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Toutes les séries de Nicole Dykes

3 livres

Reed Ellis is absolutely gorgeous, but a total newbie to camming, a virtual nobody in my world.

I should have just deleted his message request for a steamy, on-camera collaboration. Not everyone is cut out to be a camboy. But there’s just something about him I couldn’t resist.

He’s timid and inexperienced, quiet and closed off, but his fumbling first-times play out scorching hot for the cameras, and our videos together are an instant success.

I know I should just ride this out, sit back and watch the money roll in, and then move on.

But I can’t. I’m intrigued by this brick wall of a man. I see glimpses of Reed hiding behind his silence and he is struggling. He has secrets, someone he cares about that he’s protecting. And I make it my mission to get him to open up and let me in. What will it take to reach the elusive Reed?


Reaching Reed is a very steamy and sweet M/M romance about camboys and first love. It is the first standalone book in the Behind the Camera series.

198 livres
6 lecteurs

The man in the magazine spread, the one dubbed the most eligible bachelor, is my ex-husband.

Six months ago, Simon’s company was never more successful, just like our marriage was never emptier. I was a stay-at-home mom with a sugar daddy who had no time to pass the sugar or be a daddy. I asked for a divorce and he let me go, just like that.

Now I’m mending my broken heart and finding myself while being a strong role model for our girls. But when my mom gets sick, I need help, and he’s there like a superhero in a tailored suit. And when my mom recovers, he’s still there, doing grocery runs and braiding our girls’ hair.

I don’t want to hang my hopes on my workaholic ex just because he’s suddenly wearing basketball shorts instead of designer threads, or because he’s giving me that look that melted my heart in college.

Chemistry was never our problem. I don’t want to trust that he’s changed only find out that once again I’m not worth fighting for. He needs to prove that he’ll be as ruthless about us as he is in the boardroom.

1 livres

Braxton—the emo kid, the loner, the cynical wallflower with an attitude. It’s no secret that I’ve never quite fit in.

But it’s glaringly obvious now that I’ve moved to this Podunk small town that seems to run entirely on sugar, friendliness, and cheer. (And cows, an ungodly number of cows.)

I hate it—this place where everyone knows everyone, and I’m still the outsider.

But who wants to fit in anyways? I’ve never really tried, never even thought I wanted to… until I met him.

Jimbob is living his best life out here, farming the fields of Kansas, well and truly happy. And I just don’t get it. His charming smiles, playful winks, and easy-going attitude infuriate me, but I can’t look away. He’s like a bright, sunny day sweeping through my prickly hailstorm.

And I’m so utterly confused, because I’ve never felt this way before. There’s just something about Jimbob that makes me want to try.

Makes me want to belong.

Makes me want to put down roots in the glow of his sunshine.

5 livres
4 lecteurs

Kingston Wells

I like to party. To have a good time.

Life’s too short not to. I learned that when I lost my grandpa.

He told me to have fun while I can, and I intend to.

Although sometimes when you’re having a good time, you forget others may see you as irresponsible. And sometimes you screw up.

I’ve definitely screwed up a time or two.

But I’m still determined to have fun. And along the way, I’m hoping I’ll convince my best friend, Camden, to do the same.

He’s too serious. Too focused. Too busy taking care of everyone to just relax.

And that’s where I come in.

Camden Prescott

I may only be eighteen and a senior, but I have too much on my plate to be a kid.

Too many people depend on me, but I can handle it.

I have to handle it. My mom needs my help. My little sister needs me. And Kingston, my best friend in the world—yeah, he definitely needs me.

Because while he’s busy having fun, I’m busy cleaning up his messes along with everyone else’s.

It’s not all bad though. He’s there to make sure I occasionally have fun, and I’m there for him when he needs to take life seriously.

Because that’s what I am . . .The Keeper.

4 livres
2 lecteurs


I’m the good one, the pretty one.

The one who follows the rules and always takes the high road.

I’ve hidden my true self for so long, I barely know who I am anymore.

But I don’t know if I can do it much longer.

I love the race, but I’m tired of sacrificing my soul to do what I love.


I’m the rebel, the bad one.

I follow no rules on the track or anywhere else. I’m the obnoxious bad boy the fans secretly root for.

I don’t mind playing my role. I’m good at it, and it pays to be the dark to his light.

Until the good boy starts to get to me.

I’m confused and unsure of what I want when it was all so clear before.

They say good always wins, but is that truly the case?

In the race between the far too pretty good boy and the angry bad boy, who will actually win?

Only time will tell.

5 livres


Spark of Hope: A bi-weekly trauma support group.

This is my nightmare. When I think of a support group, I think of sad people sitting around talking about their feelings and nothing changing.

And yet, when my brother and his best friend, who happens to be a therapist, presented the idea of holding the meetings at my gym, I caved.

Because I, Benjamin Price, have always tried to rescue the people in my life. But I can’t. I’ve usually failed them.

Now, I’m hosting a trauma support group and desperately trying not to fall into my old habits—of attempting to save everyone.

And then, he walks in.

Bruised. But not broken. No matter how exhausted he may feel, a strength in him calls to me.

And there’s no way I can ignore the need deep inside me to at least try.


I’m tired. I’m afraid. And I don’t want to go back.

Not to the abusive relationship I told myself I was okay with for years.

But what am I supposed to do?

I have no real life skills. All my life, I’ve been told I’m pretty and that’s it.

Then I walk into a gym, looking for a job, but I find so much more.

I don’t want to trust Ben. I don’t believe his help doesn’t come with a price.

But what choice do I really have?

One thing’s for sure . . . Neither of us are getting out of this intact.

What we lose though, that’s anyone’s guess.


Bruised But Not Broken is set around a trauma support group and will, therefore, touch on extremely sensitive subjects. I’ll always do my best to handle these topics with care and healing, and with no intention of hurting anyone. But please, heed this warning if you have any triggers.

13 livres
3 lecteurs

Welcome to Black Diamond Resort and Spa…

After years of drowning myself in parties, hook ups, and pain, all it takes is one viral sex tape to get me thrown on a remote island to disappear for a while.

That or lose my trust fund.

Having to share a room with the one man I let hurt me is my worst nightmare.

I’m the broken shell of the boy he walked away from on the single worst day of my life.

I hate him almost as much as I hate myself.

This island was supposed to be a place I could rest but instead I’m running.

From Asher Vaughn.

From myself.

From the scars on my heart that never healed.

It hurts to look at him and see all the things we never got to have.

But how am I supposed to keep him at arm's length when he watches me the way he used too?

When he touches me? When he calls me his?

We can’t be together, not off this island.

The straight football star and the gay femme son of famous parents.

The media would rip us apart and ruin his career.

I barely survived the last time he left me, can I live through being deserted again?


Broken is a brother’s best friend, mm romance with some praise kink, and a broken boy in desperate need of love. This story has triggers which you can find on my website.

Tous les livres de Nicole Dykes

Two people drifting through life—one on a firmly established plan, the other with no plans at all.

Both believing they know exactly what they want.

But what happens when a chance encounter is so electrifying that everything they believe is threatened with destruction?

Suddenly fixated on each other. Will it make them stronger? Or will everything come crashing down?

An addiction so strong, the high will be unforgettable, but the inevitable low will be devastating.

How do you heal after tragedy?

Is it even truly possible?

Ashlyn and Garrett have been friends forever, nursing each other through the unimaginable. Over the years, they’ve learned to lean on each other and keep going.

But there’s a huge difference between moving forward and merely standing still.


Life has been easy for me. Top of my class. Star quarterback of the football team. Every guy wants to be my friend, and every girl wants to date me.

Yeah, life is pretty sweet.

Except it’s not.

It’s all fake. School comes too easy for me, and I’m bored. Football isn’t fun anymore. The guys I hang out with aren’t really my friends.

And the girls? I don’t want to date them.

The only one I want to date . . . He’s a little bit . . . hostile.


Life has never been easy for me. A foster kid, lucky enough to be adopted as a teen but who still can’t find a way to be happy.

I have two best friends who are amazing and supportive, and yet, I can’t bring myself to tell them my biggest secret.

Parents who pay for a private school a kid like me could never have dreamed of . . . that I hate.

It feels all wrong when it should feel right.

And I guess . . . that’s made me nothing but . . . hostile.

This Valentine’s Day…the bad boys come out to play…

Get ready for an anti-Valentine to remember in this limited release M/M romance anthology. Eighteen authors have come together to bring you a collection of brand-new short stories with a combination of dark, enemies to lovers, and bully themes.

Participating authors: Andi Jaxon, Ashley James, Ashlyn Drewek, Bailey Nicole, Baylin Crow, Becca Steele, Bethany Winters, C. Lymari, CE Ricci, C.L. Matthews, C.P. Harris, Hayden Hall, Isabel Lucero, J.R. Gray, Jessie Walker, Misty Walker, Nicole Dykes, Riley Nash

All proceeds from this anthology will benefit LGBTQ+ mental health organizations.


I’m the fun one. The loud one. The overly opinionated one with no filter.

I’ve been unapologetically me since day one, and it hasn’t been easy.

Kicked out of my home when I was sixteen, I chose to be alone rather than not be my true self.

I found my family now and a job I love. I have everything, and yet . . .

I’m still an outcast in so many ways.


I’m not fun. I’m far too quiet. I keep to myself.

I don’t really have a reason for it. I had a loving family who was loud enough for me to fade into the background.

And then, I stumbled into a friendship with the boldest human I’ve ever met.

Beautiful and strong. He confuses me. He challenges me. He makes me want to come out of the shadows and discover who I want to be.

He may have been shunned by his family, but they didn’t deserve him.

Hayden was meant to shine—not to be cast out by anyone. He makes the world brighter, and not even I can resist it.


A preacher’s son. I’ve done everything I can to defy his rules. Reckless, destructive, immoral. But after all this, there’s only one thing I haven’t allowed myself to indulge in . . . Him.


A welder's son. I’ve done everything I can to make him proud. Hard-working, loyal, strong. I’ve accomplished all his dreams while denying my own. But there was only one thing I’ve ever wanted . . . Him.


I’m a teacher who has only one thing missing from his life: a healthy relationship. I have a plan in place. This should be easy. No more toxic men. No more casual hookups. I want something real. A love that’s equal, not lopsided. I’m a fixer at heart, but I’m done with the hopeless and the selfish.


I’m a dad. Pure and simple. The only thing I want is for my daughter to be happy and healthy. I keep my head down. I work like crazy, and I found her a great school in a new place. I don’t have time for anything else but her. She has my heart, leaving little for anyone else.

When this kindergarten teacher and single father come together, something has to give. Lines are crossed. Secrets are shared. Hearts shatter. Who knows? Maybe they can teach each other something.

Worthy: A Pride Anthology is a collection of original, brand-new short stories brought to you by thirteen incredible authors. Each story touches on the common theme of LGBTQ+ Acceptance.

Participating authors: Marie Ann, Ashley James, Ellis James, Andi Jaxon, Nyla K, Riley Nash, Nicole Dykes, Harleigh Beck, Cora Rose, Jessie Walker, T. Ashleigh, Isabel Lucero, Hayden Hall.

Half of all proceeds from this anthology will be donated to the Trevor Project; an LGBTQ+ mental health organization.

When you’re young, everything seems brighter, more hopeful, and like anything is possible.

Which is great. But it can also lead to so many mistakes.

Mistakes you promise yourself you’ll never make again.

You promise yourself you'll be smarter, guard your heart, and make better decisions. And you won’t ever let anyone crush you again.

But what happens when you’re confronted with the past?

Nash Davis is settled and happy, helping his brother and his wife pursue their dreams.

But when his biggest regret comes crashing back into his life, will he have the strength he promised himself he’d have?

Can he keep his walls up? Or will Adrian Walker’s presence be too much?

Will it lead toward an inevitable backslide to where they began? Or can there be a future after so much pain?

When Nash and Adrian are thrown together in the Ozarks for months, they’re about to find out.


I’m a total nerd, but I look like a jock. I had a perfect GPA in high school, and my GPA in college is perfect too. I smile when I’m supposed to smile. I have two loving parents and a brother and sister who are always by my side. I’m the perfect all-American guy.

But the only thing that actually defines me is the before. The things I keep hidden deep inside because I’m too afraid of losing what I have now.

The past lives deep inside me as I force the plastic smile on my face. And no one sees through it because I’m just that good.

No one except . . . him.


Every day is like a dream. A dream I live, not knowing when I’ll wake and find I’m still living in a nightmare.

I never made it out, and these past few years have all been fake.

Then he walks into my classroom . . . with that cocky smile in place. Not a care in the world. I doubt he’s ever had to worry about a thing in his entire life.

He's exactly like all of the entitled, spoiled brats I teach every day in my part of the college campus, but something about Fletcher Moore really rubs me the wrong way.

I shouldn’t let him get to me, but something about him makes me too angry. Too annoyed.

Just too damn . . . hostile.