Toutes les séries de Natasha Knight
À l’occasion d’un élégant bal masqué dans un opulent manoir, l’élite se réunit pour fêter la présentation d’un nouveau membre de la haute société.
Mais les invités de cette fête ne sont pas tous des chevaliers en armure étincelante.
Et ce soir, Lucia DeMarco et Salvatore Benedetti vont se rencontrer par hasard, un an avant le contrat qui la liera définitivement à lui.
La première version de cette nouvelle a été publiée dans Dark Fairy Tales : A Midnight Dynasty Anthology. C’est un court préquel au monde des Frères Benedetti, Mafia et Dark Romance.
Stefan Sabbioni a fait irruption dans ma chambre sans y être invité, le jour de mon seizième anniversaire. Il est resté dans l’ombre, avec son odeur de whisky et de mort, et il a passé autour de mon cou un collier cassé et couvert de sang séché. J’ai cru qu’il allait m’étrangler.
Ce soir-là, il a laissé un message à mon père. Il a dit qu’il reviendrait pour lui prendre un bien précieux.
Cependant, je n’ai jamais transmis ce message. Je me demande si ce serait différent si je l’avais fait, parce que maintenant, deux ans plus tard, il est de retour. Et cette fois, il ne se cache plus dans l’ombre.
Il est venu tenir sa promesse.
Il est revenu pour prendre ce fameux bien précieux.
Marchese est l’instigateur de la tragédie subie par ma famille. Je ne vais pas me contenter de le mettre à genoux, je vais l’enterrer pour ce qu’il a fait.
Lui prendre sa fille n’est que le début. Je vais le faire tout en sachant que je déclenche une guerre. Je vais le faire tout en sachant que mes ennemis se rallieront à sa cause. Ils ne reculeront devant rien pour me détruire, et il ne reculera devant rien pour la récupérer.
Cela dit, je ne suis pas du genre à me dérober devant la guerre. Je ne fais aucun cadeau et je ne partage pas mes jouets. Je démolis tous ceux qui essaient de toucher ce qui m’appartient.
Et une chose est sûre, cette fille m’appartient.
Elle n’aurait jamais dû entrer dans mon club.
Mais elle l’a fait.
Je n’aurais jamais dû poser les yeux sur elle.
Mais je l’ai fait.
Le monde de la pègre n’est pas un endroit sûr pour une fille comme elle.
Une nuit avec Katerina ne me suffit pas, malheureusement les hommes de mon milieu ne peuvent pas s’offrir le luxe d’être faibles.
Alors, je lui demande de m’oublier.
C’est ce qu’elle fait, mais il est trop tard. Elle a vu quelque chose qu’elle n’aurait jamais dû voir.
Lorsqu’elle s’enfuit pour se cacher, il est de mon devoir de la traquer.
J’ai une mission. Elle doit disparaître pour de bon.
Quatre ans plus tard, Kat n’est plus seule.
Et le petit garçon qui l’accompagne me ressemble trait pour trait.
Elle et moi et Lui et nous forment une romance en deux parties, à lire dans l'ordre
Je suis né avec du sang noble dans mes veines.
Héritier d’une dynastie puissante.
Richesse. Pouvoir. Aristocratie.
Des tentations trop dangereuses pour que j’y résiste.
Jusqu’à ce que l’on essaie de tout me voler.
Abîmé et blessé, j’ai ressurgi des flammes.
Maintenant, je suis de retour pour récupérer ce qui m’appartient.
Le premier point à l’ordre du jour ?
Faire d’Ivy Moreno ma femme.
Ensuite ?
La faire plier jusqu’à ce qu’elle se brise.
Je suis l’une des quatre filles Willow. Il est le fils aîné de la famille Scafoni. Et nous avons une histoire.
Pendant des générations, la famille Scafoni nous a demandé un sacrifice. Une fille vierge pour expier des péchés si anciens que nous ne savons même plus de quoi ils retournent.
Mais quand on est aussi riche qu’eux, on ne respecte pas les règles. On les décrète.
Et Sebastian Scafoni décrète toutes les règles.
Dès l’instant où je l’ai vu, j’ai su qu’il me choisirait. Même si la tache sur ma robe me déclarait impure. Même si mes sœurs magnifiques se tenaient à côté de moi, offertes à lui, c’est moi qu’il a choisie.
Il m’a faite sienne.
Puis il a entrepris de me briser.
Il est conseillé de lire Dark Legacy, la trilogie, dans cet ordre :
Je vis dans un monde où règnent les secrets.
Une Société enracinée dans le pouvoir, la richesse et les dynasties inébranlables.
Où les hommes sont des rois et les femmes des pions.
D’aussi loin que je m’en souvienne, je rêve d’échapper aux chaînes de mon avenir tout tracé.
Mais ce n’est jamais qu’un rêve.
J’ai commis une erreur fatale et ces chaînes se sont changées en cage.
Maintenant, je suis prise au piège d’une guerre avec un homme qui contrôle mes moindres mouvements.
C’est le meilleur ami de mon frère.
Mon ennemi, mon tourmenteur et ma consolation.
Ses paroles ont le pouvoir de me blesser.
Ses mains pourraient bien me briser.
Mais il s’agit de son royaume, et aussi longtemps que je serai ici, je n’aurai qu’une seule option.
Je jouerai selon ses règles.
Quand Cristiano Grigori est venu me chercher, il n’était pas seul. Il a amené son armée pour tuer les soldats à ma porte et m’a prise avec lui.
Il a passé son alliance à mon doigt et m’a marquée comme la propriété de la mafia.
Sa propriété.
Mes frères croyaient avoir anéanti la famille Grigori, mais Cristiano est bien vivant.
Et il a un objectif. La vengeance.
Les frères De La Cruz étaient des pions pour mon véritable ennemi. Ils n’étaient que des fantassins.
C’était assez facile de les tuer.
Enlever leur sœur, en revanche, c’était une autre histoire. Et elle n’en sait pas la moitié.
Scarlett est à moi.
Ma nouvelle épouse.
Mon pion.
C’est la fille d’un Roi des Cartels autrefois puissant. Et à travers elle, je me débarrasserai des autres rats qui croyaient pouvoir balayer le nom des Grigori.
La garder auprès de moi, ce n’est qu’un bonus.
Les monstres ne rôdent pas dans l’obscurité.
Quand j’ai rencontré Damian Di Santo dans un couloir sombre de ma maison de famille, j’ai su que c’était un monstre.
J’étais une fillette apeurée.
Et lui, c’était déjà un homme.
C’est à ce moment que son compte à rebours malsain a commencé.
Sous le signe des roses fanées et des épines acérées, huit années se sont écoulées, chacune me rapprochant un peu plus de cette alliance fatidique. Jusqu’à la veille de mon dix-huitième anniversaire.
Le soir où il est revenu pour réclamer son dû.
C’est le hasard qui a placé Cristina sur ma route.
C’est le destin qui l’a liée à moi.
Cristina et moi partageons un passé commun. Une nuit qui a bouleversé le cours de nos existences.
Elle m’a demandé si j’étais un monstre, le soir où je l’ai rencontrée.
C’est le cas.
Et elle va bientôt comprendre que je suis son monstre.
Parce que le compte à rebours qui a commencé huit ans plus tôt vient de toucher à son terme. Son temps est écoulé.
Aux douze coups de minuit, elle sera à moi.
Je ne connaissais pas Raphaël Amado quand il a débarqué sur le pas de notre porte en demandant réparation pour une ancienne dette. Mon grand-père le connaissait bien, cependant, et il a vite accédé à sa demande.
La réparation en question ? Moi.
Six mois plus tard, à mon dix-huitième anniversaire, Raphaël est venu me réclamer.
Il m'a volée à mon foyer, m'enlevant dans son domaine toscan, où le passé le traquait comme une ombre, depuis la chapelle en ruines jusqu'au vignoble délabré en passant par la cave obscure. Même les murs y recelaient des secrets, que j'allais devoir dévoiler si je comptais survivre.
Parce que l'enlèvement n'était que le début de son plan.
Sofia était le sacrifice à payer pour les péchés de son grand-père.
Elle m'a accusé d'être le diable. Et elle a raison. Mais la vérité, c'est qu'il l'a trahie.
Et quand est venu le moment de promettre amour, attention et obéissance, elle a prononcé les mots qui scelleraient son destin.
Je le veux.
Il se trouve que nous avons un ennemi commun, mon épouse réticente et moi. Le diable aussi protège ce qui est à lui, et cette femme m'appartient.
Seulement, elle n'a pas encore conscience de toute la protection dont elle a besoin.
Jericho St. James déteste ma famille.
Puissant, d’une richesse inouïe, c’est l’homme le plus dangereux que je connaisse.
Et je lui appartiens.
Il m’a enlevée à ma famille.
Il a fait de moi sa femme.
Et il m’a clairement fait comprendre que je dormirais dans son lit.
Mais ma bête a un secret.
Son unique faiblesse. Une faiblesse qui m’empêche de le haïr.
Il a une fille.
Et il est prêt à tout pour la protéger.
Les Bishop ont volé quelque chose que l’argent ne peut remplacer.
Une vie contre une vie. Maintenant, je vais prendre l’une des leurs.
Isabelle est mon pion, mon jouet.
Je vais en faire ma femme.
Je coucherai avec elle.
Elle sera à moi de toutes les façons possibles.
Et quand je lui aurai pris ce qu’il me faut, je supprimerai la famille Bishop. Ce sera comme s’ils n’avaient jamais existé.
Je ne suis pas censée tomber amoureuse de mon mari. Ça ne faisait pas partie du plan.
Tels sont les premiers mots que Santos Augustine m’a dits avant de sceller notre serment inviolable. Un contrat signé dans le sang et qui me lie à lui en guise de paiement pour les péchés de mon père.
Avec un masque de légitimité, cette puissante famille du crime est revenue à Avarice pour punir ceux qui leur ont causé du tort et prendre ce qui leur a toujours été refusé, une place au sein de l’élite.
Contrainte d’épouser mon ennemi, je me retrouve propulsée dans son monde de secrets et de trahisons.
Mon mari est un homme dangereux. Et ses ennemis le sont tout autant. Mais quand je suis agressée, sa fureur se déchaîne pour de bon.
C’est alors que je comprends ce que cela signifie d’appartenir à Santos Augustine.
Et j’ai beau savoir que je suis plus en sécurité dans son lit, je ne peux pas me permettre de tomber amoureuse de mon mari.
Loyauté. Devoir. Trahison.
Je n'aurais jamais cru que mon premier voyage en Italie serait pour enterrer mon père.
Et pourtant, me voilà, seule dans la vieille cathédrale avec le cercueil de mon père et quelques soldats montant la garde autour de nous.
Il ne me serait pas venu à l'idée que l'on puisse venir troubler ce moment sacré.
Mais les frères Caballero n'ont aucun respect pour l'Église, et encore moins pour ma famille. Ils sont entrés, les armes à la main, et ont bouleversé tout mon univers.
Ils ont fait voler en éclats la sérénité de ma vie.
Ils ont profané le corps de mon père.
Et ils ont pris ce qu'ils voulaient. Moi.
Je suis une princesse captive, avec une villa à couper le souffle en guise de donjon.
Ma chambre surplombe la mer turquoise, mais sa porte est fermée à clé.
Une malédiction ancestrale. Deux familles liées. Un amour interdit.
Quand les Wildblood m’ont présenté leurs filles le soir de la Dîme, ils savaient ce qui attendrait l’élue.
Le croissant de lune qui a marqué Willow l’a faite mienne. Je n’avais pas d’autre choix que de la prendre.
C’est le destin qui a uni nos vies depuis bien avant notre naissance, nous imposant des rôles prédéterminés.
Il fallait faire un sacrifice, payer un écot. Alors seulement nos familles seraient libres, du moins jusqu’au prochain paiement.
J’aurais fait mon devoir en tant que Pénitent. J’ai vraiment essayé.
Mais personne n’aurait imaginé que le lion tomberait amoureux de l’agneau.
Et mon amour pour Willow pourrait me coûter très cher.
Elle n'est pas censée m'appartenir.
Je suis le fils illégitime, rejeté, haï. Un héros déchu, le méchant de l'histoire, jaloux et possessif.
Ophelia Hart était une fille comme une autre, mais elle est devenue la seule femme que je désire.
Quand nous étions plus jeunes, je l'ai protégée à d'innombrables reprises contre mon abruti de demi-frère.
Maintenant, la rivalité entre lui et moi a évolué, les enjeux sont plus élevés. C'est une question de vie et de mort.
Il a des projets pour Ophelia, mais hors de question qu'il pose le petit doigt sur cette femme.
Malheureusement, elle ne me considère plus comme le héros de son histoire.
Elle compte se battre contre moi pendant que je me bats pour elle.
Dans la vie de chaque homme vient un moment ou il faut prendre le taureau par les cornes, et ce moment est venu pour moi.
Parce que je refuse de la céder à mon demi-frère.
Je l’ai contrarié. Maintenant, il me possède.
En essayant de soumettre Ezekiel St. James au chantage, je croyais que ce serait facile.
En réalité, je ne savais pas à qui j’avais affaire.
Dès que son regard d’acier s’est posé sur moi, j’ai compris que la partie était terminée.
Il savait exactement qui j’étais. Ce que j’avais fait.
Et je ne m’en tirerais pas à si bon compte.
Avec l’étendue de sa richesse et de son pouvoir, il m’a fait enlever.
Il aurait pu me faire disparaître.
Cependant, je ne suis pas une proie facile, et ma vie n’est pas la seule en jeu. Je dois protéger ma sœur.
Mais alors que je suis au plus mal, l’inattendu se produit. Il prend soin de moi.
Aussi pervers que cela paraisse, il voit en moi l’expiation de ses propres fautes.
Désespérée et vulnérable, j’ai besoin de protection.
Il m’offre la sienne, mais ses conditions sont aussi troubles que sa morale. Je dois lui appartenir dans tous les sens du terme.
J’accepte en toute connaissance de cause. Parce que lorsqu’il me touche, ma peau s’embrase.
Et quelque chose en moi désire lui appartenir.
Elijah had watched Kayla for years, serving as a hidden protector for this beautiful young woman—until the night an abusive boyfriend sought to do her harm. Afterwards, he knew that there could be no hiding what had happened, and she would have to come with him whether she liked it or not.
Try as she might to convince herself that her eyes had deceived her, Kayla knew that she had seen a giant wolf toss men about like ragdolls and then shift into the human form of her neighbor Elijah. Then, before she can even begin to process what she has seen, she finds herself thrown over his shoulder and carried from her apartment against her will.
In spite of Elijah’s insistence that their flight from the city to a cabin deep in the woods is for her own safety, Kayla attempts escape at every opportunity, but she finds that he is more than prepared to compel her obedience and he will not hesitate to spank her soundly when she makes it necessary. Worse, she soon learns that repeated defiance will earn her a punishment far more shameful than just a bare bottom spanking.
As the days pass, however, she begins to see in Elijah a kind of loving care and concern that no man has ever shown her before. Stranger still, as she stands before him naked and blushing, waiting to be thoroughly chastised for disobeying him yet again, she begins to want him in a way that is so fierce it terrifies her.
Elijah swears to himself that he has taken Kayla only to keep her safe, but in his heart he knows that is not true. His instinctual need for her—the overpowering urge to claim her as his own—grows stronger with every passing hour, and it is only a matter of time before he loses control and takes her. But can he keep her safe from those who would use her to get to him, and even if he can, can the primal lust between them ever grow into an equally powerful love?
Publisher’s Note: Taken by the Beast is an erotic novel that includes spankings, anal play, graphic sexual scenes, elements of BDSM, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.
Naia knows that Liam Roark has every right to be angry with her for sabotaging his career ten years ago with the accusation that he spanked her. When she seeks him out to ask his forgiveness, though, he will only give it on one condition: she’ll have to accept the bare-bottom spanking she once falsely claimed to have been given.
Although hesitant, Naia agrees, but after a painful and humiliating punishment which leaves her tearful and blushing, Liam sends her on her way. Despite her protests he is determined not to see her again… for his sake and for hers. He knows full well how strongly he yearns to dominate and have his way with her, and he fears she is far from ready to see that side of him. But Liam isn’t the only one who has to come to terms with the past, and when Naia persists, he finds himself unable to resist the twenty-eight year old beauty any longer.
Deciding to give her a taste of the life he lives, Liam brings her with him to his vacation home in Miami. He will demand her absolute obedience, thoroughly punish any defiance, and take her in any way he pleases, leaving her begging on her knees for more. But will the passion they ignite continue to burn hot once they return home?
Publisher’s Note: Taming Naia is a stand-alone prequel to Taming Emma and Taming Megan. It is an erotic romance novel that includes spankings, sexual scenes, elements of BDSM, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book. Also note that this book was published previously under the title Naia and the Professor.
Tous les livres de Natasha Knight
Eva Webb didn't know what she'd find the night she secretly followed her fiancé. She had feared he was meeting another woman.
But it was so much worse than that.
The man she loved betrayed and kidnapped her, packing her onto a truck destined for the black market to be sold to the highest bidder.
But when the vehicle is ambushed, she is delivered into the hands of her fiancé's enemies: mercenary brothers who would stop at nothing to take him down.
For Gabriel and Syn Rivera, hijacking the truck and stealing its cargo was another job, another way of taking back what was stolen from them. Discovering Eva on board was an unexpected bonus. They now held in their grasp the one thing that could bring down an entire organization, making her a pawn in a deadly game -- a game in which she'd need their protection to survive.
But that protection would come at a price.
Now captive to the brothers, Eva would learn that they have always shared their women, and she would be no exception. They would keep her safe. They would protect her. They would make her theirs.
But in a world where criminals often wear two faces, where putting your trust in the wrong people can get you killed, will Eva find she has mistaken lust for love, or will this unlikely union survive?
The monsters of my father’s world weren’t ever supposed to enter mine. I was safe from them.
Adam swept into my life on a whirlwind, a dark knight, a predator stalking its prey.
He’d been hiding in the shadows all along. Waiting for me to fall into his trap.
And I fell.
I fell hard.
This wasn’t ever supposed to be about her. She wasn’t ever supposed to matter.
Her father needed to pay for what he’d done and there was one sure way to do it.
Take what he loved best.
Break it.
Break her.
I just didn’t realize that in the process of destroying the girl, I’d destroy myself.
Retribution is a full-length, stand-alone Dark Romance. NO Cliffhanger. NO cheating. A hard-earned HEA. Intended for mature readers.
amed: The Roark Brothers Trilogy contains three best-selling books by Natasha Knight which tell the story of the firm-handed Roark brothers and the feisty women who are tamed by them. This trilogy includes:
Taming Emma
Emma had always been interested in exploring the world of BDSM, and given her desperate circumstances, this sounded like the perfect opportunity. One weekend of complete submission to the highest bidder among a select group of wealthy men, and her financial troubles would be over. Emma wasn’t really sure what to expect when she agreed to the deal, but one thing she definitely did not expect was Luke Roark.
The moment Luke removed the blindfold and recognized the beautiful, nearly-nude young woman standing before him as Emma Lawson, his best-friend’s little sister, he knew what he had to do. However, after buying her contract with the intention of giving her a firm lecture and taking her home, he cannot help but imagine the things he could teach her.
Emma spent many years as a teenager fantasizing about Luke, and when he is suddenly thrust into her life again she is torn between her fears and her desires, but her need to submit wins out. Emma chooses to stay and honor her contract, and she quickly finds herself on her knees before him, bare, bound, helpless, and forced to take whatever he wishes to give her… and he wishes to give her a great deal, relishing the chance to play Emma’s naked, trembling body like a finely-tuned instrument until she is blushing red and begging for more.
It is not long, though, before both Luke and Emma can feel that something much more than just physical attraction binds them together, but can they put aside their painful pasts and embrace a future together?
Taming Megan
Jake Roark is the husband Megan never dreamed she could have—handsome, responsible, kind-hearted, and so much more. Before she ever said her wedding vows, though, she also knew that he was traditional enough to take a misbehaving wife in hand. When the bad habits from the wild life she led before she met Jake begin to resurface, Megan soon finds herself over his knee for a bare bottom spanking.
Jake's firm hand and old-fashioned ways only increase her love for him, but when a mistake from the past is suddenly thrust into the forefront of her life and her marriage, will Jake's love for Megan be strong enough to keep her in his arms forever, no matter what he learns about her?
Taming Naia
Naia knows that Liam Roark has every right to be angry with her for sabotaging his career ten years ago with the accusation that he spanked her. When she seeks him out to ask his forgiveness, though, he will only give it on one condition: she'll have to accept the bare-bottom spanking she once falsely claimed to have been given.
Although hesitant, Naia agrees, but after a painful and humiliating punishment which leaves her tearful and blushing, Liam sends her on her way. Despite her protests he is determined not to see her again… for his sake and for hers. He knows full well how strongly he yearns to dominate and have his way with her, and he fears she is far from ready to see that side of him. But Liam isn't the only one who has to come to terms with the past, and when Naia persists, he finds himself unable to resist the twenty-eight year old beauty any longer.
Deciding to give her a taste of the life he lives, Liam brings her with him to his vacation home in Miami. He will demand her absolute obedience, thoroughly punish any defiance, and take her in any way he pleases, leaving her begging on her knees for more.
One Night.
His Rules.
It’s a Devil’s Bargain.
She calls it a devil’s bargain. I call it a deal she can’t refuse.
I was owed a debt and I expected payment.
That payment?
One night in my bed.
My rules.
The debt cleared, and she could walk away.
There are worse things. And besides, debtors can’t be choosers.
The night started as it should. She obeyed as she should. But then something happened. Something I was wholly unprepared for. And what I saw changed everything.
I broke my own rules after that. And I didn’t keep my end of the bargain.
Because walking away was no longer an option I would grant her, no matter the cost.
Je suis un tueur à gages, un assassin. Un déviant à de nombreux égards. Je n’ai jamais prétendu être gentil.
Elle était tout le contraire.
Mais dès l’instant où elle a tiré ses rideaux et découvert mon visage, son sort était scellé.
Il ne doit y avoir aucun témoin, jamais.
Imaginez ma surprise, alors que je venais lui régler son compte, quand deux hommes de main ont enfoncé sa porte, armés jusqu’aux dents.
Il s’avère que sa tête était mise à prix. Son demi-frère la voulait, et vivante. Je n’ai jamais été du genre à laisser filer une occasion de toucher quelques billets, surtout si je peux m’amuser au passage.
Seulement, je n’aurais jamais pensé qu’elle puisse devenir autre chose que ma prochaine cible.
« La curiosité est un vilain défaut. »
Je n’oublierai jamais son regard quand il a prononcé ces mots.
En le voyant par la fenêtre, je n’aurais jamais cru qu’il m’avait vue, lui aussi. Qu’il m’avait longuement épiée.
Mais ensuite, il a débarqué dans ma chambre d’hôtel où il m’a attendue dans le noir.
J’étais loin d’imaginer que sa présence ce soir-là me sauverait la vie. J’étais en fuite depuis deux ans, mais mon demi-frère m’avait enfin rattrapée. Ou du moins, ses deux gorilles.
Ma tête était mise à prix à un quart de million de dollars, ce qui a convaincu Julien que je valais plus vivante que morte. Mais pour toucher la somme, il allait devoir me ramener chez mon demi-frère, qui avait juré de se venger de moi.
Julien était un homme cruel, sans pitié. Mais en dépit de la peur qu’il m’inspirait, il y avait autre chose chez lui, quelque chose qu'il ne voulait pas me montrer. À l’intérieur, il était brisé, tout comme moi.
Mon demi-frère se trompait s’il pensait pouvoir mettre à nouveau la main sur moi. Je n’avais aucune intention de me laisser faire, même si pour survivre, je devais m’acoquiner avec le diable.
Parce qu’une chose était certaine, Julien était bel et bien le diable.
Déviant est une romance hors série, entre haine et amour. Pas de cliffhanger à la fin !
The day my father agreed to testify against Terrence Randall, one of the most ruthless drug traffickers in North America, was the day I became the target of the drug lord’s enraged vengeance. I was the one thing that stood in the way of Daddy’s testimony, and the one thing that could save Randall. The man would stop at nothing to get his hands on me.
I was prepared for what was coming — as prepared as one could be when vanishing into the U.S. Marshal’s Witness Protection Program.
I just wasn’t prepared for him.
For ex-Navy SEAL turned mercenary Lake Freeman, escorting Lily Cross into the Witness Protection Program was just another job — until a better offer came along. Lake couldn’t have cared less about the life he’d been hired to protect. After all, she was a part of the very organization that had cost him so much already.
At least he never expected to care.
But when forced into a decision he never thought he’d have to make, the mission became one of survival for himself and his beautiful charge. Lake knew that in order to protect her, he’d need to bring the feisty and unpredictable Lily to heel — he couldn’t keep her safe if he couldn’t keep her under control.
But that protective urge quickly turned into something else, something dark … and his need to conquer, to claim, overrode all else.
He would keep her safe. He would keep her protected. But he would make her his, as well.
Now, all he had to do was figure out how to keep them both alive long enough to do it…
Publisher’s Warning: Captive, Mine is a MF BDSM romantic suspense and is intended for mature readers. Themes include: graphic sexuality, pervasive D/s, exhibitionism, spanking, bondage, anal play and other BDSM activities. If such content might offend you, please do not purchase this book.
In the aftermath of a plague which brought civilization to its knees and left most of the world’s female population sterile, breeders—the few women who remain fertile—have become a precious commodity. Breeders live in relative comfort, but upon reaching adulthood they are tasked with bearing one child after another to carry on the species. Frequent medical assessments keep the breeders healthy and harsh punishments keep them in line.
As a breeder who has just come of age, Rowan knows she will soon be little more than a slave, but when she dares to resist her fate the penalty is severe. After a shameful, public chastisement and a thorough, humiliating examination to determine her suitability for child-bearing, Rowan is given to a savage from outside the community—a huge brute of a man named Silas—to be bred.
Against all expectations, Rowan finds herself drawn to her new captor. Brave, ruggedly handsome, and even kind at times, Silas is everything the men who enslaved her were not. When the time comes for him to breed her, despite the circumstances, something deep inside her begs for him to take her long and hard. But while she soon finds herself longing to be his forever, Rowan knows that eventually those who gave her to him will try to take her back. When that day comes will Silas fight to keep her at his side even if it means risking everything he loves?
Publisher’s Note: Given to the Savage is an erotic novel that includes spankings, sexual scenes, extensive medical play, anal play, elements of BDSM, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.
“Everything I believed was a lie. Everything except for her, the one person I blamed for it all.”
MacKayla Simone was beautiful. She was sexy as hell. She was also the set-up.
One night.
Sex that rocked my world.
Rocked it to its very foundations because the next thing I knew, she and I made the headlines of every paper, every news channel across the country, and it cost me everything.
But that wasn’t the worst of it. That came when I learned who was behind the set-up. That was when I understood what it meant to be destroyed absolutely.
I don’t know why I went after MacKayla. She’d been a pawn just like me. But it was all I could do, all I had left. Hell, it was the one thing keeping me from tumbling into the abyss and never coming back into the light.
Find her. Find the girl who’d fucked me. Find her and make her pay.
I didn’t know who Slater Vaughn was, but if I had, it wouldn’t have mattered. Not when my sister was in trouble. I would have done what I did anyway. You can judge me. You can call me a whore. But I would have done it anyway.
One night, they’d said. Make him want you, let him have you. Easiest money in the world for just one night of my life.
Only it wasn’t one night because that night obliterated Slater Vaughn, and he came after me. He told me I owed him, and truthfully, I did. Hell, maybe those years in hiding, I’d been waiting for him to find me. To punish me. To make me pay.
Maybe I sought his forgiveness all along.
But now that he had me, how far would he take this game? Slater Vaughn was a broken man. He had nothing left to lose. What was to keep him from taking me with him into his darkness?
Some secrets have to be kept.
Some secrets are too shameful to tell.
For years, Sophie has longed to give her husband not only her love but her submission as well, but fear of rejection has kept her from sharing the truth with him. Some desires can’t be denied, though, and when her need to submit drives her to seek out others like herself and learn more, Michael discovers her deception and she fears her marriage may be over.
Despite the anger and sadness which tear at his heart, Michael loves Sophie too much to give her up.
As Michael begins to understand what his wife is looking for, he takes on the role of the dominant yet loving husband she needs. Sophie begins to see him in a way she has never seen him before, and her desire for him seems to know no bounds. But is this just a second honeymoon of sorts, or will Sophie’s submission endure through the trials of everyday life?
Author’s Note: Reclaiming Sophie was previously published with the title Aching to Submit and is intended for mature readers. This steamy standalone romance tells the story of one couple’s sensual journey from a breaking marriage to a whole and fulfilling one. There is NO CHEATING.
When Skye Madden is caught trespassing at an exclusive ski resort while trying to support herself as a tabloid photographer, she is stunned to discover that her childhood crush, Aidan Hastings, is the head of security. More shocking still, Aidan tells her in no uncertain terms that if she is found snooping around the resort again, he’ll take her over his knee and give her a spanking she’ll never forget.
When her boss sends her back to the same resort a year later on another assignment, Skye can’t help but remember Aidan’s warning, but a spanking quickly becomes the least of her worries after she gets lost on the mountain. While trying to find her way back, things go from bad to worse when she witnesses a cold-blooded murder, and she is left with no choice but to confess everything to Aidan. Worst of all, it appears that the murder is connected to the Russian mob.
Aidan decides he’s taking no chances with his best friend’s little sister, a girl he’s never been able to forget. As a former special agent, he is more than ready to do whatever is needed to keep her safe, even if that means taking her into hiding in an isolated cabin, whether she likes it or not. But Skye Madden has grown even more stubborn and headstrong than he remembered, and he soon realizes it will take quite a bit more than just a bare-bottom spanking to bring her in line.
Even with her world collapsing around her, Skye wonders how she can let this man—someone who has a place called a “punishment room” in his house, on top of everything else—start to claim her heart again. Can she learn to trust her firm protector, or will she take matters into her own hands and put her life in even greater danger?
** This is an erotic novel that includes spankings, sexual scenes, anal play, elements of BDSM, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.
From the moment FBI agent Jessica Manning arrives in the small town of New Hope to investigate the tragic—and suspicious—deaths of two civilians and a fellow agent, she is annoyed by the interference of the local sheriff, Jackson Montgomery. She fumes when Jackson forbids her from continuing her investigation without his assistance, but since her mission is off-the-record and unapproved by the agency, she has no choice but to feign cooperation with the handsome lawman.
To her surprise and horror, Jessica soon learns that Jackson isn’t asking for her obedience, he is demanding it, and when he catches her out looking for leads behind his back, he pulls her over his lap and spanks her bare bottom until she’s sobbing. Her promises to behave are soon forgotten, however, when a mysterious note promising new information appears under her hotel door.
It is only when the Assistant Deputy Director of the FBI shows up in New Hope, cautioning Jessica to back off if she knows what’s good for her, that she fears she might be in over her head and asks Jackson for his help… even if his help results in a bright red, sore bottom. But can the strict sheriff and the feisty agent unravel this tangled web in time, or will they end up paying with their lives for exposing the truth?
**This is an erotic novel that includes spankings, graphic sexual scenes, anal play, exhibitionism, and more. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.
When twenty-eight-year-old Rebecca Banks learns that her next physical therapy patient is none other than Sawyer Hayes, she stays professional, but deep down she can’t help but panic. She hasn’t seen Sawyer for ten years, and their last meeting ended with him giving her a spanking she would never forget. Now Sawyer is the fire chief in the small town that has become her home, and it is an injury sustained in the line of duty which has brought him back into her life.
Even as he works hard on his recovery, Sawyer’s mind is on something else—repairing Rebecca’s trust in him. When her deadbeat boyfriend and his family implicate her in a serious crime and she’s sent to the local jailhouse to await trial, Sawyer pays her bail and brings her home with him under the condition that she obeys him… and that disobedience will have consequences.
Rebecca agrees, but when she defies her self-appointed guardian she soon finds that a hard, bare-bottom spanking is far from the most embarrassing punishment Sawyer is prepared to employ. Though Sawyer’s punishments leave her with cheeks blushing as red as her well-spanked bottom, they also ignite feelings and desires she never knew she had, and soon his fierce need to dominate and lead her is matched by her growing need to obey him.
Rebecca and Sawyer’s newfound romance grows quickly, but the stress of preparing for her upcoming trial continues to build and she fears the verdict will send her to prison. Can her firm-handed firefighter protect her, or will she be torn from his loving arms?
Publisher’s Note: The Firefighter’s Girl is an erotic romance novel that includes spankings, sexual scenes, anal play, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.
Twenty-four-year-old Amy is the quintessential poor little rich girl. Her parents taught her that beauty alone would get her everywhere, and when her husband, Dr. Cade Hollister, convinces her to take the last class she needs to finish her degree, she has no idea what is in store for her. Amy has never challenged herself in the past, and when she fakes an illness to avoid the hard work required to pass the course, Cade decides it is time to teach her a much-needed lesson.
Before she knows it, her husband is taking her temperature the old-fashioned way, and that is just the start. Amy soon learns that her strict doctor will do whatever is necessary to keep his wife in line, and he is more than ready to give her the discipline she requires, even if it leaves her cheeks blushing as red as her well-spanked bottom. But can she overcome her embarrassment and come to terms with the fact that she loves submitting to Cade, loves the way his punishments make her feel, and loves the way her body craves his dominance more and more every day?
Publisher’s Note: Amy’s Strict Doctor is an erotic novel that includes spankings, sexual scenes, medical play, anal play, elements of BDSM, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.
This book is also available as part of a five-book collection entitled What the Doctor Ordered.
Note: This book is a revised/expanded version of a shorter story published previously under the title “Liaison.”
Throughout her life Gabrielle has wanted a strong man to take her in hand, and two years ago her growing need for something her husband could not provide led her to make a terrible mistake which ended her marriage.
After his wife cheated on him years ago, Julian learned all about the pain caused by infidelity. When he sees that same crushing guilt in the eyes of a beautiful woman at the B&B where he is spending a quiet vacation, he is compelled to help her.
Gabrielle is drawn to Julian from the moment she first sees him. His easy, direct manner forces her to face her guilt and when he suggests that she take the punishment she’s needed for so long, she can’t help but say yes. It soon becomes clear to them both, however, that it will take more than just a bare-bottom spanking to allow Gabrielle to finally let go of her guilt—she will have to be very thoroughly chastised.
But to fully satiate her need, she longs to experience more than just punishment from Julian—she needs to be completely dominated by him, to be made to kneel and ask him to take her in any way he pleases, and to blush bright red with embarrassment even as she begs for more. But is it all just a fling, or will what began as a chance meeting change both their lives forever?
Publisher’s Note: Taught to Kneel is an erotic novel that includes spankings, anal play, figging, graphic sexual scenes, elements of BDSM, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.
Olivia has spent years training to hunt and kill the dangerous savages who live outside the dome which protects her city, and she stands ready to carry out her mission with pride… until the day she is shot down and her life is changed forever.
Pulled from the wreckage by a man unlike any she has ever seen—a massive, gruff, yet strangely handsome brute who is not afraid to bare her bottom and spank her soundly to compel her obedience—she is brought into the midst of the people she once sought to wipe out, and her rescuer becomes both her captor and her protector.
From the instant he sets eyes upon her, Hayden is certain that there will be a special place in his heart for Olivia. He knows the struggle she will face as she breathes the clean, free air outside the dome and the drugs in her system wear off, leaving her exposed to desires more powerful than she can imagine—desires that he will be more than prepared to fulfill when she is ready.
As the days pass, Olivia grows more and more disturbed by what she sees around her—husbands and wives, children and families, all healthy and unharmed by the supposedly poisoned air. Far more disturbing, though, are her growing feelings for Hayden. She finds herself wanting him in a way that she cannot understand, and her need for him grows stronger with every passing hour. She knows that soon she will ask for him to take her, and that when he is finished it will not be long before she kneels at his feet, blushing with shame while begging for more.
Publisher’s Note: Captive’s Desire is an erotic novel that includes spankings, anal play, graphic sexual scenes, elements of BDSM, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.
Six years ago, I did something I shouldn’t have done. I took something that didn’t belong to me. It had felt good, so damn good. It was a night I’d never forget. One that would ruin her for other men.
But there’s always a price to pay when you break the rules. I just didn’t realize she’d be the one to pay it. I didn’t know that my weakness would destroy her life, take away everyone she loved.
I was son of Alpha. A hunter. I was a cocky SOB. I’d been sent to find Aria Hale and her family. They’d said it was to bring them home. But that was a lie.
That night six years ago was when I learned what betrayal was. When those I trusted destroyed what I’d come to love.
I ran that night, leaving everything behind, leaving her behind. But when your Alpha’s son, when you have his blood in your veins, no matter how fast or how far you run, you’re never really out. I was a fool to ever think I was.
I never expected to see Aria again, but here she was, six years later, standing on my doorstep, looking for answers, trying to understand something that couldn’t be understood.
She had every right to know the truth about the night her family was murdered, but I couldn’t give it to her. She didn’t belong in our world, we were monsters. And as powerful as the urge to claim her was, she couldn’t belong to me. I’d do whatever it took to keep her from ever finding out what I really was, what really happened that night, because if she did, she’d hate me.
I could live with blood on my hands. I could exist without her if it meant keeping her safe. I just couldn’t live knowing she hated me.
I guess he thought I’d leave the past alone. Forget it and walk away, like he had. Like it meant nothing. Like I meant nothing.
Six years had passed since the night my life changed forever. The night I lost everything. It was supposed to be the happiest of my life, but it had turned into a nightmare that ripped everything and everyone I loved from me, leaving me alone and lost, stumbling in the dark for answers.
Zane Von knew more about that night than he let on. He was the key to understanding what had happened when my family was killed. To learning why they died and I didn’t. Whether he liked it or not, our lives were bound together irrevocably and if he thought I’d turn my back on the past, well, then he didn’t know me as well as he thought.
Publisher’s Note: Alpha is a standalone paranormal (shapeshifter) romance. The story is dark and gritty with strong language and dirty, kinky sex. No cliffhanger.
Since her mother’s death, Gemma’s aging father has grown weaker with every passing year, and she has all but raised her younger sister Alys. Lethal with a bow in her hand, she keeps her family safe… until the day they are caught by surprise and Alys is taken by a band of outlaws. In desperation, her father pleads for aid from a reclusive knight by the name of Sir William and pledges him Gemma’s hand in marriage in repayment for the safe return of her sister.
When Gemma ignores her father’s instructions and sets out on her own to rescue Alys, she discovers that this gruff, unkempt, and yet undeniably handsome brute is more than her match, and the lesson is brought home with a sound spanking on her bare bottom. With no time to waste taking the brave and feisty yet hopelessly naïve eighteen-year-old back home, Sir William has no choice but to bring her along as he pursues her sister’s captors. Though he might not admit it, however, he relishes the thought that he might have to punish her again, and with every glimpse of her delicious curves his lust intensifies.
In spite of his firm chastisement and his demand for her unquestioning obedience, Gemma finds her feelings for Sir William evolving rapidly. She begins to wonder what it would feel like to be stripped bare and held tight in his strong arms, helpless and blushing, yet longing for him to claim her hard and thoroughly.
Even as her desire for him grows stronger, she frets about the secrets he keeps from her. His skill in battle alone tells her that he is no mere woodsman, and the hilt of his sword bears a marking that cannot be mistaken—a symbol that she believed had passed into legend. Can she trust this man with her life and that of her sister? Will he fail her in her hour of greatest need, or will her rogue knight prove himself worthy of not only her submission but her love as well?
Publisher’s Note: Her Rogue Knight is an erotic novel that includes spankings, anal play, graphic sexual scenes, elements of BDSM, and more. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.
In a castle adorned with gems, coated in gold, and dusted with luxury, the youngest of the Constantine Family will be introduced to the elite of New York. But the party isn’t all glamor. Villains lurk in dark corners, evil deals are struck, and starcrossed loves are born.
Stories included :
The Ugly Duckling by CJ Roberts
Beauty and the Beast by Willow Winters
Cinderella by Aleatha Romig
Little Red Riding Hood by Karina Halle
Jack & the Beanstalk by Marley Valentine
Snow White by T.M. Frazier
Rumplestiltskin by Celia Aaron
King Midas by Skye Warren
King Thrushbeard by Cora Reilly
Princess and the Pea by Sierra Simone
Swan Princess by Natasha Knight
Attend the ball, wear a red cloak, lose your shoe, spin straw to gold, or fall prey to a witch. In these fairytale retellings from bestselling authors, you will find a prince, but you might choose your happily ever after with the beast.
This is a limited-time anthology of modern fairy tales containing all NEW novellas. Download your copy and tell a book-loving friend, because it won't last long.
Ce coffret contient Œil pour œil et Vie pour vie, l'intégralité de la duologie Collateral Damage.
Stefan Sabbioni a fait irruption dans ma chambre sans y être invité, le jour de mon seizième anniversaire. Il est resté dans l’ombre, avec son odeur de whisky et de mort, et il a passé autour de mon cou un collier cassé et couvert de sang séché. J’ai cru qu’il allait m’étrangler.
Ce soir-là, il a laissé un message à mon père. Il a dit qu’il reviendrait pour lui prendre un bien précieux.
Cependant, je n’ai jamais transmis ce message. Je me demande si ce serait différent si je l’avais fait, parce que maintenant, deux ans plus tard, il est de retour. Et cette fois, il ne se cache plus dans l’ombre.
Il est venu tenir sa promesse.
Il est revenu pour prendre ce fameux bien précieux.
Marchese est l’instigateur de la tragédie subie par ma famille. Je ne vais pas me contenter de le mettre à genoux, je vais l’enterrer pour ce qu’il a fait.
Lui prendre sa fille n’est que le début. Je vais le faire tout en sachant que je déclenche une guerre. Je vais le faire tout en sachant que mes ennemis se rallieront à sa cause. Ils ne reculeront devant rien pour me détruire, et il ne reculera devant rien pour la récupérer.
Cela dit, je ne suis pas du genre à me dérober devant la guerre. Je ne fais aucun cadeau et je ne partage pas mes jouets. Je démolis tous ceux qui essaient de toucher ce qui m’appartient.
Et une chose est sûre, cette fille m’appartient.
Ce coffret comprend Le Requiem d’une âme, Le Prix du péché et La Résurrection des cœurs. C'est l'histoire intégrale d'Ivy Moreno et Santiago De La Rosa. Je suis né avec du sang noble dans mes veines. Héritier d’une dynastie puissante. Richesse. Pouvoir. Aristocratie. Des tentations trop dangereuses pour que j’y résiste. Jusqu’à ce que l’on essaie de tout me voler. Abîmé et blessé, j’ai ressurgi des flammes. Maintenant, je suis de retour pour récupérer ce qui m’appartient. Vengeance. Le premier point à l’ordre du jour ? Faire d’Ivy Moreno ma femme. Ensuite ? La faire plier jusqu’à ce qu’elle se brise.
NIGHTINGALE is a romance anthology with over FIFTY original, never-before-seen stories from bestselling authors. 100% of the royalties will be donated to relief and human rights organizations working in Ukraine. NIGHTINGALE is only available for a limited time, so one-click your copy before it's gone.
AUTHORS INCLUDE: Katee Robert, Siobhan Davis, Robin Covington, Xio Axelrod, Vanessa Vale & Renee Rose, Terri E. Laine, Lucy Lennox, C. Hallman & J.L. Beck, Sara Ney, Willow Winters, Rebecca Yarros, Sienna Snow, Ana Huang, Willow Aster, Pepper Winters, Piper Rayne, Rebecca Zanetti, Honey Meyer, Alta Hensley & Livia Grant, Samantha Chase, Parker S. Huntington, T.K. Leigh, Kate Canterbary, Laura Thalassa, Carian Cole, Natasha Knight & Ashleigh Zavarelli, Rina Kent, Lauren Rowe, Rachel Van Dyken, Karla Sorensen, Claudia Burgoa, Kelsey Clayton, Helena Hunting, Aleatha Romig, K.A. Linde, Carly Phillips, Meredith Wild & Chelle Bliss, Kelly Elliott, Brenda Rothert, A.L. Jackson, Jenika Snow, Katie Ashley, Amo Jones, Susan Stoker, Harloe Rae, L.B. Dunbar, Gina L. Maxwell, Tijan, Amelia Wilde, Skye Warren, Penny Reid, Susannah Nix, Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti, Ilsa Madden-Mills, Dylan Allen, Kandi Steiner, Raine Miller, Toni Aleo, Natalie Wrye, Debra Anastasia, Brittney Sahin, Heidi McLaughlin, Melanie Moreland, Jay Crownover, Catherine Cowles, Roni Loren, Shantel Tessier, Aly Martinez, Julia Kent
All royalties from this project will be donated to relief and human rights organizations working in Ukraine. We aren't affiliated or endorsed by these charities. We are simply authors who want to help.
Comprend les 2 tomes de la série
• T1 : Un royaume détruit
• T2 : Une reine brisée
Loyauté. Devoir. Trahison. Je n'aurais jamais cru que mon premier voyage en Italie serait pour enterrer mon père. Et pourtant, me voilà, seule dans la vieille cathédrale avec le cercueil de mon père et quelques soldats montant la garde autour de nous. Il ne me serait pas venu à l'idée que l'on puisse venir troubler ce moment sacré. Mais les frères Caballero n'ont aucun respect pour l'Église, et encore moins pour ma famille. Ils sont entrés, les armes à la main, et ont bouleversé tout mon univers. Ils ont fait voler en éclats la sérénité de ma vie. Ils ont profané le corps de mon père. Et ils ont pris ce qu'ils voulaient. Moi. Je suis une princesse captive, avec une villa à couper le souffle en guise de donjon. Ma chambre surplombe la mer turquoise, mais sa porte est fermée à clé. Et je dois affronter non pas un, mais deux dragons.
Ce coffret comprend : Déshonneur, Corruption et Trahison !
Sofia était le sacrifice à payer pour les péchés de son grand-père.
Elle m'a accusé d'être le diable. Et elle a raison. Mais la vérité, c'est qu'il l'a trahie.
Et quand est venu le moment de promettre amour, attention et obéissance, elle a prononcé les mots qui scelleraient son destin.
Je le veux.
Il se trouve que nous avons un ennemi commun, mon épouse réticente et moi. Le diable aussi protège ce qui est à lui, et cette femme m'appartient.
Seulement, elle n'a pas encore conscience de toute la protection dont elle a besoin.
Quand j'ai disparu de la vie de Lina Guardia, il y a des années, c'était pour son bien.
Elle était trop jeune.
Trop corruptible.
À présent, nos chemins se croisent à nouveau. Mais tout a changé.
Elle a des secrets. Des secrets dangereux.
Elle croit pouvoir me garder à distance de son monde, mais elle est dans les ennuis jusqu'au cou et elle a trop besoin d'un protecteur.
Je ne dois pas oublier que je ne peux pas être plus que cela pour elle. Je ne peux pas céder à la tentation.
Parce que dans six mois, je serai prêtre.
Et elle complique tout.
Elle a passé un pacte avec le diable, et c'est moi qui ai perdu.
Il y a deux ans, la fille que je protégeais, l'innocente que j'étais prêt à tout pour sauver, m'a trahi. Cela a coûté la vie à mes hommes, et aurait dû me coûter la mienne.
Mais j'ai survécu au guet-apens. Et j'ai décidé de la retrouver à tout prix.
Je l'ai traquée partout, pistée comme une bête, suivant ses moindres faits et gestes.
Je me suis introduit chez elle. J'ai mangé sa nourriture. Je me suis penché sur son lit pour la regarder dormir.
Maintenant, l'heure de mon grand retour dans la vie d'Eve El-Amin, cadette de la famille El-Amin, a sonné.
Je vais lui apprendre les conséquences de ses actes.
Mais quand le diable montre à nouveau son affreux visage, la mettant en danger, je n'ai pas d'autre choix que de lui offrir ma protection. Parce qu'elle ne survivra pas sans moi.
Et cela risque bien de nous coûter absolument tout ce qu'il nous reste.