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Une vengeance si douce / Un pacte avec lui

Description ajoutée par Underworld 2019-11-20T16:26:13+01:00


** Une vengeance si douce - Maureen Child **

Série "Kings of California" - Tome 14

L’océan turquoise, une plage de sable fin et une végétation luxuriante abritant de splendides cascades. C’est sur l’île de Tesoro que Rico King a bâti son palace – son rêve. Et il ne laissera personne le détruire. Alors, quand il apprend que Teresa Coretti et sa famille de voleurs de bijoux ont osé refaire surface à Tesoro, chez lui, Rico est fou de rage. Il se vengera de cette femme qui lui a fait baisser sa garde pour mieux le tromper. Il brisera celle qu’il a passionnément aimée, et qui, en plus d’un trésor inestimable, lui a ravi son cœur et son honneur en prenant la fuite le lendemain de leurs noces…

Titre en VO (anglais) : Her Return to King's Bed

Description en VO :

She married him. Used him. Then left him. Rico King has waited five years for revenge. Now he's got Teresa Coretti where he wants her. To save her family, she'll return to Rico's island...and his bed...for one month. That will cure the hunger that's afflicted him since she left....

But Rico can't know what it cost Teresa to leave him. Nor the exquisite torture of being with him again. Because soon, her divided loyalties could once again cost her the love of her life.

** Un pacte avec lui - Christine Flynn **

Depuis trois jours, le monde d’Aurora vacille. Après avoir perdu son emploi, voilà qu’elle est sur le point d’être expulsée de son appartement avec son fils. Aussi, quand un mystérieux bienfaiteur lui propose soudain d’emménager dans la maison de ses rêves, y voit-elle un signe du destin, la chance qu’elle espérait de démarrer une nouvelle vie. Mais il y a une condition à cet étrange cadeau de Noël : elle va devoir cohabiter quelques mois avec Erik Sullivan, un homme qui lui manifeste une franche hostilité…

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Classement en biblio - 10 lecteurs


** Extrait offert par Maureen Child **

"A jewel thief?" Rico King demanded of his chief of security. "Here in the hotel?"

Franklin Hicks scowled. The man was late thirties, stood six foot five and boasted a shaved head and sharp blue eyes. "Only explanation. The guest in bungalow six—Serenity James—reported that some of her diamonds are missing. I've already interviewed the maid and room service."

Bungalow six. Rico could have pulled up the map of the hotel on his computer, but there was no need. He knew every inch of his place. He knew that the bungalows were set apart from the main hotel—for privacy, since a lot of his clientele insisted on seclusion. People like Serenity James, an up-and-coming Hollywood darling who, in spite of her name, lived life on the edge.

The actress might claim to want to avoid photographers and nosy guests, but according to security, there were men streaming in and out of her bungalow at all hours. Any one of them could have made off with the diamonds. He hoped it would be that easy.

"What about Ms. James's 'guests'?" Rico looked up at the other man. "Did you talk to them, as well?"

Snorting, Franklin admitted, "We're still running them all to ground, but I don't think it was one of them, boss. If those diamonds were taken by one of her 'guests,' they'd have helped themselves to more than just the one necklace. Whoever took the diamonds was picky about it. Took the stones that would be easiest to pry out of their settings and sell. Smells like a professional job to me. Besides, you have to remember we've had two more reports of stolen property in the last few days. Gotta be a pro."

"Not good news," Rico mused.

His hotel, the Tesoro Castle, had only been open for a little more than six months. It was new, fresh and exclusive and had quickly become the hot spot for celebrities and the uberwealthy who were looking for a private getaway spot. Tesoro Island sat in the middle of the Caribbean, but it was privately owned. No one landed here—private yacht or cruise ship—without permission of the owner, Walter Stanford.

Which meant that those seeking privacy had nothing to fear from paparazzi, except for the occasional over-achiever who used telephoto lenses from a boat anchored far offshore.

Tesoro was lush and secluded, and the Castle was like Disneyland for adults: there were infinity pools, the best spas in the world and sweeping ocean views from every room. The hotel had deliberately been built small, to keep it a select destination. There were only a hundred and fifty rooms, not counting the private bungalows scattered across the grounds. The interiors were opulent, service was impeccable and the island itself carried an air of dreamy seduction. For those who could afford it, Tesoro promised a world of languid pleasures for all of the senses.

And damned if Rico was going to allow his hotel's reputation to be stained. If there was a professional thief operating in his place, then that thief would be found.

"Security cameras?" Rico demanded.

"Nothing." Franklin scowled as if the word tasted bitter. "Another reason to go with the professional thief theory. Whoever it was, they knew how to bypass the cameras."


"Set up a meeting with your men. I want eyes and ears everywhere. If you need to hire more security," Rico said, "call my cousin Griffin. King Security can have more men here tomorrow if we need them."

Franklin bristled. He'd once worked for Griffin King and his twin, Garrett, and had decided to leave in favor of being chief of security here on the island. He clearly didn't care for the suggestion that there might be something he couldn't handle. "I won't need more men. The team I've got is the best in the world. Now that I know we're looking for a pro, we'll find him."

Rico nodded. He understood pride and he knew that Franklin's had been pricked. He was in charge and having a professional thief on the grounds was a direct slap in the face. But pride notwithstanding, if Rico decided they needed more help, Franklin would get extra men whether he liked it or not.

This hotel had been Rico's dream. Built to his exact specifications by King Construction, the Tesoro Castle was the epitome of luxury hotels. He'd been working toward this project for all of his adult life. He owned several hotels and each in its own way was spectacular. But this place on Tesoro was his crowning achievement. He'd do whatever he had to do to protect his name and his investment.

Shaking his head in irritation, Rico turned and stared out his office window at the view spread out below him. The island of Tesoro, Spanish for "treasure," was aptly named.

Miles of unspoiled beaches, aquamarine ocean, thick jungles with amazing waterfalls hidden away in the stands of trees. Sunshine every damn day and unlike most of the Caribbean, the trade winds blew across Tesoro almost constantly, keeping the heat—and flying insects—at bay.

Rico had spent months with Walter Stanford, negotiating for his own slice of the old man's paradise. Hell, he'd even had some of his cousins come in and talk to the older man for him. Of course, Rico mused, that had worked out for Sean King, since he'd married Walter's granddaughter Melinda.

After the negotiations, the months spent building this place and the time and expense of furnishing and staffing this hotel to get it just right.. irritation blossomed into quietly restrained fury. No one was going to ruin this place.

His guests came to Tesoro looking for beauty, privacy and security and he would see that they got it.

Just the thought of jewel thieves on the island had him gritting his teeth and flexing his hands into fists that had no one to punch. He supposed it was only natural that thieves would find their way here to Tesoro, where the rich flocked in droves. Just as it was natural that when he found whoever was behind this, he'd see them locked away for decades.

But a professional thief risked a lot to make a play on Tesoro. The island was too small. Too difficult to get to and to leave from. And since no ships had left the harbor in days, whoever the thief was, he was still on the island and he still had the stolen property on him.

Jewel thieves.

Suddenly, those two words began to echo over and over again in his mind as warning bells started clanging inside his head. Even then, though, Rico assured himself that the little voice inside his head had to be wrong.

No way would she risk that.

Not even she would have the nerve to chance facing him again.

But what if she had?


"What?" Rico glanced over his shoulder at Franklin.

"You want me to contact Interpol about this?"

The international police force with hundreds of member countries didn't make arrests or have its own jail, but it could and did provide much-needed data on suspected thieves, killers and just about any crime imaginable.

"No," he said, ignoring the look of surprise on his head of security's face. Instead, he turned back to look out the window over the playground he'd built for the rich and famous. Rico's brain was racing with possibilities and his adrenaline surged at the idea that he just might be at the threshold of the revenge he'd waited five years to take.

No chance in hell he'd bring Interpol into this before he knew whether or not his gut instinct was right or not.

"We'll handle it on island," he said, never taking his gaze from the horizon, where the sunlight glinted off the water in bright shards. "Once we've got the thief, we'll decide what to do then."

"Your call," Franklin said, then he left, closing the office door behind him.

"Yeah, it is," Rico told himself aloud. And if this jewel thief turned out to be the woman who'd stolen from him once before…Interpol would be lucky if there was anything left of her to hand over.

"Papa, please. Leave now before it's too late." Teresa Coretti glanced from her father to the closed door of his suite and back again.

She was so anxious just being here on Tesoro, even her nerves had nerves. But she'd had to come. The moment she'd realized where her father and brother had gone on their supposed vacation, Teresa had had no choice.

"How can I leave?" her father asked with an exaggerated shrug and a smile. "I've not finished my holiday."


If only.

If Nick Coretti was really taking a sabbatical from his avocation, no one at the Tesoro Castle would have lost any of their possessions. No, her father could call this a holiday if he wanted to, but the truth was he was working. As he always was.

Dominick was a shorter, older, Italian version of George Clooney. His tan was permanent, and his sharp brown eyes missed nothing. His black hair was gray-streaked, but that only seemed to give him an air of distinction. He was polished and always a gentleman. He had been a faithful husband until Teresa's mother's death ten years ago.

Since then, he had used his considerable charm to smooth his way into high society, where, he said, "the pickings are always worth the effort." He loved women; women loved him. And he was the best jewel thief in the world—not counting Teresa's brothers, Gianni and Paulo.

Her father was always on the lookout for his next job. She should have known that he would never have been able to resist the allure of Tesoro. For him, it was the mother lode.

The problem was, this fabulous hotel belonged to Rico King and that was really not a good thing.

It had been five years since she'd seen Rico and just thinking his name sent a ripple of ...

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Commentaires récents

"Une vengeance si douce" (en VO : "Her Return to King's Bed") de Maureen Child est le quatorzième tome de la série "Kings of California".

Il a pour acteurs principaux : Rico King & Teresa Coretti.

Le premier tome de la saga s'intitule "Une singulière proposition".

La saga comporte 16 tomes.

La saga se poursuit avec le tome 15 "L’aveu impossible".

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Lu aussi

*** Une vengeance si douce - Maureen Child ***

Une histoire classique digne d'un harlequin mais on passe un bon moment.

J'ai préféré cette première histoire à la seconde.

*** Un pacte avec lui - Christine Flynn ***

Une deuxième histoire assez touchante, même si j'ai préféré la première.

J'ai eu un peu de peine avec le côté hostile d'Erik...

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Date de sortie

Une vengeance si douce / Un pacte avec lui

  • France : 2014-12-01 - Poche (Français)

Activité récente

nouta l'ajoute dans sa biblio or

Titres alternatifs

  • Kings of California, Tome 14 : Une vengeance si douce - Français

Les chiffres

lecteurs 10
Commentaires 2
extraits 1
Evaluations 1
Note globale 0 / 10