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Légion d'honneur - La série

  • Nombre de tomes :
  • 31
  • Nombre de lecteurs :
  • 32
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La liste des tomes

Exerçant une profession dangereuse où il vaut mieux tuer pour ne pas se faire soi-même tuer, Mason réalise les besognes salissantes dont personne ne voudrait se charger. De toute façon, peu sont ceux qui possèdent les compétences qu’il maîtrise, et sans lesquelles il ne pourrait les exécuter avec succès. Lorsqu’il est en mission, il fait preuve d’un dévouement et d’une concentration sans faille. Quand il ne l’est pas, ce guerrier s’investit dans tout ce qui lui tient à cœur avant autant de force que lorsqu’il se bat. La dernière chose à laquelle il s’attend est de rencontrer la femme qu’il désire, mais ne peut pas avoir… celle qu’il ne parvient pas à oublier. Tesla, conceptrice de logiciels, a perdu son frère à la guerre. Se rapprocher d’un autre homme enrôlé dans l’armée est une chose qu’elle refuse d’envisager. Dans sa volonté d’éviter à d’autres soldats américains de connaître le même destin tragique que celui de son frère, elle a créé un programme informatique capable de sauver des vies. Mais lorsque d’autres pays découvrent l’existence de ce logiciel, ses bonnes intentions sont accueillies avec hostilité et avidité. Ils ne s’arrêteront pas tant qu’ils n’auront pas mis la main sur ce programme, et quiconque se mettra en travers de leur chemin le regrettera amèrement. Comprenant qu’elle est en danger, Tesla se tourne vers Mason, le seul homme susceptible de la sauver… celui-là même dont elle n’ose pas tomber amoureuse.
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Exerçant une profession dangereuse où il vaut mieux tuer pour ne pas se faire soi-même tuer, Mason réalise les besognes salissantes dont personne ne voudrait se charger. De toute façon, peu sont ceux qui possèdent les compétences qu’il maîtrise, et sans lesquelles il ne pourrait les exécuter avec succès. Lorsqu’il est en mission, il fait preuve d’un dévouement et d’une concentration sans faille. Quand il ne l’est pas, ce guerrier s’investit dans tout ce qui lui tient à cœur avant autant de force que lorsqu’il se bat. La dernière chose à laquelle il s’attend est de rencontrer la femme qu’il désire, mais ne peut pas avoir… celle qu’il ne parvient pas à oublier. Tesla, conceptrice de logiciels, a perdu son frère à la guerre. Se rapprocher d’un autre homme enrôlé dans l’armée est une chose qu’elle refuse d’envisager. Dans sa volonté d’éviter à d’autres soldats américains de connaître le même destin tragique que celui de son frère, elle a créé un programme informatique capable de sauver des vies. Mais lorsque d’autres pays découvrent l’existence de ce logiciel, ses bonnes intentions sont accueillies avec hostilité et avidité. Ils ne s’arrêteront pas tant qu’ils n’auront pas mis la main sur ce programme, et quiconque se mettra en travers de leur chemin le regrettera amèrement. Comprenant qu’elle est en danger, Tesla se tourne vers Mason, le seul homme susceptible de la sauver… celui-là même dont elle n’ose pas tomber amoureuse.
Tomber sur un cadavre est une sacrée façon de commencer des vacances… En grandissant, Hawk était toujours le joker, celui qui ne pouvait pas rester en place ni s’intégrer. Devenir un SEAL lui a donné de nouvelles attaches et un but incomparable dans la vie. Néanmoins, l’homme sauvage reste sous la surface, attendant l’allumette à sa flamme. De retour dans sa ville natale pour quelques jours de repos, Hawk remarque qu’une nouvelle atmosphère, plus sombre, plane sur la petite ville et qu’elle semble s’acharner sur une rousse aux taches de rousseur de son passé, la fille qu’il n’a jamais oubliée. Mia, elle, ne se souvient que trop bien du frère de la meilleure amie de son enfance. Quelle fille saine d’esprit pourrait oublier Hawk ? Lorsqu’il était jeune, c’était un feu d’artifice vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre, illuminant sa vie. Chaque rencontre avec lui lui coupait le souffle et faisait battre son cœur trop vite. Mais Hawk, l’homme, de retour pour les vacances, est plus coriace, plus dangereux et incroyablement plus sexy qu’il ne l’était lorsqu’elle n’était qu’une jeune fille en admiration désirant attirer son attention. Alors même que Mia est emportée par ses sentiments pour lui, la ville est frappée par une vague de violence sans précédent… et Mia se retrouve en plein milieu de l’explosion.
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Tomber sur un cadavre est une sacrée façon de commencer des vacances… En grandissant, Hawk était toujours le joker, celui qui ne pouvait pas rester en place ni s’intégrer. Devenir un SEAL lui a donné de nouvelles attaches et un but incomparable dans la vie. Néanmoins, l’homme sauvage reste sous la surface, attendant l’allumette à sa flamme. De retour dans sa ville natale pour quelques jours de repos, Hawk remarque qu’une nouvelle atmosphère, plus sombre, plane sur la petite ville et qu’elle semble s’acharner sur une rousse aux taches de rousseur de son passé, la fille qu’il n’a jamais oubliée. Mia, elle, ne se souvient que trop bien du frère de la meilleure amie de son enfance. Quelle fille saine d’esprit pourrait oublier Hawk ? Lorsqu’il était jeune, c’était un feu d’artifice vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre, illuminant sa vie. Chaque rencontre avec lui lui coupait le souffle et faisait battre son cœur trop vite. Mais Hawk, l’homme, de retour pour les vacances, est plus coriace, plus dangereux et incroyablement plus sexy qu’il ne l’était lorsqu’elle n’était qu’une jeune fille en admiration désirant attirer son attention. Alors même que Mia est emportée par ses sentiments pour lui, la ville est frappée par une vague de violence sans précédent… et Mia se retrouve en plein milieu de l’explosion.
Depuis qu’il a accompli son rêve en devenant membre des Navy SEAL, Dane mène une vie bourrée d’action. Il n’a jamais eu le temps ni l’envie de se demander s’il n’aspirait pas à autre chose. Après avoir vu plusieurs de ses plus proches amis tomber amoureux, il commence à rêver à la même chose. Lors d’une mission, alors qu’il traque un terroriste spécialisé en armes chimiques, Dane rencontre une femme qui non seulement le captive, mais réalise ses désirs les plus fous. Malheureusement, les circonstances de sa présence sont plus que douteuses. Et le problème, c’est que Dane ne parvient pas à savoir de quel côté elle est. Marielle est venue d’Allemagne pour un court voyage d’affaires. Elle ne s’attendait pas à décevoir la personne même qu’elle est venue voir, pas plus que de tomber dans les bras d’un homme auquel elle est tentée de se donner, tout en sachant qu’elle ne pourra pas le garder. Alors que la situation oscille entre drame et catastrophe, puis bascule dans le désespoir le plus total, des vies et des cœurs se retrouvent en équilibre dangereux entre la vie et la mort.
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Depuis qu’il a accompli son rêve en devenant membre des Navy SEAL, Dane mène une vie bourrée d’action. Il n’a jamais eu le temps ni l’envie de se demander s’il n’aspirait pas à autre chose. Après avoir vu plusieurs de ses plus proches amis tomber amoureux, il commence à rêver à la même chose. Lors d’une mission, alors qu’il traque un terroriste spécialisé en armes chimiques, Dane rencontre une femme qui non seulement le captive, mais réalise ses désirs les plus fous. Malheureusement, les circonstances de sa présence sont plus que douteuses. Et le problème, c’est que Dane ne parvient pas à savoir de quel côté elle est. Marielle est venue d’Allemagne pour un court voyage d’affaires. Elle ne s’attendait pas à décevoir la personne même qu’elle est venue voir, pas plus que de tomber dans les bras d’un homme auquel elle est tentée de se donner, tout en sachant qu’elle ne pourra pas le garder. Alors que la situation oscille entre drame et catastrophe, puis bascule dans le désespoir le plus total, des vies et des cœurs se retrouvent en équilibre dangereux entre la vie et la mort.
Ses camarades SEAL ont trouvé l’élue de leur cœur l’un après l’autre, mais le meurtre se met en travers de la quête du grand amour pour Swede. Le soldat est à la recherche de la compagne idéale, mais la question de savoir si cela arrivera un jour est secondaire pour le moment, puisqu’il se trouve au fin fond du Mexique à surveiller un camp d’entraînement rebelle. Lorsqu’un groupe de civils s’invite en plein milieu de son opération, Swede est stupéfait d’apprendre qu’une femme, qu’il avait jugée inatteignable il y a longtemps, se trouve à l’endroit même où son équipe prépare une mission extrêmement dangereuse. Eva aime les animaux, surtout ceux qui ont besoin qu’on leur vienne en aide. Lorsqu’un ami lui demande de lui prêter main-forte pour transférer un troupeau de chevaux du Mexique vers plusieurs refuges où ils seront soignés et bien traités, elle saute sur l’occasion… et se retrouve en difficulté. Swede est un vieil « ennemi » et il est déterminé à la mettre en sécurité avant que les rebelles ne s’en prennent à eux. Alors qu’il s’efforce de la mettre à l’abri, elle lutte pour protéger son cœur une seconde fois. Les rebelles ont leurs propres projets, qui n’impliquent probablement pas une fin heureuse pour l’avenir de Swede et d’Eva.
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Ses camarades SEAL ont trouvé l’élue de leur cœur l’un après l’autre, mais le meurtre se met en travers de la quête du grand amour pour Swede. Le soldat est à la recherche de la compagne idéale, mais la question de savoir si cela arrivera un jour est secondaire pour le moment, puisqu’il se trouve au fin fond du Mexique à surveiller un camp d’entraînement rebelle. Lorsqu’un groupe de civils s’invite en plein milieu de son opération, Swede est stupéfait d’apprendre qu’une femme, qu’il avait jugée inatteignable il y a longtemps, se trouve à l’endroit même où son équipe prépare une mission extrêmement dangereuse. Eva aime les animaux, surtout ceux qui ont besoin qu’on leur vienne en aide. Lorsqu’un ami lui demande de lui prêter main-forte pour transférer un troupeau de chevaux du Mexique vers plusieurs refuges où ils seront soignés et bien traités, elle saute sur l’occasion… et se retrouve en difficulté. Swede est un vieil « ennemi » et il est déterminé à la mettre en sécurité avant que les rebelles ne s’en prennent à eux. Alors qu’il s’efforce de la mettre à l’abri, elle lutte pour protéger son cœur une seconde fois. Les rebelles ont leurs propres projets, qui n’impliquent probablement pas une fin heureuse pour l’avenir de Swede et d’Eva.
Avec une vie qui n’a été qu’une suite d’épreuves à surmonter, il n’est pas étonnant que Shadow soit si doué pour faire face aux situations les plus difficiles, les plus dangereuses et les plus infernales. La vie de SEAL est celle où Shadow se sent le plus à l’aise. Il est certain de ce qu’il est capable d’accomplir, sait quand agir et comment exécuter parfaitement ce qui doit être accompli. Mais lorsqu’il part en mission pour sauver Arianna et sa famille, son univers passe du plan d’action précis et contrôlé à un chaos inimaginable. Qui est cette femme et pourquoi le déstabilise-t-elle comme personne ne l’a jamais fait auparavant ? Arianna plonge dans un monde qui lui est totalement étranger, qui comprend des enlèvements, des passages à tabac, des menaces… et des Navy SEAL. Sa seule chance dans ce cauchemar, c’est le ténébreux et dangereux sauveteur qui veille sur elle. Shadow semble très incertain sur ce qu’il est censé faire d’elle. Et bien qu’Arianna ait une idée assez précise de la direction qu’elle aimerait que prenne leur relation, auront-ils un jour cette chance ? Elle a été accusée de meurtre, et c’est à Shadow de la sauver – ou de risquer de perdre ce qu’il ne savait même pas désirer, mais dont il ne peut désormais plus se passer …
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Avec une vie qui n’a été qu’une suite d’épreuves à surmonter, il n’est pas étonnant que Shadow soit si doué pour faire face aux situations les plus difficiles, les plus dangereuses et les plus infernales. La vie de SEAL est celle où Shadow se sent le plus à l’aise. Il est certain de ce qu’il est capable d’accomplir, sait quand agir et comment exécuter parfaitement ce qui doit être accompli. Mais lorsqu’il part en mission pour sauver Arianna et sa famille, son univers passe du plan d’action précis et contrôlé à un chaos inimaginable. Qui est cette femme et pourquoi le déstabilise-t-elle comme personne ne l’a jamais fait auparavant ? Arianna plonge dans un monde qui lui est totalement étranger, qui comprend des enlèvements, des passages à tabac, des menaces… et des Navy SEAL. Sa seule chance dans ce cauchemar, c’est le ténébreux et dangereux sauveteur qui veille sur elle. Shadow semble très incertain sur ce qu’il est censé faire d’elle. Et bien qu’Arianna ait une idée assez précise de la direction qu’elle aimerait que prenne leur relation, auront-ils un jour cette chance ? Elle a été accusée de meurtre, et c’est à Shadow de la sauver – ou de risquer de perdre ce qu’il ne savait même pas désirer, mais dont il ne peut désormais plus se passer …
Une médecin hautement qualifiée a sauvé la vie et la santé mentale de Cooper, tout en lui volant son cœur par la même occasion. Être un SEAL est la raison de vivre de Cooper, mais ce n’est pas seulement son devoir qui le pousse à agir lorsque la praticienne qui l’a miraculeusement ramené à la vie est enlevée. Il est le premier à se porter volontaire pour la sauver. Le Dr Sasha Childs consacre sa vie à aider les autres. Découvrir que son mari couchait avec sa meilleure amie a renforcé sa volonté d’indépendance et son envie de se concentrer sur la pratique de la médecine. Désabusée, elle cesse de croire au véritable amour et décide de mettre ses compétences au service d’un camp de réfugiés syriens qui a désespérément besoin d’une aide médicale. Elle n’est pas du tout consciente du danger qui rôde autour d’elle et ne réalise que trop tard qu’elle n’était pas aussi en sécurité qu’elle le pensait, lorsqu’elle est enlevée par des terroristes. Cooper a eu fort à faire pour sauver Sasha des mains étrangères qui la retenaient captive et la ramener saine et sauve chez elle. Quand le danger se présente de nouveau à sa porte, la garder en sécurité une seconde fois devient pratiquement impossible. Alors qu’il se considère chanceux d’avoir échappé à la mort, il se rend compte qu’il a besoin d’un autre miracle afin que la femme dont il est tombé amoureux ne devienne pas un peu plus qu’une victime supplémentaire de la guerre.
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Une médecin hautement qualifiée a sauvé la vie et la santé mentale de Cooper, tout en lui volant son cœur par la même occasion. Être un SEAL est la raison de vivre de Cooper, mais ce n’est pas seulement son devoir qui le pousse à agir lorsque la praticienne qui l’a miraculeusement ramené à la vie est enlevée. Il est le premier à se porter volontaire pour la sauver. Le Dr Sasha Childs consacre sa vie à aider les autres. Découvrir que son mari couchait avec sa meilleure amie a renforcé sa volonté d’indépendance et son envie de se concentrer sur la pratique de la médecine. Désabusée, elle cesse de croire au véritable amour et décide de mettre ses compétences au service d’un camp de réfugiés syriens qui a désespérément besoin d’une aide médicale. Elle n’est pas du tout consciente du danger qui rôde autour d’elle et ne réalise que trop tard qu’elle n’était pas aussi en sécurité qu’elle le pensait, lorsqu’elle est enlevée par des terroristes. Cooper a eu fort à faire pour sauver Sasha des mains étrangères qui la retenaient captive et la ramener saine et sauve chez elle. Quand le danger se présente de nouveau à sa porte, la garder en sécurité une seconde fois devient pratiquement impossible. Alors qu’il se considère chanceux d’avoir échappé à la mort, il se rend compte qu’il a besoin d’un autre miracle afin que la femme dont il est tombé amoureux ne devienne pas un peu plus qu’une victime supplémentaire de la guerre.
Markus est bien placé pour savoir que l’amour fait mal, quand il perd une femme qui était tout pour lui. Redoutant désormais les sentiments, il enfouit sa douleur et considère que son cœur est mort. Convaincu de ne plus jamais être le même, il se consacre pleinement aux autres. Sa rencontre avec Bree lui fait l’effet d’un électrochoc alors qu’il se noyait dans un océan de chagrin, et il est sidéré de constater que son cœur est encore capable de battre, même après tout ce temps. Perdue, seule et en péril, Bree se désole du désastre qu’est devenue sa vie, mais quand elle parvient encore à respirer sans sentir la mort à ses trousses, elle rêve de retrouver les petits bonheurs de l’existence. Malheureusement, Bree en a trop vu, trop entendu, et pour cette raison, son ennemi ne peut pas se permettre de la laisser en vie…
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Markus est bien placé pour savoir que l’amour fait mal, quand il perd une femme qui était tout pour lui. Redoutant désormais les sentiments, il enfouit sa douleur et considère que son cœur est mort. Convaincu de ne plus jamais être le même, il se consacre pleinement aux autres. Sa rencontre avec Bree lui fait l’effet d’un électrochoc alors qu’il se noyait dans un océan de chagrin, et il est sidéré de constater que son cœur est encore capable de battre, même après tout ce temps. Perdue, seule et en péril, Bree se désole du désastre qu’est devenue sa vie, mais quand elle parvient encore à respirer sans sentir la mort à ses trousses, elle rêve de retrouver les petits bonheurs de l’existence. Malheureusement, Bree en a trop vu, trop entendu, et pour cette raison, son ennemi ne peut pas se permettre de la laisser en vie…
Evan a la réputation d’être mystérieux, imprévisible et indiscipliné. Même son ex petite amie, Megan, a cru à sa couverture. Quand elle est mutée sur la côte ouest pour intégrer la nouvelle division spéciale hélicoptères, leurs vies se croisent à nouveau. En découvrant qu’il craque encore pour elle, Megan a un sacré choc… et elle éprouve des envies qu’elle n’est pas certaine de savoir maîtriser. Quand une autre unité de SEAL subit une attaque et a besoin de leur aide, Megan se rapproche un peu trop et se fait pincer. Elle ne peut compter que sur Evan, mais cet ennemi les prend tous deux pour cibles. Ils vont devoir découvrir ce qui est arrivé à leurs amis… et vite, avant de devenir les prochains disparus.
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Evan a la réputation d’être mystérieux, imprévisible et indiscipliné. Même son ex petite amie, Megan, a cru à sa couverture. Quand elle est mutée sur la côte ouest pour intégrer la nouvelle division spéciale hélicoptères, leurs vies se croisent à nouveau. En découvrant qu’il craque encore pour elle, Megan a un sacré choc… et elle éprouve des envies qu’elle n’est pas certaine de savoir maîtriser. Quand une autre unité de SEAL subit une attaque et a besoin de leur aide, Megan se rapproche un peu trop et se fait pincer. Elle ne peut compter que sur Evan, mais cet ennemi les prend tous deux pour cibles. Ils vont devoir découvrir ce qui est arrivé à leurs amis… et vite, avant de devenir les prochains disparus.
Mason adore son quotidien avec Tesla, mais leur vie commune n’est que la partie émergée de l’iceberg qu’il a envie d’escalader avec cette femme pour qui il serait prêt à mourir. Il veut absolument tout avec elle, maintenant et éternellement. Mais l’éternité arrive bien trop vite quand la demande en mariage de Mason à Noël est reportée à cause de l’agression subie par Tesla à leur domicile. Un ennemi qui ose s’en prendre à l’amoureuse de Mason est un ennemi qui va passer un très mauvais réveillon… et pire encore.
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Mason adore son quotidien avec Tesla, mais leur vie commune n’est que la partie émergée de l’iceberg qu’il a envie d’escalader avec cette femme pour qui il serait prêt à mourir. Il veut absolument tout avec elle, maintenant et éternellement. Mais l’éternité arrive bien trop vite quand la demande en mariage de Mason à Noël est reportée à cause de l’agression subie par Tesla à leur domicile. Un ennemi qui ose s’en prendre à l’amoureuse de Mason est un ennemi qui va passer un très mauvais réveillon… et pire encore.
Everyone has something in their history they’d like to keep buried in the past… Chase has more than most. And his secrets are about to blow wide open as one really bad part of his past has come looking for him. Vanessa is all about moving forward in her life and not looking back. There are enough painful memories in her history for a lifetime. But when she gets embroiled in Chase’s problems, they become her problems too. Both need to deal with their pasts, because if they don’t, they might no longer have a future.
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Everyone has something in their history they’d like to keep buried in the past… Chase has more than most. And his secrets are about to blow wide open as one really bad part of his past has come looking for him. Vanessa is all about moving forward in her life and not looking back. There are enough painful memories in her history for a lifetime. But when she gets embroiled in Chase’s problems, they become her problems too. Both need to deal with their pasts, because if they don’t, they might no longer have a future.
Rescuing hostages on a yacht is a fairly normal mission for Brett, one of the elite SEALs, but having one of those hostages be an ex-girlfriend and her kids — well that changes everything. Particularly now that he knows she's single again. Ceci had walked away from Brett and into another relationship as a way to heal. Only to end up as a widow raising two kids. She planned to stay single and secure, avoid all the heartbreak that relationships bring until she comes face to face with her rescuer...and realizes she's been fooling herself for years. Unfortunately safe doesn't mean safe anymore as the situation goes from bad to worse and she realizes she might never get a chance to fix her mistake...
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Rescuing hostages on a yacht is a fairly normal mission for Brett, one of the elite SEALs, but having one of those hostages be an ex-girlfriend and her kids — well that changes everything. Particularly now that he knows she's single again. Ceci had walked away from Brett and into another relationship as a way to heal. Only to end up as a widow raising two kids. She planned to stay single and secure, avoid all the heartbreak that relationships bring until she comes face to face with her rescuer...and realizes she's been fooling herself for years. Unfortunately safe doesn't mean safe anymore as the situation goes from bad to worse and she realizes she might never get a chance to fix her mistake...
A four man unit brushes up against Mason and his 'Keepers' unit. Sparks fly from the beginning as not one of the men are looking for romance. But there's no choice - cupid has a soft spot for SEALS and he's lined his sights up on Devlin next. :) The right place at the right time… or the very wrong place… As part of a group helping to training Afghan soldiers, Devin is doing additional training on how to use the latest drones. But when a murder is committed on the base and suspicion is thrown on the drone’s designer, he can’t stop himself from helping her. When they return stateside, another employee in the same company is murdered. Once again suspicion falls on the designer. And as tension climbs, Devin wonders who will be next… Bristol didn’t want to take her latest drone models to Afghanistan, but she was behind schedule and her bosses were pushing. Then disaster strikes, and she’s the one everyone blames. She loses her research and her best friend, and now she’s determined to find out who did this… no matter how dangerous it is. The killer isn’t done. He got what he wanted but there’s more that he needs… and he’ll kill to get it. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time…
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A four man unit brushes up against Mason and his 'Keepers' unit. Sparks fly from the beginning as not one of the men are looking for romance. But there's no choice - cupid has a soft spot for SEALS and he's lined his sights up on Devlin next. :) The right place at the right time… or the very wrong place… As part of a group helping to training Afghan soldiers, Devin is doing additional training on how to use the latest drones. But when a murder is committed on the base and suspicion is thrown on the drone’s designer, he can’t stop himself from helping her. When they return stateside, another employee in the same company is murdered. Once again suspicion falls on the designer. And as tension climbs, Devin wonders who will be next… Bristol didn’t want to take her latest drone models to Afghanistan, but she was behind schedule and her bosses were pushing. Then disaster strikes, and she’s the one everyone blames. She loses her research and her best friend, and now she’s determined to find out who did this… no matter how dangerous it is. The killer isn’t done. He got what he wanted but there’s more that he needs… and he’ll kill to get it. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time…
Trips to Canada’s wilderness for joint military training are something Easton always enjoys. But meeting the photographer contracted to take pictures of the base and trainees for new marketing materials adds a whole new twist to the trip. A twist Easton quickly realizes has a dark undertone. Summer knows she gets lost in her art to the point she’s been called ditzy, forgetful and many other less pleasant names. But her passionate nature has an outlet, and she loves traveling for her work. It also means she doesn’t always take care of herself as she should. When she’s stalked, then attacked, Easton soon realizes Summer has stepped into something dangerous and needs his help to stay alive. Especially when the violence escalates…and he comes close to losing the one woman he can’t seem to stay away from.
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Trips to Canada’s wilderness for joint military training are something Easton always enjoys. But meeting the photographer contracted to take pictures of the base and trainees for new marketing materials adds a whole new twist to the trip. A twist Easton quickly realizes has a dark undertone. Summer knows she gets lost in her art to the point she’s been called ditzy, forgetful and many other less pleasant names. But her passionate nature has an outlet, and she loves traveling for her work. It also means she doesn’t always take care of herself as she should. When she’s stalked, then attacked, Easton soon realizes Summer has stepped into something dangerous and needs his help to stay alive. Especially when the violence escalates…and he comes close to losing the one woman he can’t seem to stay away from.
Ryder spent his career defending his nation and helping others… After he lost the one good thing in his life, he spent every waking hour trying to forget… After a mission goes south and a friend is hurt, Ryder checks in at medical for an update on his condition only to find Caitlyn working there. It doesn’t take long for the same damn feelings to overwhelm him. She’s not his any longer, but maybe they can be friends… Friendship is the last thing Caitlyn wants, but it’s a start. She screwed up – in a big way – and she’ll do anything to get her best friend back in her life. Even work overseas for a chance to see him. But when the outpost is attacked and medical supplies start to go missing they have something bigger to worry about. When she’s kidnapped, all bets are off and both Ryder and Caitlyn have to find out what’s really important before they lose it all … and each other.
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Ryder spent his career defending his nation and helping others… After he lost the one good thing in his life, he spent every waking hour trying to forget… After a mission goes south and a friend is hurt, Ryder checks in at medical for an update on his condition only to find Caitlyn working there. It doesn’t take long for the same damn feelings to overwhelm him. She’s not his any longer, but maybe they can be friends… Friendship is the last thing Caitlyn wants, but it’s a start. She screwed up – in a big way – and she’ll do anything to get her best friend back in her life. Even work overseas for a chance to see him. But when the outpost is attacked and medical supplies start to go missing they have something bigger to worry about. When she’s kidnapped, all bets are off and both Ryder and Caitlyn have to find out what’s really important before they lose it all … and each other.
One damaging relationship in his life refuses to end when the woman insists it's not over between them for her. Marsha makes Macklin's life hell…until she turns up dead and the evidence points straight at him. As the new detective on the Coronado Police force, Alex is determined to make a good impression on her superiors and colleagues. That goal is thwarted by Macklin, who's the chief suspect in her murder investigation--and someone she longs to know a whole lot better. Whether she wants to or not, she can't let herself foolishly forget that his last girlfriend now occupies an ice-cold bed at the morgue. During his thorough interrogation at the precinct by the sexy-beyond-belief detective, Macklin finds himself furious…and intrigued. Seems, alive or dead, Marsha is determined to make his life miserable. Alex intends to find out the truth, and, as an elite warrior himself, he admires her grift and ethics in pursuit of the answers. Damn that she's the first woman in a long time he'd love to get to know better. With no other option, Macklin has to help the detective solve the mystery--hopefully before Alex has no choice but to charge him with murder.
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One damaging relationship in his life refuses to end when the woman insists it's not over between them for her. Marsha makes Macklin's life hell…until she turns up dead and the evidence points straight at him. As the new detective on the Coronado Police force, Alex is determined to make a good impression on her superiors and colleagues. That goal is thwarted by Macklin, who's the chief suspect in her murder investigation--and someone she longs to know a whole lot better. Whether she wants to or not, she can't let herself foolishly forget that his last girlfriend now occupies an ice-cold bed at the morgue. During his thorough interrogation at the precinct by the sexy-beyond-belief detective, Macklin finds himself furious…and intrigued. Seems, alive or dead, Marsha is determined to make his life miserable. Alex intends to find out the truth, and, as an elite warrior himself, he admires her grift and ethics in pursuit of the answers. Damn that she's the first woman in a long time he'd love to get to know better. With no other option, Macklin has to help the detective solve the mystery--hopefully before Alex has no choice but to charge him with murder.
A voice from the past cries out for help and Corey finds himself reunited with the only woman who'd ever rocked his world straight off the axis. But twelve years is a long time apart. Both of them have moved on, but, tragically, Angela is no longer the lighthearted woman he once knew and loved. Caught in a nasty divorce and custody battle, Angela will do anything to keep her son with her. After seven years of a rocky marriage, she's only just beginning to figure out what kind of a man her husband truly is. Angela makes it clear to Corey she doesn't want or need his help. She's got her own insurance to secure her case. But Corey is determined to shield his old flame anyway because she doesn't seem to realize her "insurance" is more than likely to get her dead sooner rather than later. Given that Corey's up against a man with no intention of letting his son go, it's a race to see who ends up in a casket first.
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A voice from the past cries out for help and Corey finds himself reunited with the only woman who'd ever rocked his world straight off the axis. But twelve years is a long time apart. Both of them have moved on, but, tragically, Angela is no longer the lighthearted woman he once knew and loved. Caught in a nasty divorce and custody battle, Angela will do anything to keep her son with her. After seven years of a rocky marriage, she's only just beginning to figure out what kind of a man her husband truly is. Angela makes it clear to Corey she doesn't want or need his help. She's got her own insurance to secure her case. But Corey is determined to shield his old flame anyway because she doesn't seem to realize her "insurance" is more than likely to get her dead sooner rather than later. Given that Corey's up against a man with no intention of letting his son go, it's a race to see who ends up in a casket first.
Warrick Canton works with Mason's Navy SEAL team and he's going stir-crazy on the sidelines while he heals from an ankle injury. He longs for a relationship like the ones his buddies have, but, after his girlfriend of three years dumps him just when he thinks they're solid, he struggles to believe it's possible. He's invited to a backyard barbecue at Mason's house, where he meets up with the spitfire he's met before and knows won’t give an inch. Warrick is intrigued, even though the she-devil won't stop arguing long enough to get to know her. Penny Magnus loves her job as a clerk in the medical insurance offices, but trying to get stubborn men to fill out a few forms properly isn't her idea of a good time. With a fiery personality, Penny's open to starting a new romance but absolutely not with a difficult man, even if he is gorgeous. Her best friend got herself in an ugly relationship and had to ask Penny for help in escaping him. Now, just when Penny and Warrick are calming down enough to actually connect, her friend's boyfriend contacts her. He blames Penny for the mess she created when she tore the love of his life from him. He goes on a rampage, targeting Penny--only he's thwarted by one big, badass warrior standing firmly in his way, protecting her. All he needs is for Warrick to make one tiny mistake…
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Warrick Canton works with Mason's Navy SEAL team and he's going stir-crazy on the sidelines while he heals from an ankle injury. He longs for a relationship like the ones his buddies have, but, after his girlfriend of three years dumps him just when he thinks they're solid, he struggles to believe it's possible. He's invited to a backyard barbecue at Mason's house, where he meets up with the spitfire he's met before and knows won’t give an inch. Warrick is intrigued, even though the she-devil won't stop arguing long enough to get to know her. Penny Magnus loves her job as a clerk in the medical insurance offices, but trying to get stubborn men to fill out a few forms properly isn't her idea of a good time. With a fiery personality, Penny's open to starting a new romance but absolutely not with a difficult man, even if he is gorgeous. Her best friend got herself in an ugly relationship and had to ask Penny for help in escaping him. Now, just when Penny and Warrick are calming down enough to actually connect, her friend's boyfriend contacts her. He blames Penny for the mess she created when she tore the love of his life from him. He goes on a rampage, targeting Penny--only he's thwarted by one big, badass warrior standing firmly in his way, protecting her. All he needs is for Warrick to make one tiny mistake…
Tanner Kosta is the newest member of the team. Active in sports, particularly aerial types, he's training with a new military harness used in paragliding. The design was developed by Wynn Rider and her brother. As they run two SEAL teams through rigid training, Wynn's glider fails mid-flight, sending her plummeting toward the ground. Only Tanner's quick thinking saves her life-though it doesn't save her from losing her job. Wynn used to compete professionally in the cutthroat paragliding industry before she walked away from it, but this accident is by far the worst she's ever had. Separating her gratitude from the growing attraction is nearly impossible. Tanner has heard the old adage that saving a life makes you responsible for it. Having admired Wynn's career when she was a professional paraglider, he's more than a little interested in keeping a close eye on the fascinating lovely who almost literally fell in his lap. When Wynn realizes her equipment had been sabotaged, she's worried her past has come back to haunt her. Tanner may be the only one who can help her against someone who's determined to put her and her brother out of business...permanently.
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Tanner Kosta is the newest member of the team. Active in sports, particularly aerial types, he's training with a new military harness used in paragliding. The design was developed by Wynn Rider and her brother. As they run two SEAL teams through rigid training, Wynn's glider fails mid-flight, sending her plummeting toward the ground. Only Tanner's quick thinking saves her life-though it doesn't save her from losing her job. Wynn used to compete professionally in the cutthroat paragliding industry before she walked away from it, but this accident is by far the worst she's ever had. Separating her gratitude from the growing attraction is nearly impossible. Tanner has heard the old adage that saving a life makes you responsible for it. Having admired Wynn's career when she was a professional paraglider, he's more than a little interested in keeping a close eye on the fascinating lovely who almost literally fell in his lap. When Wynn realizes her equipment had been sabotaged, she's worried her past has come back to haunt her. Tanner may be the only one who can help her against someone who's determined to put her and her brother out of business...permanently.
A bullet takes out his rig, but a mechanic captures his heart… When Jackson is forced to pull his rig to the side of the road as the radiator overheats, he’s not impressed, but when a bouncy mechanic in camo drives back to help him, he’s even less enthralled – with himself. She’s smart, capable, single and knows a whole lot more about mechanical things than he does. But when he hears that it’s a bullet that’s brought his rig to a stop, he knows exactly what to do – save the woman at his side and find the men who did this. Deli was sent to assist Jackson and his sidelined rig. Only to find they are caught up in a double cross that has bullets flying and bodies dropping… some of them very close to her. If only it was that simple… as the bodies start to fall, and their passion starts to heat up… who will be the final casualties in take the last shot in the final act ?
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A bullet takes out his rig, but a mechanic captures his heart… When Jackson is forced to pull his rig to the side of the road as the radiator overheats, he’s not impressed, but when a bouncy mechanic in camo drives back to help him, he’s even less enthralled – with himself. She’s smart, capable, single and knows a whole lot more about mechanical things than he does. But when he hears that it’s a bullet that’s brought his rig to a stop, he knows exactly what to do – save the woman at his side and find the men who did this. Deli was sent to assist Jackson and his sidelined rig. Only to find they are caught up in a double cross that has bullets flying and bodies dropping… some of them very close to her. If only it was that simple… as the bodies start to fall, and their passion starts to heat up… who will be the final casualties in take the last shot in the final act ?
His best friend’s wife is in trouble… A panicked phone call sends Kanan flying across the ocean to find that she’s been held captive in her apartment, tortured for something her dead husband supposedly hid. Only she knows nothing about it and her husband is, well, dead… Dead men don’t talk – or do they ? As they unravel the mystery Kanan has to delve into his friend’s life to see what he’d done that put his wife in jeopardy. And find her captor, before he decides to kill her. Laysa doesn’t know what this man wants, but after seeing Kanan again after so long she knows what she wants. But is it a betrayal of her husband ? Then why was her husband hiding things ? And why did her captor want them ? Even worse, if he got them in his possession, what was he planning to do with them ?
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His best friend’s wife is in trouble… A panicked phone call sends Kanan flying across the ocean to find that she’s been held captive in her apartment, tortured for something her dead husband supposedly hid. Only she knows nothing about it and her husband is, well, dead… Dead men don’t talk – or do they ? As they unravel the mystery Kanan has to delve into his friend’s life to see what he’d done that put his wife in jeopardy. And find her captor, before he decides to kill her. Laysa doesn’t know what this man wants, but after seeing Kanan again after so long she knows what she wants. But is it a betrayal of her husband ? Then why was her husband hiding things ? And why did her captor want them ? Even worse, if he got them in his possession, what was he planning to do with them ?
Nothing is what it seems … ever … Nelson’s early morning meeting at the docks with Elizabeth Etchings offers only bad news. Her brother—and Nelson’s old friend—has gone missing on his days off while his ship was docked in Ensenada. A trip to where he’d last been seen shows the local color … and reveals Nelson’s friend has gotten into bigger trouble than anyone could imagine. Elizabeth might have had a hand in now sending two men to Baja to look for her brother, but she will not stay behind. Her brother is in danger … and he’s the only family she has left. It doesn’t take long for Nelson to realize that Elizabeth has caught the eye of someone who rules that corner of the world. She’s now in jeopardy too—possibly more than her brother. Keeping her safe moves up Nelson’s priority list. Until both issues merge, and everything goes south …
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Nothing is what it seems … ever … Nelson’s early morning meeting at the docks with Elizabeth Etchings offers only bad news. Her brother—and Nelson’s old friend—has gone missing on his days off while his ship was docked in Ensenada. A trip to where he’d last been seen shows the local color … and reveals Nelson’s friend has gotten into bigger trouble than anyone could imagine. Elizabeth might have had a hand in now sending two men to Baja to look for her brother, but she will not stay behind. Her brother is in danger … and he’s the only family she has left. It doesn’t take long for Nelson to realize that Elizabeth has caught the eye of someone who rules that corner of the world. She’s now in jeopardy too—possibly more than her brother. Keeping her safe moves up Nelson’s priority list. Until both issues merge, and everything goes south …
Murder is a deadly way to start a relationship ... Finally back in Coronado and his own apartment but still tired from traveling, Taylor helps a neighbor by closing her apartment door as she dashes back to work. But, as he does so, a smell he's all too familiar with permeates the air. And he's plunged into a multiple homicide with no meaning or end ... Midge doesn't understand what's happened to her life, ... but now her home, her workplace, her neighbors are all in danger and are all suspect. ... Taylor is the only piece of normalcy in her world-gone-crazy right now. But even he can't keep an eye on her all the time ...
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Murder is a deadly way to start a relationship ... Finally back in Coronado and his own apartment but still tired from traveling, Taylor helps a neighbor by closing her apartment door as she dashes back to work. But, as he does so, a smell he's all too familiar with permeates the air. And he's plunged into a multiple homicide with no meaning or end ... Midge doesn't understand what's happened to her life, ... but now her home, her workplace, her neighbors are all in danger and are all suspect. ... Taylor is the only piece of normalcy in her world-gone-crazy right now. But even he can't keep an eye on her all the time ...
His next flight becomes a fight for his life … and the life of the two pilots. Colton is helping out on a training session in Greenland, currently in midair. The copilot is a woman he knew intimately and had planned to reconnect with, only life never seemed to give him that window. His flight turns into a nightmare as the engine blows, and he, along with the two pilots, are forced to abandon the bird and jump into the Arctic Ocean. Kate Winnows might not have been overjoyed to see Colton as her only passenger, but she’s darn happy he’s here when all hell breaks loose. She’d never forgotten him. Had hoped to reconnect but, like him, her life was busy, finding each of them all over the planet. Now she needs him to help her save her reputation, her job and possibly her life … again. And, if she can make it happen, she wants a second chance to show him what he means to her. Especially when they find out the crash was no accident but just the tip of the iceberg in a case involving blackmail, drugs and … murder.
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His next flight becomes a fight for his life … and the life of the two pilots. Colton is helping out on a training session in Greenland, currently in midair. The copilot is a woman he knew intimately and had planned to reconnect with, only life never seemed to give him that window. His flight turns into a nightmare as the engine blows, and he, along with the two pilots, are forced to abandon the bird and jump into the Arctic Ocean. Kate Winnows might not have been overjoyed to see Colton as her only passenger, but she’s darn happy he’s here when all hell breaks loose. She’d never forgotten him. Had hoped to reconnect but, like him, her life was busy, finding each of them all over the planet. Now she needs him to help her save her reputation, her job and possibly her life … again. And, if she can make it happen, she wants a second chance to show him what he means to her. Especially when they find out the crash was no accident but just the tip of the iceberg in a case involving blackmail, drugs and … murder.
When a friend of Tesla's sends out an SOS on the lowdown on an oil rig in trouble, Troy has a good idea what he's getting into. As far as he is concerned, the maximum danger, the potential for betrayal, and the chances of not coming home sounded like the right kind of job for him. After all, he lived alone. So going into these situations with no family to worry about him made him the ideal candidate-until he meets someone at the oil rig who suddenly makes him see his future in a different life. Berkley knew something dangerous was going on. No way this oil rig hadn't been sabotaged. She'd requested to remain with the skeleton crew until her help arrived. And was surprised at the size of the team that showed up to assist her. Who knew it would take all of them to get to the bottom of this mess and to keep them alive, as human nature and Mother Nature combined to take them all out.
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When a friend of Tesla's sends out an SOS on the lowdown on an oil rig in trouble, Troy has a good idea what he's getting into. As far as he is concerned, the maximum danger, the potential for betrayal, and the chances of not coming home sounded like the right kind of job for him. After all, he lived alone. So going into these situations with no family to worry about him made him the ideal candidate-until he meets someone at the oil rig who suddenly makes him see his future in a different life. Berkley knew something dangerous was going on. No way this oil rig hadn't been sabotaged. She'd requested to remain with the skeleton crew until her help arrived. And was surprised at the size of the team that showed up to assist her. Who knew it would take all of them to get to the bottom of this mess and to keep them alive, as human nature and Mother Nature combined to take them all out.
Life was never boring, but, for Axel, things kick up a notch when he helps in an underwater rescue of a downed submarine that's low on oxygen. What they find is nothing like what they expected. All the crew but one was dead-as in shot to death. The last remaining crew member was alive but in rough shape. What the hell happened here?Allee woke up in the hospital and barely remembers how she got here. But a fuzzy memory only compounds the horror when the investigation ranks her as their number one suspect in the nightmare that won't quit.As the investigation takes a darker turn, so does her life, as someone decides a dead patsy is better than one who can talk ...
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Life was never boring, but, for Axel, things kick up a notch when he helps in an underwater rescue of a downed submarine that's low on oxygen. What they find is nothing like what they expected. All the crew but one was dead-as in shot to death. The last remaining crew member was alive but in rough shape. What the hell happened here?Allee woke up in the hospital and barely remembers how she got here. But a fuzzy memory only compounds the horror when the investigation ranks her as their number one suspect in the nightmare that won't quit.As the investigation takes a darker turn, so does her life, as someone decides a dead patsy is better than one who can talk ...
When a yacht crashes into a tanker out in the ocean, it seems to be an unfortunate accident. Yet a gunman is spotted on the yacht just before the crash. What adds to the problem is that the yacht is owned by a US governor out on a holiday with his wife and daughter—and that no bodies were found at the crash site. Gizella wakes up from the pirate attack on the yacht to find her father injured and her mother in equally bad shape. They are prisoners with no escape in sight. What was supposed to be a trip of joy and hope has ended in devastation. Even worse, an argument is brewing between her kidnappers, with her as the prize. Baylor manages to whisk her away in the middle of the night, but she’s not out of danger yet. And if he can’t find the kidnappers, maybe never …
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When a yacht crashes into a tanker out in the ocean, it seems to be an unfortunate accident. Yet a gunman is spotted on the yacht just before the crash. What adds to the problem is that the yacht is owned by a US governor out on a holiday with his wife and daughter—and that no bodies were found at the crash site. Gizella wakes up from the pirate attack on the yacht to find her father injured and her mother in equally bad shape. They are prisoners with no escape in sight. What was supposed to be a trip of joy and hope has ended in devastation. Even worse, an argument is brewing between her kidnappers, with her as the prize. Baylor manages to whisk her away in the middle of the night, but she’s not out of danger yet. And if he can’t find the kidnappers, maybe never …
Due a few days of R&R, Hudson heads to visit his best friend in Vail, Colorado. The first day, an explosion in his hotel sends the city into chaos. He’s doing what he can to keep Avery safe, as this was no accident. He’s not allowed to join the investigation, but being on the spot and having the training he has are huge benefits. No way will he sit by and do nothing. Especially if Avery is in trouble. Avery has been looking forward to Hudson’s visit. They are best friends, and she’d love to spend more time with him. Hell, she’d loved him since forever but didn’t want to risk their special friendship by taking the relationship further. Now she regrets it, as the explosion in town is only the tip of the problem - for the terrorist realizes that Hudson caught a glimpse of him. Now the game of cat and mouse is on, with Avery caught in the middle....
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Due a few days of R&R, Hudson heads to visit his best friend in Vail, Colorado. The first day, an explosion in his hotel sends the city into chaos. He’s doing what he can to keep Avery safe, as this was no accident. He’s not allowed to join the investigation, but being on the spot and having the training he has are huge benefits. No way will he sit by and do nothing. Especially if Avery is in trouble. Avery has been looking forward to Hudson’s visit. They are best friends, and she’d love to spend more time with him. Hell, she’d loved him since forever but didn’t want to risk their special friendship by taking the relationship further. Now she regrets it, as the explosion in town is only the tip of the problem - for the terrorist realizes that Hudson caught a glimpse of him. Now the game of cat and mouse is on, with Avery caught in the middle....
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Paxton, while trying to get clearance to return to work, calls his physio to ask why he’s refusing to sign off on his documents—only to hear gunfire through the phone, killing the man he was talking too. Racing to the scene, he finds the gunman still there, in anguish and in fury, telling Paxton a tale of blackmail and fraud, before killing himself. Hearing the same phone conversation that Paxton made while in her office, Cherise races behind to make sure he’s okay, as the police move in. Standing together at the scene of the crime, however, puts them both in the target zone, as someone tries to keep the details of the blackmail a secret. Trying to keep Cherise and himself safe, while unravelling the rot going on under the surface, Paxton realizes just how personal this case has become …
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Paxton, while trying to get clearance to return to work, calls his physio to ask why he’s refusing to sign off on his documents—only to hear gunfire through the phone, killing the man he was talking too. Racing to the scene, he finds the gunman still there, in anguish and in fury, telling Paxton a tale of blackmail and fraud, before killing himself. Hearing the same phone conversation that Paxton made while in her office, Cherise races behind to make sure he’s okay, as the police move in. Standing together at the scene of the crime, however, puts them both in the target zone, as someone tries to keep the details of the blackmail a secret. Trying to keep Cherise and himself safe, while unravelling the rot going on under the surface, Paxton realizes just how personal this case has become …
Training in underwater recovery techniques, Bronson didn’t expect to recover a body, particularly one with a knife embedded into a diver’s back. Down in Mexico, often anything goes, but he’s been on many dives in his life and has been through a lot of this country, yet at no time had he seen this scenario. Her missing brother being found sends Robin deep into grief and guilt. Her brother had been much older, living a risky lifestyle on the fringe of society in a small coastal Mexican town. She’d arrived six months earlier in an attempt to help him get his life together. Finding out what happened is paramount. Yet, as the twisted tale unravels, the betrayals and secrets finally come to light. Bronson and Robin must protect themselves, before the wrong person finds out exactly what they’ve discovered.
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Training in underwater recovery techniques, Bronson didn’t expect to recover a body, particularly one with a knife embedded into a diver’s back. Down in Mexico, often anything goes, but he’s been on many dives in his life and has been through a lot of this country, yet at no time had he seen this scenario. Her missing brother being found sends Robin deep into grief and guilt. Her brother had been much older, living a risky lifestyle on the fringe of society in a small coastal Mexican town. She’d arrived six months earlier in an attempt to help him get his life together. Finding out what happened is paramount. Yet, as the twisted tale unravels, the betrayals and secrets finally come to light. Bronson and Robin must protect themselves, before the wrong person finds out exactly what they’ve discovered.
Hale received an unexpected request to join Marsha McConaughey on a special mission. Only four of them would track a terrorist, with a history of blowing up American citizens. The bomber's current plot was foiled, but, in the chaos, he escaped across the border into Canada, giving a middle-finger salute to the first set of cameras on the other side. Marsha has been hunting assholes like this one for years. It's wearing on her. This is her last job, but she's determined to walk away on a success. This one means more to her than the others. This man took out several members of her team. She wants this asshole. Willingly chasing him into Canada is one thing, but into the backwoods of Prince Albert National Park is another thing altogether. When the killing spree continues in Canada, the team is more determined than ever to stop this guy-before he kills anyone else-particularly the woman hunting him.
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Hale received an unexpected request to join Marsha McConaughey on a special mission. Only four of them would track a terrorist, with a history of blowing up American citizens. The bomber's current plot was foiled, but, in the chaos, he escaped across the border into Canada, giving a middle-finger salute to the first set of cameras on the other side. Marsha has been hunting assholes like this one for years. It's wearing on her. This is her last job, but she's determined to walk away on a success. This one means more to her than the others. This man took out several members of her team. She wants this asshole. Willingly chasing him into Canada is one thing, but into the backwoods of Prince Albert National Park is another thing altogether. When the killing spree continues in Canada, the team is more determined than ever to stop this guy-before he kills anyone else-particularly the woman hunting him.


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