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Livres - Bibliographie

Ken Scholes

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Toutes les séries de Ken Scholes

4 livres
93 lecteurs

La cité de Windwir vient d'être anéantie, et avec elle la Grande Bibliothèque où reposait la mémoire du monde. L'onde de choc de cette catastrophe rompt les équilibres politiques et religieux des Terres Nommées, attise les convoitises, ravive les complots, met à mal les alliances. La guerre est inévitable.

Rudolfo le roi tsigane, seigneur des Neuf Maisons Sylvestres, est le premier sur les lieux et recueille dans les ruines un automate de métal. Agité de sanglots et rongé par la culpabilité, celui-ci s'accuse d être à l'origine du drame. Quel est son terrifiant secret ? A-t-il été manipulé ? Qui voulait la destruction de Windwir et pourquoi ?

Mais voilà que Neb, un jeune moine orphelin qui a assisté à l'horreur, commence à faire des rêves prophétiques...

2 livres
4 lecteurs

Not bound, as a book. Free.

Like Unfettered before it, the contributing writers of Unbound were allowed to submit the tales they wished fans of genre to read—without the constraints of a shackling theme.

The result is magical. Twenty-three all-original stories are sure to captivate you—some will move you to tears while others will keep you turning the pages long into the night. The power of Unbound lies in its variety of tales and the voices behind them. If you are a fan of discovering new writers or reading the works of beloved authors, Unbound is for you.

Return to Landover with Terry Brooks. Go to trial with Harry Dresden and Jim Butcher. Enter the Citadel and become remade with Rachel Caine. Survive a plague with John Marco and his robot companion Echo. Be painted among the stars by Mary Robinette Kowal. These tales and the others that comprise the anthology are only bound by how enchanting and enthralling they are.

Unbound is filled with spectacularly wonderful stories, each one as diverse as its creator.

You will be changed upon finishing it.

And that is the point.

Like Unfettered before it, the contributing writers of Unbound were allowed to submit the tales they wished fans of genre to read—without the constraints of a theme. It is an anthology filled some spectacularly wonderful stories, each one as diverse as its creator.

Here is the Unbound line-up: Terry Brooks (intro) | Kristen Britain | Jim Butcher | Rachel Caine | Harry Connolly | Delilah S. Dawson | David Anthony Durham | Jason M. Hough | Mary Robinette Kowal | Mark Lawrence | John Marco | Tim Marquitz | Seanan McGuire | Peter Orullian | Kat Richardson | Anthony Ryan | Shawn Speakman | Brian Staveley | Michael J. Sullivan | Sam Sykes | Mazarkis Williams

3 livres
1 lecteurs

Every story in this volume is new and, like the title suggests, the writers were free to write whatever they wished. Here is the list of contributing authors for Unfettered:

- The Shade of Allanon by Terry Brooks (a Shannara tale)

- Imaginary Friends by Terry Brooks (a precursor to the Word/Void trilogy)

- How Old Holly Came To Be by Patrick Rothfuss (a Four Corners tale)

- River of Souls by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson (a Wheel of Time tale)

- The Old Scale Game by Tad Williams

- Martyr of the Roses by Jacqueline Carey (a precursor to the Kushiel series)

- Dogs by Daniel Abraham

- Mudboy by Peter V. Brett (a Demon Cycle tale)

- Nocturne by Robert V. S. Redick

- The Sound of Broken Absolutes by Peter Orullian (a Vault of Heaven tale)

- Untitled by Geno & R.A. Salvatore

- Keeper of Memory by Todd Lockwood (a Summer Dragon tale)

- Game of Chance by Carrie Vaughn

- The Lasting Doubts of Joaquin Lopez by Blake Charlton

- The Chapel Perilous by Kevin Hearne (an Iron Druid tale)

- Select Mode by Mark Lawrence (a Broken Empire tale)

- All the Girls Love Michael Stein by David Anthony Durham

- Strange Rain by Jennifer Bosworth (a Struck epilogue tale)

- Unbowed by Eldon Thompson (a Legend of Asahiel tale)

- Untitled by Naomi Novik (a Temeraire tale)

- The Jester by Michael J. Sullivan (a Riyria Chronicles tale)

- The Duel by Lev Grossman (a Magicians tale)

- The Unfettered Knight by Shawn Speakman (an Annwn Cycle tale)

Tous les livres de Ken Scholes

The Best of Talebones collects 42 of the best and most beloved stories from Talebones magazine. Taken from 39 issues published over 14 years, this anthology includes such writers as Jack Cady, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Marie Brennan, Barb Hendee, Carrie Vaughn, Kay Kenyon, Ken Scholes, James Van Pelt, James Sallis, Paul Melko, Louise Marley, Mary Robinette Kowal, Anne Harris, James C. Glass, Alan DeNiro . . . and many, many more!

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