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Jonah Carver is a Marine Staff Sergeant and veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan. After one scorching night with his former Platoon Commander, Kellan Reynolds, Jonah lost touch with him and has regretted it ever since. When an investigation into government corruption and the murder of U.S. troops ends in the killing of a V.I.P. on Jonah's watch, the FBI arrive to take over and see the investigation through. With them, is Kellan Reynolds. Once more in each other's company, the sparks fly, just like they did before. Jonah begins to believe in second chances.
Nothing is very quite that easy, though. The subjects of the investigation will stop at nothing to bring it to an end. Jonah must keep everyone in his charge alive while he helps the FBI and Kellan find the proof they need to put a stop to the corruption.
When Kellan is kidnapped by the subjects of the investigation, Jonah has to find him and rescue him. If he doesn't, not only might the investigation unravel, but he'll lose Kellan for a second time...this time, for good.
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