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The Bringer

Description ajoutée par anonyme 2013-10-08T17:14:05+02:00


Lucyna is a Bringer. An emotionless being, whose role is to guide souls to the gate of Heaven.

Until she meets James.

In that moment, everything she knows changes, when she is struck with the sensation of feelings.

Curious and unable to help herself, Lucyna finds her herself drawn to James, against every instinct she has ever had, against every law of the universe.

Before she knows it, she’s fallen in love.

And for a Bringer, that's a terrifying fall.

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Classement en biblio


Extrait ajouté par mademoisellejuliette9a 2017-06-20T20:16:37+02:00

The Awakening

I stand by the doorway and wait patiently while she looks at what used to be her body.

Turning slowly, she brings her vivid blue eyes to look up at me. “Are you an angel?” she asks in a timid voice.

If I had a penny for every time I’ve been asked that - well not that pennies are of any use to me, but still.

I gently shake my head. “No. I’m not an angel. But I am the one who’s here to take you to the angels.” I add a friendly smile to make her feel more at ease.

She considers this for a moment, then turns back to look at her grieving parents who sit agonised by her bedside.

“Will I ever see them again?” I can hear the tremor in her tiny voice, sadness I know it to be.

“Yes. I don’t know when, but one day you will see them again.”

This I’m not privileged to have seen with my own eyes, but it is what the Elders tell us to be true.

I deliver humans to the door of Heaven. To their door into Heaven, but don’t truly know what occurs when they pass through. But I do know it to be something wonderful, giving joy and happiness to all who go there.

I’m a Bringer.

It’s what I do, and have done since I’ve existed. I’m here to guide, to make humans feel as comfortable as possible through their, mostly unwanted, transition from being alive to just being.

Humans struggle to leave behind the ones they love. And for their sake, I have to ensure they don’t try to stay here on earth, trapping themselves for all eternity. Because once they walk away from Heaven, they will never, ever, be able to go there. Once their door closes, it never again opens.

I glance over at her parents. The mother is sobbing, clinging to her daughter’s lifeless hand. The father has silent tears trickling down his cheeks as he desperately tries to comfort the mother. They both appear broken, beyond repair.

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