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Peace seemed to have finally found its way into the Obinata household, but through an unexpected turn of events, Shuu and his adopted son, Yuuta, are faced with a disagreement that might change their forever. When their respective lovers, the eldest Obinata brother Taiga and Mayumi, the youngest, are dragged into their conflict, and Yuuta runs away from home, the whole family's living arrangement gets off balance. Will the peaceful days ever return?
Peace seemed to have finally found its way into the Obinata household, but through an unexpected turn of events, Shuu and his adopted son, Yuuta, are faced with a disagreement that might change their forever. When their respective lovers, the eldest Obinata brother Taiga and Mayumi, the youngest, are dragged into their conflict, and Yuuta runs away from home, the whole family's living arrangement gets off balance. Will the peaceful days ever return?
Peace seemed to have finally found its way into the Obinata household, but through an unexpected turn of events, Shuu and his adopted son, Yuuta, are faced with a disagreement that might change their forever. When their respective lovers, the eldest Obinata brother Taiga and Mayumi, the youngest, are dragged into their conflict, and Yuuta runs away from home, the whole family's living arrangement gets off balance. Will the peaceful days ever return?
Peace seemed to have finally found its way into the Obinata household, but through an unexpected turn of events, Shuu and his adopted son, Yuuta, are faced with a disagreement that might change their forever. When their respective lovers, the eldest Obinata brother Taiga and Mayumi, the youngest, are dragged into their conflict, and Yuuta runs away from home, the whole family's living arrangement gets off balance. Will the peaceful days ever return?