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The Iron Butterfly, Tome 3 : The Silver Siren

Description ajoutée par Oukami 2017-12-29T20:52:16+01:00


Chaque voyage a une fin.

Incapable de trouver les réponses qu'elle cherchait dans Skyfell, Thalia, Joss et Kael se rendent à Haven avec un prisonnier en remorque. Une attaque sur la route contourne leurs plans, et Thalia se retrouve seule avec Kael dans le sanctuaire caché des SwordBrothers.

Mais la guerre est à l'horizon et le Raven amasse son armée. Cette fois, la cible n'est pas Calandry, mais les Sirènes de Sinnedor. Lorsque les liens familiaux sont révélés, Thalia doit choisir ses côtés. Désireuse de briser le sceau final de son pouvoir et de sauver ceux qu'elle aime, Thalia goûtera-t-elle volontiers la douleur amère de la machine à papillons de fer une dernière fois?

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Classement en biblio - 4 lecteurs


Stopping every couple of feet to regain my balance, I made my way to the stream.

Kael never spoke a word.

Kneeling down, I leaned over to look at my face. I couldn’t see anything. The river was rushing too fast and the sun was at the wrong angle. I saw nothing but water.

“No!” I cried and touching the water in disbelief. Something was hideously wrong with my face and I couldn’t even see it. 

“What’s wrong?” Kael’s soothing voice finally tried to calm me as his hands touched my shoulders lightly, trying to turn me toward him. 

“Something’s wrong with my face. I’m a monster. Don’t look at me.” I tucked my chin toward my chest and closed my eyes. 

“Shh. Thalia, that’s not true. There’s nothing wrong with your face.” 

“No I heard them; they said I was a monster, Kael. I know what I heard.” I used my hands to cover my face in horror. 

Kael tore a band of cloth from the bottom of his shirt and dipped it into the cold river. He began wiping away the dirt and ashes from my face.

Jerking from the coldness, I tried to pull away. Kael held me firmly but gently. “How am I supposed to tell you what you look like if you are covered in ashes?”

Keeping my eyes closed, I let Kael wipe all of the dirt and soot from my face. The act was in itself kind, sensual, and completely out of character for the SwordBrother.

When he finished, he ran his fingers down my face and cupped my cheeks. “Thalia, open your eyes.”

“I’m scared to.” 

“I’m here, remember? I’ll keep the bad things away,” Kael said softly. “I’ve kept my promise so far haven’t I?” 

He had.

Besides, if my eyes really were that grotesque, he could handle it.

I opened my eyes, keeping my head down. I raised them to focus on Kael’s knees and slowly, ever so slowly, worked my way up. This was the first time that I had looked at him since last night. He was covered in soot and ash as well. One arm was bandaged, and blood seeped from a wound on his bicep. His neck had a large scratch on it and his chin was burned.

My eyes froze on his lips as I remembered the kiss we’d shared, and a longing came over me to kiss him again. But I pushed it aside and traveled higher until I met his eyes.

Kael’s eyes widened in surprise and his breath caught in his throat.

I had startled the SwordBrother.

My hands started to tremble and I grasped his shirt for dear life. “Tell me.” My voice shook. “Tell me what you see.”

Kael started to breathe again, though his gaze never left my eyes. His thumb gently rubbed my cheek.

“I see you, Thalia. You.” 

“What else, Kael? What’s wrong with my eyes?” 

“Nothing’s wrong. It’s beautiful.” 

“It?” I cried, confused. 

“It’s silver. One of your eyes turned silver.” 

I didn’t believe him.

“Thalia, one is blue and one is silver.” He chuckled still holding my face. 

“Eww!” I scrunched up my face at him in disgust. “How horrible.” I would have said more, but Kael’s eyes turned stormy in disapproval. 

“I think I’ll be the judge of that.” 

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Une très bonne fin pour cette trilogie, même si on peut parfois deviner ce qui va se passer, l'auteur nous fait vibrer entre rebondissements, émotion et trahison tout au long du livre. Le seul bémol est que Kael m'a un peu manqué dans ce tome mais c'est bien le seul bémol.

Un coup de coeur pour ce tome comme pour toute la série.

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