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Milliardaires célibataires - La série

  • Nombre de tomes :
  • 10
  • Nombre de lecteurs :
  • 6
  • Classement en biblio :

La liste des tomes

Joseph Anderson a décrété qu’il était grand temps pour ses trois fils aux carrières florissantes de se marier. Joseph veut des petits-enfants pour remplir son manoir, et le plus tôt sera le mieux. Son fils aîné, Lucas, réussit dans tous les domaines de sa vie, sauf en amour, et Joseph commence à jouer les entremetteurs. Lorsqu’il rencontre Amy Harper, il la considère comme la belle-fille idéale. Maintenant, il doit leur faire comprendre qu’ils sont faits l’un pour l’autre. Lucas Anderson est riche, sexy et obstiné. Il n’a aucune envie qu’une femme entre dans sa vie et provoque le chaos ou utilise le nom de sa famille. De nombreuses prétendantes ont essayé, mais chaque fois, il a vu clair dans leur jeu et sous leurs faux sourires. Amy Harper a été élevée dans des circonstances tragiques. Elle n’aime pas les hommes riches, pourris gâtés, qui ont toujours tout reçu avec une cuillère en argent. Elle a passé des années à étudier avant de décrocher un poste au sein de la société Anderson. Elle a horreur de son patron incroyablement sexy, arrogant comme personne, qui estime que toutes les femmes devraient être à ses pieds. Quand Amy tombe enceinte après une nuit de passion insouciante, elle redoute qu’il prenne le bébé et s’enfuie. Lucas est exigeant et il a l’habitude d’obtenir tout ce qu’il veut, mais Amy tient bon, avec la détermination suffisante pour le défier tout en le faisant craquer. Le père de Lucas, Joseph, et ses frères, Alex et Mark, ont beaucoup de rires, d’amour et de soutien à offrir. Avec l’affection de la famille de Lucas, qui n’est pas seulement riche et prospère, mais également aimante et généreuse, Amy commence à prendre conscience que la fortune d’un homme ne détermine pas sa personnalité et elle entrevoit le bonheur éternel auquel elle n’a jamais osé croire.
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Joseph Anderson a décrété qu’il était grand temps pour ses trois fils aux carrières florissantes de se marier. Joseph veut des petits-enfants pour remplir son manoir, et le plus tôt sera le mieux. Son fils aîné, Lucas, réussit dans tous les domaines de sa vie, sauf en amour, et Joseph commence à jouer les entremetteurs. Lorsqu’il rencontre Amy Harper, il la considère comme la belle-fille idéale. Maintenant, il doit leur faire comprendre qu’ils sont faits l’un pour l’autre. Lucas Anderson est riche, sexy et obstiné. Il n’a aucune envie qu’une femme entre dans sa vie et provoque le chaos ou utilise le nom de sa famille. De nombreuses prétendantes ont essayé, mais chaque fois, il a vu clair dans leur jeu et sous leurs faux sourires. Amy Harper a été élevée dans des circonstances tragiques. Elle n’aime pas les hommes riches, pourris gâtés, qui ont toujours tout reçu avec une cuillère en argent. Elle a passé des années à étudier avant de décrocher un poste au sein de la société Anderson. Elle a horreur de son patron incroyablement sexy, arrogant comme personne, qui estime que toutes les femmes devraient être à ses pieds. Quand Amy tombe enceinte après une nuit de passion insouciante, elle redoute qu’il prenne le bébé et s’enfuie. Lucas est exigeant et il a l’habitude d’obtenir tout ce qu’il veut, mais Amy tient bon, avec la détermination suffisante pour le défier tout en le faisant craquer. Le père de Lucas, Joseph, et ses frères, Alex et Mark, ont beaucoup de rires, d’amour et de soutien à offrir. Avec l’affection de la famille de Lucas, qui n’est pas seulement riche et prospère, mais également aimante et généreuse, Amy commence à prendre conscience que la fortune d’un homme ne détermine pas sa personnalité et elle entrevoit le bonheur éternel auquel elle n’a jamais osé croire.
Joseph Anderson a décidé qu’il était temps de trouver des épouses à ses trois fils aux carrières florissantes. Joseph veut des petits-enfants dans tout son manoir, et il ne veut plus attendre. Il a réussi avec son fils aîné, et dans ce tome-ci, il va s’attacher à jeter Alex et Jessica dans les bras l’un de l’autre. Alex est le deuxième fils d’une famille heureuse et aimante. Célibataire endurci, il aime voyager dans le monde entier et flirter avec autant de femmes que possible. Jusqu’à ce qu’il rencontre Jessica Sanders. Une nuit avec elle suffit à changer son opinion sur le célibat et il commence à penser que le mariage n’est pas une perspective si terrible. Jessica vient d’une famille riche et elle ne compte plus les beaux garçons qui ont essayé de profiter d’elle. Quand elle rencontre Alex Anderson, célibataire endurci et play-boy notoire, elle ne fait pas confiance à ses belles paroles et décide de l’éviter à tout prix. Jusqu’à ce qu’ils se retrouvent coincés dans un ascenseur et que sa peur du noir et des espaces confinés prenne le dessus sur ses appréhensions envers l’homme qui l’accompagne.
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Joseph Anderson a décidé qu’il était temps de trouver des épouses à ses trois fils aux carrières florissantes. Joseph veut des petits-enfants dans tout son manoir, et il ne veut plus attendre. Il a réussi avec son fils aîné, et dans ce tome-ci, il va s’attacher à jeter Alex et Jessica dans les bras l’un de l’autre. Alex est le deuxième fils d’une famille heureuse et aimante. Célibataire endurci, il aime voyager dans le monde entier et flirter avec autant de femmes que possible. Jusqu’à ce qu’il rencontre Jessica Sanders. Une nuit avec elle suffit à changer son opinion sur le célibat et il commence à penser que le mariage n’est pas une perspective si terrible. Jessica vient d’une famille riche et elle ne compte plus les beaux garçons qui ont essayé de profiter d’elle. Quand elle rencontre Alex Anderson, célibataire endurci et play-boy notoire, elle ne fait pas confiance à ses belles paroles et décide de l’éviter à tout prix. Jusqu’à ce qu’ils se retrouvent coincés dans un ascenseur et que sa peur du noir et des espaces confinés prenne le dessus sur ses appréhensions envers l’homme qui l’accompagne.
Joseph Anderson has been successful in finding brides for his two eldest sons. In this book he finds the perfect bride for his youngest son Mark. Mark has a billion dollar ranch operation that takes many employees to run successfully. He loses his cook and leaves it to his father to find a new one. Little does Mark know that Joseph is far more interested in her marriage potential than her cooking skills. Luckily he finds a woman who can cook and will make the perfect bride for his son. Emily Jackson is on the run from people who want to take her five year old son from her. She ends up in a small town in Washington and is excited to find an ad in the paper for a live in cook. When she starts work at the beautiful ranch, sparks fly with her new boss who is sexier than any cowboy has the right to be. She does not want to risk having an affair with her boss and losing her job so she will fight the attraction until passion overcomes them both. Take the journey with Mark and his family as the youngest Anderson finds his bride.
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Joseph Anderson has been successful in finding brides for his two eldest sons. In this book he finds the perfect bride for his youngest son Mark. Mark has a billion dollar ranch operation that takes many employees to run successfully. He loses his cook and leaves it to his father to find a new one. Little does Mark know that Joseph is far more interested in her marriage potential than her cooking skills. Luckily he finds a woman who can cook and will make the perfect bride for his son. Emily Jackson is on the run from people who want to take her five year old son from her. She ends up in a small town in Washington and is excited to find an ad in the paper for a live in cook. When she starts work at the beautiful ranch, sparks fly with her new boss who is sexier than any cowboy has the right to be. She does not want to risk having an affair with her boss and losing her job so she will fight the attraction until passion overcomes them both. Take the journey with Mark and his family as the youngest Anderson finds his bride.
George Anderson lost his wife five years ago, and then his family fell apart. He needs to make a drastic change to bring his family back together. He gets together with his twin brother Joseph Anderson and the two men make plans to do some matchmaking for George’s stubborn children. George will get his grandkids and his family all together again. Trenton Anderson is furious with his father, when the man decides to move the corporation he runs from Chicago to Seattle. He arrives in Seattle and meets Jennifer Stellar and the sparks immediately fly. He decides he likes what he sees and immediately begins chasing her. Jennifer had a horrible tragedy, and lost her sister and brother-in-law in an auto accident. She has temporary custody of her niece, and needs to do whatever it takes to gain full custody. She gets a great job working for Trenton, and can’t seem to resist the man’s advances, though she continually tries. Both Trenton and Jennifer are stubborn, and charming, and along with Trenton’s siblings and cousins, you will fall in love with the Anderson’s all over again.
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George Anderson lost his wife five years ago, and then his family fell apart. He needs to make a drastic change to bring his family back together. He gets together with his twin brother Joseph Anderson and the two men make plans to do some matchmaking for George’s stubborn children. George will get his grandkids and his family all together again. Trenton Anderson is furious with his father, when the man decides to move the corporation he runs from Chicago to Seattle. He arrives in Seattle and meets Jennifer Stellar and the sparks immediately fly. He decides he likes what he sees and immediately begins chasing her. Jennifer had a horrible tragedy, and lost her sister and brother-in-law in an auto accident. She has temporary custody of her niece, and needs to do whatever it takes to gain full custody. She gets a great job working for Trenton, and can’t seem to resist the man’s advances, though she continually tries. Both Trenton and Jennifer are stubborn, and charming, and along with Trenton’s siblings and cousins, you will fall in love with the Anderson’s all over again.
Cassandra, or Cassie, as everyone calls her is trying to get her big break into the journalism world. She wants an exclusive interview with the famous Max Anderson. But, the man refuses to return her calls. She isn’t willing to give up, but fate steps in and helps her out. She’s out taking a walk one afternoon, when everything goes dark. She wakes up in the hospital to find out that she’s been hit by a car by none other than Max Anderson. He offers to pay her off, but there’s only one thing she wants from Max, and that’s to get her exclusive interview. Max agrees to Cassie’s interview, but only because she intrigues him. He wants to spend time with her to find out why he can’t get her out of his mind, day or night.
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Cassandra, or Cassie, as everyone calls her is trying to get her big break into the journalism world. She wants an exclusive interview with the famous Max Anderson. But, the man refuses to return her calls. She isn’t willing to give up, but fate steps in and helps her out. She’s out taking a walk one afternoon, when everything goes dark. She wakes up in the hospital to find out that she’s been hit by a car by none other than Max Anderson. He offers to pay her off, but there’s only one thing she wants from Max, and that’s to get her exclusive interview. Max agrees to Cassie’s interview, but only because she intrigues him. He wants to spend time with her to find out why he can’t get her out of his mind, day or night.
Joseph and George Anderson are once again back to match-making in the sixth book in The Billionaire Bachelors Series. Bree has had enough of over-protective brothers and a meddling father, so she decides to run to a small town, where she can prove she can make it on her own. The only thing wrong with that situation is there’s a stalker after her, determined to make her his – or else end her life. George hires Chad, Mark’s best friend and ex-Navy Seal to guard Bree. She is furious about her father sending her a babysitter.
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Joseph and George Anderson are once again back to match-making in the sixth book in The Billionaire Bachelors Series. Bree has had enough of over-protective brothers and a meddling father, so she decides to run to a small town, where she can prove she can make it on her own. The only thing wrong with that situation is there’s a stalker after her, determined to make her his – or else end her life. George hires Chad, Mark’s best friend and ex-Navy Seal to guard Bree. She is furious about her father sending her a babysitter.
When the head of the Anderson family, Joseph, gets into a life-changing automobile accident, his family struggles to find a way to survive if he doesn’t come out of the coma the accident has placed him in. Austin Anderson is used to being single, but slowly he's watched his siblings and cousins find true love, leaving him the final Anderson without a spouse. That's all about to change when he meets Kinsey, who has him chasing her all across town. This couple has passion, love, and excitement, and both are determined to make it on their own, though, they are so much better together. Listen to the heartfelt reminiscing of Katherine as she tells the story of her romance with Joseph as she sits by his bedside, never losing faith that he’ll come back to her. Laugh along with the large family as they turn the tables and start plotting against George as he tries to hide his growing feelings for Esther. This final chapter in the Anderson family will leave you laughing, crying, and on a roller coaster of emotion as you once again step back into the world of the Anderson’s. Family always comes first to the Multi-Billionaire’s of Seattle.
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When the head of the Anderson family, Joseph, gets into a life-changing automobile accident, his family struggles to find a way to survive if he doesn’t come out of the coma the accident has placed him in. Austin Anderson is used to being single, but slowly he's watched his siblings and cousins find true love, leaving him the final Anderson without a spouse. That's all about to change when he meets Kinsey, who has him chasing her all across town. This couple has passion, love, and excitement, and both are determined to make it on their own, though, they are so much better together. Listen to the heartfelt reminiscing of Katherine as she tells the story of her romance with Joseph as she sits by his bedside, never losing faith that he’ll come back to her. Laugh along with the large family as they turn the tables and start plotting against George as he tries to hide his growing feelings for Esther. This final chapter in the Anderson family will leave you laughing, crying, and on a roller coaster of emotion as you once again step back into the world of the Anderson’s. Family always comes first to the Multi-Billionaire’s of Seattle.
FROM NEW YORK TIMES AND USA TODAY BEST SELLING AUTHOR COMES THE CONTINUATION OF THE WELL LOVED ANDERSON SERIES The Andersons are back in this exciting new line of the bestselling series everyone is talking about. In this new series, you will meet Richard Storm and his five children, and the circumstances that ripped him away from his brothers, Joseph and George Anderson. See how they finally meet. The bonds of an Anderson bloodline are too strong to keep their family apart forever. Richard Storm is saddened that his children are throwing away their lives, and offers them an ultimatum. They have two years to take a failing business and make it a success or they lose their trust funds, and are on their own. His stubborn children think he’s gone insane, but they don’t know the powerful secret that can knock them to their knees and tear their family apart. Will they come together as they should, or will self-centeredness consume their hearts, ripping their family apart forever? Crew Storm opens an exclusive resort in the Catalina Islands off the coast of California, and pride swells within him as he accomplishes the impossible. Everything is going on track until a blonde steps into his life and asks him to teach her how to be the perfect seductress. Haley Sutherland is done with her fears, done being a wallflower and done being invisible. She comes up with a brilliant idea to find the perfect person to teach her how to seduce the man she truly wants. Though, the person she’s chosen to be her teacher is Crew Storm, soon she finds she’s forgetting her first love’s name. This story will take you on a journey through the heart as Crew teaches Haley more than she ever imagined, and finds himself gaining more than he thought he needed. Reunite with the Andersons as they discover new relatives and meet this new branch in the Anderson line. Will love truly conquer all, or will stubbornness make them lose everything they never knew they had.
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FROM NEW YORK TIMES AND USA TODAY BEST SELLING AUTHOR COMES THE CONTINUATION OF THE WELL LOVED ANDERSON SERIES The Andersons are back in this exciting new line of the bestselling series everyone is talking about. In this new series, you will meet Richard Storm and his five children, and the circumstances that ripped him away from his brothers, Joseph and George Anderson. See how they finally meet. The bonds of an Anderson bloodline are too strong to keep their family apart forever. Richard Storm is saddened that his children are throwing away their lives, and offers them an ultimatum. They have two years to take a failing business and make it a success or they lose their trust funds, and are on their own. His stubborn children think he’s gone insane, but they don’t know the powerful secret that can knock them to their knees and tear their family apart. Will they come together as they should, or will self-centeredness consume their hearts, ripping their family apart forever? Crew Storm opens an exclusive resort in the Catalina Islands off the coast of California, and pride swells within him as he accomplishes the impossible. Everything is going on track until a blonde steps into his life and asks him to teach her how to be the perfect seductress. Haley Sutherland is done with her fears, done being a wallflower and done being invisible. She comes up with a brilliant idea to find the perfect person to teach her how to seduce the man she truly wants. Though, the person she’s chosen to be her teacher is Crew Storm, soon she finds she’s forgetting her first love’s name. This story will take you on a journey through the heart as Crew teaches Haley more than she ever imagined, and finds himself gaining more than he thought he needed. Reunite with the Andersons as they discover new relatives and meet this new branch in the Anderson line. Will love truly conquer all, or will stubbornness make them lose everything they never knew they had.
The second book in the Lost Anderson series is here, and it comes to you with a kicking and screaming heiress. Brielle Storm inherits a dilapidated ranch in the wilds of Montana and she isn’t happy about her situation in the least. She may be moving to her new home, and she may be planning on doing whatever it takes to make her billionaire father happy, but she certainly won’t be doing it with a smile on her face. No. Brielle plans on coming to Montana, hiring some ranch hand to do all the work, and then getting out of there before the first winter snow has a chance to hit. Montana isn’t a state that offers predictable weather and Brielle is going to find out that the land isn’t the only thing she has to fear. When her hotter than any city boy ever dreams of being, cowboy neighbor shows up on her doorstep, Brielle decides that maybe Montana isn’t so bad after-all. That is until he laughs openly at her city girl ways. Then, she has something to prove…
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The second book in the Lost Anderson series is here, and it comes to you with a kicking and screaming heiress. Brielle Storm inherits a dilapidated ranch in the wilds of Montana and she isn’t happy about her situation in the least. She may be moving to her new home, and she may be planning on doing whatever it takes to make her billionaire father happy, but she certainly won’t be doing it with a smile on her face. No. Brielle plans on coming to Montana, hiring some ranch hand to do all the work, and then getting out of there before the first winter snow has a chance to hit. Montana isn’t a state that offers predictable weather and Brielle is going to find out that the land isn’t the only thing she has to fear. When her hotter than any city boy ever dreams of being, cowboy neighbor shows up on her doorstep, Brielle decides that maybe Montana isn’t so bad after-all. That is until he laughs openly at her city girl ways. Then, she has something to prove…
Mega wealthy Tanner Storm has it all – great looks, wealth, and nothing holding him down. Then, his father decides to play games with him and his siblings, handing him an apartment complex in downtown Seattle that Tanner wants nothing to do with. When the conditions of his father’s terms ensure that he do something with this building or lose his inheritance, he at first thinks, so what. But, then it becomes a challenge that he has to accept, because he’s never before backed down. He decides to tear down the building and start fresh with something far more appealing that will add to his already fat wallet. The only problem is that the residents don’t want to leave, and under the contract with his father, he can’t force them out. When he ends up before Judge Kragle from all the complaints made against him, the judge decides the best punishment for him will be two weeks of living in the very apartment complex he despises and two weeks of community service, playing Santa Claus at the mall. Perfect! This is not the Christmas of his dream. The plot thickens when he meets his neighbor, Kyla and falls into instant lust. Will this turn out to be Tanner’s secret angel, or will he forget all about her the minute he leaves? Enjoy this Anderson Christmas Novel from NYT Best Selling Author Melody Anne who wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and an even happier New Year.
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Mega wealthy Tanner Storm has it all – great looks, wealth, and nothing holding him down. Then, his father decides to play games with him and his siblings, handing him an apartment complex in downtown Seattle that Tanner wants nothing to do with. When the conditions of his father’s terms ensure that he do something with this building or lose his inheritance, he at first thinks, so what. But, then it becomes a challenge that he has to accept, because he’s never before backed down. He decides to tear down the building and start fresh with something far more appealing that will add to his already fat wallet. The only problem is that the residents don’t want to leave, and under the contract with his father, he can’t force them out. When he ends up before Judge Kragle from all the complaints made against him, the judge decides the best punishment for him will be two weeks of living in the very apartment complex he despises and two weeks of community service, playing Santa Claus at the mall. Perfect! This is not the Christmas of his dream. The plot thickens when he meets his neighbor, Kyla and falls into instant lust. Will this turn out to be Tanner’s secret angel, or will he forget all about her the minute he leaves? Enjoy this Anderson Christmas Novel from NYT Best Selling Author Melody Anne who wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and an even happier New Year.


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