a demoness with the cunning and instincts that come with her species, but she’s always spent more time exploring than training, and her fighting skills are okay at best. One sexy man, a human cop no less, is responsible for her being stuck in a small hick town and forced into a human anger-management group that’s crazier than her. To make matters worse, his dangerous blue eyes and hard body leave her breathless and ready to rumble, and his overbearing attitude is a challenge a demoness can’t refuse.
Evan O’Connell just wants to enjoy his time out of the military by policing a small town and hopefully pulling cats from trees and helping old ladies cross the street before he succumbs to the disease plaguing him. The last thing he needs is a stunning, too sexy, pain in the butt blonde casing his bank and causing a ruckus everywhere she goes. There’s something different about her that he can’t figure out, and when she offers him immortality in exchange for her freedom, he discovers that isn’t enough. One touch of her, a whirlwind beyond his imagination, and he wants the Vixen to be his forever, as soon as he takes care of the centuries old killers on her tail.
Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.
Adare est un soldat dans l'âme, dur et solitaire, mais pourvu d'un sens de l'honneur et du devoir à toute épreuve. Il n'hésite pas une seconde à sauver une humaine aux dons spéciaux en s'unissant à elle avec une morsure et une marque. Il n'y a pas de place dans sa vie pour une fragile humaine, et leurs chemins se séparent bientôt. Pourtant, il ne parvient pas à oublier Grace après sa disparition. Et lorsqu'il apprend qu'elle est en danger, rien ne l'empêchera de se lancer à sa poursuite... Car la vie de Grace ne tient peut-être qu'à la force de leur union..
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Pour public averti
Chaque guerrier a son âme soeur.
Adare est un soldat dans l'âme, dur et solitaire, mais pourvu d'un sens de l'honneur et du devoir à toute épreuve. Il n'hésite pas une seconde à sauver une humaine aux dons spéciaux en s'unissant à elle avec une morsure et une marque. Il n'y a pas de place dans sa vie pour une fragile humaine, et leurs chemins se séparent bientôt. Pourtant, il ne parvient pas à oublier Grace après sa disparition. Et lorsqu'il apprend qu'elle est en danger, rien ne l'empêchera de se lancer à sa poursuite... Car la vie de Grace ne tient peut-être qu'à la force de leur union..
« Rebecca Zanetti mêle action, passion et intrigues avec talent. » Publishers Weekly
« Le meilleur de la romance paranormale. » Cynthia Eden
« Une romance paranormale sombre, intense et captivante. » Harlequin Junkie
« Entraînant et sexy... Une excellente lecture. » Under the Covers Book Blog
Pour public averti
Dr. Mariana Lopez has finally stopped bailing friends out of difficult situations. Well, except for substituting as the leader for another anger management group, pitching in as a campaign strategist for a prospective sheriff, and babysitting three dogs. Even with such a full life, she can feel the danger around her—a sense that something isn’t right. Nightmares harass her, until the real thing comes to life, and only the dark and sexy male sitting in her group can save her. However, with safety comes a price she might not be willing to pay.
Raine Maxwell is one of the Maxwells out of Montana, which means he’s not only one of the most deadly vampires alive, but his path is set and his mate has been chosen for him. To save him—to continue his line. Unfortunately, his mate is an enhanced human female who has no idea of her abilities, of his species, or of her future. He’d like to lead her gently into this new world, but his people aren’t the only ones who’ve found her, which puts her into more danger than she can imagine. Plus, in order to follow his laws, he only has one week to convince her that immortality with him is what she wants—and needs.
Dr. Mariana Lopez has finally stopped bailing friends out of difficult situations. Well, except for substituting as the leader for another anger management group, pitching in as a campaign strategist for a prospective sheriff, and babysitting three dogs. Even with such a full life, she can feel the danger around her—a sense that something isn’t right. Nightmares harass her, until the real thing comes to life, and only the dark and sexy male sitting in her group can save her. However, with safety comes a price she might not be willing to pay.
Raine Maxwell is one of the Maxwells out of Montana, which means he’s not only one of the most deadly vampires alive, but his path is set and his mate has been chosen for him. To save him—to continue his line. Unfortunately, his mate is an enhanced human female who has no idea of her abilities, of his species, or of her future. He’d like to lead her gently into this new world, but his people aren’t the only ones who’ve found her, which puts her into more danger than she can imagine. Plus, in order to follow his laws, he only has one week to convince her that immortality with him is what she wants—and needs.
There’s no denying destiny . . .
For too long, Benjamin Reese has masked his deadly skills and temper with loyalty and humor. A vampire-demon hybrid, he fiercely protects his family, guards his brothers, and destroys the enemy without mercy. But when he discovers one fragile, beautiful blonde—a woman once mated to a Kurjan, no less—every primal instinct he has buried for centuries roars to life. With the mating mark she roused on his hand entwining their fates, no one will prevent him from keeping her safe and making her his, forever . . .
Or desire . . .
Karma wishes she could remember her last name. Or if she even had one. All she has in this confusing new world is a desperate duty to save the innocent. That means destroying the dark, dangerous, and desirable Benjamin Reese and everything he loves—an impossible task even before his touch arouses a passionate hunger she can’t afford. She’s certain a deadly enemy watches her every move, but it’s not until Benny kisses her that she tastes true danger…
There’s no denying destiny . . .
For too long, Benjamin Reese has masked his deadly skills and temper with loyalty and humor. A vampire-demon hybrid, he fiercely protects his family, guards his brothers, and destroys the enemy without mercy. But when he discovers one fragile, beautiful blonde—a woman once mated to a Kurjan, no less—every primal instinct he has buried for centuries roars to life. With the mating mark she roused on his hand entwining their fates, no one will prevent him from keeping her safe and making her his, forever . . .
Or desire . . .
Karma wishes she could remember her last name. Or if she even had one. All she has in this confusing new world is a desperate duty to save the innocent. That means destroying the dark, dangerous, and desirable Benjamin Reese and everything he loves—an impossible task even before his touch arouses a passionate hunger she can’t afford. She’s certain a deadly enemy watches her every move, but it’s not until Benny kisses her that she tastes true danger…
First comes danger . . .
When Vampire-Demon Sam Kyllwood discovers he’s the keeper of some mysterious circle, he laughs it off. When he finds out that his younger brother is supposed to fight to the death in said circle, he snaps right to furious. And that’s before he starts uncontrollably making things explode —it turns out it’s never too late to develop deadly new immortal abilities. But even those explosions are nothing compared to what happens when he tries to handle a very suspicious, brilliant and beyond sexy human female whose piercing eyes ignite a heat that rages deliciously outside even his unbreakable control…
Then comes desire . . .
Honor McDovall is one of the best interrogators Homeland Security has ever had. But no matter how well she appears to fit in, her mystical gifts are slowly driving her mad. She doesn't understand them, she doesn't want them, but for now, she'll use them to detect and defeat danger until she completely loses her mind. Unfortunately, her job brings her face to face with the deadliest man she's ever met—and she senses Sam is even more gifted than she is. Yet once they kiss, she realizes he's also more dangerous than the enemies suddenly coming from every direction. Good thing they both like to play with fire . . .
First comes danger . . .
When Vampire-Demon Sam Kyllwood discovers he’s the keeper of some mysterious circle, he laughs it off. When he finds out that his younger brother is supposed to fight to the death in said circle, he snaps right to furious. And that’s before he starts uncontrollably making things explode —it turns out it’s never too late to develop deadly new immortal abilities. But even those explosions are nothing compared to what happens when he tries to handle a very suspicious, brilliant and beyond sexy human female whose piercing eyes ignite a heat that rages deliciously outside even his unbreakable control…
Then comes desire . . .
Honor McDovall is one of the best interrogators Homeland Security has ever had. But no matter how well she appears to fit in, her mystical gifts are slowly driving her mad. She doesn't understand them, she doesn't want them, but for now, she'll use them to detect and defeat danger until she completely loses her mind. Unfortunately, her job brings her face to face with the deadliest man she's ever met—and she senses Sam is even more gifted than she is. Yet once they kiss, she realizes he's also more dangerous than the enemies suddenly coming from every direction. Good thing they both like to play with fire . . .
Unlike several of his brothers, Athan Maxwell accepted the curse inherent in his DNA and solved the problem a century ago by mating his one true mate and saving her life at the same time. Now they only meet up four times a year to exchange blood and keep themselves healthy because that was the deal. Yet after a hundred years, his mate has only become more beguiling and intriguing, and when he discovers a new threat on her tail, his promise of sitting back and leaving her alone goes right out of the window.
Ivy O’Dwyer has enjoyed the last century as an immortal being, evolving from being a farmer’s daughter to the successful CEO of an Internet company. Sure, life gets lonely without the chance to date, and yes, she’s grateful to her vampire mate for saving her life so long ago, and yet the dreams she has of the sexy male won’t desert her. So when he storms in to save her life, in all vampire-possessive mode, it’s difficult to stand her ground. Unfortunately, when they finally discover that living forever but alone isn’t worth it, it might be too late.
Unlike several of his brothers, Athan Maxwell accepted the curse inherent in his DNA and solved the problem a century ago by mating his one true mate and saving her life at the same time. Now they only meet up four times a year to exchange blood and keep themselves healthy because that was the deal. Yet after a hundred years, his mate has only become more beguiling and intriguing, and when he discovers a new threat on her tail, his promise of sitting back and leaving her alone goes right out of the window.
Ivy O’Dwyer has enjoyed the last century as an immortal being, evolving from being a farmer’s daughter to the successful CEO of an Internet company. Sure, life gets lonely without the chance to date, and yes, she’s grateful to her vampire mate for saving her life so long ago, and yet the dreams she has of the sexy male won’t desert her. So when he storms in to save her life, in all vampire-possessive mode, it’s difficult to stand her ground. Unfortunately, when they finally discover that living forever but alone isn’t worth it, it might be too late.
Love and danger . . .
For most of his life, Vampire-Demon Garrett Kayrs, nephew of the King of the Realm, has carried a heavy mantle of responsibility with ease and control. Fate declared him heir to the throne, Fortune marked him with the power of the mysterious circle of Seven, and Chance promised more surprises to come. Nothing deterred him from his path. Until the nightmares began--agonizing dreams of having a female, the female, his mate, on the back of his motorcycle—only to have her torn away from his protection. He feels the menace around her, the danger she’s in, and he can’t rest until he finds her . . .
Duty and desire . . .
Destiny Applegate bears the weight of her name with a respectful balance of fear and purpose. She has been given some direction, but not nearly enough to truly understand her duty, what she was born to do. Even as a child, she had a sense of him. The him, her mate. A dream moment or two with him that might have saved her—or possibly cursed her. So now, when he finds her, she has no choice but to jump on the back of his bike and do her best to hold on until she discovers her path—even if that means ending his.
Love and danger . . .
For most of his life, Vampire-Demon Garrett Kayrs, nephew of the King of the Realm, has carried a heavy mantle of responsibility with ease and control. Fate declared him heir to the throne, Fortune marked him with the power of the mysterious circle of Seven, and Chance promised more surprises to come. Nothing deterred him from his path. Until the nightmares began--agonizing dreams of having a female, the female, his mate, on the back of his motorcycle—only to have her torn away from his protection. He feels the menace around her, the danger she’s in, and he can’t rest until he finds her . . .
Duty and desire . . .
Destiny Applegate bears the weight of her name with a respectful balance of fear and purpose. She has been given some direction, but not nearly enough to truly understand her duty, what she was born to do. Even as a child, she had a sense of him. The him, her mate. A dream moment or two with him that might have saved her—or possibly cursed her. So now, when he finds her, she has no choice but to jump on the back of his bike and do her best to hold on until she discovers her path—even if that means ending his.
As the only female vampire ever born, and the heir to two powerful immortal families, Hope Kayrs-Kyllwood has always felt the weight of fate and destiny. Now her heart is torn between two men and two different futures. It’s a choice between duty and love, peace and war, with the fate of everyone she loves hanging in the balance.
As the leader of the Kurjan nation, Drake has always known that mating Hope is the best path to avoiding war. He’s counting on her to know the same. . . . Paxton has been Hope’s best friend and protector since they were children. He would kill and die for her without a second thought. In fact, he’s always known that would be his path . . .
With deadly factions at her heels, Hope must decide whom to trust and where her loyalty lies—before the choice is taken away from her . . .
As the only female vampire ever born, and the heir to two powerful immortal families, Hope Kayrs-Kyllwood has always felt the weight of fate and destiny. Now her heart is torn between two men and two different futures. It’s a choice between duty and love, peace and war, with the fate of everyone she loves hanging in the balance.
As the leader of the Kurjan nation, Drake has always known that mating Hope is the best path to avoiding war. He’s counting on her to know the same. . . . Paxton has been Hope’s best friend and protector since they were children. He would kill and die for her without a second thought. In fact, he’s always known that would be his path . . .
With deadly factions at her heels, Hope must decide whom to trust and where her loyalty lies—before the choice is taken away from her . . .
There’s nothing Jasper Maxwell likes better than a good chase. He is patient and cunning, and he is known as one of the coldest hunters in the immortal realm. As a vampire with a hint of demon blood in him, he stands out even amongst the finest trackers in the shifter world. So the fact that his mate has managed to escape him for the past five decades is something that keeps him intrigued and more obsessed with every passing year. The game is beyond delicious until a century old enemy resurfaces, putting his sweet little mate in danger. At that point, he has no choice but to secure her.
Leah Ferry enjoys immortality almost as much as she thrills at the cat and mouse game she’s playing with the Maxwell hunter. Once human, she figured she’d live her life wearing pearls and vacuuming in pressed dresses only to be thrown into the immortal world where freedom is intoxicating. On a mission to take down degenerate humans and make them pay, things go wrong, so per her usual arrangement, she starts to run. But this time, her sexy and deadly vampire mate stands in her way. She quickly learns that the sensual chase between them was nothing compared to the real danger coming for her.
There’s nothing Jasper Maxwell likes better than a good chase. He is patient and cunning, and he is known as one of the coldest hunters in the immortal realm. As a vampire with a hint of demon blood in him, he stands out even amongst the finest trackers in the shifter world. So the fact that his mate has managed to escape him for the past five decades is something that keeps him intrigued and more obsessed with every passing year. The game is beyond delicious until a century old enemy resurfaces, putting his sweet little mate in danger. At that point, he has no choice but to secure her.
Leah Ferry enjoys immortality almost as much as she thrills at the cat and mouse game she’s playing with the Maxwell hunter. Once human, she figured she’d live her life wearing pearls and vacuuming in pressed dresses only to be thrown into the immortal world where freedom is intoxicating. On a mission to take down degenerate humans and make them pay, things go wrong, so per her usual arrangement, she starts to run. But this time, her sexy and deadly vampire mate stands in her way. She quickly learns that the sensual chase between them was nothing compared to the real danger coming for her.