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Her magic is bound; his secrets are threatening to destroy them both.
Aileana and Xander have accepted the truth about their mating bond. Now, they're working together to free Aileana from the blood magic binding her. Only then can they continue Xander's century long search for the map.
They soon find out there is no easy solution to their problems. They must journey to the capital, bringing them dangerously close to High King Edgar and his Winged Soldiers in an effort to free her. The earth is calling to Aileana, and time is running out.
When Xander's secrets come back to haunt him, they put everything in jeopardy.
His very existence puts them both in danger.
Nothing is going as planned, and before long, the pair is faced with the hardest choice of them all. They can solidify the mating bond—or they can part ways forever.
This Rapunzel retelling is a slow burn, enemies-to-lovers romantic fantasy and is filled with banter, fated mates, fake marriage, and world-building. Of Wings and Briars is book 2/5 in The Ithenmyr Chronicles. It is strongly recommended to read these books in order.
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