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Sweet Paprika - La série

  • Nombre de tomes :
  • 9
  • Nombre de lecteurs :
  • 2
  • Classement en biblio :

La liste des tomes

Un conte des temps modernes. Paprika, jeune diablesse énergique et déterminée vivant à New York est une accro du boulot rêvant de faire carrière. Et l’avenir lui sourit ! Sauf que derrière ce redoutable bourreau de travail se cache une âme fragile au bord du gouffre dont la vie sociale et amoureuse est un désert. Jusqu’à ce que Dill, un beau garçon exubérant et un peu naïf, ne vienne tout chambouler avec son apparence "angélique" et bientôt pousser Paprika à se confronter à ses désirs. Cette rencontre piquante va surtout permettre à notre héroïne de prendre conscience du masque social qu’elle porte depuis trop longtemps. Mais ce long chemin d’introspection infernale s’annonce surtout pavé d’épisodes aussi sexy que cocasses. La star italienne Mirka Andolfo poursuit son parcours d’autrice éclectique avec cet album à mi-chemin entre Le Journal de Bridget Jones et Le Diable s’habille en Prada. Ce conte de fées contemporain, bourré d’humour et à la sensualité assumée, ravit par son style graphique aux influences manga et comics, énergique et moderne.
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Un conte des temps modernes. Paprika, jeune diablesse énergique et déterminée vivant à New York est une accro du boulot rêvant de faire carrière. Et l’avenir lui sourit ! Sauf que derrière ce redoutable bourreau de travail se cache une âme fragile au bord du gouffre dont la vie sociale et amoureuse est un désert. Jusqu’à ce que Dill, un beau garçon exubérant et un peu naïf, ne vienne tout chambouler avec son apparence "angélique" et bientôt pousser Paprika à se confronter à ses désirs. Cette rencontre piquante va surtout permettre à notre héroïne de prendre conscience du masque social qu’elle porte depuis trop longtemps. Mais ce long chemin d’introspection infernale s’annonce surtout pavé d’épisodes aussi sexy que cocasses. La star italienne Mirka Andolfo poursuit son parcours d’autrice éclectique avec cet album à mi-chemin entre Le Journal de Bridget Jones et Le Diable s’habille en Prada. Ce conte de fées contemporain, bourré d’humour et à la sensualité assumée, ravit par son style graphique aux influences manga et comics, énergique et moderne.
Paprika is living a difficult situation brought on by her father's illness and the complex work situation that awaits her. It's the only kind of business she's not really able to handle: a dinner where being dynamic, kind, and relaxed is just as important as being competent. But there is also another reason why the young and skilled professional is in trouble: she doesn't want to see one of the guests again...
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Paprika is living a difficult situation brought on by her father's illness and the complex work situation that awaits her. It's the only kind of business she's not really able to handle: a dinner where being dynamic, kind, and relaxed is just as important as being competent. But there is also another reason why the young and skilled professional is in trouble: she doesn't want to see one of the guests again...
Paprika’s “forced fun” night doesn't seem to be too bad, perhaps—but, in the end, not too great either. Come on, staying together for so long, for no real reason...how can people like it? Then, while her father seems to be recovered and healthy again, Paprika will have a nasty surprise...
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Paprika’s “forced fun” night doesn't seem to be too bad, perhaps—but, in the end, not too great either. Come on, staying together for so long, for no real reason...how can people like it? Then, while her father seems to be recovered and healthy again, Paprika will have a nasty surprise...
Paprika is shocked by the revelation she had—a real bombshell on a USB stick. She starts asking herself questions about the very foundations of her way of life. It would be a good time to talk to a friend…if only she had any. But there are other ways to find comfort. Maybe.
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Paprika is shocked by the revelation she had—a real bombshell on a USB stick. She starts asking herself questions about the very foundations of her way of life. It would be a good time to talk to a friend…if only she had any. But there are other ways to find comfort. Maybe.
The agreement is clear, and the dynamics of the (working-with-benefits) relationship between Paprika and Dill leave no room for doubt. Yet the skilled young manager’s problems are not over—on the contrary. Conquering the fascinating Za’atar is not the only goal Paprika seeks to achieve.
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The agreement is clear, and the dynamics of the (working-with-benefits) relationship between Paprika and Dill leave no room for doubt. Yet the skilled young manager’s problems are not over—on the contrary. Conquering the fascinating Za’atar is not the only goal Paprika seeks to achieve.
So along came Paprika’s mom! Dill gets to know Paprika’s mother, albeit in an unconventional way. But, wait a moment…wasn’t theirs just a “professional consulting” agreement? If the situation weren't already muddled enough, things are quite complex in the office too…
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So along came Paprika’s mom! Dill gets to know Paprika’s mother, albeit in an unconventional way. But, wait a moment…wasn’t theirs just a “professional consulting” agreement? If the situation weren't already muddled enough, things are quite complex in the office too…
The situation gets more and more confusing for Paprika. Her work life is complicated in a way it’s never been before, and her personal life—halfway between Za’atar and Dill—is even stranger. Is there any way out of all this? And even if there was—does she actually want out in the first place?
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The situation gets more and more confusing for Paprika. Her work life is complicated in a way it’s never been before, and her personal life—halfway between Za’atar and Dill—is even stranger. Is there any way out of all this? And even if there was—does she actually want out in the first place?
Everything seems to have returned to status quo: Dill philanders with all the ladies at Infernum Press; Paprika works tirelessly (and shops online). But underneath, something is bubbling inside of her. Let’s face it—the situation is getting a little out of control with Paprika. But that could mean a lot of fun.
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Everything seems to have returned to status quo: Dill philanders with all the ladies at Infernum Press; Paprika works tirelessly (and shops online). But underneath, something is bubbling inside of her. Let’s face it—the situation is getting a little out of control with Paprika. But that could mean a lot of fun.
Paprika seems to have gone off the radar. Her latest emotional blow will be difficult to overcome, and the same can be said for Dill. But what about Za’atar? Maybe a trip to Italy is what they all need to clear their heads…
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Paprika seems to have gone off the radar. Her latest emotional blow will be difficult to overcome, and the same can be said for Dill. But what about Za’atar? Maybe a trip to Italy is what they all need to clear their heads…


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