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“I need a hug, a drink, and a green card.”
Noah’s otherwise average life has just hit a wall. As an out-and-proud roller derby player, his team is right in the middle of qualifying for next year’s national competition when he suddenly loses his job--and therefore the work visa that was keeping him in the country.
Unexpected help comes in the form of Jace, his straight best friend and ‘derby husband,’ the guy who always looks out for him on the track. The solution to all of Noah’s problems? Get fake married to Jace, get his green card, and play out the rest of the season after all. It almost sounds too good to be true.
Jace has two loves in his life: his career as a pediatric nurse, and his roller derby team. When he finds out that their star player is on the verge of being deported, he’s willing to do anything to stop it--including marrying the guy. It’s only for three years, and it’s not as though anyone's going to get hurt.
Things get messy when Jace begins to realise he may not be as straight as he’s always thought he was. Since when did Noah have such pretty eyes? And why the hell is he thinking about him all the time?
Between a jealous rival, Noah’s ex-boyfriend, and the mother-in-law from hell, Jace comes to realise that he wants more out of this marriage than the chance to head to the national championships.
All he has to do now is summon the courage to tell Noah that. And win the rest of the games in the season. And deal with his new mother-in-law. Easy.
Taking a Knee is a standalone contemporary gay romance novel. It does not contain a cliffhanger, but it does contain several minor injuries, the phrase ‘gay chicken’, derby names, great asses, explicit sex scenes, and a happily ever after.
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