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Tristan & Danika - La série

  • Nombre de tomes :
  • 3
  • Nombre de lecteurs :
  • 82
  • Classement en biblio :

La liste des tomes

Danika n’a pas eu une vie facile. Le fait qu’elle soit follement attirée par les mauvais garçons n’a pas contribué à lui faciliter la vie. Un seul regard posé sur Tristan a suffi à faire partir en fumée tous ses neurones. Cet homme-là, c’était des ennuis garantis. C’était sûr et certain. Elle le savait pourtant. Les mauvais garçons sont mauvais. Particulièrement pour elle. Étant donné ses expériences passées, elle aurait été folle de penser le contraire. Alors pourquoi était-ce si agréable d’être folle ? D’aussi longtemps qu’elle se souvienne, Danika avait été focalisée sur son futur avec un projet et de la détermination. Tristan est passé par là et il lui a appris tout ce qu’il y avait à savoir sur le fait de lâcher prise et de vivre au présent. Elle est alors tombée très bas. Évidemment, cela ne fit qu’amplifier son impact avec le sol. Les Mauvaises choses est l’histoire de Tristan et Danika et leur histoire d’amour catastrophique. Cette série peut-être lue indépendamment, ou bien accompagner la trilogie En l’Air.
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Danika n’a pas eu une vie facile. Le fait qu’elle soit follement attirée par les mauvais garçons n’a pas contribué à lui faciliter la vie. Un seul regard posé sur Tristan a suffi à faire partir en fumée tous ses neurones. Cet homme-là, c’était des ennuis garantis. C’était sûr et certain. Elle le savait pourtant. Les mauvais garçons sont mauvais. Particulièrement pour elle. Étant donné ses expériences passées, elle aurait été folle de penser le contraire. Alors pourquoi était-ce si agréable d’être folle ? D’aussi longtemps qu’elle se souvienne, Danika avait été focalisée sur son futur avec un projet et de la détermination. Tristan est passé par là et il lui a appris tout ce qu’il y avait à savoir sur le fait de lâcher prise et de vivre au présent. Elle est alors tombée très bas. Évidemment, cela ne fit qu’amplifier son impact avec le sol. Les Mauvaises choses est l’histoire de Tristan et Danika et leur histoire d’amour catastrophique. Cette série peut-être lue indépendamment, ou bien accompagner la trilogie En l’Air.
Their love had the power of a runaway freight train, and the potential to be just as destructive. The tempestuous sequel to Bad Things picks up where the first book left off. Reeling from a profound loss, Tristan and Danika struggle to pick up the pieces and build a life together, but the hard habits of a lifetime are not so easy to escape. Rock Bottom takes us on a dual point of view journey through addiction and desire, through love and agony, and answers the question we’ve been asking since these characters were introduced in Grounded: “What happened between Tristan and Danika?
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Their love had the power of a runaway freight train, and the potential to be just as destructive. The tempestuous sequel to Bad Things picks up where the first book left off. Reeling from a profound loss, Tristan and Danika struggle to pick up the pieces and build a life together, but the hard habits of a lifetime are not so easy to escape. Rock Bottom takes us on a dual point of view journey through addiction and desire, through love and agony, and answers the question we’ve been asking since these characters were introduced in Grounded: “What happened between Tristan and Danika?
THE IMPACT Tristan hit rock bottom, and no one felt the impact harder than Danika. She was forced to see, in the most brutal of ways, that love does not conquer all. Bruised, bloody, and broken she had to walk away. THE AFTERMATH Picking up the pieces of your life after a tragedy is a daunting prospect, and that’s considering you still own all of the pieces. But what if you don’t? What if someone else owns those pieces, and those pieces are a part of your soul? You dig deep and work with what you’ve got. That’s what Danika told herself and believed, every single day, for years. Tristan and Danika’s love had failed every test that life had thrown at them. She couldn’t forget that, not for one second. And if those tests had been overly harsh, well, she wasn’t one to wallow in self-pity. The failure was the thing she had to focus on. The failure was the lesson. She had no intention of working so hard to make it out of hell without learning that lesson well. THE REUNION Over six years after the night that changed everything, Danika finds herself forced to spend the weekend constantly in Tristan’s company, as they attend the wedding of two of their dearest friends. It’s been long enough that she feels they can be friendly again without it destroying her peace of mind, but just a small amount of time in his presence has her remembering something she had forced herself to forget: There’d been a reason she’d gone through hell with this man, for this man, some true good to precede the bad. She shocks herself by quickly giving in to a hunger that she never imagined could still consume her. Even the best intentioned denial has a breaking point. THE HARSH REALITY After everything that’s happened, the rise and the fall, the pain and the aftermath, can these two navigate the waters of acute regret, survive the trials of coming face to face with all that they have lost, and find the strength to try again?
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THE IMPACT Tristan hit rock bottom, and no one felt the impact harder than Danika. She was forced to see, in the most brutal of ways, that love does not conquer all. Bruised, bloody, and broken she had to walk away. THE AFTERMATH Picking up the pieces of your life after a tragedy is a daunting prospect, and that’s considering you still own all of the pieces. But what if you don’t? What if someone else owns those pieces, and those pieces are a part of your soul? You dig deep and work with what you’ve got. That’s what Danika told herself and believed, every single day, for years. Tristan and Danika’s love had failed every test that life had thrown at them. She couldn’t forget that, not for one second. And if those tests had been overly harsh, well, she wasn’t one to wallow in self-pity. The failure was the thing she had to focus on. The failure was the lesson. She had no intention of working so hard to make it out of hell without learning that lesson well. THE REUNION Over six years after the night that changed everything, Danika finds herself forced to spend the weekend constantly in Tristan’s company, as they attend the wedding of two of their dearest friends. It’s been long enough that she feels they can be friendly again without it destroying her peace of mind, but just a small amount of time in his presence has her remembering something she had forced herself to forget: There’d been a reason she’d gone through hell with this man, for this man, some true good to precede the bad. She shocks herself by quickly giving in to a hunger that she never imagined could still consume her. Even the best intentioned denial has a breaking point. THE HARSH REALITY After everything that’s happened, the rise and the fall, the pain and the aftermath, can these two navigate the waters of acute regret, survive the trials of coming face to face with all that they have lost, and find the strength to try again?


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