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Les Enquêtes d'Hannah Swensen - La série

  • Nombre de tomes :
  • 33
  • Nombre de lecteurs :
  • 1023
  • Classée dans le top séries Booknode :
  • # 387
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Plus de six millions d'exemplaires vendus dans le monde, une série de films à succès : le phénomène Hannah Swensen arrive enfin en France ! Hannah Swensen est de retour dans sa ville natale d'Eden Lake. Entre sa mère, plutôt envahissante, et l'ouverture de sa boutique, le Cookie Jar, elle a fort à faire. Son quotidien devient plus passionnant encore quand son livreur, Ron LaSalle, est retrouvé assassiné juste derrière son magasin. Le beau-frère d'Hannah, shérif adjoint du comté, fait appel à elle pour l'aider à trouver le coupable. Un nombre surprenant de suspects et de mobiles émergent alors. Très vite Hannah va réaliser qu'elle n'est pas seulement douée pour les cookies, mais qu'elle est aussi une enquêtrice hors pair. Fous rires et frissons, mystères et pépites : cette histoire pleine de rebondissements ressemble au meilleur cookie du monde : sucrée mais légère, surprenante de bout en bout.
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Plus de six millions d'exemplaires vendus dans le monde, une série de films à succès : le phénomène Hannah Swensen arrive enfin en France ! Hannah Swensen est de retour dans sa ville natale d'Eden Lake. Entre sa mère, plutôt envahissante, et l'ouverture de sa boutique, le Cookie Jar, elle a fort à faire. Son quotidien devient plus passionnant encore quand son livreur, Ron LaSalle, est retrouvé assassiné juste derrière son magasin. Le beau-frère d'Hannah, shérif adjoint du comté, fait appel à elle pour l'aider à trouver le coupable. Un nombre surprenant de suspects et de mobiles émergent alors. Très vite Hannah va réaliser qu'elle n'est pas seulement douée pour les cookies, mais qu'elle est aussi une enquêtrice hors pair. Fous rires et frissons, mystères et pépites : cette histoire pleine de rebondissements ressemble au meilleur cookie du monde : sucrée mais légère, surprenante de bout en bout.
In the Novella, Hannah Swenson, owner of The Cookie Jar, discovers that someone has broken into her store. Perhaps this individual is simply sleeping there to stay warm. Whoever this individual is, they clean up before they leave. So Hannah plans, with Norman's help, to catch the intruder in the act (and they do). What unwinds is a tale of innocence and a dysfunctional family who is reunited due to Hannah's understanding and sense of fairness.
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In the Novella, Hannah Swenson, owner of The Cookie Jar, discovers that someone has broken into her store. Perhaps this individual is simply sleeping there to stay warm. Whoever this individual is, they clean up before they leave. So Hannah plans, with Norman's help, to catch the intruder in the act (and they do). What unwinds is a tale of innocence and a dysfunctional family who is reunited due to Hannah's understanding and sense of fairness.
Hannah est de retour ! Incapable de fonctionner sans café et toujours en proie à ses passions dévorantes pour son chat et pour le chocolat, la jeune femme s'apprête à participer au concours du meilleur pâtissier de la ville. C'est l'occasion, elle en est certaine, d'offrir une très bonne publicité à sa boutique de cookies. Mais la fête est vite gâchée : Boyd Watson, entraîneur de l'équipe de basket du lycée, est retrouvé mort, le visage enfoncé dans la charlotte aux fraises de notre pauvre Hannah. Les premiers soupçons se tournent vers Danielle, la femme de Boyd, victime de maltraitance. Bien décidée à prouver l'innocence de cette dernière, Hannah décide de s'en mêler, malgré les avertissements de son " prétendant ", le policier Mike Kingston. Mais ce genre d'enquêtes, apparemment, Hannah y a pris goût ! Rebondissements incessants, personnages délicieux et recettes fatales... Les amateurs de surprises et de sucreries vont se régaler !
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Hannah est de retour ! Incapable de fonctionner sans café et toujours en proie à ses passions dévorantes pour son chat et pour le chocolat, la jeune femme s'apprête à participer au concours du meilleur pâtissier de la ville. C'est l'occasion, elle en est certaine, d'offrir une très bonne publicité à sa boutique de cookies. Mais la fête est vite gâchée : Boyd Watson, entraîneur de l'équipe de basket du lycée, est retrouvé mort, le visage enfoncé dans la charlotte aux fraises de notre pauvre Hannah. Les premiers soupçons se tournent vers Danielle, la femme de Boyd, victime de maltraitance. Bien décidée à prouver l'innocence de cette dernière, Hannah décide de s'en mêler, malgré les avertissements de son " prétendant ", le policier Mike Kingston. Mais ce genre d'enquêtes, apparemment, Hannah y a pris goût ! Rebondissements incessants, personnages délicieux et recettes fatales... Les amateurs de surprises et de sucreries vont se régaler !
Glaçage mortel Eden Lake est sur le point de célébrer son premier carnaval d'hiver. Au menu ? Sports de glace, activités pour les enfants et, bien évidemment, les délicieuses pâtisseries du Cookie Jar, amoureusement préparées par la charmante Hannah Swensen. Cerise sur le muffin, Connie MacIntyre, vedette d'une célèbre émission de cuisine, doit venir signer son livre. Toute la ville est sur le pont – même la mère d'Hannah, qui passe généralement son temps à essayer de la marier. Mais quand Connie MacIntyre est retrouvée morte dans la boutique d'Hannah, cette dernière ne va pas résister très longtemps à son envie de mener une enquête qui va s'avérer pleine de rebondissements. Une énigme à résoudre, un déluge de sucreries et de nouvelles recettes de pâtisserie, criminellement délicieuses, à faire chez vous. Que demander de mieux pour passer l'hiver ?
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Glaçage mortel Eden Lake est sur le point de célébrer son premier carnaval d'hiver. Au menu ? Sports de glace, activités pour les enfants et, bien évidemment, les délicieuses pâtisseries du Cookie Jar, amoureusement préparées par la charmante Hannah Swensen. Cerise sur le muffin, Connie MacIntyre, vedette d'une célèbre émission de cuisine, doit venir signer son livre. Toute la ville est sur le pont – même la mère d'Hannah, qui passe généralement son temps à essayer de la marier. Mais quand Connie MacIntyre est retrouvée morte dans la boutique d'Hannah, cette dernière ne va pas résister très longtemps à son envie de mener une enquête qui va s'avérer pleine de rebondissements. Une énigme à résoudre, un déluge de sucreries et de nouvelles recettes de pâtisserie, criminellement délicieuses, à faire chez vous. Que demander de mieux pour passer l'hiver ?
Du sucre, de la bonne humeur, et un zeste de mystère... Ravis de célébrer le 4 Juillet, jour de l'Indépendance, les habitants d'Eden Lake se préparent à faire la fête. Mais au Cookie Jar, la boutique de gâteaux d'Hannah Swensen, l'ambiance n'est pas vraiment au beau fixe. Hannah doit se mettre au régime, son chat lui en fait voir de toutes les couleurs et Norman, son prétendant, s'apprête à acheter une maison pour qu'ils s'y installent ensemble. Ce qui, pour elle, est un peu prématuré. Mais ce quotidien un peu morose va voler en éclats lors de la visite de cette maison. Au milieu des meubles anciens, notre héroïne et sa mère découvrent en effet le corps de la propriétaire, Rhonda Scharf. Et les restes d'un dîner pour deux, avec l'une des fameuses tartes au citron meringuées de chez Hannah. Qui était donc ce mystérieux visiteur, client du Cookie Jar, qui a disparu en laissant un cadavre derrière lui ? Tout le monde déconseille à la jeune femme de s'en mêler. Mais on connaît maintenant Hannah. Comment résister à une nouvelle enquête, surtout si elle commence dans sa propre boutique ? Avec plus de six millions d'exemplaires vendus dans le monde, les aventures d'Hannah sont devenues un véritable phénomène. Autant vous prévenir tout de suite : ce nouvel ouvrage est hautement addictif. Tout autant que les recettes sucrées du Cookie Jar inclues dans ses pages !
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Du sucre, de la bonne humeur, et un zeste de mystère... Ravis de célébrer le 4 Juillet, jour de l'Indépendance, les habitants d'Eden Lake se préparent à faire la fête. Mais au Cookie Jar, la boutique de gâteaux d'Hannah Swensen, l'ambiance n'est pas vraiment au beau fixe. Hannah doit se mettre au régime, son chat lui en fait voir de toutes les couleurs et Norman, son prétendant, s'apprête à acheter une maison pour qu'ils s'y installent ensemble. Ce qui, pour elle, est un peu prématuré. Mais ce quotidien un peu morose va voler en éclats lors de la visite de cette maison. Au milieu des meubles anciens, notre héroïne et sa mère découvrent en effet le corps de la propriétaire, Rhonda Scharf. Et les restes d'un dîner pour deux, avec l'une des fameuses tartes au citron meringuées de chez Hannah. Qui était donc ce mystérieux visiteur, client du Cookie Jar, qui a disparu en laissant un cadavre derrière lui ? Tout le monde déconseille à la jeune femme de s'en mêler. Mais on connaît maintenant Hannah. Comment résister à une nouvelle enquête, surtout si elle commence dans sa propre boutique ? Avec plus de six millions d'exemplaires vendus dans le monde, les aventures d'Hannah sont devenues un véritable phénomène. Autant vous prévenir tout de suite : ce nouvel ouvrage est hautement addictif. Tout autant que les recettes sucrées du Cookie Jar inclues dans ses pages !
Le caramel qui ne vous tue pas vous rend plus fort  Ces derniers temps, l’existence d’Hannah une saveur douce-amère. Certes, sa sœur Andrea est enceinte – et c’est une source inépuisable d’irritation et d’amusement – et, oui, elle prend toujours beaucoup de plaisir à donner des cours de cuisine au lycée de Lake Eden. Mais sa vie sentimentale, elle, reste compliquée. Norman le dentiste, ou Mike le gentil flic ? Son cœur balance. Quand soudain, un nouveau meurtre ! On retrouve derrière le lycée le corps du vieux shérif Grant. Avec, sur ses vêtements, des traces d’un des fameux cupcakes au caramel d’Hannah. Quitte à se mêler, comme elle sait si bien le faire, de ce qui ne la regarde pas, notre héroïne se met en tête chercher le coupable. Sa mère et son chat ne seront pas en reste pour rendre cette histoire à la fois sucrée et piquante ! Secrets scandaleux, trahisons brûlantes, rebondissements en pagaille, tous les ingrédients sont réunis pour une nouvelle enquête passionnante ; ainsi bien sûr que de nouvelles recettes de pâtisseries toujours succulentes… et bien nécessaires pour affronter ces multiples péripéties ! Bref, une tuerie.
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Le caramel qui ne vous tue pas vous rend plus fort  Ces derniers temps, l’existence d’Hannah une saveur douce-amère. Certes, sa sœur Andrea est enceinte – et c’est une source inépuisable d’irritation et d’amusement – et, oui, elle prend toujours beaucoup de plaisir à donner des cours de cuisine au lycée de Lake Eden. Mais sa vie sentimentale, elle, reste compliquée. Norman le dentiste, ou Mike le gentil flic ? Son cœur balance. Quand soudain, un nouveau meurtre ! On retrouve derrière le lycée le corps du vieux shérif Grant. Avec, sur ses vêtements, des traces d’un des fameux cupcakes au caramel d’Hannah. Quitte à se mêler, comme elle sait si bien le faire, de ce qui ne la regarde pas, notre héroïne se met en tête chercher le coupable. Sa mère et son chat ne seront pas en reste pour rendre cette histoire à la fois sucrée et piquante ! Secrets scandaleux, trahisons brûlantes, rebondissements en pagaille, tous les ingrédients sont réunis pour une nouvelle enquête passionnante ; ainsi bien sûr que de nouvelles recettes de pâtisseries toujours succulentes… et bien nécessaires pour affronter ces multiples péripéties ! Bref, une tuerie.
De sang-froid. Vraiment très froid. Drôle d'hiver pour notre héroïne préférée ! Jugez-en plutôt. C'est le repas de Noël à la salle des fêtes de Lake Eden : l'occasion pour les habitants de partager leurs meilleures recettes de l'année dans une ambiance chaleureuse. Mais celle-ci devient vite glaciale lorsqu'une des convives est assassinée avec le couteau à gâteau. Pire encore, du fait d'une redoutable tempête de neige, plus personne ne peut quitter les lieux. Coincée avec toute sa joyeuse petite famille, Hannah va tenter de débusquer le coupable. Deux mois plus tard, à peine remise de ses sensations, Hannah doit faire face à l'installation d'une pâtisserie concurrente. Très mauvaise nouvelle : celle-ci est tenue par Shauna Lee, sa rivale auprès de l'irrésistible Mike. Jalousie, quand tu nous tiens ! Lorsque Shauna est retrouvée assassinée, tous les regards se tournent vers notre chère pâtissière. Qui, pour se disculper, va à nouveau devoir mener l'enquête ! Sources : site @ Fnac
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De sang-froid. Vraiment très froid. Drôle d'hiver pour notre héroïne préférée ! Jugez-en plutôt. C'est le repas de Noël à la salle des fêtes de Lake Eden : l'occasion pour les habitants de partager leurs meilleures recettes de l'année dans une ambiance chaleureuse. Mais celle-ci devient vite glaciale lorsqu'une des convives est assassinée avec le couteau à gâteau. Pire encore, du fait d'une redoutable tempête de neige, plus personne ne peut quitter les lieux. Coincée avec toute sa joyeuse petite famille, Hannah va tenter de débusquer le coupable. Deux mois plus tard, à peine remise de ses sensations, Hannah doit faire face à l'installation d'une pâtisserie concurrente. Très mauvaise nouvelle : celle-ci est tenue par Shauna Lee, sa rivale auprès de l'irrésistible Mike. Jalousie, quand tu nous tiens ! Lorsque Shauna est retrouvée assassinée, tous les regards se tournent vers notre chère pâtissière. Qui, pour se disculper, va à nouveau devoir mener l'enquête ! Sources : site @ Fnac
With The Cookie Jar, Hannah Swensen has a mouthwatering monopoly on the bakery business of Lake Eden, Minnesota. But when a rival store opens, tensions begin to bubble. . . As she sits in her nearly empty store on Groundhog Day, Hannah can only hope that spring is just around the corner--and that the popularity of the new Magnolia Blossom Bakery is just a passing fad. The southern hospitality of Lake Eden's two Georgia transplants, Shawna Lee and Vanessa Quinn, is grating on Hannah's nerves—and cutting into her profits. At least Hannah has her business partner Lisa's wedding to look forward to. She's turned one of Lisa's favorite childhood treats into a spectacular Wedding Cookie Cake. And Lisa's aunt will be bringing her famous Peach Cobbler to the reception. But Hannah starts to steam when she finds out that Shawna Lee has been invited--and is bringing her own Peach Cobbler. Hannah doesn't like having the Georgia Peach in the mix, especially when both Shawna Lee and Hannah's sometime-boyfriend, Detective Mike Kingston, are no-shows to the wedding. Hannah has suspected that Mike is interested in more than Shawna Lee's baking abilities. So when she sees lights on at the Magnolia Blossom Bakery after the reception, she investigates--and finds Shawna Lee shot to death. Everyone in town knew the Cookie Jar was losing business to the Magnolia Bakery--a fact that puts Hannah at the top of the initial list of suspects. But with a little help from her friends, Hannah's determined to prove that she wasn't the only one who had an axe to grind with the Quinn sisters. Somebody wasn't fooled by the Georgia Peaches and their sweet-as-pie act--and now it's up to Hannah to track down whoever had the right ingredients to whip up a murder. . . Includes 10 original recipes for you to try!
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With The Cookie Jar, Hannah Swensen has a mouthwatering monopoly on the bakery business of Lake Eden, Minnesota. But when a rival store opens, tensions begin to bubble. . . As she sits in her nearly empty store on Groundhog Day, Hannah can only hope that spring is just around the corner--and that the popularity of the new Magnolia Blossom Bakery is just a passing fad. The southern hospitality of Lake Eden's two Georgia transplants, Shawna Lee and Vanessa Quinn, is grating on Hannah's nerves—and cutting into her profits. At least Hannah has her business partner Lisa's wedding to look forward to. She's turned one of Lisa's favorite childhood treats into a spectacular Wedding Cookie Cake. And Lisa's aunt will be bringing her famous Peach Cobbler to the reception. But Hannah starts to steam when she finds out that Shawna Lee has been invited--and is bringing her own Peach Cobbler. Hannah doesn't like having the Georgia Peach in the mix, especially when both Shawna Lee and Hannah's sometime-boyfriend, Detective Mike Kingston, are no-shows to the wedding. Hannah has suspected that Mike is interested in more than Shawna Lee's baking abilities. So when she sees lights on at the Magnolia Blossom Bakery after the reception, she investigates--and finds Shawna Lee shot to death. Everyone in town knew the Cookie Jar was losing business to the Magnolia Bakery--a fact that puts Hannah at the top of the initial list of suspects. But with a little help from her friends, Hannah's determined to prove that she wasn't the only one who had an axe to grind with the Quinn sisters. Somebody wasn't fooled by the Georgia Peaches and their sweet-as-pie act--and now it's up to Hannah to track down whoever had the right ingredients to whip up a murder. . . Includes 10 original recipes for you to try!
Gros plan sur la plus gourmande des enquêtes d’Hannah Swensen Eden Lake est en ébullition ! La charmante petite ville est transformée en plateau de tournage par une équipe de cinéma. Et tout le monde est sur le pont – à commencer par Hannah Swensen, notre pâtissière favorite, dont la boutique est devenue la cantine des acteurs. Autour d’elle, c’est l’effervescence : sa mère, ses sœurs, sa nièce et même son chat Moshe, tous se préparent à jouer un rôle dans le film. Celui-ci tombe à point pour Hannah, qui, empêtrée dans ses affaires sentimentales, a furieusement envie de se changer les idées. Quoi de mieux pour cela qu’une production hollywoodienne ? Cerise sur le cheesecake : un membre de l’équipe est bientôt victime d’une mort aussi subite qu’inattendue. Quelqu’un aurait-il trouvé la recette du crime parfait ? C’est l’occasion pour Hannah de prouver définitivement qu’elle est aussi fine enquêtrice que bonne pâtissière. Une bonne dose de suspens, quelques soupçons d’imprévus, une généreuse poignée de rebondissements : tous les ingrédients sont réunis pour passer un délicieux moment. Sans oublier de nouvelles recettes de pâtisseries aussi mortelles que les nouvelles aventures de notre Miss Marple du Minnesota !
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Gros plan sur la plus gourmande des enquêtes d’Hannah Swensen Eden Lake est en ébullition ! La charmante petite ville est transformée en plateau de tournage par une équipe de cinéma. Et tout le monde est sur le pont – à commencer par Hannah Swensen, notre pâtissière favorite, dont la boutique est devenue la cantine des acteurs. Autour d’elle, c’est l’effervescence : sa mère, ses sœurs, sa nièce et même son chat Moshe, tous se préparent à jouer un rôle dans le film. Celui-ci tombe à point pour Hannah, qui, empêtrée dans ses affaires sentimentales, a furieusement envie de se changer les idées. Quoi de mieux pour cela qu’une production hollywoodienne ? Cerise sur le cheesecake : un membre de l’équipe est bientôt victime d’une mort aussi subite qu’inattendue. Quelqu’un aurait-il trouvé la recette du crime parfait ? C’est l’occasion pour Hannah de prouver définitivement qu’elle est aussi fine enquêtrice que bonne pâtissière. Une bonne dose de suspens, quelques soupçons d’imprévus, une généreuse poignée de rebondissements : tous les ingrédients sont réunis pour passer un délicieux moment. Sans oublier de nouvelles recettes de pâtisseries aussi mortelles que les nouvelles aventures de notre Miss Marple du Minnesota !
La pétillante Hannah Swensen n’a que très peu de temps pour elle. Confectionner les meilleurs gâteaux de Lake Eden est en effet une occupation à plein temps. Elle doit également faire avec ses deux prétendants, toujours aussi envahissants. Sans oublier sa mère, omniprésente, et son chat Moshe qu’elle soupçonne de faire une dépression nerveuse. Serait-elle en train de frôler le burn-out ? Et pire que tout pour cette irréductible gourmande, elle doit, après des années de laisser-aller, se résoudre à faire un régime. Pressée comme un citron, Hannah a décidé de se détendre un peu en acceptant de faire partie du jury pour le concours du meilleur pâtissier de la région. Tout se passe bien, jusqu’au moment où notre héroïne arrive la première sur une scène de crime. Ce qui est synonyme de nouveaux soucis, certes, mais c’est aussi l’occasion idéale de mettre un peu de peps dans son quotidien fatigué ! Quoi de mieux qu’une nouvelle enquête d’Hannah pour vivre un moment réconfortant ? Ajoutez-y quelques recettes inédites de pâtisseries succulentes, et vous comprendrez vite pourquoi six millions de lecteurs à travers le monde sont devenus addicts aux gourmandises de Joanne Fluke !
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La pétillante Hannah Swensen n’a que très peu de temps pour elle. Confectionner les meilleurs gâteaux de Lake Eden est en effet une occupation à plein temps. Elle doit également faire avec ses deux prétendants, toujours aussi envahissants. Sans oublier sa mère, omniprésente, et son chat Moshe qu’elle soupçonne de faire une dépression nerveuse. Serait-elle en train de frôler le burn-out ? Et pire que tout pour cette irréductible gourmande, elle doit, après des années de laisser-aller, se résoudre à faire un régime. Pressée comme un citron, Hannah a décidé de se détendre un peu en acceptant de faire partie du jury pour le concours du meilleur pâtissier de la région. Tout se passe bien, jusqu’au moment où notre héroïne arrive la première sur une scène de crime. Ce qui est synonyme de nouveaux soucis, certes, mais c’est aussi l’occasion idéale de mettre un peu de peps dans son quotidien fatigué ! Quoi de mieux qu’une nouvelle enquête d’Hannah pour vivre un moment réconfortant ? Ajoutez-y quelques recettes inédites de pâtisseries succulentes, et vous comprendrez vite pourquoi six millions de lecteurs à travers le monde sont devenus addicts aux gourmandises de Joanne Fluke !
Candy Cane Murder by New York Times-bestselling author Joanne Fluke When a trail of candy canes leads to a corpse outfitted in a Santa suit on a snowy bank, Hannah Swensen sets out to discover who killed Kris Kringle…
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Candy Cane Murder by New York Times-bestselling author Joanne Fluke When a trail of candy canes leads to a corpse outfitted in a Santa suit on a snowy bank, Hannah Swensen sets out to discover who killed Kris Kringle…
Réunion de famille mortelle à Lake Eden. L'été arrive à Lake Eden et Hannah Swensen, la pâtissière la plus talentueuse de la ville, est impatiente de retrouver le soleil, les pique-niques avec les amis, les glaces gourmandes et les chaudes soirées de farniente. Hormis le comportement de plus en plus étrange de son chat Moshe, tout s'annonce parfait pour les semaines à venir. Le programme des festivités commence par la grande réunion de famille de Lisa, son associée, qui promet d'être joyeuse et animée. Cerise sur le gâteau, Ben, l'oncle de Lisa, dont tout le monde était sans nouvelles depuis des années, fait une apparition surprise. Mais bientôt, ce bon vivant est retrouvé mort. Assassiné. Qui pouvait lui en vouloir au point de se débarrasser ainsi de lui, au beau milieu des siens ? Un membre de sa famille ? Voilà une nouvelle enquête pour Hannah, où les suspects sont aussi nombreux que les alibis...
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Réunion de famille mortelle à Lake Eden. L'été arrive à Lake Eden et Hannah Swensen, la pâtissière la plus talentueuse de la ville, est impatiente de retrouver le soleil, les pique-niques avec les amis, les glaces gourmandes et les chaudes soirées de farniente. Hormis le comportement de plus en plus étrange de son chat Moshe, tout s'annonce parfait pour les semaines à venir. Le programme des festivités commence par la grande réunion de famille de Lisa, son associée, qui promet d'être joyeuse et animée. Cerise sur le gâteau, Ben, l'oncle de Lisa, dont tout le monde était sans nouvelles depuis des années, fait une apparition surprise. Mais bientôt, ce bon vivant est retrouvé mort. Assassiné. Qui pouvait lui en vouloir au point de se débarrasser ainsi de lui, au beau milieu des siens ? Un membre de sa famille ? Voilà une nouvelle enquête pour Hannah, où les suspects sont aussi nombreux que les alibis...
Recettes mortelles pour femme fatale. Il n'y a rien de pire pour Hannah Swensen, pâtissière hors pair et gourmande impénitente, que de devoir se lever le matin par un froid glacial pour aller à la gym. Enfin si, il y a peut-être pire : trouver en arrivant à la salle de sport le corps sans vie d'une des coachs, Ronnie Ward, flottant dans le jacuzzi. Voilà cependant une excuse parfaite pour échapper à sa séance d'exercices, et surtout pour mener une enquête comme les aime notre héroïne. La victime ayant été une incorrigible flirteuse, haïe par la plupart des femmes de Lake Eden, le nombre de suspectes se révèle considérable. Et les hommes ne sont pas en reste : beaucoup d'entre eux, en particulier certains de la police, ayant eu une aventure avec Ronnie, les secrets et les non-dits sont nombreux. Bref, il y a du pain sur la planche pour Hannah, d'autant plus qu'elle doit aussi affronter ses deux prétendants, plus ou moins dignes de confiance dans cette affaire.
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Recettes mortelles pour femme fatale. Il n'y a rien de pire pour Hannah Swensen, pâtissière hors pair et gourmande impénitente, que de devoir se lever le matin par un froid glacial pour aller à la gym. Enfin si, il y a peut-être pire : trouver en arrivant à la salle de sport le corps sans vie d'une des coachs, Ronnie Ward, flottant dans le jacuzzi. Voilà cependant une excuse parfaite pour échapper à sa séance d'exercices, et surtout pour mener une enquête comme les aime notre héroïne. La victime ayant été une incorrigible flirteuse, haïe par la plupart des femmes de Lake Eden, le nombre de suspectes se révèle considérable. Et les hommes ne sont pas en reste : beaucoup d'entre eux, en particulier certains de la police, ayant eu une aventure avec Ronnie, les secrets et les non-dits sont nombreux. Bref, il y a du pain sur la planche pour Hannah, d'autant plus qu'elle doit aussi affronter ses deux prétendants, plus ou moins dignes de confiance dans cette affaire.
C'est Noël à Lake Eden. La période la plus chargée de l'année pour Hannah Swensen, notre intrépide pâtissière. Et celle qui donne lieu aux gâteaux les plus appétissants. Avec les fêtes, on s'attend à ce que tous les conflits amoureux et familiaux passent au second plan dans une grande réconciliation autour du pudding de Noël... Mais non. À l'image de Moshe, le chat de notre héroïne, tous les proches d'Hannah semblent cette année au bord de la crise de nerfs. Et la situation s'envenime encore lorsque l'on retrouve le corps d'un habitant de la petite ville au pied du sapin. Quoi de mieux qu'une fête de famille pour resserrer les liens ? Une enquête en famille, bien sûr ! Hannah, sa mère, ses sœurs, mais aussi ses prétendants, tout le monde va se remonter les manches afin d'essayer de trouver le coupable.
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C'est Noël à Lake Eden. La période la plus chargée de l'année pour Hannah Swensen, notre intrépide pâtissière. Et celle qui donne lieu aux gâteaux les plus appétissants. Avec les fêtes, on s'attend à ce que tous les conflits amoureux et familiaux passent au second plan dans une grande réconciliation autour du pudding de Noël... Mais non. À l'image de Moshe, le chat de notre héroïne, tous les proches d'Hannah semblent cette année au bord de la crise de nerfs. Et la situation s'envenime encore lorsque l'on retrouve le corps d'un habitant de la petite ville au pied du sapin. Quoi de mieux qu'une fête de famille pour resserrer les liens ? Une enquête en famille, bien sûr ! Hannah, sa mère, ses sœurs, mais aussi ses prétendants, tout le monde va se remonter les manches afin d'essayer de trouver le coupable.
La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid. Tous les habitants de Lake Eden attendent avec impatience le gala de charité. À commencer par Hannah Swensen, la pétillante propriétaire du Cookie Jar, la meilleure pâtisserie de la ville. C'est en effet une très belle journée qui s'annonce avec, au menu, spectacle de magie et chaussons aux pommes à volonté. Hannah a bien besoin de se détendre. Son amour de jeunesse, Bradford Ramsey, un séducteur impénitent, est de retour dans la région, et la jeune sœur de notre héroïne, Michelle, n'est pas insensible à ses charmes. Même son chat Moshe n'arrive pas à la réconforter : Hannah est en colère, très en colère, à tel point qu'elle en vient à souhaiter la mort de ce pervers narcissique qui sème la pagaille dans sa famille et dans sa vie. À sa grande surprise, son vœu ne tarde pas être exaucé : on retrouve le corps de Ramsey au beau milieu du gala, avec un chausson aux pommes du Cookie Jar dans une main. Même les pires individus méritent justice : Hannah décide donc de mettre la main à la pâte et d'enquêter sur ce meurtre qui la ravit. Entre les nombreuses maîtresses de la victime et les maris de celles-ci, les suspects sont nombreux et la partie s'annonce difficile ! Aussi craquante qu'une pâte feuilletée, cette nouvelle enquête de notre délicieuse Miss Marple de Lake Eden est accompagnée de recettes de pâtisseries criminellement régressives. Vous voulez vous faire plaisir ? Rejoignez les sept millions de lecteurs déjà addicts aux gourmandises de Joanne Fluke !
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La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid. Tous les habitants de Lake Eden attendent avec impatience le gala de charité. À commencer par Hannah Swensen, la pétillante propriétaire du Cookie Jar, la meilleure pâtisserie de la ville. C'est en effet une très belle journée qui s'annonce avec, au menu, spectacle de magie et chaussons aux pommes à volonté. Hannah a bien besoin de se détendre. Son amour de jeunesse, Bradford Ramsey, un séducteur impénitent, est de retour dans la région, et la jeune sœur de notre héroïne, Michelle, n'est pas insensible à ses charmes. Même son chat Moshe n'arrive pas à la réconforter : Hannah est en colère, très en colère, à tel point qu'elle en vient à souhaiter la mort de ce pervers narcissique qui sème la pagaille dans sa famille et dans sa vie. À sa grande surprise, son vœu ne tarde pas être exaucé : on retrouve le corps de Ramsey au beau milieu du gala, avec un chausson aux pommes du Cookie Jar dans une main. Même les pires individus méritent justice : Hannah décide donc de mettre la main à la pâte et d'enquêter sur ce meurtre qui la ravit. Entre les nombreuses maîtresses de la victime et les maris de celles-ci, les suspects sont nombreux et la partie s'annonce difficile ! Aussi craquante qu'une pâte feuilletée, cette nouvelle enquête de notre délicieuse Miss Marple de Lake Eden est accompagnée de recettes de pâtisseries criminellement régressives. Vous voulez vous faire plaisir ? Rejoignez les sept millions de lecteurs déjà addicts aux gourmandises de Joanne Fluke !
"Gingerbread Cookie Murder"by Joanne Fluke: When Hannah Swensen finds her neighbour Ernie Kusak with his head bashed in and sprawled on the floor of his condo next to an upended box of Hannah's Gingerbread Cookies, she discovers a flurry of murder suspects that's as long as her holiday shopping list.
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"Gingerbread Cookie Murder"by Joanne Fluke: When Hannah Swensen finds her neighbour Ernie Kusak with his head bashed in and sprawled on the floor of his condo next to an upended box of Hannah's Gingerbread Cookies, she discovers a flurry of murder suspects that's as long as her holiday shopping list.
These days, everyone in Lake Eden, Minnesota, is buzzing with activity, and Hannah Swensen is no exception. But no matter how busy she may be, Hannah can always find time to help a friend in need--especially when he's been murdered. . . Hannah Swensen has to admit that her life is pretty sweet. Things are going well in the romance department, and her bakery's delectable confections are selling almost as fast as she can bake them. Even her good friend Claire is on Cloud Nine, head over heels with her new husband, Reverend Bob Knudson. If only they could find time to take their honeymoon! When Bob's childhood friend, Matthew Walters, comes to town, it seems like divine intervention. Matthew, like Bob, is a Lutheran minister with a stubborn sweet tooth. Since he's on sabbatical, Matthew is happy to fill in for Bob while he and Claire take that long-awaited honeymoon. It sounds like the perfect plan--until Hannah finds Matthew in the rectory, face-down in a plate full of Devil's Food Cake, a single bullet in his head. Determined to find out who killed Matthew, Hannah starts asking questions--and discovers that the good Reverend wasn't quite the saintly fellow he appeared to be. But could the gold Sacagawea coins in Sunday's collection plate hold the key to solving the crime? Or is the murder connected to that big jewel heist out in Minneapolis? Is it possible that Matthew's love of chocolate somehow led to his downfall? It will take some more digging to find out, but Hannah is sure of one thing: even the most half-baked murder plot can be oh so deadly. . .
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These days, everyone in Lake Eden, Minnesota, is buzzing with activity, and Hannah Swensen is no exception. But no matter how busy she may be, Hannah can always find time to help a friend in need--especially when he's been murdered. . . Hannah Swensen has to admit that her life is pretty sweet. Things are going well in the romance department, and her bakery's delectable confections are selling almost as fast as she can bake them. Even her good friend Claire is on Cloud Nine, head over heels with her new husband, Reverend Bob Knudson. If only they could find time to take their honeymoon! When Bob's childhood friend, Matthew Walters, comes to town, it seems like divine intervention. Matthew, like Bob, is a Lutheran minister with a stubborn sweet tooth. Since he's on sabbatical, Matthew is happy to fill in for Bob while he and Claire take that long-awaited honeymoon. It sounds like the perfect plan--until Hannah finds Matthew in the rectory, face-down in a plate full of Devil's Food Cake, a single bullet in his head. Determined to find out who killed Matthew, Hannah starts asking questions--and discovers that the good Reverend wasn't quite the saintly fellow he appeared to be. But could the gold Sacagawea coins in Sunday's collection plate hold the key to solving the crime? Or is the murder connected to that big jewel heist out in Minneapolis? Is it possible that Matthew's love of chocolate somehow led to his downfall? It will take some more digging to find out, but Hannah is sure of one thing: even the most half-baked murder plot can be oh so deadly. . .
With the Cinnamon Roll Six jazz band heading toward Lake Eden for the Weekend Jazz Festival, Hannah Swensen is more than happy to bake up a generous supply of their namesake confections. But tragedy strikes when the band's tour bus overturns on its way into town. Among those injured is Buddy Neiman, the band's beloved keyboard player. At first, Buddy's injuries appear minor, until his condition suddenly takes a turn for the worse, as in dead. Hannah's no doctor, but she suspects that the surgical scissor jutting out of Buddy's chest may have something to do with it.
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With the Cinnamon Roll Six jazz band heading toward Lake Eden for the Weekend Jazz Festival, Hannah Swensen is more than happy to bake up a generous supply of their namesake confections. But tragedy strikes when the band's tour bus overturns on its way into town. Among those injured is Buddy Neiman, the band's beloved keyboard player. At first, Buddy's injuries appear minor, until his condition suddenly takes a turn for the worse, as in dead. Hannah's no doctor, but she suspects that the surgical scissor jutting out of Buddy's chest may have something to do with it.
This summer has been warmer than usual in Lake Eden, Minnesota, and Hannah Swensen is trying to beat the heat both in and out of her bakery kitchen. But she's about to find out the hard way that nothing cools off a hot summer day like cold-blooded murder. . . It's a hot, muggy evening, and the last thing Hannah wants to do is squeeze into a pair of pantyhose for the Grand Opening of the refurbished Albion Hotel. But with Hannah's famous Red Velvet cupcakes being served in the hotel's new Red Velvet lounge, she can't bring herself to back out. The party starts off with a bang with the unexpected arrival of Doctor Bev, a Lake Eden legend who left town in shame after she two-timed her fiancé one too many times. Bev's splashy appearance on the arm of a wealthy investor is the talk of the night. But the gossip comes to a screeching halt when a partygoer takes a mysterious dive off the hotel's rooftop garden. The victim is the sheriff's secretary, Barbara Donnelly, and she is barely clinging to life. The question is, did she fall--or was she pushed? As the police investigate, the only one who isn't preoccupied with the case is Doctor Bev. She's too busy trying to stir things up with her old flame Norman, who's reunited with Hannah. Just as Hannah's patience with Bev runs dangerously thin, her rival is found dead at the bottom of Miller's Pond. The only clue the police have is the Red Velvet cupcake Bev ate right before she died--and the tranquilizers someone seems to have baked into it. To everyone's shock, Hannah is now the unlikely target of a murder investigation--and she's feeling the heat in a way she never has before. . .
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This summer has been warmer than usual in Lake Eden, Minnesota, and Hannah Swensen is trying to beat the heat both in and out of her bakery kitchen. But she's about to find out the hard way that nothing cools off a hot summer day like cold-blooded murder. . . It's a hot, muggy evening, and the last thing Hannah wants to do is squeeze into a pair of pantyhose for the Grand Opening of the refurbished Albion Hotel. But with Hannah's famous Red Velvet cupcakes being served in the hotel's new Red Velvet lounge, she can't bring herself to back out. The party starts off with a bang with the unexpected arrival of Doctor Bev, a Lake Eden legend who left town in shame after she two-timed her fiancé one too many times. Bev's splashy appearance on the arm of a wealthy investor is the talk of the night. But the gossip comes to a screeching halt when a partygoer takes a mysterious dive off the hotel's rooftop garden. The victim is the sheriff's secretary, Barbara Donnelly, and she is barely clinging to life. The question is, did she fall--or was she pushed? As the police investigate, the only one who isn't preoccupied with the case is Doctor Bev. She's too busy trying to stir things up with her old flame Norman, who's reunited with Hannah. Just as Hannah's patience with Bev runs dangerously thin, her rival is found dead at the bottom of Miller's Pond. The only clue the police have is the Red Velvet cupcake Bev ate right before she died--and the tranquilizers someone seems to have baked into it. To everyone's shock, Hannah is now the unlikely target of a murder investigation--and she's feeling the heat in a way she never has before. . .
It's been a sleepy summer for the folks of Lake Eden, Minnesota. In fact, it's been a whole four months since anyone in the Swensen family has come across a dead body. And that means Hannah Swensen can finally focus on her bakery. . .or can she? Life is never really quiet for Hannah. After all, her mother's wedding is a little over a month away and guess who Delores put in charge of the planning? Yet just when Hannah believes her biggest challenge will be whether to use buttercream or fondant for the wedding cake, she accidentally hits a stranger with her truck while driving down a country road in a raging thunderstorm. Hannah is wracked with guilt, and things get even worse when she's arrested. . .for murder! But an autopsy soon reveals the mystery man, his shirt covered in stains from blackberry pie, would have died even if Hannah hadn't hit him. Now, to clear her name, Hannah will have to follow a trail of pie crumbs to track down the identity of the deceased, find a baker who knows more about murder than how to roll out a perfect pie crust--and get herself to the church on time. . .
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It's been a sleepy summer for the folks of Lake Eden, Minnesota. In fact, it's been a whole four months since anyone in the Swensen family has come across a dead body. And that means Hannah Swensen can finally focus on her bakery. . .or can she? Life is never really quiet for Hannah. After all, her mother's wedding is a little over a month away and guess who Delores put in charge of the planning? Yet just when Hannah believes her biggest challenge will be whether to use buttercream or fondant for the wedding cake, she accidentally hits a stranger with her truck while driving down a country road in a raging thunderstorm. Hannah is wracked with guilt, and things get even worse when she's arrested. . .for murder! But an autopsy soon reveals the mystery man, his shirt covered in stains from blackberry pie, would have died even if Hannah hadn't hit him. Now, to clear her name, Hannah will have to follow a trail of pie crumbs to track down the identity of the deceased, find a baker who knows more about murder than how to roll out a perfect pie crust--and get herself to the church on time. . .
Hannah is nervous about the upcoming trial for her involvement in a tragic accident. She's eager to clear her name once and for all, but her troubles only double when she finds the judge bludgeoned to death with his own gavel and Hannah is the number one suspect.
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Hannah is nervous about the upcoming trial for her involvement in a tragic accident. She's eager to clear her name once and for all, but her troubles only double when she finds the judge bludgeoned to death with his own gavel and Hannah is the number one suspect.
Everyone in Lake Eden, Minnesota, may have had their doubts, but at long last, Hannah Swensen is getting married! Hannah is thrilled to be marrying Ross Barton, her college crush. And her excitement only grows when she learns he’ll be able to join her on her trip to New York City for the Food Channel’s dessert chef contest. They get a taste of the Big Apple before Hannah wins the Hometown Challenge and the producers bring all the contestants to Lake Eden to tape the remainder of the show. It’s nerve-wracking enough being judged by Alain Duquesne, a celebrity chef with a nasty reputation. But it’s even more chilling to find him stabbed to death in the Lake Eden Inn’s walk-in cooler—before he’s even had a chance to taste Hannah’s Butterscotch Sugar Cookies! Now Hannah has not only lost her advantage, she’ll have to solve a mystery with more layers than a five-tiered wedding cake…
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Everyone in Lake Eden, Minnesota, may have had their doubts, but at long last, Hannah Swensen is getting married! Hannah is thrilled to be marrying Ross Barton, her college crush. And her excitement only grows when she learns he’ll be able to join her on her trip to New York City for the Food Channel’s dessert chef contest. They get a taste of the Big Apple before Hannah wins the Hometown Challenge and the producers bring all the contestants to Lake Eden to tape the remainder of the show. It’s nerve-wracking enough being judged by Alain Duquesne, a celebrity chef with a nasty reputation. But it’s even more chilling to find him stabbed to death in the Lake Eden Inn’s walk-in cooler—before he’s even had a chance to taste Hannah’s Butterscotch Sugar Cookies! Now Hannah has not only lost her advantage, she’ll have to solve a mystery with more layers than a five-tiered wedding cake…
Christmas normally descends on Lake Eden, Minnesota, as gently as reindeer alighting on a rooftop—but this yuletide season the only thing coming down Hannah Swensen’s chimney is a case of murder . . . The holidays have arrived, and Hannah and her good pal Lisa have agreed to provide all the goodies for the town’s annual production of A Christmas Carol. But before anyone can say “Bah, humbug!” a Santa-sized sackful of trouble ensues. Like the fact that Lisa’s husband will be playing Mr. Claus to his ex-girlfriend Phyllis Bates’ Mrs. Claus. Or that before the curtains even go up Phyllis is found dead in the snow—wearing a costume that the real Mrs. Claus would put on the naughty list. Soon after the suspects pile up faster than snowdrifts in a blizzard, while a merry murderer remains on the loose. With clues even harder to find, it might take a visit from ghosts of Christmas past to wrap up this mystery in time for the holidays . . . Includes Over a Dozen Holiday Recipes from The Cookie Jar!
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Christmas normally descends on Lake Eden, Minnesota, as gently as reindeer alighting on a rooftop—but this yuletide season the only thing coming down Hannah Swensen’s chimney is a case of murder . . . The holidays have arrived, and Hannah and her good pal Lisa have agreed to provide all the goodies for the town’s annual production of A Christmas Carol. But before anyone can say “Bah, humbug!” a Santa-sized sackful of trouble ensues. Like the fact that Lisa’s husband will be playing Mr. Claus to his ex-girlfriend Phyllis Bates’ Mrs. Claus. Or that before the curtains even go up Phyllis is found dead in the snow—wearing a costume that the real Mrs. Claus would put on the naughty list. Soon after the suspects pile up faster than snowdrifts in a blizzard, while a merry murderer remains on the loose. With clues even harder to find, it might take a visit from ghosts of Christmas past to wrap up this mystery in time for the holidays . . . Includes Over a Dozen Holiday Recipes from The Cookie Jar!
A romantic seven-day cruise is the perfect start to bakery owner Hannah Swensen’s marriage. However, with a murder mystery heating up in Lake Eden, Minnesota, it seems the newlywed’s homecoming won’t be as sweet as she anticipated . . . After an extravagant honeymoon, Hannah’s eager to settle down in Lake Eden and turn domestic daydreams into reality. But when her mother’s neighbor is discovered murdered in the condo downstairs, reality becomes a nightmarish investigation. Victoria Bascomb, once a renowned stage actress, was active in the theater community during her brief appearance in town . . . and made throngs of enemies along the way. Did a random intruder murder the woman as police claim, or was a deadlier scheme at play? As Hannah peels through countless suspects and some new troubles of her own, solving this crime—and living to tell about it—might prove trickier than mixing up the ultimate banana cream pie . . .
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A romantic seven-day cruise is the perfect start to bakery owner Hannah Swensen’s marriage. However, with a murder mystery heating up in Lake Eden, Minnesota, it seems the newlywed’s homecoming won’t be as sweet as she anticipated . . . After an extravagant honeymoon, Hannah’s eager to settle down in Lake Eden and turn domestic daydreams into reality. But when her mother’s neighbor is discovered murdered in the condo downstairs, reality becomes a nightmarish investigation. Victoria Bascomb, once a renowned stage actress, was active in the theater community during her brief appearance in town . . . and made throngs of enemies along the way. Did a random intruder murder the woman as police claim, or was a deadlier scheme at play? As Hannah peels through countless suspects and some new troubles of her own, solving this crime—and living to tell about it—might prove trickier than mixing up the ultimate banana cream pie . . .
Thanksgiving has a way of thawing the frostiest hearts in Lake Eden. But that won’t be happening for newlywed Hannah Swensen Barton—not after her husband suddenly disappears . . . Hannah has felt as bitter as November in Minnesota since Ross vanished without a trace and left their marriage in limbo. Still, she throws herself into a baking frenzy for the sake of pumpkin pie and Thanksgiving-themed treats while endless holiday orders pour into The Cookie Jar. Hannah even introduces a raspberry Danish pastry to the menu, and P.K., her husband’s assistant at KCOW-TV, will be one of the first to sample it. But instead of taking a bite, P.K., who is driving Ross’s car and using his desk at work, is murdered. Was someone plotting against P.K. all along or did Ross dodge a deadly dose of sweet revenge? Hannah will have to quickly sift through a cornucopia of clues and suspects to stop a killer from bringing another murder to the table . . .
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Thanksgiving has a way of thawing the frostiest hearts in Lake Eden. But that won’t be happening for newlywed Hannah Swensen Barton—not after her husband suddenly disappears . . . Hannah has felt as bitter as November in Minnesota since Ross vanished without a trace and left their marriage in limbo. Still, she throws herself into a baking frenzy for the sake of pumpkin pie and Thanksgiving-themed treats while endless holiday orders pour into The Cookie Jar. Hannah even introduces a raspberry Danish pastry to the menu, and P.K., her husband’s assistant at KCOW-TV, will be one of the first to sample it. But instead of taking a bite, P.K., who is driving Ross’s car and using his desk at work, is murdered. Was someone plotting against P.K. all along or did Ross dodge a deadly dose of sweet revenge? Hannah will have to quickly sift through a cornucopia of clues and suspects to stop a killer from bringing another murder to the table . . .
The story of how baker Hannah Swensen got her start as a “A lovely, frothy treat.”—Mystery Scene It’s Christmas many years ago, and topping young Hannah Swensen’s wish list is becoming the go-to baker in Lake Eden, Minnesota. But as Hannah finds out, revisiting holiday memories can be murder… With her dream of opening The Cookie Jar taking shape, Hannah’s life matches the hectic December hustle and bustle in Lake Eden—especially when she agrees to help recreate a spectacular Christmas Ball from the past in honor of Essie Granger, an elderly local in hospice care. But instead of poring over decadent dessert recipes for the merry festivities, she instantly becomes enthralled by Essie’s old notebooks—and the tale of a woman escaping danger on the streets of New York. Hannah’s surprised by Essie’s secret talent for penning crime fiction. She’s even more surprised when the story turns real. As Hannah prepares to run a bakery and move out of her mother’s house, it’ll be a true miracle if she can prevent another Yuletide disaster by solving a mystery as dense as a Christmas fruitcake . . . Features over a dozen cookie and dessert recipes from The Cookie Jar! “Series fans will enjoy learning how the Cookie Jar bakery came to be.”—Publishers Weekly
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The story of how baker Hannah Swensen got her start as a “A lovely, frothy treat.”—Mystery Scene It’s Christmas many years ago, and topping young Hannah Swensen’s wish list is becoming the go-to baker in Lake Eden, Minnesota. But as Hannah finds out, revisiting holiday memories can be murder… With her dream of opening The Cookie Jar taking shape, Hannah’s life matches the hectic December hustle and bustle in Lake Eden—especially when she agrees to help recreate a spectacular Christmas Ball from the past in honor of Essie Granger, an elderly local in hospice care. But instead of poring over decadent dessert recipes for the merry festivities, she instantly becomes enthralled by Essie’s old notebooks—and the tale of a woman escaping danger on the streets of New York. Hannah’s surprised by Essie’s secret talent for penning crime fiction. She’s even more surprised when the story turns real. As Hannah prepares to run a bakery and move out of her mother’s house, it’ll be a true miracle if she can prevent another Yuletide disaster by solving a mystery as dense as a Christmas fruitcake . . . Features over a dozen cookie and dessert recipes from The Cookie Jar! “Series fans will enjoy learning how the Cookie Jar bakery came to be.”—Publishers Weekly
The heat’s turned up on a busy baker in a novel by the New York Times-bestselling “Culinary cozies don’t get any tastier than this winning series.”—Library Journal When The Cookie Jar becomes the setting of a star-studded TV special about movies filmed in Minnesota, Hannah hopes to shine the spotlight on her bakery—not the unsavory scandal swirling around her personal life. But that’s practically impossible with a disturbing visit from the shifty character she once believed was her one and only love, a group of bodyguards following her every move, and a murder victim in her bedroom. Now, swapping the crime scene in her condo for her mother Delores’s penthouse, Hannah and an old flame team up to solve a case that’s messier than an upended chocolate cream pie. As suspects emerge and secrets hit close to home, Hannah must serve a hefty helping of justice to an unnamed killer prowling around Lake Eden…before someone takes a slice out of her! Features over a dozen cookie and dessert recipes from The Cookie Jar! “An updated, country-style classic mystery, meant for simple enjoyment and a touch of admiration at how Hannah always picks herself back up again, even when there’s a body in her bedroom and a disaster in her bakery…The only tough part about the book is the recipes can lure a reader into cooking something before reading the next chapter.”—New York Journal of Books
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The heat’s turned up on a busy baker in a novel by the New York Times-bestselling “Culinary cozies don’t get any tastier than this winning series.”—Library Journal When The Cookie Jar becomes the setting of a star-studded TV special about movies filmed in Minnesota, Hannah hopes to shine the spotlight on her bakery—not the unsavory scandal swirling around her personal life. But that’s practically impossible with a disturbing visit from the shifty character she once believed was her one and only love, a group of bodyguards following her every move, and a murder victim in her bedroom. Now, swapping the crime scene in her condo for her mother Delores’s penthouse, Hannah and an old flame team up to solve a case that’s messier than an upended chocolate cream pie. As suspects emerge and secrets hit close to home, Hannah must serve a hefty helping of justice to an unnamed killer prowling around Lake Eden…before someone takes a slice out of her! Features over a dozen cookie and dessert recipes from The Cookie Jar! “An updated, country-style classic mystery, meant for simple enjoyment and a touch of admiration at how Hannah always picks herself back up again, even when there’s a body in her bedroom and a disaster in her bakery…The only tough part about the book is the recipes can lure a reader into cooking something before reading the next chapter.”—New York Journal of Books
Bakery owner Hannah Swensen is leaving Lake Eden to help a friend in sunny California. But an unexpected phone call swiftly brings her back to a cold Minnesota winter . . . and murder . . . When Hannah learns that her sister Michelle’s boyfriend, Detective Lonnie Murphy, is the prime suspect in a murder case, she goes straight from a movie studio sound stage to the Los Angeles airport. Back in frigid Minnesota, she discovers that proving Lonnie’s innocence will be harder than figuring out what went wrong with a recipe. Lonnie remembers only parts of the night he went out to a local bar and ended up driving a very impaired woman home. He knows he helped her to her bedroom, but he doesn’t recall anything else until he woke up on her couch the following morning. When he went to the bedroom to check on her, he was shocked to discover she was dead. Hannah doesn’t know what to believe—only that exonerating a suspect who can’t remember is almost impossible, especially since Lonnie’s brother, Detective Rick Murphy, and Lonnie’s partner, Chief Detective Mike Kingston, have been taken off the case. Before everything comes crashing down on Lonnie like a heaping slice of coconut layer cake, it’ll be up to Hannah to rack up enough clues to toast a flaky killer . . .
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Bakery owner Hannah Swensen is leaving Lake Eden to help a friend in sunny California. But an unexpected phone call swiftly brings her back to a cold Minnesota winter . . . and murder . . . When Hannah learns that her sister Michelle’s boyfriend, Detective Lonnie Murphy, is the prime suspect in a murder case, she goes straight from a movie studio sound stage to the Los Angeles airport. Back in frigid Minnesota, she discovers that proving Lonnie’s innocence will be harder than figuring out what went wrong with a recipe. Lonnie remembers only parts of the night he went out to a local bar and ended up driving a very impaired woman home. He knows he helped her to her bedroom, but he doesn’t recall anything else until he woke up on her couch the following morning. When he went to the bedroom to check on her, he was shocked to discover she was dead. Hannah doesn’t know what to believe—only that exonerating a suspect who can’t remember is almost impossible, especially since Lonnie’s brother, Detective Rick Murphy, and Lonnie’s partner, Chief Detective Mike Kingston, have been taken off the case. Before everything comes crashing down on Lonnie like a heaping slice of coconut layer cake, it’ll be up to Hannah to rack up enough clues to toast a flaky killer . . .
A Festive & Delicious Christmas Cozy Mystery Featuring over a dozen cookie and dessert recipes from The Cookie Jar—Hannah Swensen’s famous bakery, this festive new Christmas mystery from the Queen of Culinary Cozies is just the holiday treat you need this season! As December turns Lake Eden into the North Pole, the heat is on in Hannah Swensen’s kitchen to honor two Christmas promises: baking irresistible holiday cupcakes and preventing murder! While Hannah speeds through a lengthy holiday checklist, drama in town grows like Santa’s waistline on Christmas Eve. Her sister Andrea wants to stave off the blues by helping out at The Cookie Jar, Michele’s love life is becoming complicated, Lisa needs Hannah’s advice, and Delores has a Christmas secret she’s not willing to share. But nothing dampens the holiday mood more than the chilling mystery surrounding the man found near death in an abandoned storefront two doors down from Hannah’s bakery . . . The befuddled John Doe can’t recall a thing about himself—except for his unusual knowledge of restoring antique furniture. With a smattering of clues and barely enough time to frost Christmas cookies, Hannah must solve a deadly puzzle that could leave her dashing through the snow for her life!
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A Festive & Delicious Christmas Cozy Mystery Featuring over a dozen cookie and dessert recipes from The Cookie Jar—Hannah Swensen’s famous bakery, this festive new Christmas mystery from the Queen of Culinary Cozies is just the holiday treat you need this season! As December turns Lake Eden into the North Pole, the heat is on in Hannah Swensen’s kitchen to honor two Christmas promises: baking irresistible holiday cupcakes and preventing murder! While Hannah speeds through a lengthy holiday checklist, drama in town grows like Santa’s waistline on Christmas Eve. Her sister Andrea wants to stave off the blues by helping out at The Cookie Jar, Michele’s love life is becoming complicated, Lisa needs Hannah’s advice, and Delores has a Christmas secret she’s not willing to share. But nothing dampens the holiday mood more than the chilling mystery surrounding the man found near death in an abandoned storefront two doors down from Hannah’s bakery . . . The befuddled John Doe can’t recall a thing about himself—except for his unusual knowledge of restoring antique furniture. With a smattering of clues and barely enough time to frost Christmas cookies, Hannah must solve a deadly puzzle that could leave her dashing through the snow for her life!
This fun new story from the Queen of Culinary Cozies is just the indulgence you need this winter! Cozy mystery fans know that a trip to The Cookie Jar—Hannah Swensen’s famous bakery—will always result in a delightfully page-turning whodunit… New York Times and USA Today Bestseller! Spring has sprung in Lake Eden, Minnesota, but Hannah Swensen doesn't have time to stop and smell the roses--not with hot cross buns to make, treats to bake, and a sister to exonerate! Hannah's up to her ears with Easter orders rushing in at The Cookie Jar, plus a festive meal to prepare for a dinner party at her mother's penthouse. But everything comes crashing to a halt when Hannah receives a panicked call from her sister Andrea--Mayor Richard Bascomb has been murdered...and Andrea is the prime suspect. Even with his reputation for being a bully, Mayor Bascomb--or "Ricky Ticky," as Hannah's mother likes to call him--had been unusually testy in the days leading up to his death, leaving Hannah to wonder if he knew he was in danger. Meanwhile, folks with a motive for mayoral murder are popping up in Lake Eden. Was it a beleaguered colleague? A political rival? A jealous wife? Or a scorned mistress? As orders pile up at The Cookie Jar--and children line up for Easter egg hunts--Hannah must spring into investigation mode and identify the real killer...before another murder happens!
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This fun new story from the Queen of Culinary Cozies is just the indulgence you need this winter! Cozy mystery fans know that a trip to The Cookie Jar—Hannah Swensen’s famous bakery—will always result in a delightfully page-turning whodunit… New York Times and USA Today Bestseller! Spring has sprung in Lake Eden, Minnesota, but Hannah Swensen doesn't have time to stop and smell the roses--not with hot cross buns to make, treats to bake, and a sister to exonerate! Hannah's up to her ears with Easter orders rushing in at The Cookie Jar, plus a festive meal to prepare for a dinner party at her mother's penthouse. But everything comes crashing to a halt when Hannah receives a panicked call from her sister Andrea--Mayor Richard Bascomb has been murdered...and Andrea is the prime suspect. Even with his reputation for being a bully, Mayor Bascomb--or "Ricky Ticky," as Hannah's mother likes to call him--had been unusually testy in the days leading up to his death, leaving Hannah to wonder if he knew he was in danger. Meanwhile, folks with a motive for mayoral murder are popping up in Lake Eden. Was it a beleaguered colleague? A political rival? A jealous wife? Or a scorned mistress? As orders pile up at The Cookie Jar--and children line up for Easter egg hunts--Hannah must spring into investigation mode and identify the real killer...before another murder happens!
In this scrumptious new read in the blockbuster series packed with delightful recipes from a beloved New York Times bestselling author, baker Hannah Swensen is tempted by a high-profile tournament in Lake Eden that quickly turns deadly… Embracing a sweet escape from her usual routine at The Cookie Jar, Hannah gets asked for her help in baking pastries at the local inn for a flashy fishing competition with big prizes and even bigger names. But the fun stops when she spots a runway boat on the water and, on board, the lifeless body of the event’s renowned celebrity spokesperson… Famed TV show host Sonny Bowman wasn’t humble about his ability to reel in winning catches, and no one knew that better than his tragically overworked sidekick, Joey. Did Joey finally take bloody revenge on his pompous boss—or was Sonny killed by a jealous contestant? With goodies to bake and a mess of fresh challenges mixed into her personal life, it’s either sink or swim as Hannah joins forces with her sister, Andrea, to catch a clever culprit before another unsuspecting victim goes belly up… Features Over a Dozen Cookie and Dessert Recipes from The Cookie Jar!
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In this scrumptious new read in the blockbuster series packed with delightful recipes from a beloved New York Times bestselling author, baker Hannah Swensen is tempted by a high-profile tournament in Lake Eden that quickly turns deadly… Embracing a sweet escape from her usual routine at The Cookie Jar, Hannah gets asked for her help in baking pastries at the local inn for a flashy fishing competition with big prizes and even bigger names. But the fun stops when she spots a runway boat on the water and, on board, the lifeless body of the event’s renowned celebrity spokesperson… Famed TV show host Sonny Bowman wasn’t humble about his ability to reel in winning catches, and no one knew that better than his tragically overworked sidekick, Joey. Did Joey finally take bloody revenge on his pompous boss—or was Sonny killed by a jealous contestant? With goodies to bake and a mess of fresh challenges mixed into her personal life, it’s either sink or swim as Hannah joins forces with her sister, Andrea, to catch a clever culprit before another unsuspecting victim goes belly up… Features Over a Dozen Cookie and Dessert Recipes from The Cookie Jar!
In this irresistible mystery from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Joanne Fluke, Hannah Swensen is at the center of a lively summer fest with fun for everyone in Lake Eden, Minnesota--including a cold-blooded murderer . . . The Tri-County Summer Solstice Celebration has come to town, and even among local artisans, athletes, and marching bands, Hannah attracts fans of her own while serving lip-smacking pink lemonade desserts. But the mood sours when a body turns up, leading revelers to wonder if the festivities mark both the longest day of the year and the deadliest . . . A retired professional MLB player has met a terrifying end--and, considering the rumors swirling about his past, the list of suspects could fill a small stadium. Among them could soon be Delores, Hannah's mother, who publicly held a grudge against the victim after he infamously dunked her in the tank at a previous county fair . . . Now, with her mother's innocence on the line, a life-changing announcement at The Cookie Jar, and a plethora of desserts to bake, Hannah can't afford to strike out as she begins a dangerous investigation into the ruthless killer who's truly in a league of their own . . .
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In this irresistible mystery from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Joanne Fluke, Hannah Swensen is at the center of a lively summer fest with fun for everyone in Lake Eden, Minnesota--including a cold-blooded murderer . . . The Tri-County Summer Solstice Celebration has come to town, and even among local artisans, athletes, and marching bands, Hannah attracts fans of her own while serving lip-smacking pink lemonade desserts. But the mood sours when a body turns up, leading revelers to wonder if the festivities mark both the longest day of the year and the deadliest . . . A retired professional MLB player has met a terrifying end--and, considering the rumors swirling about his past, the list of suspects could fill a small stadium. Among them could soon be Delores, Hannah's mother, who publicly held a grudge against the victim after he infamously dunked her in the tank at a previous county fair . . . Now, with her mother's innocence on the line, a life-changing announcement at The Cookie Jar, and a plethora of desserts to bake, Hannah can't afford to strike out as she begins a dangerous investigation into the ruthless killer who's truly in a league of their own . . .
Beloved New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Joanne Fluke dishes the next irresistible Hannah Swensen mystery, with Hannah scrambling to bring the flavors of autumn to Lake Eden, Minnesota . . . and the sweet taste of justice to an indulgent killer! As Lake Eden’s Harvest Festival sends The Cookie Jar into pumpkin spice mania, Hannah splits her focus between scrumptious treats and sharing her tiny condo with new roommates: Norman Rhodes and his cat, Cuddles. It’s an awkward but necessary solution after Norman’s dream farmhouse burned down over the summer, torched by a criminal desperately trying to conceal a terrifying secret . . . No one has a clue about the arsonist, the body found among the ruins, or the old class ring from a local high school partially melted by the flames. But when a celebration leads to the discovery of another murdered graduate, Hannah realizes someone might be seeking violent revenge against former classmates—and must whip up a last-minute plan to find out who . . . Now, with the help of her family, it’s on Hannah becomes a makeshift event planner to arrange an all-class alumni party at the school gym and tempt a vicious killer out of hiding. But if the true culprit RSVPs, can Hannah blow their cover and still live to slice another chiffon pie?
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Beloved New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Joanne Fluke dishes the next irresistible Hannah Swensen mystery, with Hannah scrambling to bring the flavors of autumn to Lake Eden, Minnesota . . . and the sweet taste of justice to an indulgent killer! As Lake Eden’s Harvest Festival sends The Cookie Jar into pumpkin spice mania, Hannah splits her focus between scrumptious treats and sharing her tiny condo with new roommates: Norman Rhodes and his cat, Cuddles. It’s an awkward but necessary solution after Norman’s dream farmhouse burned down over the summer, torched by a criminal desperately trying to conceal a terrifying secret . . . No one has a clue about the arsonist, the body found among the ruins, or the old class ring from a local high school partially melted by the flames. But when a celebration leads to the discovery of another murdered graduate, Hannah realizes someone might be seeking violent revenge against former classmates—and must whip up a last-minute plan to find out who . . . Now, with the help of her family, it’s on Hannah becomes a makeshift event planner to arrange an all-class alumni party at the school gym and tempt a vicious killer out of hiding. But if the true culprit RSVPs, can Hannah blow their cover and still live to slice another chiffon pie?
