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Sanguis Noctis - La série

  • Nombre de tomes :
  • 3
  • Nombre de lecteurs :
  • 147
  • Classement en biblio :

La liste des tomes

Sanguis Noctis: TOME 1 Jed Walker, mercenaire, ne pensait pas que ce boulot serait compliqué : il lui suffisait d'entrer, de récupérer ce que son client voulait et de repartir. Sauf que son nouveau client ne veut ni argent, ni objets de valeur. Il veut Redford Reed, un homme timide mais superbe, qui retourne tout l'univers de Jed en une journée. Et Jed n'est pas vraiment préparé à tomber si rapidement sous le charme de l'objet de sa dernière mission ! Redford Reed a vécu toute sa vie enfermé dans la maison de sa grand-mère, hanté par une terrible malédiction, à regarder le monde avancer autour de lui. Jusqu'à ce qu'un jour, Jed débarque, envoyé par un homme qui ne s'arrêtera à rien pour que Redford lui appartienne. S'associer à Jed est sa seule chance de survivre, mais au fur et à mesure que la violence empire, la tension monte entre eux. Et même s'ils ont enfin trouvé quelque chose qui pourrait donner sens à leurs vies, maintenant il va falloir tout le talent de Jed et tout le courage de Redford pour qu'ils puissent ne serait-ce que rester en vie.
Voir la fiche
Sanguis Noctis: TOME 1 Jed Walker, mercenaire, ne pensait pas que ce boulot serait compliqué : il lui suffisait d'entrer, de récupérer ce que son client voulait et de repartir. Sauf que son nouveau client ne veut ni argent, ni objets de valeur. Il veut Redford Reed, un homme timide mais superbe, qui retourne tout l'univers de Jed en une journée. Et Jed n'est pas vraiment préparé à tomber si rapidement sous le charme de l'objet de sa dernière mission ! Redford Reed a vécu toute sa vie enfermé dans la maison de sa grand-mère, hanté par une terrible malédiction, à regarder le monde avancer autour de lui. Jusqu'à ce qu'un jour, Jed débarque, envoyé par un homme qui ne s'arrêtera à rien pour que Redford lui appartienne. S'associer à Jed est sa seule chance de survivre, mais au fur et à mesure que la violence empire, la tension monte entre eux. Et même s'ils ont enfin trouvé quelque chose qui pourrait donner sens à leurs vies, maintenant il va falloir tout le talent de Jed et tout le courage de Redford pour qu'ils puissent ne serait-ce que rester en vie.
sanguis noctis TOME 2 When David, an old contact and sometimes friend, hires Jed Walker to look into a series of seemingly unrelated disappearances in Cairo, Jed jumps at the chance to show his partner, Redford Reed, more of the world he’s been missing. David’s boyfriend, supernatural expert and resident stuffy professor Victor Rathbone, joins them in their journey to Egypt, which holds many more dangers and mysteries than Jed ever expected. Hidden natures resurface, relationships collide, and instincts are stretched to their breaking point. What seems to be a simple case turns out to be anything but. David may have called for help, but he has his own suspicions about who’s behind the kidnappings—suspicions that, along with clashing personalities, make getting to the bottom of the mystery difficult. While Jed and Redford grow more intimate and trusting with each new obstacle in their path, David and Victor struggle not to lose their trust in each other in the face of their differences. As the four close in on the kidnappers, David is forced to face the one thing more dangerous than the mastermind behind the disappearances: himself.
Voir la fiche
sanguis noctis TOME 2 When David, an old contact and sometimes friend, hires Jed Walker to look into a series of seemingly unrelated disappearances in Cairo, Jed jumps at the chance to show his partner, Redford Reed, more of the world he’s been missing. David’s boyfriend, supernatural expert and resident stuffy professor Victor Rathbone, joins them in their journey to Egypt, which holds many more dangers and mysteries than Jed ever expected. Hidden natures resurface, relationships collide, and instincts are stretched to their breaking point. What seems to be a simple case turns out to be anything but. David may have called for help, but he has his own suspicions about who’s behind the kidnappings—suspicions that, along with clashing personalities, make getting to the bottom of the mystery difficult. While Jed and Redford grow more intimate and trusting with each new obstacle in their path, David and Victor struggle not to lose their trust in each other in the face of their differences. As the four close in on the kidnappers, David is forced to face the one thing more dangerous than the mastermind behind the disappearances: himself.
Sanguis Noctis: Book Three Mercenary Jed Walker and his reclusive boyfriend, Redford Reed, are all set for a much-needed trip—nothing but sand, fish, sun, and drinks with those tiny umbrellas in them—when Victor Rathbone shows up with an acquaintance in tow. Randall Lewis pleads for their help in finding a cure for his brother Anthony’s rare disease. Jed, Redford, and Victor join the Lewises as they set out to find the Gray Lady, legendary leader of the largest wolf pack in existence, who may be able to help. What they don’t expect is to find themselves caught up in her pack’s struggles with local human hunters or a growing conflict among the supernatural communities. Jed is abruptly faced with what it means to be human in a world rife with the supernatural, and the challenges keep piling up: fear that his way of life is hurting his Redford, sparks flying between the half-blood Victor and wolf Randall, the impending threat of hunters, and the quickly approaching war that could kill them all. All things considered, Jed wishes fishing was the only thing he had to look forward to.
Voir la fiche
Sanguis Noctis: Book Three Mercenary Jed Walker and his reclusive boyfriend, Redford Reed, are all set for a much-needed trip—nothing but sand, fish, sun, and drinks with those tiny umbrellas in them—when Victor Rathbone shows up with an acquaintance in tow. Randall Lewis pleads for their help in finding a cure for his brother Anthony’s rare disease. Jed, Redford, and Victor join the Lewises as they set out to find the Gray Lady, legendary leader of the largest wolf pack in existence, who may be able to help. What they don’t expect is to find themselves caught up in her pack’s struggles with local human hunters or a growing conflict among the supernatural communities. Jed is abruptly faced with what it means to be human in a world rife with the supernatural, and the challenges keep piling up: fear that his way of life is hurting his Redford, sparks flying between the half-blood Victor and wolf Randall, the impending threat of hunters, and the quickly approaching war that could kill them all. All things considered, Jed wishes fishing was the only thing he had to look forward to.


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