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Toutes les séries de Shari J. Ryan

2 livres

Chloe Valcourt drifts between two worlds: the dark reality of her domineering mother and feeble father and the vivid fantasy of her imagination. With her condition comes the harsh observation of doctors who intend to cure her of it. But a chance encounter with a handsome and vaguely familiar young man in her dream world hints at the possibility of hidden truths—and a life she can’t remember. As her drifts become a greater escape from the cruelty of the real world, Chloe finds herself lost between what is real and what is imagined, questioning her very existence. Can she remain in the lush new imagined landscape to find happiness in a realm of her own invention? Is she doomed to return to the harsh reality of the outside world forever? Or will she become trapped somewhere between the two…unable to return to either?

Tous les livres de Shari J. Ryan

Aux États-Unis, à l'aube des années 2020, la vie de Grace bascule lorsqu'on lui annonce qu'elle vient d'hériter d'une librairie à Dachau, en Allemagne. L'endroit lui a été légué par une grand-mère biologique dont elle ignorait complètement l'existence. Grace décide de traverser l'Atlantique et se lance dans une véritable enquête pour combler les silences de l'extraordinaire et douloureuse histoire de Mathilda, sa grand-mère. Une histoire qui débute dans l'Allemagne crépusculaire des années 1940. Hans, l'amour de toujours de Mathilda, est en danger parce qu'il est juif. La jeune femme n'hésite pas une seconde et le cache dans son grenier. Pendant des mois, ils vivent à la lueur des bougies. Jusqu'au jour où Hans est trahi et déporté au camp de Dachau...

Dès lors, Mathilda est poussée par la rage de survivre et par une promesse : un jour, ils vivront libres et heureux.

Dans la Pologne occupée par les nazis, Sofia ne peut plus regarder son père dans les yeux. Il vient de conclure un sinistre marché avec les SS en acceptant de travailler comme médecin à Auschwitz. En échange, sa femme et sa fille, qui sont de confession juive, auront la vie sauve. Un jour, Sofia aperçoit des prisonniers envoyés depuis le camp pour travailler dans la ferme familiale. Parmi eux, il y a Isaac, un garçon de 18 ans, le même âge que Sofia. Du lever au coucher du soleil, il laboure la terre, au milieu des coups de feu qui déchirent la campagne. Le jeune homme est terrorisé et pense que chaque jour sera le dernier. Alors quand Isaac voit Sofia, une belle jeune fille aux cheveux bruns, cela ressemble à un rêve. Peu à peu, en secret, ils se rapprochent et Sofia promet de tout faire pour l'aider à survivre. Mais dans une époque où le quotidien est un cauchemar, les bonnes intentions ne suffisent pas...

Anglais :

Auschwitz, 1941: It was her father’s job to save the lives of the SS. But she chose to risk everything and save the lives of prisoners.

In Nazi-occupied Poland, Sofia cannot look her father in the eye. Sofia’s mother, her papa’s cherished wife, is Jewish—how dare he work as a doctor for the SS? She cannot forgive him, even if the bargain was made to spare their lives.

In the middle of the night, Isaac emerges from a packed train with hundreds of others. Beneath Auschwitz’s barbed wire, soldiers surround them, and gunshots pierce the dark sky. The SS decide prisoners’ fates on the spot—and Isaac is chosen to work, rather than to die.

Every day, Isaac and his fellow inmates are sent to a nearby farm. From sunup to sundown, they toil the land with barely a scrap to eat. Every breath feels like it could be Isaac’s last, so when he sees a beautiful auburn-haired girl peering out of the farmhouse window, it feels like a dream…

Sofia refuses to accept what she is seeing. Disobeying her father and evading the guards, she risks her life to sneak a letter to the green-eyed boy outside. She explains that she has hidden them food, and that she’ll do everything in her power to save them.

This secret exchange sparks an escape that should have been impossible—and a love story that is unforgettable. But is love enough in the face of evil? And when Sofia and Isaac are concealed underground, holding their breath as the Nazis hunt them, will they survive?

Czechoslovakia, 1940: “We will always have our memories,” he says, as the soldiers pull him away. “You will survive this. You are braver than you know. Remember that, always.” This heartbreaking World War Two page-turner shows that love is more powerful than hatred, bravery can overcome evil, and hope is stronger than darkness.

In the middle of the night, while I am curled in Ben’s arms, there is a harsh knock on the door. My blood turns to ice. The love of my life is Jewish, and I am a Romany maid; every second that we exist in Hitler’s Europe, we are in danger. Every day, we have been huddling around a crackling radio, listening for news of this evil war. Every night, we have feared we won’t live till dawn.

The banging continues, and we leap out of bed. I can hardly breathe as I open the door, seeing Nazis standing before us. My heart cracks as the soldiers grab Ben. I’m powerless to stop them from shoving him into a wagon, bound for the place of no return.

The love of my life is now imprisoned in wire with thousands of other innocent inmates. For every moment he is trapped behind the gates of hell, he gets closer to death—surviving on scraps of food, and forced to work in gruelling conditions.

The soldiers haven’t arrested me yet, but it’s only a matter of time. I vow to stay alive for Ben, not to give up hope. I’ll stop at nothing to escape the enemy as they hunt me down.

With our fate in the hands of monsters, will we ever see each other again? And will our love for one another save us—or kill us?

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