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Mea Lupus Series - La série

  • Nombre de tomes :
  • 3
  • Nombre de lecteurs :
  • 0
  • Classement en biblio :

La liste des tomes

I’ve worked hard for everything I’ve built in my life. Thriving was my victory against all those who wanted to see me as ash on the solar winds. Now, I’m one of the most feared and respected smugglers in the known galaxy. The Ferryman. I’ve lived successfully in the shadows for years because of two rules: transport nothing living, and I’ll kill you if you betray me. I always knew this life would be a short one, but I thought that maybe I’d have a chance. Only a few people know the Ferryman is a woman—much less what I or my ship look like. But all good things come to an end. I just won’t let it be mine. Seems the Imperial Union got tired of their regular police force constantly failing to catch me. The Mea Lupus, the wolf shifters created by the gods Menrva & Caesar, have stepped in and are coming for me. They’ve sent their best bloodhound pack. If that wasn’t bad enough this pack is a Contubernium—how am I supposed to evade EIGHT elite wolves?! I have one advantage: me. They seem to be intrigued by the simple transport captain they think I am. It doesn’t matter that they’re just doing their jobs. It doesn’t matter that they’re decent and kind. I’ll manipulate, lie, and use them because losing my freedom would mean the end of me. I’ll do whatever I have to do to be free once and for all. Even set myself up for a nice long retirement while I’m at it. Easy, right? Yeah, I don’t believe me either.
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I’ve worked hard for everything I’ve built in my life. Thriving was my victory against all those who wanted to see me as ash on the solar winds. Now, I’m one of the most feared and respected smugglers in the known galaxy. The Ferryman. I’ve lived successfully in the shadows for years because of two rules: transport nothing living, and I’ll kill you if you betray me. I always knew this life would be a short one, but I thought that maybe I’d have a chance. Only a few people know the Ferryman is a woman—much less what I or my ship look like. But all good things come to an end. I just won’t let it be mine. Seems the Imperial Union got tired of their regular police force constantly failing to catch me. The Mea Lupus, the wolf shifters created by the gods Menrva & Caesar, have stepped in and are coming for me. They’ve sent their best bloodhound pack. If that wasn’t bad enough this pack is a Contubernium—how am I supposed to evade EIGHT elite wolves?! I have one advantage: me. They seem to be intrigued by the simple transport captain they think I am. It doesn’t matter that they’re just doing their jobs. It doesn’t matter that they’re decent and kind. I’ll manipulate, lie, and use them because losing my freedom would mean the end of me. I’ll do whatever I have to do to be free once and for all. Even set myself up for a nice long retirement while I’m at it. Easy, right? Yeah, I don’t believe me either.
Betrayal. It’s what we all fear. To take a chance, to go out on a limb, to trust—and get burned for it. I was The Ferryman. What else would I do but deliver Death to their love for me? Does it make it any better if I didn’t have a choice? Probably not, since I don’t regret being free or what I had to do. I manipulated and tricked the best bloodhound unit of the Mea Lupus Legions. I beguiled a whole Contubernium of eight wolves. Exploited and encouraged their growing feelings for me then preyed upon their kindness. I also stole from them and made out like a literal bandit. Something happened between us that I can’t explain. It changed me. I think it changed all of us. I feel different. Mind, body, and soul. Why does it feel like I’m more connected to them not less? I’m not naive enough to believe they’re going to let me go. I’m living life on a countdown. As soon as I ran I knew I would have to keep running for the rest of my short life. I just don’t know whether I’m running from my own feelings for them or the retribution I know is coming.
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Betrayal. It’s what we all fear. To take a chance, to go out on a limb, to trust—and get burned for it. I was The Ferryman. What else would I do but deliver Death to their love for me? Does it make it any better if I didn’t have a choice? Probably not, since I don’t regret being free or what I had to do. I manipulated and tricked the best bloodhound unit of the Mea Lupus Legions. I beguiled a whole Contubernium of eight wolves. Exploited and encouraged their growing feelings for me then preyed upon their kindness. I also stole from them and made out like a literal bandit. Something happened between us that I can’t explain. It changed me. I think it changed all of us. I feel different. Mind, body, and soul. Why does it feel like I’m more connected to them not less? I’m not naive enough to believe they’re going to let me go. I’m living life on a countdown. As soon as I ran I knew I would have to keep running for the rest of my short life. I just don’t know whether I’m running from my own feelings for them or the retribution I know is coming.
We are Pack. What this means is getting more convoluted by the second. I tried hiding from my past, but Fate put a contubernium of 8 wolf shifting soldiers on my trail. I tried running from their love, but the Divine Couple made us the new exception to the rule: a Mortal woman pregnant from her Mea Lupus lovers. And not only that, I became a Mea Lupus wolf in the process. I am a Divine Gift. Our newborn children a miracle. I haven’t been Chosen. I have been Found. Extreme circumstances and the hands of the Gods brought us to this point and we’re trying to mend our frayed love and slashed hearts. However, upsetting the religious and political status quo put myself, my mates, and our children in more danger than we could have ever comprehended. Rivals from within the Daughters of Menrva surface and challenge us. Nefarious and dark forces swirl around us like smoke, obscuring who’s friend and who’s foe. Our family and our future are at risk from EVERYONE around us. Opportunists and political agents from all over the galaxy are reaching out their greedy blood soaked hands to tear us apart. Will we be able to hold our fragile connection as a new family? Or will we be torn asunder by old hurts from within before our enemies get the chance?
Voir la fiche
We are Pack. What this means is getting more convoluted by the second. I tried hiding from my past, but Fate put a contubernium of 8 wolf shifting soldiers on my trail. I tried running from their love, but the Divine Couple made us the new exception to the rule: a Mortal woman pregnant from her Mea Lupus lovers. And not only that, I became a Mea Lupus wolf in the process. I am a Divine Gift. Our newborn children a miracle. I haven’t been Chosen. I have been Found. Extreme circumstances and the hands of the Gods brought us to this point and we’re trying to mend our frayed love and slashed hearts. However, upsetting the religious and political status quo put myself, my mates, and our children in more danger than we could have ever comprehended. Rivals from within the Daughters of Menrva surface and challenge us. Nefarious and dark forces swirl around us like smoke, obscuring who’s friend and who’s foe. Our family and our future are at risk from EVERYONE around us. Opportunists and political agents from all over the galaxy are reaching out their greedy blood soaked hands to tear us apart. Will we be able to hold our fragile connection as a new family? Or will we be torn asunder by old hurts from within before our enemies get the chance?


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