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Le Chat du bibliothécaire - La série

  • Nombre de tomes :
  • 16
  • Nombre de lecteurs :
  • 255
  • Classée dans le top séries Booknode :
  • # 679
  • Classement en biblio :

La liste des tomes

À Athena, dans le Mississippi, Charlie Harris coule des jours paisibles en compagnie de Diesel, son fidèle maine coon, véritable coqueluche de la ville. Pour le bibliothécaire, la présence du félin est une source de bonheur, tout comme celle des étudiants à qui il offre le gîte et le couvert dans sa charmante maison. Cependant, sous ses airs tranquilles, Athena recèle mille et un secrets sur le point d'être dévoilés lorsque Godfrey Priest est retrouvé inerte dans sa chambre d'hôtel. Le célèbre auteur de thrillers, enfant du pays, venait assister à un dîner de gala en son honneur. Pour sûr, le criminel est un habitant du coin... Si l'enquête est officiellement confiée au bureau du shérif, Charlie et son compagnon à quatre pattes se lancent incognito dans leurs propres recherches...
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À Athena, dans le Mississippi, Charlie Harris coule des jours paisibles en compagnie de Diesel, son fidèle maine coon, véritable coqueluche de la ville. Pour le bibliothécaire, la présence du félin est une source de bonheur, tout comme celle des étudiants à qui il offre le gîte et le couvert dans sa charmante maison. Cependant, sous ses airs tranquilles, Athena recèle mille et un secrets sur le point d'être dévoilés lorsque Godfrey Priest est retrouvé inerte dans sa chambre d'hôtel. Le célèbre auteur de thrillers, enfant du pays, venait assister à un dîner de gala en son honneur. Pour sûr, le criminel est un habitant du coin... Si l'enquête est officiellement confiée au bureau du shérif, Charlie et son compagnon à quatre pattes se lancent incognito dans leurs propres recherches...
Vieil homme charmant à la tête de l'une des plus grosses fortunes d'Athena, James Delacorte demande à Charlie Harris d'effectuer l'inventaire des livres les plus rares de son onéreuse bibliothèque. Mais peu après le début de cette collaboration, Delacorte est retrouvé mort à son bureau. Voilà que Charlie se retrouve avec un cadavre sur les bras et un meurtre à élucider incognito, dans l'ombre du bureau du shérif ! Pour Charlie, c'est certain, l'assassin est l'un des membres de la famille Delacorte, tous plus excentriques les uns que les autres... Aidé de son fidèle Diesel, il part à la recherche de preuves quand un second crime se produit. Charlie et son maine coon n'ont plus le choix : ils doivent à tout prix élucider l'affaire avant qu'il n'y ait une troisième victime...
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Vieil homme charmant à la tête de l'une des plus grosses fortunes d'Athena, James Delacorte demande à Charlie Harris d'effectuer l'inventaire des livres les plus rares de son onéreuse bibliothèque. Mais peu après le début de cette collaboration, Delacorte est retrouvé mort à son bureau. Voilà que Charlie se retrouve avec un cadavre sur les bras et un meurtre à élucider incognito, dans l'ombre du bureau du shérif ! Pour Charlie, c'est certain, l'assassin est l'un des membres de la famille Delacorte, tous plus excentriques les uns que les autres... Aidé de son fidèle Diesel, il part à la recherche de preuves quand un second crime se produit. Charlie et son maine coon n'ont plus le choix : ils doivent à tout prix élucider l'affaire avant qu'il n'y ait une troisième victime...
L'université d'Athena invite un nouvel auteur entre ses murs : Connor Lawton, un jeune dramaturge connu pour son franc-parler et son écriture cinglante. Charlie fait la rencontre de ce personnage acerbe et prétentieux, qu'il n'apprécie guère. Toutefois, en parallèle, il se réjouit de retrouver sa fille Laura, embauchée grâce à Lawton pour remplacer temporairement une professeure de la fac. Mais c'est compter sans les drames qui semblent s'accumuler dans cette bourgade paisible du Mississippi. Car, clou du spectacle, alors que Lawton achève sa nouvelle pièce de théâtre, il est assassiné. Et le suspect numéro un n'est autre que Laura, qui semblait entretenir d'intimes relations avec le défunt ! Persuadé que sa fille est innocente, et aidé de son fidèle compagnon Diesel, Charlie part à la recherche de preuves contre les ennemis de Connor, particulièrement nombreux, parmi lesquels se cache le véritable meurtrier...
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L'université d'Athena invite un nouvel auteur entre ses murs : Connor Lawton, un jeune dramaturge connu pour son franc-parler et son écriture cinglante. Charlie fait la rencontre de ce personnage acerbe et prétentieux, qu'il n'apprécie guère. Toutefois, en parallèle, il se réjouit de retrouver sa fille Laura, embauchée grâce à Lawton pour remplacer temporairement une professeure de la fac. Mais c'est compter sans les drames qui semblent s'accumuler dans cette bourgade paisible du Mississippi. Car, clou du spectacle, alors que Lawton achève sa nouvelle pièce de théâtre, il est assassiné. Et le suspect numéro un n'est autre que Laura, qui semblait entretenir d'intimes relations avec le défunt ! Persuadé que sa fille est innocente, et aidé de son fidèle compagnon Diesel, Charlie part à la recherche de preuves contre les ennemis de Connor, particulièrement nombreux, parmi lesquels se cache le véritable meurtrier...
À Athena, les soeurs Ducote sont en conflit avec Vera Cassity au sujet de l'emplacement du gala de financement de la bibliothèque. Aura-t-il lieu dans la sublime demeure des Ducote ou dans celle, non moins majestueuse, des Cassity ? Le bibliothécaire Charlie Harris préférerait se blottir dans un coin plutôt que de prendre part au conflit. Les tensions sont à leur comble, et il semble que tout le monde, en ville, ait une dent contre Vera... Le soir du gala, qui se déroule chez des Ducote victorieuses, Vera se montre particulièrement odieuse avec plusieurs personnes. Mais ses mots amers sont les derniers car, quelques heures plus tard, Charlie découvre son corps inerte au bas de l'escalier de service... Avec l'aide de son fidèle félin Diesel, il va tenter de retrouver le tueur.
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À Athena, les soeurs Ducote sont en conflit avec Vera Cassity au sujet de l'emplacement du gala de financement de la bibliothèque. Aura-t-il lieu dans la sublime demeure des Ducote ou dans celle, non moins majestueuse, des Cassity ? Le bibliothécaire Charlie Harris préférerait se blottir dans un coin plutôt que de prendre part au conflit. Les tensions sont à leur comble, et il semble que tout le monde, en ville, ait une dent contre Vera... Le soir du gala, qui se déroule chez des Ducote victorieuses, Vera se montre particulièrement odieuse avec plusieurs personnes. Mais ses mots amers sont les derniers car, quelques heures plus tard, Charlie découvre son corps inerte au bas de l'escalier de service... Avec l'aide de son fidèle félin Diesel, il va tenter de retrouver le tueur.
C’est la « semaine de la bibliothèque » dans tout le pays, et à Athena, on prévoit d’organiser une exposition pour le centième livre de la célèbre romancière Electra Barnes Cartwright, reconnue pour sa série à succès Veronica Thane. Charlie a d’ailleurs un petit faible pour les romans de l’écrivaine... et il est loin d’être le seul ! Lorsque l’auteure accepte de faire une apparition publique – un fait particulièrement rare –, la nouvelle devient virale et les fans débarquent en masse à Athena. Les bons comme les mauvais, car parmi eux se cache un enragé qui, pour mettre la main sur les œuvres rares de l’artiste, décide de commettre l’irréparable... Parmi la foule, qui peut bien être à l’origine d’un tel forfait ? Pour sûr, Charlie et son fidèle Diesel comptent bien le découvrir.
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C’est la « semaine de la bibliothèque » dans tout le pays, et à Athena, on prévoit d’organiser une exposition pour le centième livre de la célèbre romancière Electra Barnes Cartwright, reconnue pour sa série à succès Veronica Thane. Charlie a d’ailleurs un petit faible pour les romans de l’écrivaine... et il est loin d’être le seul ! Lorsque l’auteure accepte de faire une apparition publique – un fait particulièrement rare –, la nouvelle devient virale et les fans débarquent en masse à Athena. Les bons comme les mauvais, car parmi eux se cache un enragé qui, pour mettre la main sur les œuvres rares de l’artiste, décide de commettre l’irréparable... Parmi la foule, qui peut bien être à l’origine d’un tel forfait ? Pour sûr, Charlie et son fidèle Diesel comptent bien le découvrir.
Charlie Harris, notre bibliothécaire préféré, se voit chargé d'une nouvelle mission : étudier les quatre volumes du journal intime, datant de la guerre de Sécession, d'une aïeule de la maire d'Athena. Elle en a gracieusement fait don aux archives, mais elle pense que ce qu'ils renferment pourrait aider son fils, lancé dans une carrière politique, à affronter son féroce adversaire, Jasper Singletary. Lorsque la mort frappe, Charlie comprend que certaines personnes sont prêtes à tuer pour mettre la main sur les précieux documents.
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Charlie Harris, notre bibliothécaire préféré, se voit chargé d'une nouvelle mission : étudier les quatre volumes du journal intime, datant de la guerre de Sécession, d'une aïeule de la maire d'Athena. Elle en a gracieusement fait don aux archives, mais elle pense que ce qu'ils renferment pourrait aider son fils, lancé dans une carrière politique, à affronter son féroce adversaire, Jasper Singletary. Lorsque la mort frappe, Charlie comprend que certaines personnes sont prêtes à tuer pour mettre la main sur les précieux documents.
C’est un séisme qui ébranle la bibliothèque universitaire d’Athena. Peter Vanderkeller, le directeur, a démissionné du jour au lendemain, laissant l’établissement dans une situation financière catastrophique. Pire : son remplaçant, Oscar Reilly, est un horrible petit individu décidé à asseoir son autorité à coups de remarques cinglantes, de plaintes abusives et de coupes budgétaires. Il a déjà menacé Melba, licencié trois employés, et il a interdit à Charlie de ramener Diesel au travail ! Aussi, quand ce despote est retrouvé assassiné, les suspects ne manquent pas. Mais Charlie et son fidèle Diesel sont bien décidés à trouver le coupable, car tous les indices semblent incriminer leur amie Melba…
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C’est un séisme qui ébranle la bibliothèque universitaire d’Athena. Peter Vanderkeller, le directeur, a démissionné du jour au lendemain, laissant l’établissement dans une situation financière catastrophique. Pire : son remplaçant, Oscar Reilly, est un horrible petit individu décidé à asseoir son autorité à coups de remarques cinglantes, de plaintes abusives et de coupes budgétaires. Il a déjà menacé Melba, licencié trois employés, et il a interdit à Charlie de ramener Diesel au travail ! Aussi, quand ce despote est retrouvé assassiné, les suspects ne manquent pas. Mais Charlie et son fidèle Diesel sont bien décidés à trouver le coupable, car tous les indices semblent incriminer leur amie Melba…
The author of the New York Times bestselling Cat in the Stacks series is back with more Southern charm and beguiling mystery as Charlie Harris and his cat Diesel must find a killer in a room full of librarians... Charlie is stressed out. The Southern Academic Libraries Association is holding this year’s annual meeting at Athena College. Since Charlie is the interim library director, he must deliver the welcome speech to all the visiting librarians. And as if that weren’t bad enough, the keynote address will be delivered by Charlie’s old nemesis from library school. It’s been thirty years since Charlie has seen Gavin Fong, and he’s still an insufferable know-it-all capable of getting under everyone’s skin. In his keynote, Gavin puts forth a most unpopular opinion: that degreed librarians will be obsolete in the academic libraries of the future. So when Gavin drops dead, no one seems too upset... But Charlie, who was seen having a heated argument with Gavin the day before, has jumped to the top of the suspect list. Now Charlie and Diesel must check out every clue to refine their search for the real killer among them before the next book Charlie reads comes from a prison library
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The author of the New York Times bestselling Cat in the Stacks series is back with more Southern charm and beguiling mystery as Charlie Harris and his cat Diesel must find a killer in a room full of librarians... Charlie is stressed out. The Southern Academic Libraries Association is holding this year’s annual meeting at Athena College. Since Charlie is the interim library director, he must deliver the welcome speech to all the visiting librarians. And as if that weren’t bad enough, the keynote address will be delivered by Charlie’s old nemesis from library school. It’s been thirty years since Charlie has seen Gavin Fong, and he’s still an insufferable know-it-all capable of getting under everyone’s skin. In his keynote, Gavin puts forth a most unpopular opinion: that degreed librarians will be obsolete in the academic libraries of the future. So when Gavin drops dead, no one seems too upset... But Charlie, who was seen having a heated argument with Gavin the day before, has jumped to the top of the suspect list. Now Charlie and Diesel must check out every clue to refine their search for the real killer among them before the next book Charlie reads comes from a prison library
Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel, are embroiled in a new mystery when a cold case suddenly heats up in the latest installment of the New York Times bestselling series. Charlie Harris is busy enjoying his new grandson when a mysterious man with a connection to Charlie's family starts visiting the library, bringing with him troubling questions about an unsolved murder... Charlie may be a proud new grandfather, but he and Diesel still have work to do at Athena College and the small Mississippi town's public library. He's too busy to deal with true-crime writer Jack Pemberton, who wants Charlie as the subject of his latest book--and who won't take no for an answer. A more appealing proposition for Charlie is spending time helping a kind, elderly man navigate the library's genealogical database. But he's shocked when he learns that the visitor's search is focused on a member of his own family: his late aunt's husband. Charlie befriends the man and considers inviting him to stay in his home, but he's soon given reason to question that notion. Jack is certain that Charlie's new houseguest was involved in a shocking homicide that took place years ago in a small town near Athena. As this cold case heats up, Charlie and Diesel have to uncover a killer who may already be too close to home
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Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel, are embroiled in a new mystery when a cold case suddenly heats up in the latest installment of the New York Times bestselling series. Charlie Harris is busy enjoying his new grandson when a mysterious man with a connection to Charlie's family starts visiting the library, bringing with him troubling questions about an unsolved murder... Charlie may be a proud new grandfather, but he and Diesel still have work to do at Athena College and the small Mississippi town's public library. He's too busy to deal with true-crime writer Jack Pemberton, who wants Charlie as the subject of his latest book--and who won't take no for an answer. A more appealing proposition for Charlie is spending time helping a kind, elderly man navigate the library's genealogical database. But he's shocked when he learns that the visitor's search is focused on a member of his own family: his late aunt's husband. Charlie befriends the man and considers inviting him to stay in his home, but he's soon given reason to question that notion. Jack is certain that Charlie's new houseguest was involved in a shocking homicide that took place years ago in a small town near Athena. As this cold case heats up, Charlie and Diesel have to uncover a killer who may already be too close to home
Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel, are busy decking the halls for the holidays when an unexpected delivery and a shocking murder conspire to shake up the season in this latest installment of the New York Times bestselling series. December twenty-fifth is right around the corner, and Charlie is making his list and checking it twice. He is doing his best to show some peace and goodwill toward his nosy neighbor Gerry Arbitron, a real estate agent who seems to have designs on his house (and maybe on him, as well), while preparing for a very important role, indeed--his first Christmas as a grandfather. The last thing Charlie expects is to gain several new additions to his family. Charlie finds a box on his doorstep with five kittens inside and a note begging him to keep them safe. With Diesel's help, Charlie welcomes the tiny felines into the Harris household just as Gerry decides it is time to throw a lavish holiday party. Determined to make her mark on Athena, Gerry instead winds up dead at her very own party. Though attempts to dig into her past come up empty, Charlie and his girlfriend, Helen Louise, witness two heated exchanges involving Gerry before her death: one with a leading citizen and another with the wife of a good friend. Will one of these ladies wind up on the sheriff's naughty list? Charlie and Diesel have to wrap up the case before the special season is ruined by a sinister scrooge.
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Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel, are busy decking the halls for the holidays when an unexpected delivery and a shocking murder conspire to shake up the season in this latest installment of the New York Times bestselling series. December twenty-fifth is right around the corner, and Charlie is making his list and checking it twice. He is doing his best to show some peace and goodwill toward his nosy neighbor Gerry Arbitron, a real estate agent who seems to have designs on his house (and maybe on him, as well), while preparing for a very important role, indeed--his first Christmas as a grandfather. The last thing Charlie expects is to gain several new additions to his family. Charlie finds a box on his doorstep with five kittens inside and a note begging him to keep them safe. With Diesel's help, Charlie welcomes the tiny felines into the Harris household just as Gerry decides it is time to throw a lavish holiday party. Determined to make her mark on Athena, Gerry instead winds up dead at her very own party. Though attempts to dig into her past come up empty, Charlie and his girlfriend, Helen Louise, witness two heated exchanges involving Gerry before her death: one with a leading citizen and another with the wife of a good friend. Will one of these ladies wind up on the sheriff's naughty list? Charlie and Diesel have to wrap up the case before the special season is ruined by a sinister scrooge.
When Charlie Harris decides to go back to school, he and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel, find themselves entangled in a deadly lovers quarrel on campus in the latest installment of the New York Times bestselling series. In addition to his library duties and his role as doting grandad, Charlie has enrolled in an early medieval history course offered by young, charismatic professor Carey Warriner. Charlie feels a bit out of place- his fellow classmates are half his age- except for Dixie Bell Compton, another ‘mature’ student. When Charlie hears an angry exchange between her and their professor, his interest in piqued. He’s even more intrigued when she shows up at his office asking for a study partner. Charlie turns her down and is saddened to learn just a few days later that Dixie has been killed. Charlie wonders if Professor Warriner had anything to do with Dixie’s death. Warriner is married to a fellow professor who happens to be a successful author. There are rumors on campus that their marriage was on the rocks. Was Dixie's death the result of a lovers’ triangle gone bad? Charlie soon discovers that the professor’s wife may have some secrets of her own and his suspect list is only getting longer. As he and Diesel step further into the tangled web of relationships, someone else is viciously killed. Whose jealousy finally erupted into murderous rage? Was it a crime of passion or is there another more sinister motive? Charlie races to unravel this mystery: and to draw out the culprit, he may just have to put his own life on the line…
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When Charlie Harris decides to go back to school, he and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel, find themselves entangled in a deadly lovers quarrel on campus in the latest installment of the New York Times bestselling series. In addition to his library duties and his role as doting grandad, Charlie has enrolled in an early medieval history course offered by young, charismatic professor Carey Warriner. Charlie feels a bit out of place- his fellow classmates are half his age- except for Dixie Bell Compton, another ‘mature’ student. When Charlie hears an angry exchange between her and their professor, his interest in piqued. He’s even more intrigued when she shows up at his office asking for a study partner. Charlie turns her down and is saddened to learn just a few days later that Dixie has been killed. Charlie wonders if Professor Warriner had anything to do with Dixie’s death. Warriner is married to a fellow professor who happens to be a successful author. There are rumors on campus that their marriage was on the rocks. Was Dixie's death the result of a lovers’ triangle gone bad? Charlie soon discovers that the professor’s wife may have some secrets of her own and his suspect list is only getting longer. As he and Diesel step further into the tangled web of relationships, someone else is viciously killed. Whose jealousy finally erupted into murderous rage? Was it a crime of passion or is there another more sinister motive? Charlie races to unravel this mystery: and to draw out the culprit, he may just have to put his own life on the line…
When librarian Charlie Harris' daughter is falsely accused of murder, he and his faithful feline Diesel must leap forward to crack the case in this all-new installment in the New York Times bestselling series. Charlie Harris has sworn off investigating murder and mayhem after a recent close call. Instead, he's delighted to cheer on his daughter, Laura, who's starring in a production of Careless Whispers. The theater department at Athena College is debuting the play written by a fledgling playwright with local connections and Charlie's son-in-law, Frank Salisbury, will be calling the directorial shots. Laura is upset to learn that Luke Lombardi, an overbearing actor she knew from her time in Hollywood will also be taking part in the production as a guest artist. Lombardi arrives with an entourage in tow and promptly proceeds to annoy everyone involved with the production. When he collapses and dies on stage, after drinking from a glass Laura handed him, she becomes the chief suspect in his murder. Charlie knows his daughter is innocent, and he’s not going to let anyone railroad his little girl. So, despite his intentions to put his amateur sleuthing days behind him, Charlie has to take center stage, and with Diesel’s help, shine a spotlight on the real killer.
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When librarian Charlie Harris' daughter is falsely accused of murder, he and his faithful feline Diesel must leap forward to crack the case in this all-new installment in the New York Times bestselling series. Charlie Harris has sworn off investigating murder and mayhem after a recent close call. Instead, he's delighted to cheer on his daughter, Laura, who's starring in a production of Careless Whispers. The theater department at Athena College is debuting the play written by a fledgling playwright with local connections and Charlie's son-in-law, Frank Salisbury, will be calling the directorial shots. Laura is upset to learn that Luke Lombardi, an overbearing actor she knew from her time in Hollywood will also be taking part in the production as a guest artist. Lombardi arrives with an entourage in tow and promptly proceeds to annoy everyone involved with the production. When he collapses and dies on stage, after drinking from a glass Laura handed him, she becomes the chief suspect in his murder. Charlie knows his daughter is innocent, and he’s not going to let anyone railroad his little girl. So, despite his intentions to put his amateur sleuthing days behind him, Charlie has to take center stage, and with Diesel’s help, shine a spotlight on the real killer.
Charlie Harris and his feline companion Diesel take a bookish vacation but discover that murder never takes a holiday, in this all-new installment of the New York Times bestselling series. Charlie and Diesel along with Charlie's fiancée, Helen Louise Brady, are heading to Asheville, North Carolina to spend a week at a boutique hotel and participate in a gathering of a mystery reader's club composed of patrons of the Athena Public Library. In addition to seeing the local sights, the members will take turns giving talks on their favorite authors. The always spry Ducote sisters, friends of the hotel’s owners, are helping underwrite the expenses, and they’ve insisted that Charlie, Helen, and Diesel join them. Anxious to get Helen Louise away from her bistro for a vacation, Charlie readily agrees. While Charlie is looking forward to relaxing with Helen Louise and Diesel, other members of the group have ulterior motives including a long-standing score to settle. When an intrusive, uninvited guest turns up dead, only one mystery club member with a connection to the deceased appears to have a motive to kill. But could the answer really be that simple? Charlie and Diesel, along with the detecting Ducote sisters, know that every murder plot has an unexpected twist.
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Charlie Harris and his feline companion Diesel take a bookish vacation but discover that murder never takes a holiday, in this all-new installment of the New York Times bestselling series. Charlie and Diesel along with Charlie's fiancée, Helen Louise Brady, are heading to Asheville, North Carolina to spend a week at a boutique hotel and participate in a gathering of a mystery reader's club composed of patrons of the Athena Public Library. In addition to seeing the local sights, the members will take turns giving talks on their favorite authors. The always spry Ducote sisters, friends of the hotel’s owners, are helping underwrite the expenses, and they’ve insisted that Charlie, Helen, and Diesel join them. Anxious to get Helen Louise away from her bistro for a vacation, Charlie readily agrees. While Charlie is looking forward to relaxing with Helen Louise and Diesel, other members of the group have ulterior motives including a long-standing score to settle. When an intrusive, uninvited guest turns up dead, only one mystery club member with a connection to the deceased appears to have a motive to kill. But could the answer really be that simple? Charlie and Diesel, along with the detecting Ducote sisters, know that every murder plot has an unexpected twist.
Librarian Charlie Harris and his faithful feline companion, Diesel, have inherited Charlie’s grandfather’s house, along with a deadly legacy: a decades-old crime scene, in this all-new mystery in the New York Times bestselling Cat in the Stacks series. Charlie has always believed that his grandfather had sold his house to his longtime tenant, Martin Hale. So when Martin dies, Charlie is surprised to discover the house was not left to Martin but instead belongs to Charlie. As he and Diesel check out the house he remembers fondly from his childhood, he is pleasantly surprised that it is in better condition than expected. That is, until they find a literal skeleton in a closet. While the sheriff’s department investigates the mysterious remains, Charlie digs deeper into the past for clues to the identity of the bones and why they are there. But the cold case heats up quickly when Martin’s grandson is found dead on the farm. As Charlie delves into his own family history, he encounters many people who might have been motivated to take a life. But Charlie and Diesel know that things are not always what they seem, and that secrets seemingly lost to time have a way of finding their way back to haunt the present.
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Librarian Charlie Harris and his faithful feline companion, Diesel, have inherited Charlie’s grandfather’s house, along with a deadly legacy: a decades-old crime scene, in this all-new mystery in the New York Times bestselling Cat in the Stacks series. Charlie has always believed that his grandfather had sold his house to his longtime tenant, Martin Hale. So when Martin dies, Charlie is surprised to discover the house was not left to Martin but instead belongs to Charlie. As he and Diesel check out the house he remembers fondly from his childhood, he is pleasantly surprised that it is in better condition than expected. That is, until they find a literal skeleton in a closet. While the sheriff’s department investigates the mysterious remains, Charlie digs deeper into the past for clues to the identity of the bones and why they are there. But the cold case heats up quickly when Martin’s grandson is found dead on the farm. As Charlie delves into his own family history, he encounters many people who might have been motivated to take a life. But Charlie and Diesel know that things are not always what they seem, and that secrets seemingly lost to time have a way of finding their way back to haunt the present.
Charlie and Diesel must catch a killer before he strikes another deadly note in this latest installment of the New York Times bestselling Cat in the Stacks Mysteries. Charlie Harris remembers Wilfred “Wil” Threadgill as one of the outsiders during high school in Athena. Although Wil was a couple of years ahead of him and his friend Melba Gilley, Melba had a big crush on Wil, who dropped out after his junior year. An aspiring musician, Wil hit the road for California and never looked back. Wil eventually became a star, fronting a band and writing award-winning songs. Coming back to Athena to work for two weeks with students in the college music department, Wil is now the big man on campus. Not everyone is happy to have him back, however. His entourage have been the target of several acts of petty harassment. At first they are easy for Wil to shrug off, but the incidents escalate and become more troubling. When one of the band members is killed Charlie worries that Melba, now deeply involved with the man at the center of the attacks, could be in deadly danger. It is up to Charlie and Diesel to find out who hates Wil Threadgill enough to silence his song .
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Charlie and Diesel must catch a killer before he strikes another deadly note in this latest installment of the New York Times bestselling Cat in the Stacks Mysteries. Charlie Harris remembers Wilfred “Wil” Threadgill as one of the outsiders during high school in Athena. Although Wil was a couple of years ahead of him and his friend Melba Gilley, Melba had a big crush on Wil, who dropped out after his junior year. An aspiring musician, Wil hit the road for California and never looked back. Wil eventually became a star, fronting a band and writing award-winning songs. Coming back to Athena to work for two weeks with students in the college music department, Wil is now the big man on campus. Not everyone is happy to have him back, however. His entourage have been the target of several acts of petty harassment. At first they are easy for Wil to shrug off, but the incidents escalate and become more troubling. When one of the band members is killed Charlie worries that Melba, now deeply involved with the man at the center of the attacks, could be in deadly danger. It is up to Charlie and Diesel to find out who hates Wil Threadgill enough to silence his song .
Librarian Charlie Harris and his ever-intuitive feline friend Diesel must catch a killer in a deadly game of cat and mouse where no one is who they seem to be... At last, Charlie and Helen Louise’s wedding is only a month away. They’re busy preparing for the big day, and the last thing Charlie needs is a new mystery to solve. Enter Tara Martin, a shy, peculiar woman who has recently started working part-time at Helen Louise’s bistro and helping Charlie in the archive. Tara isn’t exactly friendly and she has an angry outburst at the library that leaves Charlie baffled. And then she abruptly leaves a catered housewarming party Charlie’s son Sean is throwing to celebrate his new home in the middle of her work shift. Before ducking out of the party, Tara looked terrified and Charlie wonders if she’s deliberately trying to escape notice. Is she hiding from someone? When Tara is viciously attacked and lands in the hospital, Charlie knows his instincts were correct: Tara was in trouble and someone was after her. With the help of his much beloved cat, Diesel, Charlie digs deeper, and discovers shocking glimpses into Tara’s past that they could never have predicted. Will they catch the villain before Charlie’s own happily ever after with Helen Louise is ruined?
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Librarian Charlie Harris and his ever-intuitive feline friend Diesel must catch a killer in a deadly game of cat and mouse where no one is who they seem to be... At last, Charlie and Helen Louise’s wedding is only a month away. They’re busy preparing for the big day, and the last thing Charlie needs is a new mystery to solve. Enter Tara Martin, a shy, peculiar woman who has recently started working part-time at Helen Louise’s bistro and helping Charlie in the archive. Tara isn’t exactly friendly and she has an angry outburst at the library that leaves Charlie baffled. And then she abruptly leaves a catered housewarming party Charlie’s son Sean is throwing to celebrate his new home in the middle of her work shift. Before ducking out of the party, Tara looked terrified and Charlie wonders if she’s deliberately trying to escape notice. Is she hiding from someone? When Tara is viciously attacked and lands in the hospital, Charlie knows his instincts were correct: Tara was in trouble and someone was after her. With the help of his much beloved cat, Diesel, Charlie digs deeper, and discovers shocking glimpses into Tara’s past that they could never have predicted. Will they catch the villain before Charlie’s own happily ever after with Helen Louise is ruined?


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