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L’Auberge enneigée - La série

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Un coup de fil alcoolisé assorti d’un appel à l’aide désespéré et Patrick se précipite pour empêcher son meilleur ami d’épouser la mauvaise personne. Patrick n’a jamais cessé d’aimer Declan, même s’il l’a repoussé lors de la remise des diplômes quand ils se sont embrassés. Ses frères et son père, du genre alpha, avec tout leur passé de pompier, n’auraient jamais accepté qu’il soit bi, pas plus qu’ils ne comprenaient son besoin de sortir du moule familial pour être flic. Alors, il cache ce qu’il ressent et finit par perdre le seul homme qu’il ait jamais vraiment aimé. La seule fois où ils ont essayé de se réconcilier a été la nuit où il a découvert que Declan était fiancé, et il n’aurait jamais imaginé qu’il aurait une chance d’arranger les choses. Du moins, jusqu’à ce qu’il reçoive un appel téléphonique désespéré de Declan demandant à être secouru. Après un voyage chaotique et des tempêtes, Patrick atteint enfin le lieu de la cérémonie dans les montagnes du Colorado, mais la salle de mariage est vide, il n’y a aucun signe de Declan ou du fiancé et il sait qu’il est trop tard. Trop habitué au rejet, abandonné par son fiancé le jour de son mariage et perdu, Declan n’a aucune idée de ce qui l’attend. Il n’aurait jamais imaginé qu’il se retrouverait entièrement seul après le départ de son ex-fiancé et l’annulation de la fête de mariage, ou qu’une avalanche le piégerait à l’hôtel pendant la période de Noël. Et pire? Patrick est à l’hôtel avec lui et refuse de le laisser seul. Partager une chambre avec son ancien meilleur ami est la dernière chose que désire Declan, mais peut-être que la nature lui a fourni le signe qu’il doit affronter le passé et trouver un moyen d’avancer dans sa vie. Si seulement c’était facile de tomber amoureux de l’homme qui tient votre cœur.
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Un coup de fil alcoolisé assorti d’un appel à l’aide désespéré et Patrick se précipite pour empêcher son meilleur ami d’épouser la mauvaise personne. Patrick n’a jamais cessé d’aimer Declan, même s’il l’a repoussé lors de la remise des diplômes quand ils se sont embrassés. Ses frères et son père, du genre alpha, avec tout leur passé de pompier, n’auraient jamais accepté qu’il soit bi, pas plus qu’ils ne comprenaient son besoin de sortir du moule familial pour être flic. Alors, il cache ce qu’il ressent et finit par perdre le seul homme qu’il ait jamais vraiment aimé. La seule fois où ils ont essayé de se réconcilier a été la nuit où il a découvert que Declan était fiancé, et il n’aurait jamais imaginé qu’il aurait une chance d’arranger les choses. Du moins, jusqu’à ce qu’il reçoive un appel téléphonique désespéré de Declan demandant à être secouru. Après un voyage chaotique et des tempêtes, Patrick atteint enfin le lieu de la cérémonie dans les montagnes du Colorado, mais la salle de mariage est vide, il n’y a aucun signe de Declan ou du fiancé et il sait qu’il est trop tard. Trop habitué au rejet, abandonné par son fiancé le jour de son mariage et perdu, Declan n’a aucune idée de ce qui l’attend. Il n’aurait jamais imaginé qu’il se retrouverait entièrement seul après le départ de son ex-fiancé et l’annulation de la fête de mariage, ou qu’une avalanche le piégerait à l’hôtel pendant la période de Noël. Et pire? Patrick est à l’hôtel avec lui et refuse de le laisser seul. Partager une chambre avec son ancien meilleur ami est la dernière chose que désire Declan, mais peut-être que la nature lui a fourni le signe qu’il doit affronter le passé et trouver un moyen d’avancer dans sa vie. Si seulement c’était facile de tomber amoureux de l’homme qui tient votre cœur.
The advantage of a one-night stand is being able to walk away. Except, Nathan can’t. Workaholic Nathan Nicholls hasn’t had the easiest time of late. Still reeling from his publisher’s rejection of his latest book, he seeks refuge in a remote hotel. When he’s propositioned by the sinfully sexy CJ, a man who knows exactly what he wants and isn’t afraid to go for it, why shouldn’t Nathan throw caution to the winds for once and have a bit of fun? After all, he’s leaving the next day. When an avalanche puts paid to Nathan’s quick exit, he finds himself stuck there for Christmas. Stuck with CJ. What should be awkward, quickly becomes something else. The snow might be cold, but the time they spend together is far from it, and Nathan finds his heart warming. If only their passion and laughter didn’t have a shelf life, doomed to come to an end once the road is cleared. Nathan Nicholls doesn’t do one-night-stands. But maybe, just maybe, if he makes a Christmas wish, this could be something more.
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The advantage of a one-night stand is being able to walk away. Except, Nathan can’t. Workaholic Nathan Nicholls hasn’t had the easiest time of late. Still reeling from his publisher’s rejection of his latest book, he seeks refuge in a remote hotel. When he’s propositioned by the sinfully sexy CJ, a man who knows exactly what he wants and isn’t afraid to go for it, why shouldn’t Nathan throw caution to the winds for once and have a bit of fun? After all, he’s leaving the next day. When an avalanche puts paid to Nathan’s quick exit, he finds himself stuck there for Christmas. Stuck with CJ. What should be awkward, quickly becomes something else. The snow might be cold, but the time they spend together is far from it, and Nathan finds his heart warming. If only their passion and laughter didn’t have a shelf life, doomed to come to an end once the road is cleared. Nathan Nicholls doesn’t do one-night-stands. But maybe, just maybe, if he makes a Christmas wish, this could be something more.
L’aveu de son plus grand secret à son meilleur ami gâchera-t-il leur amitié ? Sutter Thompson a passé une bonne partie de son existence à vivre un mensonge. Ce mensonge l’a mené à épouser une femme qu’il n’aimait pas comme il l’aurait dû alors qu’il faisait de son mieux pour être tout ce que sa famille voulait qu’il soit. Finalement, après la naissance de son fils Zachary, Sutter a compris qu’il devait vivre dans la vérité. Pas simplement pour lui-même, mais pour Zach, également. La vérité nécessitait de faire son coming-out à quarante ans, de divorcer alors que son fils n’était qu’un nourrisson et d’essayer de s’ajuster à l’existence pour laquelle il était né. Au milieu de tout ce chaos, le meilleur ami de Sutter, Watley McCutcheon est resté à ses côtés. Watley comprenait comme il était difficile de s’évader. Il l’avait lui-même fait de nombreuses années auparavant, quand ils jouaient encore dans la même équipe de hockey universitaire. Sutter a toujours admiré le courage de Wat. Il admirait également son meilleur ami pour de nombreuses autres choses… son sourire, son rire, son adoration pour son fils, Adam, et son cœur attentionné. Maintenant que Watley est à nouveau célibataire, Sutter espère pouvoir déverrouiller l’ultime secret qu’il porte dans son cœur… il aime et aimera toujours Watley. Il n’avait pas prévu de le faire lors de la remise de prix du hockey junior, mais après tout, il ne s’était pas non plus attendu à ce qu’une avalanche l’oblige à se réfugier avec Watley, leurs fils et plusieurs de leurs coéquipiers dans une confortable auberge du Colorado. C’est peut-être à cause de l’atmosphère romantique ou la prise de conscience soudaine que la vie est trop courte pour entretenir des sentiments si forts, mais il est prêt à avouer ses sentiments à Watley. Peuvent-ils sortir de cette amitié pour s’engager dans une relation romantique ou l’aveu sincère de Sutter détruira-t-il des années d’affection fraternelle ? Mon cœur amoureux (un roman de l’auberge enneigée) est une romance gay mettant en scène des amis devenant amants, avec une tonne de neige, un tas de romantisme, des batailles de boule de neige, d’horribles blagues paternelles, des références à la pop culture à la pelle et une fin heureuse et joyeuse.
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L’aveu de son plus grand secret à son meilleur ami gâchera-t-il leur amitié ? Sutter Thompson a passé une bonne partie de son existence à vivre un mensonge. Ce mensonge l’a mené à épouser une femme qu’il n’aimait pas comme il l’aurait dû alors qu’il faisait de son mieux pour être tout ce que sa famille voulait qu’il soit. Finalement, après la naissance de son fils Zachary, Sutter a compris qu’il devait vivre dans la vérité. Pas simplement pour lui-même, mais pour Zach, également. La vérité nécessitait de faire son coming-out à quarante ans, de divorcer alors que son fils n’était qu’un nourrisson et d’essayer de s’ajuster à l’existence pour laquelle il était né. Au milieu de tout ce chaos, le meilleur ami de Sutter, Watley McCutcheon est resté à ses côtés. Watley comprenait comme il était difficile de s’évader. Il l’avait lui-même fait de nombreuses années auparavant, quand ils jouaient encore dans la même équipe de hockey universitaire. Sutter a toujours admiré le courage de Wat. Il admirait également son meilleur ami pour de nombreuses autres choses… son sourire, son rire, son adoration pour son fils, Adam, et son cœur attentionné. Maintenant que Watley est à nouveau célibataire, Sutter espère pouvoir déverrouiller l’ultime secret qu’il porte dans son cœur… il aime et aimera toujours Watley. Il n’avait pas prévu de le faire lors de la remise de prix du hockey junior, mais après tout, il ne s’était pas non plus attendu à ce qu’une avalanche l’oblige à se réfugier avec Watley, leurs fils et plusieurs de leurs coéquipiers dans une confortable auberge du Colorado. C’est peut-être à cause de l’atmosphère romantique ou la prise de conscience soudaine que la vie est trop courte pour entretenir des sentiments si forts, mais il est prêt à avouer ses sentiments à Watley. Peuvent-ils sortir de cette amitié pour s’engager dans une relation romantique ou l’aveu sincère de Sutter détruira-t-il des années d’affection fraternelle ? Mon cœur amoureux (un roman de l’auberge enneigée) est une romance gay mettant en scène des amis devenant amants, avec une tonne de neige, un tas de romantisme, des batailles de boule de neige, d’horribles blagues paternelles, des références à la pop culture à la pelle et une fin heureuse et joyeuse.
What’s worse than being stranded at a mountain resort by an avalanche three days before Christmas? Being trapped with your teenage crush—who kissed you and ran away. Reno Pierce spends all his time creating music in his studio, quite happily alone, but at the insistence of his rom-com-loving dad, he finds himself at a Colorado mountain resort speed dating event. His dad wants Reno to bring his ‘Mr. Right’ home for Christmas, but what he finds instead is his teenage crush. Twelve years ago, he’d been head-over-heels in love with his older brother’s best friend, Tate. His "straight" best friend. But everything changed one magical night, when Tate kissed him like his life depended on it—and then ran away. Six months after a bad breakup, Tate Boylan is still feeling the damage done to his confidence. Thanks to his hopeless romantic sister, who booked him a quaint mountain cabin and insisted he ‘boost his morale’ with a night of speed dating at The Retreat, he’s feeling much better. Until he sits at a table across from his best friend’s younger brother. The one he’d fallen for as a teen, kissed at a party, and never saw again. Now that an avalanche has cut the hotel off from the rest of the world, Tate might have a chance to prove to Reno that this time he won’t kiss and run.
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What’s worse than being stranded at a mountain resort by an avalanche three days before Christmas? Being trapped with your teenage crush—who kissed you and ran away. Reno Pierce spends all his time creating music in his studio, quite happily alone, but at the insistence of his rom-com-loving dad, he finds himself at a Colorado mountain resort speed dating event. His dad wants Reno to bring his ‘Mr. Right’ home for Christmas, but what he finds instead is his teenage crush. Twelve years ago, he’d been head-over-heels in love with his older brother’s best friend, Tate. His "straight" best friend. But everything changed one magical night, when Tate kissed him like his life depended on it—and then ran away. Six months after a bad breakup, Tate Boylan is still feeling the damage done to his confidence. Thanks to his hopeless romantic sister, who booked him a quaint mountain cabin and insisted he ‘boost his morale’ with a night of speed dating at The Retreat, he’s feeling much better. Until he sits at a table across from his best friend’s younger brother. The one he’d fallen for as a teen, kissed at a party, and never saw again. Now that an avalanche has cut the hotel off from the rest of the world, Tate might have a chance to prove to Reno that this time he won’t kiss and run.
When a travel blogger with a serious love for color and a billionaire with the most gorgeous dark eyes serendipitously meet at a hotel in the Colorado mountains, could it be the start of a true holiday romance? Quirin Brukmiller grumbles when he is told he must go into the snow and cold to write a travel report about The Retreat, aka The Rainbow Inn, an LGBTQ-friendly hotel high up in the mountains. After some gentle persuasion in the form of free clothing from his favorite company, he packs his bags and is now ready to brave the snow for the first time. At the hotel, he has the most perfect meet-cute ever to be written for a rom-com and chooses to make the best of this golden opportunity fate has given him. Kaimana Tilo just sold his biotech company for several billion dollars and came out to his parents. Both decisions went down like lead balloons with his conservative, money-loving family. To get some distance, a clear head, and to have his first appearance as an out gay man, he takes a trip to a charming inn deep in the mountains of Colorado. Before he has a chance to check into his room, he meets the man of his dreams. For once, life is smiling down on him, and Kai has every intention of keeping the colorful man who practically landed in his lap at his side. When an avalanche blocks the road to the hotel forcing them to stay together longer, it is just the last sign that what they have is bound to last forever.
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When a travel blogger with a serious love for color and a billionaire with the most gorgeous dark eyes serendipitously meet at a hotel in the Colorado mountains, could it be the start of a true holiday romance? Quirin Brukmiller grumbles when he is told he must go into the snow and cold to write a travel report about The Retreat, aka The Rainbow Inn, an LGBTQ-friendly hotel high up in the mountains. After some gentle persuasion in the form of free clothing from his favorite company, he packs his bags and is now ready to brave the snow for the first time. At the hotel, he has the most perfect meet-cute ever to be written for a rom-com and chooses to make the best of this golden opportunity fate has given him. Kaimana Tilo just sold his biotech company for several billion dollars and came out to his parents. Both decisions went down like lead balloons with his conservative, money-loving family. To get some distance, a clear head, and to have his first appearance as an out gay man, he takes a trip to a charming inn deep in the mountains of Colorado. Before he has a chance to check into his room, he meets the man of his dreams. For once, life is smiling down on him, and Kai has every intention of keeping the colorful man who practically landed in his lap at his side. When an avalanche blocks the road to the hotel forcing them to stay together longer, it is just the last sign that what they have is bound to last forever.
Brodie Lewis has been in love with Gabriel, his best friend, for years. The problem? It’s an impossible love. After all, they’re practically family. With his dad working long hours to make ends meet, Brodie had been lonely growing up, until the day a boy from his neighborhood invited him over for dinner. The boy’s house had been so different to his own, filled with people and warmth, and Brodie would be forever grateful for how the Conley family treated him as one of their own. When feelings beyond friendship stirred in Brodie, he’d tried to ignore them. Gabriel and his family were everything to him. How could he ever confess? And so, looking to move on from his first love, Brodie attends the speed dating night at The Retreat Hotel. It was a good plan, if only Gabriel wasn’t the one to offer him a ride to the venue. Gabriel Conley only wants Brodie to be happy, which is why he’s willing to lock away his feelings yet again and drive Brodie through the snow to the dating event. Brodie smiles the most when surrounded by Gabriel’s family, and Gabriel never wants to ruin that with a selfish love confession. So instead, he’ll stay at Brodie’s side as a friend. When an avalanche cuts the hotel off from the outside world, and Gabriel and Brodie find themselves stuck together and closer than ever, it’s time for some truths to be revealed. Can the oblivious childhood friends finally understand each other’s feelings, and confess their love for each other?
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Brodie Lewis has been in love with Gabriel, his best friend, for years. The problem? It’s an impossible love. After all, they’re practically family. With his dad working long hours to make ends meet, Brodie had been lonely growing up, until the day a boy from his neighborhood invited him over for dinner. The boy’s house had been so different to his own, filled with people and warmth, and Brodie would be forever grateful for how the Conley family treated him as one of their own. When feelings beyond friendship stirred in Brodie, he’d tried to ignore them. Gabriel and his family were everything to him. How could he ever confess? And so, looking to move on from his first love, Brodie attends the speed dating night at The Retreat Hotel. It was a good plan, if only Gabriel wasn’t the one to offer him a ride to the venue. Gabriel Conley only wants Brodie to be happy, which is why he’s willing to lock away his feelings yet again and drive Brodie through the snow to the dating event. Brodie smiles the most when surrounded by Gabriel’s family, and Gabriel never wants to ruin that with a selfish love confession. So instead, he’ll stay at Brodie’s side as a friend. When an avalanche cuts the hotel off from the outside world, and Gabriel and Brodie find themselves stuck together and closer than ever, it’s time for some truths to be revealed. Can the oblivious childhood friends finally understand each other’s feelings, and confess their love for each other?
An avalanche, a quaint Christmas inn, and an assignment to sit on an international thief until the cops can arrive. What could go wrong? Felix can’t believe his luck when a perfect stranger offers him the use of a pre-paid cabin at a mountain inn. He’d planned to ignore Christmas this year, working through the holidays in his job as a nurse in a Denver maternity ward. After all, Christmas won’t be the same without his beloved mother, who recently passed. But the inn, decked out like a Hallmark movie set, is the perfect place to soothe his heart, rekindle his Christmas cheer, and maybe even find romance? When a gorgeous ex-Marine befriends him and sticks by his side through a whole day of Christmas activities, Felix thinks he’s found true love. Riggs’s plans for a ski vacation are buried when an avalanche blocks off the mountain inn where he’s staying from the rest of the world. A midnight phone call enlists Rigg’s help watching a guy on the FBI’s Most Wanted list who is supposed to be staying at the inn. The FBI and the police can’t get through until the avalanche is cleared. Riggs steps up to do his duty one more time. But the man who is supposed to be The Falcon, an international thief, has one hell of a Clark Kent type alter ego, because he seems like the sweetest man Riggs has ever met. The more time they spend together, the more attracted Riggs becomes to him, and the more determined he is to make The Falcon reveal his true colors. Will love prevail? Or will the law?
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An avalanche, a quaint Christmas inn, and an assignment to sit on an international thief until the cops can arrive. What could go wrong? Felix can’t believe his luck when a perfect stranger offers him the use of a pre-paid cabin at a mountain inn. He’d planned to ignore Christmas this year, working through the holidays in his job as a nurse in a Denver maternity ward. After all, Christmas won’t be the same without his beloved mother, who recently passed. But the inn, decked out like a Hallmark movie set, is the perfect place to soothe his heart, rekindle his Christmas cheer, and maybe even find romance? When a gorgeous ex-Marine befriends him and sticks by his side through a whole day of Christmas activities, Felix thinks he’s found true love. Riggs’s plans for a ski vacation are buried when an avalanche blocks off the mountain inn where he’s staying from the rest of the world. A midnight phone call enlists Rigg’s help watching a guy on the FBI’s Most Wanted list who is supposed to be staying at the inn. The FBI and the police can’t get through until the avalanche is cleared. Riggs steps up to do his duty one more time. But the man who is supposed to be The Falcon, an international thief, has one hell of a Clark Kent type alter ego, because he seems like the sweetest man Riggs has ever met. The more time they spend together, the more attracted Riggs becomes to him, and the more determined he is to make The Falcon reveal his true colors. Will love prevail? Or will the law?


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