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Les Survivants - La série

  • Nombre de tomes :
  • 8
  • Nombre de lecteurs :
  • 27
  • Classement en biblio :

La liste des tomes

Survivre, sauver, reconstruire. Dans un bunker en acier blindé, enterré sous sa maison, le capitaine Lee Harden attend ses ordres. À la surface, une épidémie ravage la planète, contaminant plus de 90 % de la population. La bactérie se fraie un chemin jusqu'au cerveau, y annihile toute humanité pour ne laisser derrière elle que quelques instincts primaires. Les infectés deviennent des prédateurs hyper-agressifs, mû par une insatiable faim et des pulsions meurtrières. Le soldat appartient à un corps d'élite préparé à faire face à la catastrophe. Tôt ou tard, il devra ouvrir la trappe de son bunker, braver le nouveau monde en ruines et s'acquitter de sa mission : rétablir l'ordre et reconstruire un gouvernement
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Survivre, sauver, reconstruire. Dans un bunker en acier blindé, enterré sous sa maison, le capitaine Lee Harden attend ses ordres. À la surface, une épidémie ravage la planète, contaminant plus de 90 % de la population. La bactérie se fraie un chemin jusqu'au cerveau, y annihile toute humanité pour ne laisser derrière elle que quelques instincts primaires. Les infectés deviennent des prédateurs hyper-agressifs, mû par une insatiable faim et des pulsions meurtrières. Le soldat appartient à un corps d'élite préparé à faire face à la catastrophe. Tôt ou tard, il devra ouvrir la trappe de son bunker, braver le nouveau monde en ruines et s'acquitter de sa mission : rétablir l'ordre et reconstruire un gouvernement
La mission du capitaine Lee Harden, sauver ses concitoyens et reconstruire le pays, n’est plus qu’un lointain souvenir. Blessé et sans arme, il est tombé sur un groupe de rescapés qui pourrait bien être son dernier espoir. Mais un événement tragique provoque une scission dans le groupe et le pousse à agir. Et dans le chaos de ce monde envahi d’infectés, Lee est visé par une nouvelle menace : quelqu’un qui ne reculera devant rien pour l’empêcher d’accomplir son devoir.
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La mission du capitaine Lee Harden, sauver ses concitoyens et reconstruire le pays, n’est plus qu’un lointain souvenir. Blessé et sans arme, il est tombé sur un groupe de rescapés qui pourrait bien être son dernier espoir. Mais un événement tragique provoque une scission dans le groupe et le pousse à agir. Et dans le chaos de ce monde envahi d’infectés, Lee est visé par une nouvelle menace : quelqu’un qui ne reculera devant rien pour l’empêcher d’accomplir son devoir.
Cela fait déjà trois mois que le Capitaine Lee Harden a retrouvé les survivants du camp Ryder. Avec larrivée de lhiver, Lee veut renforcer les défenses du camp. Mais tout le monde napprécie pas ses méthodes. Les tensions grandissent et pour ne rien arranger, les infectés pourraient bien détruire tout ce que Lee a lutté à mettre en place.
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Cela fait déjà trois mois que le Capitaine Lee Harden a retrouvé les survivants du camp Ryder. Avec larrivée de lhiver, Lee veut renforcer les défenses du camp. Mais tout le monde napprécie pas ses méthodes. Les tensions grandissent et pour ne rien arranger, les infectés pourraient bien détruire tout ce que Lee a lutté à mettre en place.
A SOLDIER'S MISSION IN A WORLD GONE TO HELL: SURVIVE, RESCUE, REBUILD This is the destiny of those who stand for others. Their honour will be bought in blood and pain. The Camp Ryder Hub is broken. Captain Lee Harden is nowhere to be found, and his allies are scattered across the state, each of them learning that their missions will not be as easy as they thought. Inside the walls of Camp Ryder, a silent war is brewing between those few that still support Lee's vision of rebuilding and the majority who support Jerry's desire for isolation. But this war will not remain silent for long. And in this savage world, everyone will have to make a choice. This is the fourth book in the bestselling Remaining series, telling a gritty tale of survival, perseverance and fighting to get back what has been lost.
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A SOLDIER'S MISSION IN A WORLD GONE TO HELL: SURVIVE, RESCUE, REBUILD This is the destiny of those who stand for others. Their honour will be bought in blood and pain. The Camp Ryder Hub is broken. Captain Lee Harden is nowhere to be found, and his allies are scattered across the state, each of them learning that their missions will not be as easy as they thought. Inside the walls of Camp Ryder, a silent war is brewing between those few that still support Lee's vision of rebuilding and the majority who support Jerry's desire for isolation. But this war will not remain silent for long. And in this savage world, everyone will have to make a choice. This is the fourth book in the bestselling Remaining series, telling a gritty tale of survival, perseverance and fighting to get back what has been lost.
Dan Molles' stunning Remaining saga continues in this first novella in the series set in a world ravaged by a virus that has turned 90% of the population into ravenous animals. While Captain Lee Harden struggles to fulfill his part in Project Hometown his trusted friend and ally Major Abe Darabie works to hold up his end of the mission. But caught between his responsibility to the mission and the ambitions of a new president Abe must decide where his duty lies and whom he can trust in a country turned upside down. Book 1: The Remaining Book 2: The Remaining: Aftermath Book 3: The Remaining: Refugees Book 4: The Remaining: Fractured Novella 1: The Remaining: Trust
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Dan Molles' stunning Remaining saga continues in this first novella in the series set in a world ravaged by a virus that has turned 90% of the population into ravenous animals. While Captain Lee Harden struggles to fulfill his part in Project Hometown his trusted friend and ally Major Abe Darabie works to hold up his end of the mission. But caught between his responsibility to the mission and the ambitions of a new president Abe must decide where his duty lies and whom he can trust in a country turned upside down. Book 1: The Remaining Book 2: The Remaining: Aftermath Book 3: The Remaining: Refugees Book 4: The Remaining: Fractured Novella 1: The Remaining: Trust
Dan Molles' stunning Remaining saga continues in the second novella in the series set in a world ravaged by a virus that has turned 90% of the population into ravenous animals. The world is slipping into chaos. A mysterious plague has come stateside, and Clyde Bealey suddenly finds himself with nothing but a suitcase full of worthless things and a desperate sense that he must prove himself to his pregnant wife. As he tries to lead his family to safety through a world filled with madmen, he will learn that the cost of his pride might be more than he can bear. Book 1: The Remaining Book 2: The Remaining: Aftermath Book 3: The Remaining: Refugees Book 4: The Remaining: Fractured Novella 1: The Remaining: Trust Novella 2: The Remaining: Faith
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Dan Molles' stunning Remaining saga continues in the second novella in the series set in a world ravaged by a virus that has turned 90% of the population into ravenous animals. The world is slipping into chaos. A mysterious plague has come stateside, and Clyde Bealey suddenly finds himself with nothing but a suitcase full of worthless things and a desperate sense that he must prove himself to his pregnant wife. As he tries to lead his family to safety through a world filled with madmen, he will learn that the cost of his pride might be more than he can bear. Book 1: The Remaining Book 2: The Remaining: Aftermath Book 3: The Remaining: Refugees Book 4: The Remaining: Fractured Novella 1: The Remaining: Trust Novella 2: The Remaining: Faith
This is the fifth novel in the action-packed series following Special Forces Captain Lee Harden and a group of survivors struggling to make their way in a ruined world. After a bacterium has turned 90% of the population into a ravenous horde, Lee must complete his mission: SURVIVE, RESCUE, REBUILD.
Voir la fiche
This is the fifth novel in the action-packed series following Special Forces Captain Lee Harden and a group of survivors struggling to make their way in a ruined world. After a bacterium has turned 90% of the population into a ravenous horde, Lee must complete his mission: SURVIVE, RESCUE, REBUILD.
This is the sixth and final novel in the action-packed series following Special Forces Captain Lee Harden and a group of survivors struggling to survive while rebuilding an America devastated by a bacterium that has turned 90% of the population into a ravenous horde. The merciless tide of infected is flooding south and time is running out to stop them. Bolstered by new allies, Captain Lee Harden continues his struggle to establish a safe haven from which the embers of a shattered society can be rekindled. This is the sixth and final novel in D.J. Molles's bestselling
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This is the sixth and final novel in the action-packed series following Special Forces Captain Lee Harden and a group of survivors struggling to survive while rebuilding an America devastated by a bacterium that has turned 90% of the population into a ravenous horde. The merciless tide of infected is flooding south and time is running out to stop them. Bolstered by new allies, Captain Lee Harden continues his struggle to establish a safe haven from which the embers of a shattered society can be rekindled. This is the sixth and final novel in D.J. Molles's bestselling


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