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Il n’y avait qu’une seule règle : ne jamais sortir avec son garde du corps. Pas compliqué, n’est-ce pas ? Et il l’a quand même brisée. Issu de l’une des familles les plus emblématiques du pays, Maximoff Hale est une force de la nature. Indomptable, obstiné, fonceur, et ayant la tête sur les épaules, ce milliardaire gère à la perfection sa vie peu conventionnelle et son statut de célébrité. Lorsqu’on lui affecte un nouveau garde du corps, il est confronté au pire des scénarios : se retrouver coincé avec un homme tatoué, formé au MMA, diplômé de Yale, connu pour ses frasques au sein de l’équipe de sécurité et qui comble ses fantasmes sexuels. Farrow Keene n’a qu’une seule mission : protéger Maximoff Hale. Flirter et s’envoyer en l’air sont des activités qui dépassent de loin les limites de ses fonctions et qui relèvent du domaine du licenciement. Mais lorsque les sentiments s’en mêlent, protéger cette célébrité aussi sexy que têtue devient de plus en plus compliqué. La série Like Us est une saga avec une ligne temporelle continue, qui suit une famille de riches célébrités et les personnes qui les protègent. Damaged Like Us peut être lu et apprécié sans avoir lu aucun des autres romans de Krista & Becca. #MM #bisexualité #gardeducorps #humour Description VO : Don’t date your bodyguard. It was the one rule he had to break. Maximoff Hale is a force of nature. A ship unwilling to be steered. Headstrong, resilient, and wholly responsible — the twenty-two-year-old alpha billionaire can handle his unconventional life. By noon, lunch can turn into a mob of screaming fans. By two, his face is all over the internet. Born into one of the most famous families in the country, his celebrity status began at birth. He is certified American royalty. When he’s assigned a new 24/7 bodyguard, he comes face-to-face with the worst case scenario: being attached to the tattooed, MMA-trained, Yale graduate who’s known for “going rogue” in the security team — and who fills 1/3 of Maximoff's sexual fantasies. Twenty-seven-year-old Farrow Keene has one job: protect Maximoff Hale. Flirting, dating, and hot sex falls far, far out of the boundary of his bodyguard duties and into “termination” territory. But when feelings surface, protecting the sexy-as-sin, stubborn celebrity becomes increasingly complicated. Together, boundaries blur, and being exposed could mean catastrophic consequences for both. The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them. Damaged Like Us can be read and enjoyed without reading any of Krista & Becca's other novels.
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Il n’y avait qu’une seule règle : ne jamais sortir avec son garde du corps. Pas compliqué, n’est-ce pas ? Et il l’a quand même brisée. Issu de l’une des familles les plus emblématiques du pays, Maximoff Hale est une force de la nature. Indomptable, obstiné, fonceur, et ayant la tête sur les épaules, ce milliardaire gère à la perfection sa vie peu conventionnelle et son statut de célébrité. Lorsqu’on lui affecte un nouveau garde du corps, il est confronté au pire des scénarios : se retrouver coincé avec un homme tatoué, formé au MMA, diplômé de Yale, connu pour ses frasques au sein de l’équipe de sécurité et qui comble ses fantasmes sexuels. Farrow Keene n’a qu’une seule mission : protéger Maximoff Hale. Flirter et s’envoyer en l’air sont des activités qui dépassent de loin les limites de ses fonctions et qui relèvent du domaine du licenciement. Mais lorsque les sentiments s’en mêlent, protéger cette célébrité aussi sexy que têtue devient de plus en plus compliqué. La série Like Us est une saga avec une ligne temporelle continue, qui suit une famille de riches célébrités et les personnes qui les protègent. Damaged Like Us peut être lu et apprécié sans avoir lu aucun des autres romans de Krista & Becca. #MM #bisexualité #gardeducorps #humour Description VO : Don’t date your bodyguard. It was the one rule he had to break. Maximoff Hale is a force of nature. A ship unwilling to be steered. Headstrong, resilient, and wholly responsible — the twenty-two-year-old alpha billionaire can handle his unconventional life. By noon, lunch can turn into a mob of screaming fans. By two, his face is all over the internet. Born into one of the most famous families in the country, his celebrity status began at birth. He is certified American royalty. When he’s assigned a new 24/7 bodyguard, he comes face-to-face with the worst case scenario: being attached to the tattooed, MMA-trained, Yale graduate who’s known for “going rogue” in the security team — and who fills 1/3 of Maximoff's sexual fantasies. Twenty-seven-year-old Farrow Keene has one job: protect Maximoff Hale. Flirting, dating, and hot sex falls far, far out of the boundary of his bodyguard duties and into “termination” territory. But when feelings surface, protecting the sexy-as-sin, stubborn celebrity becomes increasingly complicated. Together, boundaries blur, and being exposed could mean catastrophic consequences for both. The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them. Damaged Like Us can be read and enjoyed without reading any of Krista & Becca's other novels.
Enfermé dans un bus touristique avec Maximoff, l’homme qu’il aime, sans pouvoir le toucher, Farrow devra se battre pour garder leur relation secrète... et protéger la vie de Maximoff. Farrow Keene, vingt-sept ans, vit par ses actions, et ses actions crient qu’il est le meilleur dans tout ce qu’il fait. En tant que garde du corps et nouveau petit ami de Maximoff Hale, protéger le milliardaire têtu n’a jamais été aussi compliqué. Et il y a une règle à laquelle on ne peut déroger : Garder sa relation dissimulée au grand public. Farrow est convaincu qu’il n’y a pas meilleur que lui pour ce travail. Mais, à la suite d’un rebondissement dans la vie trépidante de Maximoff, ils se retrouvent coincés avec le reste de la Security Force Omega et leurs clients. Sur la route. Dans un bus touristique. Pendant quatre mois mouvementés. Frustration sexuelle, check. Drames durant le voyage, check. Amitiés étranges, check. Mais Farrow n’aurait pu prévoir la menace à haut risque qui vise Maximoff avant même que le bus démarre. Et il se rend compte que quelqu’un en veut à l’homme qu’il aime. Chaque jour, les sentiments de Maximoff et Farrow s’étoffent, et c’est ensemble qu’ils vaincront... ou perdront. La série Like Us est une saga avec une chronologie continue, qui suit une famille de riches célébrités et les personnes qui les protègent. Le premier tome, Damaged Like Us, doit être lu avant de lire Lovers Like Us. #MM #GardeDuCorps #FriendsToLovers #DifférenceD’Âge #Célébrité #AmourInterdit #Humour « Ce livre était TELLEMENT AMUSANT ! J’ai vraiment beaucoup ri et souri ! Il y avait beaucoup de moments doux et légers. Mais il n’y a pas que des moments de rigolade, il y a aussi des moments sérieux. » - Christy (Goodreads) « Je ne me lasse pas de leur écriture, de leurs histoires ou de leurs personnages. [...] Et j’ai hâte de lire le prochain livre. » - Corina (Goodreads) « Je ne pensais pas que ce soit possible, mais à chaque fois que ces deux autrices sortent un livre, il est toujours meilleur que le précédent ! » - Lanie (Goodreads) Description VO : Twenty-seven-year-old Farrow Keene lives by his actions, and his actions say he’s the best at whatever he does. As a 24/7 bodyguard and the new boyfriend to Maximoff Hale, protecting the headstrong, alpha billionaire has never been more complicated. And one rule can’t be bent: Keep your relationship secret from the public. Farrow is confident he’s the best man for the job. But a twist in Maximoff’s fast-paced life sticks them with the rest of Security Force Omega and their clients. On the road. In a sleeper tour bus. For four rocky months. Sexual frustrations, check. Road trip drama, check. Awkward bonding, check. But Farrow couldn’t have accounted for a high-risk threat (identity: unknown) that targets Maximoff before the ignition even turns. And it hits Farrow — someone has it out for the guy he loves. Every day, Maximoff & Farrow's feelings grow stronger, and together, they'll either sink or swim. The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them. You must read Damaged Like Us, Book 1, before reading Lovers Like Us.
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Enfermé dans un bus touristique avec Maximoff, l’homme qu’il aime, sans pouvoir le toucher, Farrow devra se battre pour garder leur relation secrète... et protéger la vie de Maximoff. Farrow Keene, vingt-sept ans, vit par ses actions, et ses actions crient qu’il est le meilleur dans tout ce qu’il fait. En tant que garde du corps et nouveau petit ami de Maximoff Hale, protéger le milliardaire têtu n’a jamais été aussi compliqué. Et il y a une règle à laquelle on ne peut déroger : Garder sa relation dissimulée au grand public. Farrow est convaincu qu’il n’y a pas meilleur que lui pour ce travail. Mais, à la suite d’un rebondissement dans la vie trépidante de Maximoff, ils se retrouvent coincés avec le reste de la Security Force Omega et leurs clients. Sur la route. Dans un bus touristique. Pendant quatre mois mouvementés. Frustration sexuelle, check. Drames durant le voyage, check. Amitiés étranges, check. Mais Farrow n’aurait pu prévoir la menace à haut risque qui vise Maximoff avant même que le bus démarre. Et il se rend compte que quelqu’un en veut à l’homme qu’il aime. Chaque jour, les sentiments de Maximoff et Farrow s’étoffent, et c’est ensemble qu’ils vaincront... ou perdront. La série Like Us est une saga avec une chronologie continue, qui suit une famille de riches célébrités et les personnes qui les protègent. Le premier tome, Damaged Like Us, doit être lu avant de lire Lovers Like Us. #MM #GardeDuCorps #FriendsToLovers #DifférenceD’Âge #Célébrité #AmourInterdit #Humour « Ce livre était TELLEMENT AMUSANT ! J’ai vraiment beaucoup ri et souri ! Il y avait beaucoup de moments doux et légers. Mais il n’y a pas que des moments de rigolade, il y a aussi des moments sérieux. » - Christy (Goodreads) « Je ne me lasse pas de leur écriture, de leurs histoires ou de leurs personnages. [...] Et j’ai hâte de lire le prochain livre. » - Corina (Goodreads) « Je ne pensais pas que ce soit possible, mais à chaque fois que ces deux autrices sortent un livre, il est toujours meilleur que le précédent ! » - Lanie (Goodreads) Description VO : Twenty-seven-year-old Farrow Keene lives by his actions, and his actions say he’s the best at whatever he does. As a 24/7 bodyguard and the new boyfriend to Maximoff Hale, protecting the headstrong, alpha billionaire has never been more complicated. And one rule can’t be bent: Keep your relationship secret from the public. Farrow is confident he’s the best man for the job. But a twist in Maximoff’s fast-paced life sticks them with the rest of Security Force Omega and their clients. On the road. In a sleeper tour bus. For four rocky months. Sexual frustrations, check. Road trip drama, check. Awkward bonding, check. But Farrow couldn’t have accounted for a high-risk threat (identity: unknown) that targets Maximoff before the ignition even turns. And it hits Farrow — someone has it out for the guy he loves. Every day, Maximoff & Farrow's feelings grow stronger, and together, they'll either sink or swim. The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them. You must read Damaged Like Us, Book 1, before reading Lovers Like Us.
Son garde du corps. Son bien-aimé. Garde du corps et monsieur je-sais-tout, Farrow Keene sait que sortir publiquement avec la royauté américaine a un coût élevé. Tout le monde cherche à s’insinuer dans sa relation. Et, en tant que petit ami protecteur, il ne cesse de repousser ceux qui essaient de s’emparer de leur vie amoureuse et de les déchirer. Mais Farrow est certain qu’il n’aurait jamais pu se préparer à la tempête à venir. Protège-le. Maximoff Hale n’est pas un grand fan du changement. Et, pour retrouver son poste de PDG d’une organisation caritative, il accepte une tâche qu’il a toujours refusée. Une tâche qui pourrait faire basculer son monde non conventionnel. Mais Maximoff a peur. Peur des conséquences qui pourraient détruire son petit ami et sa famille. Protège-le. Des changements se profilent à l’horizon. Des changements énormes et compliqués. Maximoff et Farrow vont se battre pour leur éternité. Et, à chaque souffle, se promettre que leur histoire d’amour ne s’arrêtera pas là. #MM #Famille #GardeDuCorps #Célébrité #Humour #Romance Description VO : His Bodyguard. His Love. Maverick, know-it-all bodyguard Farrow Keene knows publicly dating American royalty comes with a great cost. Everyone wants a piece of their relationship. And as a protective boyfriend, he’s not here for the malicious hands that grab at their love life and seek to rip them apart. But Farrow is confident — he’s confident that he could’ve never prepared for the storm to come. Keep him safe. Maximoff Hale isn’t a big fan of change. And to regain the charity CEO position he lost, he agrees to a task that he’s always rejected. One that could uproot his unconventional world. But Maximoff is afraid — he’s afraid of the consequences that could destroy his boyfriend and his family. Keep him safe. Changes are on the horizon. Big. Messy. Complicated. Changes. Maximoff & Farrow will fight for their forever. And with every breath, they promise that their love story won’t end here. ​​The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them. You must read Books 1 and 2 before reading Alphas Like Us.
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Son garde du corps. Son bien-aimé. Garde du corps et monsieur je-sais-tout, Farrow Keene sait que sortir publiquement avec la royauté américaine a un coût élevé. Tout le monde cherche à s’insinuer dans sa relation. Et, en tant que petit ami protecteur, il ne cesse de repousser ceux qui essaient de s’emparer de leur vie amoureuse et de les déchirer. Mais Farrow est certain qu’il n’aurait jamais pu se préparer à la tempête à venir. Protège-le. Maximoff Hale n’est pas un grand fan du changement. Et, pour retrouver son poste de PDG d’une organisation caritative, il accepte une tâche qu’il a toujours refusée. Une tâche qui pourrait faire basculer son monde non conventionnel. Mais Maximoff a peur. Peur des conséquences qui pourraient détruire son petit ami et sa famille. Protège-le. Des changements se profilent à l’horizon. Des changements énormes et compliqués. Maximoff et Farrow vont se battre pour leur éternité. Et, à chaque souffle, se promettre que leur histoire d’amour ne s’arrêtera pas là. #MM #Famille #GardeDuCorps #Célébrité #Humour #Romance Description VO : His Bodyguard. His Love. Maverick, know-it-all bodyguard Farrow Keene knows publicly dating American royalty comes with a great cost. Everyone wants a piece of their relationship. And as a protective boyfriend, he’s not here for the malicious hands that grab at their love life and seek to rip them apart. But Farrow is confident — he’s confident that he could’ve never prepared for the storm to come. Keep him safe. Maximoff Hale isn’t a big fan of change. And to regain the charity CEO position he lost, he agrees to a task that he’s always rejected. One that could uproot his unconventional world. But Maximoff is afraid — he’s afraid of the consequences that could destroy his boyfriend and his family. Keep him safe. Changes are on the horizon. Big. Messy. Complicated. Changes. Maximoff & Farrow will fight for their forever. And with every breath, they promise that their love story won’t end here. ​​The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them. You must read Books 1 and 2 before reading Alphas Like Us.
How to protect your heart: Let your bodyguard have it. Jane Cobalt is an American princess. The loyal and painfully curious twenty-three-year-old has inherited immense pressure to preserve the Cobalt legacy. But for Jane — sex, love, and life have been a series of royal failures. After a friends-with-benefits ended in disaster, she's sworn to a “no sex” hiatus for, well, eternity — and she has no intention of letting anyone in her bed and definitely not her heart. Twenty-eight-year-old Thatcher Moretti is painfully professional. As the stern 24/7 bodyguard to Jane, thinking about unbridled sex with his sweet client is a sin. One that he keeps committing. But the real act is a hard line he’d never cross. When a family member betrays Jane's trust, the media becomes obsessed with matchmaking the perpetually “single” Jane Cobalt and unwanted attention suddenly compromises her safety. Thatcher would do anything to protect her, and one solution may level the threats: Become the fake boyfriend to an American princess. Entwined together with boiling chemistry, new “professional” parameters, and an oath, unsaid feelings threaten to rise and change everything. ​​The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them.
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How to protect your heart: Let your bodyguard have it. Jane Cobalt is an American princess. The loyal and painfully curious twenty-three-year-old has inherited immense pressure to preserve the Cobalt legacy. But for Jane — sex, love, and life have been a series of royal failures. After a friends-with-benefits ended in disaster, she's sworn to a “no sex” hiatus for, well, eternity — and she has no intention of letting anyone in her bed and definitely not her heart. Twenty-eight-year-old Thatcher Moretti is painfully professional. As the stern 24/7 bodyguard to Jane, thinking about unbridled sex with his sweet client is a sin. One that he keeps committing. But the real act is a hard line he’d never cross. When a family member betrays Jane's trust, the media becomes obsessed with matchmaking the perpetually “single” Jane Cobalt and unwanted attention suddenly compromises her safety. Thatcher would do anything to protect her, and one solution may level the threats: Become the fake boyfriend to an American princess. Entwined together with boiling chemistry, new “professional” parameters, and an oath, unsaid feelings threaten to rise and change everything. ​​The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them.
HOW CAN IT BE WRONG IF IT FEELS SO GOOD Dating an American princess comes with a massive amount of baggage–all of which I’m willing to carry strapped on my back in quicksand and through seven hells. But Jane Cobalt’s baggage, I’m unprepared for. It comes in the form of her five equally famous and notoriously hard-to-please brothers. I want Jane. Completely. Unconditionally. But when there’s a trip scheduled that I can’t be a part of, I only have one option. It’s immoral. Something I’d never consider until now. But, hell, there’s got to be some perks to being a twin. So I’m doing it. I’m switching places with my brother. Done and done. It should have been easy. There were little consequences. Until the storm hit. The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them. It must be read in the following order:
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HOW CAN IT BE WRONG IF IT FEELS SO GOOD Dating an American princess comes with a massive amount of baggage–all of which I’m willing to carry strapped on my back in quicksand and through seven hells. But Jane Cobalt’s baggage, I’m unprepared for. It comes in the form of her five equally famous and notoriously hard-to-please brothers. I want Jane. Completely. Unconditionally. But when there’s a trip scheduled that I can’t be a part of, I only have one option. It’s immoral. Something I’d never consider until now. But, hell, there’s got to be some perks to being a twin. So I’m doing it. I’m switching places with my brother. Done and done. It should have been easy. There were little consequences. Until the storm hit. The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them. It must be read in the following order:
You’re cordially invited to the wedding of Maximoff Hale & Farrow Keene, and according to Celebrity Crush—the ceremony for this American prince and his tattooed bodyguard is going to be the event of the century. There will be no wedding crashers. Including but not limited to: hateful people, rabid fans, nosy paparazzi, and other so-called media. There will be no drama. None whatsoever. Because when you put three famous families and their hot bodyguards together, nothing will go down. There will be no fighting. No brawls, fists flying, verbal slingshots, or rifts that tear into craters. Lovers only! Everything will be perfect. Nothing will go amiss during the happiest, most anticipated occasion of the year. But then again… They don't call it the Hale Curse for nothing.
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You’re cordially invited to the wedding of Maximoff Hale & Farrow Keene, and according to Celebrity Crush—the ceremony for this American prince and his tattooed bodyguard is going to be the event of the century. There will be no wedding crashers. Including but not limited to: hateful people, rabid fans, nosy paparazzi, and other so-called media. There will be no drama. None whatsoever. Because when you put three famous families and their hot bodyguards together, nothing will go down. There will be no fighting. No brawls, fists flying, verbal slingshots, or rifts that tear into craters. Lovers only! Everything will be perfect. Nothing will go amiss during the happiest, most anticipated occasion of the year. But then again… They don't call it the Hale Curse for nothing.
As the hottest bodyguard on Security Force Omega, Oscar Oliveira has no trouble finding a warm body at any odd hour. But he's ready for more. And for the first time in this ex-pro boxer's life, he just got rejected. For a kiss. Oscar's friends warned him not to fall for the straight guy, but flirty, sexy-as-hell Jack Highland made that difficult. Now Jack has Oscar's sweater. His belt. His bandana. And Oscar seriously wants them back. As for Jack – well, Jack wants a lot of things. But for the first time in this confident filmmaker's life, he's absolutely 100%... confused. Add another ultra-complication in a sea of complicated: Enter Charlie Cobalt. The enigmatic famous one that Oscar is sworn to protect wants his own show, and he's asked Jack to film it. A Charlie-centric docuseries will force Oscar & Jack to share the same air again. Option 1: Ignore each other. Option 2: Flirt, aw yeah. And act like the rejection never happened. Option 3: Confront each other about the rejected kiss. With options on the table and their romantic lives unsettled, both Jack & Oscar are concerned about why Charlie wants his own show. And the longer filming lasts, the more tumultuous their personal & professional worlds become. Chaos reigns when you're around the Cobalts, and Jack & Oscar are swept up among the most destructive one.
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As the hottest bodyguard on Security Force Omega, Oscar Oliveira has no trouble finding a warm body at any odd hour. But he's ready for more. And for the first time in this ex-pro boxer's life, he just got rejected. For a kiss. Oscar's friends warned him not to fall for the straight guy, but flirty, sexy-as-hell Jack Highland made that difficult. Now Jack has Oscar's sweater. His belt. His bandana. And Oscar seriously wants them back. As for Jack – well, Jack wants a lot of things. But for the first time in this confident filmmaker's life, he's absolutely 100%... confused. Add another ultra-complication in a sea of complicated: Enter Charlie Cobalt. The enigmatic famous one that Oscar is sworn to protect wants his own show, and he's asked Jack to film it. A Charlie-centric docuseries will force Oscar & Jack to share the same air again. Option 1: Ignore each other. Option 2: Flirt, aw yeah. And act like the rejection never happened. Option 3: Confront each other about the rejected kiss. With options on the table and their romantic lives unsettled, both Jack & Oscar are concerned about why Charlie wants his own show. And the longer filming lasts, the more tumultuous their personal & professional worlds become. Chaos reigns when you're around the Cobalts, and Jack & Oscar are swept up among the most destructive one.
One is new to love. One is bad at love. One denies love. Twenty-one-year-old, foul-mouthed Olympian, Sullivan Meadows, just made a huge mistake. She told her bodyguards—her buddies, her pals—they could take her virginity. Words forever engrained in her brain. And theirs. Akara Kitsuwon & Banks Moretti are best friends, sworn to protect each other and their client Sullivan. But upon hearing her confession, their reactions aren’t what Sulli expects. They’re all friends anyway. Just friends. Solid, good friends. Right? As the three embark on the road to Yellowstone, tension builds and close quarters leave no secrets behind. Feelings for her childhood friendship with Akara—that teasing, flirty leader—grow hotter, but so do her feelings for Banks, the rugged, heart-melting Marine. While Sulli is out west to free-solo her dad’s old climbing routes, the only true destination the three of them are certain of is Yellowstone. Love & romance are totally up in the air. Wild Like Us is an MFM Romance and Book 8 in the Like Us Series. ​​The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them.
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One is new to love. One is bad at love. One denies love. Twenty-one-year-old, foul-mouthed Olympian, Sullivan Meadows, just made a huge mistake. She told her bodyguards—her buddies, her pals—they could take her virginity. Words forever engrained in her brain. And theirs. Akara Kitsuwon & Banks Moretti are best friends, sworn to protect each other and their client Sullivan. But upon hearing her confession, their reactions aren’t what Sulli expects. They’re all friends anyway. Just friends. Solid, good friends. Right? As the three embark on the road to Yellowstone, tension builds and close quarters leave no secrets behind. Feelings for her childhood friendship with Akara—that teasing, flirty leader—grow hotter, but so do her feelings for Banks, the rugged, heart-melting Marine. While Sulli is out west to free-solo her dad’s old climbing routes, the only true destination the three of them are certain of is Yellowstone. Love & romance are totally up in the air. Wild Like Us is an MFM Romance and Book 8 in the Like Us Series. ​​The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them.
Twenty-one-year-old Sullivan Meadows just unleashed the biggest bomb-drop on her overprotective dad. She's dating a ruggedly handsome Banks Moretti and a swoon-worthy hot Akara Kitsuwon. Two men. Two bodyguards. One polyamorous relationship. Nothing can prepare Sulli for her dad's hot-tempered reaction. And the fallout isn't the only explosion Sulli, Akara, and Banks are facing. More family drama leaves them at odds with people they love, and Sulli finds herself striving to prove that she's all grown up. Her determination comes at--knock knock. The Royal Leaks are here. We reveal all the truths about the American Royals. These are verified and come directly from the source. No American Royal is safe. ROYAL LEAK #1: We know everything. Fearless Like Us is an MFM Romance.
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Twenty-one-year-old Sullivan Meadows just unleashed the biggest bomb-drop on her overprotective dad. She's dating a ruggedly handsome Banks Moretti and a swoon-worthy hot Akara Kitsuwon. Two men. Two bodyguards. One polyamorous relationship. Nothing can prepare Sulli for her dad's hot-tempered reaction. And the fallout isn't the only explosion Sulli, Akara, and Banks are facing. More family drama leaves them at odds with people they love, and Sulli finds herself striving to prove that she's all grown up. Her determination comes at--knock knock. The Royal Leaks are here. We reveal all the truths about the American Royals. These are verified and come directly from the source. No American Royal is safe. ROYAL LEAK #1: We know everything. Fearless Like Us is an MFM Romance.
22-year-old Sullivan Meadows knew dating Akara & Banks would be complicated, but now that her relationship is public, everything has been put on blast: @HeatherB: Can’t believe Sullivan Meadows is dating TWO men and they’re like all together. Like OMG. Totally didn’t think the rumors were true. @YuiK: anyone know what happened to Sullivan Meadows? News is saying something bad went down. Seems bad. @PaulieP: Why is there no reporting on the thing that “allegedly” happened to that Meadows girl? They aren’t saying whether her boyfriends were there??? @TiffanyW: Y’all I can’t with Sullivan’s boyfriends. They just sandwiched her in PUBLIC to avoid cameras lmao @RiverT: Banks Moretti & Akara Kitsuwon are totally banging. I don’t make the rules @CarlaR: OMGOMGOMG Sullivan Meadows qualified for the Olympics! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! @LacieA: Celebrity Crush is saying ALL the families will be at the Olympics to root for Sullivan. Im dead #HalesMeadowsCobalts @GeorgieO: Dude no way she wins a gold medal. Sulli the Slut is too busy screwing anything that walks @VenusQ: I bet her boyfriends will distract her. Last Olympics, she was single. This one, she’s a MESS. Messiness isn’t getting gold #sorrynotsorry With danger, Olympics, and unexpected life twists on the horizon for Akara, Sulli, and Banks, the only way out of the rising tide is to swim harder. Infamous Like Us is an MFM Romance and Book 10 in the Like Us Series.
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22-year-old Sullivan Meadows knew dating Akara & Banks would be complicated, but now that her relationship is public, everything has been put on blast: @HeatherB: Can’t believe Sullivan Meadows is dating TWO men and they’re like all together. Like OMG. Totally didn’t think the rumors were true. @YuiK: anyone know what happened to Sullivan Meadows? News is saying something bad went down. Seems bad. @PaulieP: Why is there no reporting on the thing that “allegedly” happened to that Meadows girl? They aren’t saying whether her boyfriends were there??? @TiffanyW: Y’all I can’t with Sullivan’s boyfriends. They just sandwiched her in PUBLIC to avoid cameras lmao @RiverT: Banks Moretti & Akara Kitsuwon are totally banging. I don’t make the rules @CarlaR: OMGOMGOMG Sullivan Meadows qualified for the Olympics! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! @LacieA: Celebrity Crush is saying ALL the families will be at the Olympics to root for Sullivan. Im dead #HalesMeadowsCobalts @GeorgieO: Dude no way she wins a gold medal. Sulli the Slut is too busy screwing anything that walks @VenusQ: I bet her boyfriends will distract her. Last Olympics, she was single. This one, she’s a MESS. Messiness isn’t getting gold #sorrynotsorry With danger, Olympics, and unexpected life twists on the horizon for Akara, Sulli, and Banks, the only way out of the rising tide is to swim harder. Infamous Like Us is an MFM Romance and Book 10 in the Like Us Series.
As the eldest daughter of famous parents, Luna Hale is anything but normal. She escapes most days inside the fandoms she loves and the fics she writes, and she’s accepted that real life just sucks more than fiction. But there is someone who could rival every swoony man inside her imagination. And he only lives three floors below her. Too bad he’s incredibly off-limits. Her brother’s bodyguard, eight years older (okay, sometimes, nine), and the son of meth addicts—the tattooed, shameless bodyguard is the only one her dad really hates. But Luna isn’t sure exactly why. She’s trying not to be hung up on him. Paul Donnelly is trying not to be hung up on her. With his life among the security team and his friends at stake, he doesn’t need to make waves among the Hales, especially the notoriously overprotective Loren Hale, the self-proclaimed Emperor of Petty. But when Donnelly’s two best friends set a time and place for a double—no, a “triple” date—the countdown to finding a date is on. Donnelly has no idea who he should bring. He just knows it can’t be her. Luna finds herself in the same predicament as bad luck unfolds. Find a date. And it can’t be him. Yet, the more they try to stay away, the more the universe has other plans. Nowhere in Luna’s wildest imagination could she have predicted what happens next. * The slow burn heartache, feel-good fandom chats, lifelong friendships, and epic cosmic love of this next installment in the Like Us series will send your hearts into orbit with Luna & Donnelly, and you won’t want to make a landing without them.
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As the eldest daughter of famous parents, Luna Hale is anything but normal. She escapes most days inside the fandoms she loves and the fics she writes, and she’s accepted that real life just sucks more than fiction. But there is someone who could rival every swoony man inside her imagination. And he only lives three floors below her. Too bad he’s incredibly off-limits. Her brother’s bodyguard, eight years older (okay, sometimes, nine), and the son of meth addicts—the tattooed, shameless bodyguard is the only one her dad really hates. But Luna isn’t sure exactly why. She’s trying not to be hung up on him. Paul Donnelly is trying not to be hung up on her. With his life among the security team and his friends at stake, he doesn’t need to make waves among the Hales, especially the notoriously overprotective Loren Hale, the self-proclaimed Emperor of Petty. But when Donnelly’s two best friends set a time and place for a double—no, a “triple” date—the countdown to finding a date is on. Donnelly has no idea who he should bring. He just knows it can’t be her. Luna finds herself in the same predicament as bad luck unfolds. Find a date. And it can’t be him. Yet, the more they try to stay away, the more the universe has other plans. Nowhere in Luna’s wildest imagination could she have predicted what happens next. * The slow burn heartache, feel-good fandom chats, lifelong friendships, and epic cosmic love of this next installment in the Like Us series will send your hearts into orbit with Luna & Donnelly, and you won’t want to make a landing without them.
29-year-old Paul Donnelly has been many things in his life. Son of addicts, high school dropout, tattooist, the shameless bodyguard to Beckett Cobalt, the “bodyguard camp counselor” to the rookies of SFO, Loren Hale’s nemesis, and Xander’s wise one. But nothing means as much without Luna Hale. The sci-fi-loving writer. A weirdo. Sister to his client. The only one he’s fallen for. To be with Luna, he has to ensure it’s totally, completely, unmistakably safe. That starts with taking care of his family—the family he walked away from as a teenager. He knows he’ll survive. He can survive anything. But this time, he just wants to survive with her. * Take an epic cosmic journey with Luna & Donnelly through heartache, hope, darkness, love, and an unceasing light—where the bonds we make are what power us through time.
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29-year-old Paul Donnelly has been many things in his life. Son of addicts, high school dropout, tattooist, the shameless bodyguard to Beckett Cobalt, the “bodyguard camp counselor” to the rookies of SFO, Loren Hale’s nemesis, and Xander’s wise one. But nothing means as much without Luna Hale. The sci-fi-loving writer. A weirdo. Sister to his client. The only one he’s fallen for. To be with Luna, he has to ensure it’s totally, completely, unmistakably safe. That starts with taking care of his family—the family he walked away from as a teenager. He knows he’ll survive. He can survive anything. But this time, he just wants to survive with her. * Take an epic cosmic journey with Luna & Donnelly through heartache, hope, darkness, love, and an unceasing light—where the bonds we make are what power us through time.
Sci-fi writer, heiress, weirdo, and oldest daughter of the beloved and infamous Hale family, 21-year-old Luna Hale has been known by many names. But the title she’s coveted these days has been elusive…until now. She can see it. It’s in reach. She’s more than ready to be his girlfriend. Luna wants to go on an exploration of Paul Donnelly. Top to bottom. Inside out. To discover all there is to know about her human hero. But he’s afraid some skeletons are better left in the darkness. As a death in the family unsteadies multiple futures, Luna and Donnelly see turbulence ahead, but they’re determined to steer their ship through the rubble and finally make a landing. This time, together. * Luna and Donnelly’s out-of-this-world, cosmic love returns in this romantic, heart-pounding, and epic conclusion to the Like Us series.
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Sci-fi writer, heiress, weirdo, and oldest daughter of the beloved and infamous Hale family, 21-year-old Luna Hale has been known by many names. But the title she’s coveted these days has been elusive…until now. She can see it. It’s in reach. She’s more than ready to be his girlfriend. Luna wants to go on an exploration of Paul Donnelly. Top to bottom. Inside out. To discover all there is to know about her human hero. But he’s afraid some skeletons are better left in the darkness. As a death in the family unsteadies multiple futures, Luna and Donnelly see turbulence ahead, but they’re determined to steer their ship through the rubble and finally make a landing. This time, together. * Luna and Donnelly’s out-of-this-world, cosmic love returns in this romantic, heart-pounding, and epic conclusion to the Like Us series.


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