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Amour multiple - La série

  • Nombre de tomes :
  • 8
  • Nombre de lecteurs :
  • 103
  • Classement en biblio :

La liste des tomes

Je n’ai appris l’existence de mes (faux) demi-frères - trois splendides apollons - qu’après avoir franchi la ligne rouge de l’extase… À la fin d’une séance de photos sexy, le modèle n’est pas censé montrer ses positions de prédilection à la photographe (moi), d’autant que je sors juste d’une histoire douloureuse. Vu ce qui s’est passé avec mon ex, j’en suis arrivée à la conclusion que j’ai mieux à faire que perdre mon temps avec les hommes ou leur faire confiance. Mais Mason est marrant et sexy en diable. Quand il sourit, ses fossettes et ses yeux bleus font fondre la glace qui s’est accumulée dans mon cœur, et quand il retire sa chemise, oh my God ! Je crois que je n’ai jamais vu un corps aussi magnifique. Je résiste un moment à ses avances, et puis je bois quelques verres… Ensuite, mon corps fait taire mon cerveau, il me fait comprendre que j’ai le droit de m’amuser aussi. C’est ce que je fais. Je ne m’en prive pas ! Je n’ai jamais pris autant de plaisir, presque trop. Pourtant, quand je me réveille au petit matin, Mason est parti, et j’ai mal partout - au corps et à l’âme. Je fais contre mauvaise fortune bon cœur et pars rejoindre ma mère dans sa maison au bord de l’océan. Elle m’attend pour le brunch et pour me présenter mes demi-frères. Me retrouver face à Mason à table est déjà assez humiliant, mais quand je comprends qu’il fait partie d’une fratrie de triplés et que, maintenant, je dois absolument éviter trois mâles alpha torrides, c’est trois fois pire. Ce serait tellement facile de les faire passer pour des monstres, mais Miller est beau et psychologue, et Max, avec ses tatouages et ses piercings, me montre qu’un homme peut aussi être bienveillant. Ils me réchauffent le cœur et me persuadent que les histoires d’amour ne finissent pas toujours mal – jusqu’à ce que les ennuis repointent le bout de leur nez hideux, et que tout s’écroule… BIG 3 est une Romance de harem inversé qui met en scène des demi-frères et se termine bien… évidemment ! C’est le premier livre de la série Amours multiples : chaque romance raconte une histoire singulière et peut être lue séparément, mais on retrouve, au fil de la série, des personnages qu’on a déjà croisés
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Je n’ai appris l’existence de mes (faux) demi-frères - trois splendides apollons - qu’après avoir franchi la ligne rouge de l’extase… À la fin d’une séance de photos sexy, le modèle n’est pas censé montrer ses positions de prédilection à la photographe (moi), d’autant que je sors juste d’une histoire douloureuse. Vu ce qui s’est passé avec mon ex, j’en suis arrivée à la conclusion que j’ai mieux à faire que perdre mon temps avec les hommes ou leur faire confiance. Mais Mason est marrant et sexy en diable. Quand il sourit, ses fossettes et ses yeux bleus font fondre la glace qui s’est accumulée dans mon cœur, et quand il retire sa chemise, oh my God ! Je crois que je n’ai jamais vu un corps aussi magnifique. Je résiste un moment à ses avances, et puis je bois quelques verres… Ensuite, mon corps fait taire mon cerveau, il me fait comprendre que j’ai le droit de m’amuser aussi. C’est ce que je fais. Je ne m’en prive pas ! Je n’ai jamais pris autant de plaisir, presque trop. Pourtant, quand je me réveille au petit matin, Mason est parti, et j’ai mal partout - au corps et à l’âme. Je fais contre mauvaise fortune bon cœur et pars rejoindre ma mère dans sa maison au bord de l’océan. Elle m’attend pour le brunch et pour me présenter mes demi-frères. Me retrouver face à Mason à table est déjà assez humiliant, mais quand je comprends qu’il fait partie d’une fratrie de triplés et que, maintenant, je dois absolument éviter trois mâles alpha torrides, c’est trois fois pire. Ce serait tellement facile de les faire passer pour des monstres, mais Miller est beau et psychologue, et Max, avec ses tatouages et ses piercings, me montre qu’un homme peut aussi être bienveillant. Ils me réchauffent le cœur et me persuadent que les histoires d’amour ne finissent pas toujours mal – jusqu’à ce que les ennuis repointent le bout de leur nez hideux, et que tout s’écroule… BIG 3 est une Romance de harem inversé qui met en scène des demi-frères et se termine bien… évidemment ! C’est le premier livre de la série Amours multiples : chaque romance raconte une histoire singulière et peut être lue séparément, mais on retrouve, au fil de la série, des personnages qu’on a déjà croisés
Lorsque j’ai demandé aux frères Banbury de me montrer leurs tuyaux, je ne savais pas qu’ils étaient pompiers !Je suis en Thaïlande, au mariage de ma meilleure amie quand je décide que c’est le moment de mettre un peu de chaleur dans ma vie. Une petite histoire de vacances, c’est exactement ce dont j’ai besoin pour transformer ma vie un peu tiède en feu d’artifice. Ce que je n’avais pas prévu, c’est que rien n’est petit chez les types que je choisis.Kane, Karter, Holden et Harris sont canon, ils sont sexy en diable, musclés, leurs regards incandescents m’embrasent aussitôt. Ils sont chauds comme la braise et réalisent tous mes fantasmes, mais c’est bientôt la fin de nos vacances en Asie, et la réalité nous rattrape vite.Je vis loin de chez eux, j’ai un appartement et un travail. Mais mon appart est minuscule, je ne m’épanouis pas dans mon boulot et j’ai du mal à oublier toutes les sensations qu’ont fait naître en moi les frères Banbury.J’ai passé ma vie entière à encourager les autres à réaliser leurs rêves, mais on dirait que je n’ai pas le courage de le faire moi-même. Heureusement, mes héros du feu ne veulent rien savoir.Ils me trouvent un job, déménagent toutes mes affaires et m’installent dans leur fabuleuse maison. Je trouve le bonheur dans une existence bien plus calme que ce que j’imaginais.Mais est-ce qu’une liaison torride entre une femme et quatre pompiers peut survivre dans une petite ville qui veut la réduire en cendres ?
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Lorsque j’ai demandé aux frères Banbury de me montrer leurs tuyaux, je ne savais pas qu’ils étaient pompiers !Je suis en Thaïlande, au mariage de ma meilleure amie quand je décide que c’est le moment de mettre un peu de chaleur dans ma vie. Une petite histoire de vacances, c’est exactement ce dont j’ai besoin pour transformer ma vie un peu tiède en feu d’artifice. Ce que je n’avais pas prévu, c’est que rien n’est petit chez les types que je choisis.Kane, Karter, Holden et Harris sont canon, ils sont sexy en diable, musclés, leurs regards incandescents m’embrasent aussitôt. Ils sont chauds comme la braise et réalisent tous mes fantasmes, mais c’est bientôt la fin de nos vacances en Asie, et la réalité nous rattrape vite.Je vis loin de chez eux, j’ai un appartement et un travail. Mais mon appart est minuscule, je ne m’épanouis pas dans mon boulot et j’ai du mal à oublier toutes les sensations qu’ont fait naître en moi les frères Banbury.J’ai passé ma vie entière à encourager les autres à réaliser leurs rêves, mais on dirait que je n’ai pas le courage de le faire moi-même. Heureusement, mes héros du feu ne veulent rien savoir.Ils me trouvent un job, déménagent toutes mes affaires et m’installent dans leur fabuleuse maison. Je trouve le bonheur dans une existence bien plus calme que ce que j’imaginais.Mais est-ce qu’une liaison torride entre une femme et quatre pompiers peut survivre dans une petite ville qui veut la réduire en cendres ?
Cinq cow-boys impitoyables ont acheté ma ferme et veulent m’inclure dans le contrat. À la mort de mon père, je découvre qu’il a hypothéqué notre propriété pour s’acquitter de ses dettes de jeu ; je suis obligée de vendre mon unique bien, la maison où je suis née. Le jour de la vente aux enchères, j’observe mes très discrets voisins, les frères Bradford, s’emparer de la propriété qui est dans ma famille depuis des générations. Je n’ai plus rien, juste les vêtements que j’ai sur le dos et un petit sac avec des effets personnels. Je me risque à dormir dans la grange pour une nuit, c’est là qu’ils me découvrent. Colt, Cary et Cash sont des triplés aux yeux gris acier et aux corps puissants sculptés par le travail de la terre. Sawyer et Scott, leurs frères, sont jumeaux ; ils sont bruns et inquiets, avec des mains immenses faites pour dresser les chevaux et conduire le bétail. Je leur explique que ce n’est que pour une nuit, que je vais tenter ma chance ailleurs, mais ils ne veulent rien entendre. Ils me proposent du travail, j’accepte malgré les risques. Obligée de vivre avec eux, je découvre que les cinq frères sublimes ne sont pas les cow-boys sans cœur que j’imaginais. Je n’ai jamais couché avec un homme, et soudain, cinq hommes veulent faire de moi une femme. Le problème, c’est que je ne suis pas la seule propriétaire qui se sent spoliée par les Bradford. Quand les choses tournent mal, notre passion récente et la confiance encore fragile entre nous vont-elles suffire pour préserver notre relation, ou tout cela va-t-il être détruit ?
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Cinq cow-boys impitoyables ont acheté ma ferme et veulent m’inclure dans le contrat. À la mort de mon père, je découvre qu’il a hypothéqué notre propriété pour s’acquitter de ses dettes de jeu ; je suis obligée de vendre mon unique bien, la maison où je suis née. Le jour de la vente aux enchères, j’observe mes très discrets voisins, les frères Bradford, s’emparer de la propriété qui est dans ma famille depuis des générations. Je n’ai plus rien, juste les vêtements que j’ai sur le dos et un petit sac avec des effets personnels. Je me risque à dormir dans la grange pour une nuit, c’est là qu’ils me découvrent. Colt, Cary et Cash sont des triplés aux yeux gris acier et aux corps puissants sculptés par le travail de la terre. Sawyer et Scott, leurs frères, sont jumeaux ; ils sont bruns et inquiets, avec des mains immenses faites pour dresser les chevaux et conduire le bétail. Je leur explique que ce n’est que pour une nuit, que je vais tenter ma chance ailleurs, mais ils ne veulent rien entendre. Ils me proposent du travail, j’accepte malgré les risques. Obligée de vivre avec eux, je découvre que les cinq frères sublimes ne sont pas les cow-boys sans cœur que j’imaginais. Je n’ai jamais couché avec un homme, et soudain, cinq hommes veulent faire de moi une femme. Le problème, c’est que je ne suis pas la seule propriétaire qui se sent spoliée par les Bradford. Quand les choses tournent mal, notre passion récente et la confiance encore fragile entre nous vont-elles suffire pour préserver notre relation, ou tout cela va-t-il être détruit ?
When I run into Tyler Evans at the car repair shop, I want to slap the smirk off his face. I've broken down on the way to a wedding when I'm greeted by the guy who ghosted me four years ago. He left my body deliciously wrecked and my heart uncomfortably bruised and if he wasn't surrounded by five other hot mechanics, I'd call out his terrible behavior. But all the men at Deep Repairs are smoking hot, with bulging arms covered in grease and tattoos, and chiseled abs glistening in the summer heat. Arden, Able, and Andrew, are triplets who are more than three times the fun. Tyler is still the cocky bad boy who made me break all my rules. Damien is a gentle giant who can't seem to look directly at me, and I'm pretty sure that dark-eyed Greg is the most dangerous of them all. They whistle at the damage under the hood of my car and tell me I'm not going anywhere for at least seventy-two hours. I'm mortified at the prospect of missing Connie's wedding. But then Tyler offers to drive me, and when we're done, he tells me I can stay in his room at their shared house until my car is fixed. No strings attached. At least, that's the plan. They like to live life in the fast lane and do absolutely everything together! They're great with their hands and even better with their tools, and stupidly, I want them to fix more than just my car. But Tyler's already broken my trust once, and when six men want to get deep with me, facing up to the ghosts of my past might just be impossible.
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When I run into Tyler Evans at the car repair shop, I want to slap the smirk off his face. I've broken down on the way to a wedding when I'm greeted by the guy who ghosted me four years ago. He left my body deliciously wrecked and my heart uncomfortably bruised and if he wasn't surrounded by five other hot mechanics, I'd call out his terrible behavior. But all the men at Deep Repairs are smoking hot, with bulging arms covered in grease and tattoos, and chiseled abs glistening in the summer heat. Arden, Able, and Andrew, are triplets who are more than three times the fun. Tyler is still the cocky bad boy who made me break all my rules. Damien is a gentle giant who can't seem to look directly at me, and I'm pretty sure that dark-eyed Greg is the most dangerous of them all. They whistle at the damage under the hood of my car and tell me I'm not going anywhere for at least seventy-two hours. I'm mortified at the prospect of missing Connie's wedding. But then Tyler offers to drive me, and when we're done, he tells me I can stay in his room at their shared house until my car is fixed. No strings attached. At least, that's the plan. They like to live life in the fast lane and do absolutely everything together! They're great with their hands and even better with their tools, and stupidly, I want them to fix more than just my car. But Tyler's already broken my trust once, and when six men want to get deep with me, facing up to the ghosts of my past might just be impossible.
Seven bodyguards are hired to keep me safe, but I want so much more than their protection. It's my first world tour, and my record company is nervous. They've crafted my innocent image and focused on marketing my appearance ahead of my talent, so they shouldn't be surprised at the dangers I'm facing. Girls like me are magnets for stalkers. When Steel 7 Security is employed to safeguard my trip, I expect my bodyguards to be middle-aged ex-cops with donut-bellies. My seven bodyguards couldn't be more different. Connor, Elijah, Ben, Asher, Jax, Hudson, and Mo are huge, powerful ex-military men with bodies made to protect and an impeccably rigorous attitude to my safety. They have nerves of steel, their eyes are watchful, and their attitudes are professional, but I can't help noticing how their gazes linger on my body and I can't help feeling the electricity between us whenever we're together. They're a team of specialists, hired to protect me. They know better than to fall for someone they're supposed to keep safe. But with every glance, every accidental touch, every word, I can feel their steely exteriors melting away. They're with me through the lonely days and long nights on the road. I can't hide beneath my well-crafted veneer when they're with me twenty-four hours a day. Slowly, they make me feel like nothing can ever touch me apart from them. I know it's risky. If the press discovers our secret, my image will shatter, and their careers will be over, but their magnetic pull is too strong to resist. How can they protect me when the connection between us is the very thing that puts me in danger?
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Seven bodyguards are hired to keep me safe, but I want so much more than their protection. It's my first world tour, and my record company is nervous. They've crafted my innocent image and focused on marketing my appearance ahead of my talent, so they shouldn't be surprised at the dangers I'm facing. Girls like me are magnets for stalkers. When Steel 7 Security is employed to safeguard my trip, I expect my bodyguards to be middle-aged ex-cops with donut-bellies. My seven bodyguards couldn't be more different. Connor, Elijah, Ben, Asher, Jax, Hudson, and Mo are huge, powerful ex-military men with bodies made to protect and an impeccably rigorous attitude to my safety. They have nerves of steel, their eyes are watchful, and their attitudes are professional, but I can't help noticing how their gazes linger on my body and I can't help feeling the electricity between us whenever we're together. They're a team of specialists, hired to protect me. They know better than to fall for someone they're supposed to keep safe. But with every glance, every accidental touch, every word, I can feel their steely exteriors melting away. They're with me through the lonely days and long nights on the road. I can't hide beneath my well-crafted veneer when they're with me twenty-four hours a day. Slowly, they make me feel like nothing can ever touch me apart from them. I know it's risky. If the press discovers our secret, my image will shatter, and their careers will be over, but their magnetic pull is too strong to resist. How can they protect me when the connection between us is the very thing that puts me in danger?
What begins as a kinky game ends up as something else entirely. When I start a new job as the Ink Factor tattoo parlor receptionist, I have no idea what to expect. My skin is virgin, so I've never stepped foot into a place like it. But it's not the graffitied walls or the crazy loud music that overwhelms me; it's the eight huge, sexy, tattooed men who own it. Dex and Lex are twins with pierced tongues, wicked grins, and snake tattoos that disappear beneath their waistbands to goodness knows where. Nash, Niall, and Noah are triplets who have marked their skin to make their gorgeous jacked bodies less identical. Kase and Kole are dark and mysterious, watching everything I do with a mix of suspicion and fascination. And Carl is the boss. With ice blue eyes and hair like a Viking, he makes my knees weak every time he gives me an order. They hire me to sort out their admin. I spend my days trying to stay professional and my nights tangled in dreams filled with men of ink and sin. But it's when they overhear me talking to a friend about my lack of bedroom experience that things get really interesting. They offer to help in a strictly educational kind of way. They each have a different kink, and they're confident they can help me figure out what I like. They treat it like a game, telling me to score them on satisfaction and technique. A little more experience will help me find Mr. Right-For-Me. At least that's what they say. Except, each night I spend with them makes me more confused. You see, my problem is that I don't want to find someone else. I think I want them all.
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What begins as a kinky game ends up as something else entirely. When I start a new job as the Ink Factor tattoo parlor receptionist, I have no idea what to expect. My skin is virgin, so I've never stepped foot into a place like it. But it's not the graffitied walls or the crazy loud music that overwhelms me; it's the eight huge, sexy, tattooed men who own it. Dex and Lex are twins with pierced tongues, wicked grins, and snake tattoos that disappear beneath their waistbands to goodness knows where. Nash, Niall, and Noah are triplets who have marked their skin to make their gorgeous jacked bodies less identical. Kase and Kole are dark and mysterious, watching everything I do with a mix of suspicion and fascination. And Carl is the boss. With ice blue eyes and hair like a Viking, he makes my knees weak every time he gives me an order. They hire me to sort out their admin. I spend my days trying to stay professional and my nights tangled in dreams filled with men of ink and sin. But it's when they overhear me talking to a friend about my lack of bedroom experience that things get really interesting. They offer to help in a strictly educational kind of way. They each have a different kink, and they're confident they can help me figure out what I like. They treat it like a game, telling me to score them on satisfaction and technique. A little more experience will help me find Mr. Right-For-Me. At least that's what they say. Except, each night I spend with them makes me more confused. You see, my problem is that I don't want to find someone else. I think I want them all.
My vacation Down Under is a bust until a bar-load of Aussie men offer to take me to Cloud 9! When my best friend shacks up with eight gorgeous tattoo artists, I decide it’s time to shake up my life. A ticket to Australia seems like a perfect way to find some desperately needed fun and leave behind the black cloud hanging over me. The cool beach bar I stumble into draws me in with its chilled music and boho vibe. But it’s the nine scorching hot men who own and run the bar that make me want to stay. When they offer me a job, I make it my mission to experience absolutely everything Cloud 9 has to offer. And that includes the owners! Bradley and Bryce are twins from Texas who cook up a storm in the kitchen and between my sheets. Lachlan, from Scotland, is quiet and brooding, and his touch stills my restless soul. Joshua and Jared are blond twins from London who've left the big smoke behind to indulge their love of surfing. They give new meaning to their catchphrase, 'If it swells, ride it'. Thomas, Logan, Mitchell, and Cooper are hot, rugged Aussie men with laid-back attitudes and a dedication to exploring all my foreign territory. They go the whole nine yards to take me to heaven and back and are determined to make me their lucky number ten. But even though they show me how good they are down under... and over... and everywhere in between, settling down was never part of the plan. My YOLO tattoo makes me seem carefree and adventurous, but it’s there to remind me that imagining a future is dangerous. Getting the most out of life means moving on before my heart gets involved....and before I have to face up to my greatest fear. Or does it?
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My vacation Down Under is a bust until a bar-load of Aussie men offer to take me to Cloud 9! When my best friend shacks up with eight gorgeous tattoo artists, I decide it’s time to shake up my life. A ticket to Australia seems like a perfect way to find some desperately needed fun and leave behind the black cloud hanging over me. The cool beach bar I stumble into draws me in with its chilled music and boho vibe. But it’s the nine scorching hot men who own and run the bar that make me want to stay. When they offer me a job, I make it my mission to experience absolutely everything Cloud 9 has to offer. And that includes the owners! Bradley and Bryce are twins from Texas who cook up a storm in the kitchen and between my sheets. Lachlan, from Scotland, is quiet and brooding, and his touch stills my restless soul. Joshua and Jared are blond twins from London who've left the big smoke behind to indulge their love of surfing. They give new meaning to their catchphrase, 'If it swells, ride it'. Thomas, Logan, Mitchell, and Cooper are hot, rugged Aussie men with laid-back attitudes and a dedication to exploring all my foreign territory. They go the whole nine yards to take me to heaven and back and are determined to make me their lucky number ten. But even though they show me how good they are down under... and over... and everywhere in between, settling down was never part of the plan. My YOLO tattoo makes me seem carefree and adventurous, but it’s there to remind me that imagining a future is dangerous. Getting the most out of life means moving on before my heart gets involved....and before I have to face up to my greatest fear. Or does it?
Ten men, a beach house, and a question to answer: Does size really matter? When my boss asks me to write an article on the age-old question of the importance of D-size, I stifle an eye-roll. This isn’t what I imagined I’d be doing after years of journalism classes. But when she presents me with the keys to an exclusive beach house, and the personal details of the ten men she’s lined up for me to interview, my eyes practically bug out of my head. It isn’t only because they’re hotter than the surface of the sun, or tall and broad enough to form a Great-Wall-of-Man. It isn’t because between them, they have more ink than a bookstore. It isn’t even because each of them is packing ten inches or more, although that does raise a perfectly arched eyebrow. It’s the way my boss winks when she says the word interview, as though her expectation of the depth of my investigation is way beyond standard reporting. I'm a flustered mess when they all arrive at the beach house. Carson and Clay are tattoo artists who can’t stop staring at my virgin skin. Russell and Tom are ex-military men looking for adventure on home soil. Jimmy and Jonas are personal trainers with a very personal touch. Oliver and Stefan are senior executives at two prestigious advertising agencies, making them as rich as they are sexy. And Theron and Gabe build houses for a living with their bare hands! They’re a veritable buffet of delicious manly goodness. They tantalize me with what it would be like to experience ten men and ten times ten inches until I'm achy and needy and more desperate to know the answer to the size question than I've ever been about anything, ever! And when they find out how innocent I am, they decide I need to be taught many, many mind blowing lessons about how to handle so much man. Ten men, seven days and one intriguing question. Will I find the answer?
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Ten men, a beach house, and a question to answer: Does size really matter? When my boss asks me to write an article on the age-old question of the importance of D-size, I stifle an eye-roll. This isn’t what I imagined I’d be doing after years of journalism classes. But when she presents me with the keys to an exclusive beach house, and the personal details of the ten men she’s lined up for me to interview, my eyes practically bug out of my head. It isn’t only because they’re hotter than the surface of the sun, or tall and broad enough to form a Great-Wall-of-Man. It isn’t because between them, they have more ink than a bookstore. It isn’t even because each of them is packing ten inches or more, although that does raise a perfectly arched eyebrow. It’s the way my boss winks when she says the word interview, as though her expectation of the depth of my investigation is way beyond standard reporting. I'm a flustered mess when they all arrive at the beach house. Carson and Clay are tattoo artists who can’t stop staring at my virgin skin. Russell and Tom are ex-military men looking for adventure on home soil. Jimmy and Jonas are personal trainers with a very personal touch. Oliver and Stefan are senior executives at two prestigious advertising agencies, making them as rich as they are sexy. And Theron and Gabe build houses for a living with their bare hands! They’re a veritable buffet of delicious manly goodness. They tantalize me with what it would be like to experience ten men and ten times ten inches until I'm achy and needy and more desperate to know the answer to the size question than I've ever been about anything, ever! And when they find out how innocent I am, they decide I need to be taught many, many mind blowing lessons about how to handle so much man. Ten men, seven days and one intriguing question. Will I find the answer?


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