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Livres - Bibliographie

Eric Arvin

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Toutes les séries de Eric Arvin

3 livres

Jasper Lane is the perfect, sunny, American neighborhood, or so it would seem. Melinda Gold is a young mother whose desire for position in the neighborhood is at odds with her upbringing by her ultra conservative mother. The same mother who makes life hell for Melinda's son, Patrick; Cassie Bloom is the grand dame of Jasper Lane, living on a cul du sac and doing her best to annoy Melinda. But she has a secret of her own regarding her missing husband and son that only a few, including the transsexual Vera, know about; Rick has just moved into the neighborhood and has immediately fallen for the ex-Army man, James. Will he find the courage to go after what he wants?; Terrence, Rick's good friend, has found out he has a son from a one-night stand years before where he dallied with heterosexuality; and the perfect couple Steve and Sandy have run into a rough patch which forces Steve to find employment in the porn industry. All these stories interlock and play out in a brightly comic way with gay porn parties, sexually confused animals, and dead bodies all being thrown in the mix. It may not be perfect, but it sure is fun.

Tous les livres de Eric Arvin

Chip Arnold, entraîneur apprécié de l’équipe de football américain d’une petite université d’arts libéraux, est loin d’avoir une vie rangée. Il sort boire avec ses collègues, s’entend bien avec ses joueurs et fréquente les plus jolies filles de la ville. En somme, il mène la vie que la plupart des hommes rêveraient d’avoir. Mais, dernièrement, aucune des femmes qu’il rencontre ne semble déclencher la moindre passion en lui. Tout bascule lorsqu’il rencontre le nouvel aumônier du campus, Foster Lewis.

Tomber amoureux d’un autre homme est totalement nouveau et peut s’avérer terrifiant. Sans que Chip puisse mettre le doigt sur ce qui l’attire tant chez Foster, le sentiment est plus fort que tout ce qu’il a pu ressentir auparavant. N’hésitant jamais à relever un défi, Chip se jette à l’eau, mais… l’amour n’est jamais simple, et parfois les choses tournent au véritable bordel.

Quand Joe reprend conscience dans un champ d’orge, il est nu et amnésique ; il ignore comment il s’est retrouvé là. Avant d’en comprendre davantage, il se retrouve à accomplir le plus étrange voyage initiatique de toute sa vie. Durant sa quête, Joe est accompagné d’un guide, Baker, tandis qu’un bel et mystérieux Étranger ‒ qui, pour une raison étrange, lui semble familier ‒ ne cesse de lui recommander le courage. Joe arpente donc un monde fantastique en perpétuel changement afin d’affronter son passé.

En cours de route, il rencontre de nombreux défis et les souvenirs qui lui reviennent ne sont pas toujours faciles, mais s’il espère enfin trouver la paix – et rejoindre celui qui l’attire tellement – Joe doit aller jusqu’au bout, malgré les tentations qui le poussent à s’arrêter en chemin…

Can the idyllic simplicity of a garden change a life forever? It's a question three men on a vacation to the small seaside town of Beechwood will find the answer to when they stay at a B&B with an expansive and breathtakingly beautiful garden. A garden with an air of the supernatural. Jerry's there for love, Doug's there for sex, and Tony? Well, Tony is practically dragged along against his will. A comedy of errors ensues as the three men cling stubbornly to their self-destructive ways; can a cook named Anna Magnani, a roller-skating drag queen, and the magic of the garden tame the tempest and prevent love's labors from being lost?

A coming of age story with a supernatural bent, "The Rest is Illusion" is set on the campus of Verona College, a small liberal arts school that overlooks an ancient river valley. The story centers on five students at critical points in their lives. Sarah, a young woman at odds with everything her parents stand for; Ash, a mysterious genius; Dashel, a young man with a mysterious illness; Tony, a closeted football star; and Wilder, a manipulative hopeful politician. Their individual stories run in and out of each other in the course of a week. Personal problems are further complicated by an unseen force that surrounds the college, living deep in the woods. As this entity begins to more fully touch the lives of the characters, things begin to unravel. For some this is a needed change, but for others this is a catalyst to a terrifying end.

These are the epic adventures of Kid Christmas The unthinkable has happened: the Jolly Old Elf himself keeled over, and the Committee to Oversee the Christening of Kringle (COCK) had to find a replacement. Enter the Kid: a lot more fit, a little less clumsy, and quite a sight in that tight red uniform. His mission to deliver Christmas around the world is threatened as he fights the evil Snow Globes, but all is not lost as he escapes traps, finds love (and more love, and more love) with Johnny Longjohns, and stops at a disco on his quest to reclaim his magic sled, the Claus 3000. Hold on tight: this humorous romp may have you spitting your eggnog

A collection of short stories from one of today's most talented and challenging new writers. Eric Arvin covers everything from college love to mystical river sprites, from deep tragedy to bawdy sex comedy, in this collection that takes the everyday and finds the adventure within. It's a read sure to keep you guessing.

Marcus wakes up in a surreal state of urgency and foreboding. Something is wrong, yet he can't perceive exactly what. As he makes his way through the morning getting ready for work, little things begin to add up like clues to a horrible truth that awaits him. Will the dream hold up or fall? Will life?

A short work of surreal literature from our experimental line The Lab.

Miss Virginia Locks has a date tonight, but something is wrong. She finds herself standing outside her home without any knowledge of how she got there. But what waits for her once she is back inside, a crawling, gasping thing, is even more unsettling. A short story.

Minerva True is a River Dweller and mystic who lives deep in the forested hills of a river valley on the fringes of the world. She is the only person who sees the ancient danger that resides on a nearby chapel grounds. Most pay little heed to her warnings, and in the end only a small band of friends stand beside her. A tale of love and duty ensues, challenging the destinies of Minerva, the young hero Leith, his lover Aubrey, and the mute boy, Deverell. Leith’s half-crazed mother Calpurnia has her own aspirations, however, that prove detrimental not only to Minerva, but to everyone she comes in contact with.

It’s bad enough that the Coach Mauler’s steroid abuse is about to be discovered, but when an angry ex-football player finds out about his salacious activities with the other players, things begin to get steamy. What happens when the star college football coach has not just one secret, but two?

Logan Brandish, auteur à plein temps, est parfaitement heureux dans sa paisible routine, avec sa collocation avec sa meilleure amie dans une petite bourgade, sa chatte, et son petit ami … Jusqu’à ce qu’il rencontre l’éditeur de son prochain livre, le beau Brock Kimble, et le calme passif de sa vie quotidienne disparaît en fumée. Découvrant pour la première fois ce que veut dire passion, Logan devient anxieux et impatient, et bien vite sa vie et son nouveau manuscrit – qu’il s’était imaginé pouvoir finir un jour – ne sont plus que pagaille.

Mais Logan l’apprend à ses dépens : on n’obtient pas toujours ce que l’on veut … pas du jour au lendemain, en tout cas. Pour oublier tous ses ennuis, il part en voyage, mais même le ‘paysage’ italien ne peut empêcher bien longtemps ses pensées de revenir vers son désormais ex-éditeur. Logan devra peut-être admettre qu’il est des choses auxquelles on ne peut échapper.