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Tous les livres de Helen Carter

Liam arrivera-t-il à obtenir une reddition sans condition ?

Rien dans son existence méthodique ne préparait la sociologue Ingrid Peterson à tomber sous le charme du séduisant et peu conventionnel Liam Clare… Liam cependant ne se laisse pas décourager : il croise sans cesse son chemin, la poursuit à travers l’Irlande, envahit sa chambre sous de fallacieux prétextes jusqu’à ce qu’elle succombe à la magie de son regard vert !

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Description en VO :

Nothing in her well-ordered existence prepares sociologist Ingrid Peterson for darkly handsome, vibrantly compelling Liam Clare. Ile waylays her on the road, appearing to be an earthy farmer. He invades her bedroom, promising to warm her toes. He pursues her across Ireland, evoking magic with his emerald eyes. Soon she's nervous, confused...and very aroused!

But can Liam's passionate, carefree nature crack the armor of Ingrid's emotional restraint?

Will his joyful spontaneity and lingering laughter tempt her to abandon statistics, embrace life ...and dare to believe in love?

Quand Liz Forsyth avait rencontré Josh Gates, sept ans auparavant, elle était enceinte et sur le point de divorcer… Il lui avait plu immédiatement ! Mais dans la crainte que sa gentillesse soit pure camaraderie, elle avait fait taire les sentiments plus obscurs qu’il lui inspirait… Aujourd’hui, Liz a tout misé sur ses ambitions littéraires. Laissera-t-elle passer sa chance une seconde fois ?

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Description en VO :

Years ago Liz Forsyth, pregnant and on the verge of divorce, poured forth a tale of confusion and disillusionment to her boss, Josh Gates. He listened with compassion, restraint ... and an emotion she didn't dare analyze.

Now they unexpectedly meet again: Liz as a talented teacher; Josh as candidate for school superintendent. His compelling charm and dynamic leadership earn her admiration. His urgent kisses ignite a burning need. But Liz's sights are set on the boundless opportunities of New York City, and she clings fiercely to her goals, fearful of destroying the bridge of dreams she's so carefully constructed from the rubble of her past...

Joanna aime-t-elle assez Cliff Duquesne pour prendre des risques ?

La première expérience amoureuse de Joanna a été un terrible échec dont elle ne s’est jamais remise. Aussi quand Cliff Duquesne lui propose une liaison, le repousse-t-elle durement… Sera-t-elle capable de comprendre que lui aussi a vécu une aventure difficile avec sa seconde femme et qu’il a peur de traumatiser ses enfants par un second fiasco ?

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Description en VO :

After her tragic first romance, quiet, elegant Joanna Greer vowed never again to give herself to a man unless he was trustworthy, committed, and interested in marriage. But when rugged, charismatic Cliff Duquesne swept into her life, her good intentions vanished in a flash of electrifying, earth-shattering passion.

Only later, when her head clears, does she realize that her heart is in trouble. For she's enthralled by Cliff's sensual vitality, by his unexpected tenderness. She adores his three lively children. And she doesn't understand why he refuses to make that final commitment, that binding promise that would heal her wounded heart and propel them toward a shining future.

Forceful, dynamic Chris Carpenter fascinates Toni Kendall. But she wants more than a fling, and a man wilds named his boat The Siren, his dinghy The Flirt, and his cat Romeo hardly seems ready for commitment! Moreover, Chris is her superior at Lytel Aerospace, and knows the dangers of mixing work and romance ...

But an encounter in a dark parking lot brings them together ... and a tempestuous kiss opens the floodgates of desire. Tentatively, tenderly, they reach for a deeper understanding, despite persistent obstacles at work and home. In the soft, enveloping darkness, fulfillment binds them together. But in the bright light of day, is torn by anger and confusion ...

Tout les sépare, seul un fragile espoir les unit...

Comment Kate Stennis est-elle tombée amoureuse du présentateur d'un célèbre show new-yorkais, Eric Daniels, malgré les préjugés qu'elle entretenait contre lui ! Elle en est encore tout étonnée et a du mal à croire à son bonheur... La série d'émissions qu'elle enregistre pour la télévision les rapproche momentanément, mais qu'arrivera-t-il quand elle reprendra ses cours d'anthropologie à l'université de San Francisco ?

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Description en VO :

Kate Stennis, professional anthropologist, can't help falling madly in love with popular talk show host, Eric Daniels. Although initially skeptical -- especially when her mother faints at the man's feet! -- she's quickly captivated by Eric's natural charm, offhand generosity, and heart pounding virility.

When a rambunctious chimpanzee threatens Kate's TV show on primates, Eric's advice turns a potential disaster into a stellar performance. They celebrate with delightful excursions on the town, and soon Kate is glowing from Eric's unsurpassed lovemaking. But his lively daughter, along with a man from Kate's past and her unpredictable mother, ensure that, from then on, nothing goes smoothly!

From the moment actress Marla Travis begins reading the lead role in Alexander Stratis's new play, she feels something vibrantly compelling about him -- a restrained masculinity that fires her blood, a sensitivity to the deep mysteries of life that stirs her soul ...

Her impassioned reading convinces him to produce his play; but Marla's wary of rushing into more... convinced that her life of bright lights and applause can never mesh with Alex's faith in family and tradition. Then, in a sun-baked Greek village, she experiences a moment of shattering insight...and realizes that her elemental need for this dynamic man outstrips all else!