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Livres - Bibliographie

Josh Lanyon

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Toutes les séries de Josh Lanyon

6 livres
331 lecteurs

Un beau matin, Adrien English, libraire et aspirant auteur vivant à Los Angeles, se retrouve face à un meurtre. Son ancien camarade de lycée (et employé) a été trouvé poignardé dans une ruelle après qu’il ait été vu en pleine dispute avec Adrien le soir précédent.

Naturellement, les flics ont quelques questions à poser à Adrien. Ils ne sont pas vraiment impressionnés par ses réponses et, quelques heures plus tard, quand quelqu’un s’introduit dans la boutique d’Adrien et la vandalise, la police a tendance à penser qu’Adrien essaie de détourner les soupçons qui pèsent sur lui.

Mais Adrien n’est pas dupe. Adrien sait qu’il est le prochain sur la liste.

5 livres
196 lecteurs

Pendant plus de seize ans, l’auteur de romans policiers solitaire Christopher (Kit) Holmes a joui d’une brillante carrière grâce à la popularité de la détective Miss Butterwith, vieille fille d’un certain âge, et de son chat ingénieux, monsieur Pinkerton. Malheureusement, les ventes sont en chute libre, excepté pour les romans de chick-lit, et le nouvel éditeur de Christopher n’aime pas particulièrement les inspecteurs du troisième âge. Décidément, monsieur Holmes voit la vie en rose !

A la demande de son agent, Christopher accepte à contrecœur de participer à une convention d’auteurs de romans policiers organisée dans une exploitation viticole isolée, au nord de la Californie. A peine arrivé, il découvre dans les bois le corps d’une femme uniquement vêtue d’un pyjama. Après avoir écrit des enquêtes pendant près de deux décennies, la conclusion qu’elle n’est pas morte de causes naturelles s’impose à lui.

Alors qu’une tempête fait rage et que le seul accès au domaine est bloqué, les forces de l’ordre sont dans l’incapacité de venir à leur rescousse. On se croirait presque dans l’une des classiques histoires de meurtre qui se déroulent dans un manoir perdu en pleine campagne que Christopher écrit depuis seize ans ! Si seulement Miss Butterwith était à portée de mains. Ou même monsieur Pinkerton...

Description VO :

Thanks to an elderly spinster sleuth and her ingenious cat, Christopher Holmes has enjoyed a celebrated career as a bestselling mystery writer. Until now. Sales are down and his new editor is allergic to geriatric gumshoes.

On the advice of his agent, he reinvents his fortyish, frumpy, recently dumped self into the sleek, sexy image of a literary lion, and heads for a Northern California writers conference to try and resurrect his career. A career nearly as dead as the body he stumbles over in the woods.

In a weirdly déjà vu replay of one of his own novels, he finds himself stranded in an isolated lodge full of frightened women—and not a lawman in sight. Except for J.X. Moriarity, former cop and bestselling novelist. The man with whom he shared a one-night stand—okay, maybe three—long ago. The man who wants to arrest him for murder.

A ruthless, stalking killer, or a hot, handsome ex-lover. Which poses the greater danger? It’s elementary, my dear Holmes!

2 livres
215 lecteurs

Son week-end romantique ruiné, le timide artiste Perry Foster, la vingtaine, réalise que les choses peuvent toujours s’aggraver lorsqu’il rentre de San Fransisco et trouve un cadavre dans sa baignoire. Un mort, avec une hideuse veste de sport – et des chaussettes assorties. L’homme lui est inconnu, mais ce n’est pas vraiment réconfortant ; comment un étrange cadavre peut-il se retrouver enfermé dans un appartement verrouillé, au domaine isolé d’Alton, dans la nature sauvage du « Royaume Nord-Est » du Vermont ? Perry dévale l’escalier et tombe sur le « grand, sombre et hostile » ex-soldat de la marine Nick Reno.

Reno n’a pas beaucoup de temps pour les drama queens mais, convaincu que la surexcitation de Perry est basée sur autre chose qu’une overdose de caféine, il accepte d’aller vérifier à l’étage. Quand il arrive, le corps a disparu. S’il y a bien une chose que Nick a appris dans sa vie, c’est de se mêler de ses affaires. Mais Perry Foster ne croit pas aux fantômes et refuse de laisser les morts tranquilles. Et Nick ne peut pas se forcer à s’en aller quand il devient clair que quelqu’un veut se débarrasser du beau jeune artiste… de manière permanente.

5 livres
75 lecteurs

Jason West, agent du FBI spécialisé dans les crimes liés au marché de l’art, se retrouve à devoir faire temporairement équipe avec le tristement légendaire Sam Kennedy, un brillant profiler à la réputation difficile, lorsqu’il apparaît que l’affaire la plus célèbre de ce dernier, la capture et la condamnation d’un tueur en série connu sous le nom de « Chasseur », est potentiellement un désastreux échec.

Car une jeune femme a disparu dans des circonstances étranges qui rappellent grandement cette sombre histoire.

Y a-t-il un autre tueur en série ? Ou se pourrait-il que le Chasseur ait un compagnon qui n’attendait que le moment idéal pour frapper ?

Lorsqu’une deuxième fille disparaît, il devient clair que le Chasseur est toujours en liberté... et que les meurtres ont recommencé.

#MM #Collaboration difficile #Ennemiestolovers


“Dans "The Mermaid Murders", Josh Lanyon montre qu'il sait comment écrire un solide roman policier et une romance entre hommes, et comment les combiner sans lésiner sur l'un ou l'autre, ce qui est un véritable exploit.” - Eli Easton

“C'était une bonne lecture. Nous avons un couple typique de Josh Lanyon. Des hommes TRÈS DIFFÉRENTS, pas seulement par leur apparence. Et comme nous le savons (également grâce à tous les livres de Josh Lanyon), les opposés s'attirent ! Et nous avons ici tout ce qu'une bonne romance à suspense peut offrir.” - LenaRibka - Goodreads

2 livres
86 lecteurs

Encore affligé par la mort subite de son amant, Flynn Ambrose, antiquaire de son état, emménage dans la vieille demeure délabrée de Pitch Pine Lane pour inventorier et revendre l’énorme collection d’objets ésotériques et excentriques qui remplissaient jadis l’étrange musée de son défunt oncle. Mais il est des artefacts qui ne peuvent être aisément étiquetés… et dont il est encore plus difficile de se débarrasser.

Source : http://www.mxm-bookmark.com

2 livres
16 lecteurs


Le mobile.

Pour moi, l’aspect le plus intéressant d’un mystère ou d’un roman policier c’est le Pourquoi ? Pourquoi les gens font ce qu’ils font ? Pourquoi certaines personnes sont-elles poussées à commettre des crimes ? Pourquoi certaines sont si engagées à les résoudre ?

Et pourquoi on tombe amoureux d’une personne en particulier ?

C’est le besoin d’explorer cet élément au caractère imprévisible dans les interactions humaines qui me pousse à écrire, et me guide dans le choix de mes lectures. Mes histoires favorites M/M sont celles qui mélangent mystère et romance dans la même mesure. Et lorsque je tourne la dernière page, je veux être convaincue que notre enquêteur a mis le bon coupable derrière les barreaux. De manière légale, ou non.

Les huit histoires de cette anthologie tiennent la promesse d’explorer les tenants et les aboutissants avec plein de mystères et de suspense à vous donner des frissons dans le dos, au même titre qu’une bonne dose de romance fraîche et piquante. Mais ce que j’aime encore plus à propos de « Quelques pas dans la Nuit » c’est la variété et l’unité de ce recueil.

Vous y trouverez des détectives privés, des inspecteurs de police et des témoins malheureux se frottant (de bien des manières) à des artistes, des acteurs, des chefs cuisiniers, des journalistes et autres témoins malheureux. Vous découvrirez des meurtres de sang-froid et des crimes commis dans la plus pure des folies. Trois histoires : « Entrée au Meurtre », la nouvelle de Nicole Kimberling intelligente, culinaire et cosy ; l’attaque élégante et impertinente d’Hollywood contre la vraie vie dans « La Réalité Fait Mal » de S.C. Wynne ; et l’habile et originale procédure de police dans « Douze Secondes » de Meg Perry, donnent le coup d’envoi d’une toute nouvelle collection.

Les auteures réunies dans ces pages offrent une diversité de scènes et de décors. L’obsédant « Pas de pays pour les vieux hommes » de Dal Maclean se déroule dans les Hébrides extérieures de l’Écosse. Montréal au Canada est la toile de fond de ma contribution « Un intrus dans la maison », et l’affolant « Colin-Maillard » de LB Gregg se déroule dans un centre commercial abandonné de N’importe Où aux États-Unis. 

« Nous y trouvons de vieux amours et des nouveaux. Un chef cuisinier malade se voit offrir une deuxième chance en amour dans la nouvelle de ZA Maxfield « Pepper, le Labrador du Crime », et c’est pratiquement le coup de foudre pour un détective privé bien particulier dans « Lumières. Caméra. Meurtre. » de C.S. Poe.

En résumé, peu importe votre mobile pour avoir choisi cette anthologie, je suis certaine que vous y trouverez quelque chose pour vous amuser, vous distraire et peut-être même vous éclairer.

—Josh Lanyon. 

6 livres
3 lecteurs

Special Agents for the Department of Diplomatic Security, Taylor MacAllister and Will Brandt have been partners and best friends for three years, but everything changed the night Taylor admitted the truth about his feelings for Will. And when Taylor was shot a few hours later, Will felt his reluctance to get involved was vindicated. For Will, the team and the friendship have to come first--despite the fact that he hasn't failed to notice just how...hot Taylor is.

Taylor has been in love with his partner and best friend since they were first partnered. There isn't much he wouldn't do for Will--but he doesn't know how much longer they can stay teamed feeling the way he does. Still, he agreed to a camping trip in the High Sierras--despite the fact that he hates camping--because Will wanted a chance to save their partnership.

But the trip is a disaster from the first, and things rapidly go from bad to worse when they find a crashed plane and a couple of million dollars in stolen money. With a trio of murderous robbers trailing them, Will and Taylor are on dangerous ground, fighting for their partnership, their passion...and their lives.

2 livres

Wealthy San Francisco playboy Brett Sheridan thinks he knows the score when he hires tough guy private eye Neil Patrick Rafferty to find a priceless stolen folio of Shakespeare's The Tempest. Brett's convinced his partner-in-crime sister is behind the theft -- a theft that's liable to bring more scandal to their eccentric family, and cost Brett his marriage to society heiress Juliet Lennox. What Brett doesn't count on is the instant and powerful attraction that flares between him and Rafferty.

Once before, Brett took a chance on loving a man, only to find himself betrayed and broken. This time around there's too much at risk. But as the Bard himself would say, Journey's end in lovers meeting.

3 livres
9 lecteurs

A crippling knee injury forced Elliot Mills to trade in his FBI badge for dusty chalkboards and bored college students. Now a history professor at Puget Sound university, the former agent has put his old life behind him-but it seems his old life isn't finished with him.

A young man has gone missing from campus-and as a favor to a family friend, Elliot agrees to do a little sniffing around. His investigations bring him face-to-face with his former lover, Tucker Lance, the special agent handling the case.

Things ended badly with Tucker, and neither man is ready to back down on the fight that drove them apart. But they have to figure out a way to move beyond their past and work together as more men go missing and Elliot becomes the target in a killer's obsessive game...

4 livres

A gay high-society wedding. A stolen book of spells. A love-threatening lie.

Can a witch avoid a murder rap without revealing the supernatural truth?

Cosmo Saville guiltily hides a paranormal secret from his soon-to-be husband. And if he can’t undo a powerful love spell, uncertainty threatens his nuptial magic. But when he’s arrested for allegedly killing a longtime rival, he could spend his honeymoon behind bars…

Police Commissioner John Joseph Galbraith never believed in love until Cosmo came along. Falling head over heels for the elegant antiques dealer is an enchantment he never wants to break. So when all fingers point to Cosmo’s guilt, John struggles to believe what his heart is telling him.

As Cosmo searches for the real killer among the arcane aristocracy, John warns him to leave it to the police. But with an unseen enemy threatening to expose Cosmo’s true nature, the couple’s blissful future could shatter like a broken charm.

Can Cosmo find the lost grimoire, clear his name and keep John’s love alive, or will black magic “rune” their wedding bells?

Mainly by Moonlight is the first book in the sexy Bedknobs and Broomsticks romantic gay mystery series. If you like spell-binding suspense, steamy star-crossed fun, and a dash of paranormal, then you’ll love Josh Lanyon’s charming tale.

4 livres
1 lecteurs

A new romantic crime series from the combined talents of popular award winning authors Laura Baumbach and Josh Lanyon. Tough, street-smart SFPD Detective Gabriel Sandalini is willing to do whatever it takes to bring down West Coast crime boss Ricco Botelli -- including a dangerous, deep undercover gig as one of Botelli's hired guns. But Gabriel's best laid plans may come crashing down around him when he falls hard for the sexy, suave lieutenant of a rival Mexican drug lord. Turns out his new love interest may have a few secrets of his own: secrets that could destroy both men and the fragile bond between them.

1 livres
3 lecteurs

Los Angeles, 1943

Reporter Nathan Doyle had his reasons to want Phil Arlen dead, but when he sees the man's body pulled from the La Brea tar pit, he knows he'll be the prime suspect. He also knows that his life won't stand up to intense police scrutiny, so he sets out to crack the case himself.

Lieutenant Matthew Spain's official inquiries soon lead him to believe that Nathan knows more than he's saying. But that's not the only reason Matt takes notice of the handsome journalist. Matt's been drawn to men before, but he must hide his true feelings—or risk his entire career.

As Nathan digs deeper, it becomes increasingly difficult to stay one step ahead of Matt Spain—and to deny his intense attraction to him. Nathan's secrets may not include murder, but has his hunt put him right in the path of the real killer?

3 livres
3 lecteurs

"Stephen, I'm in trouble . . . "

The voice on the phone was the last voice Dr. Stephen Thorpe expected to hear. But ex-lover Mark Hardwicke is injured and in trouble -- and Stephen has always had a hard time saying no to this particular brand of trouble.

His cover blown, his enemies closing in, British spy Mark is seeking sanctuary with the man he never stopped loving. But there's a new man in Stephen's life, and Stephen's not interested in hearing Mark's explanations or excuses -- let alone playing doctor with him.

Something went terribly wrong on Mark's last mission. Something he can't bring himself to think about, let alone talk about. But he better start talking soon because not only is Stephen losing patience fast -- someone wants this spy left out in the cold.

1 livres

In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house...

Camping in the Jersey Pine Barrens may literally turn out to be a first date from hell for travel writer Tim and the cute cop who persuades him to revisit a past that Tim has done his best to forget.

5 livres
1 lecteurs

BOY MEETS BODY #1 in the PARTNERS in CRIME series Two young lives snuffed out, half a century a part, half a continent apart. The men who solve the murders also have to solve riddles in their own lives. Love is never easy. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can give your life to it. Sometimes, though, if you're not so lucky, you can give your life for it...

"Cards on the Table" by Josh Lanyon : Fifty years ago a glamorous Hollywood party ended in murder-the only clue a bloody Tarot card. Timothy North is trying to find out what happened that long ago summer's night, but when a Tarot card turns up pinned to his front door, the only person Tim can turn to for help is his ex-lover, Detective Jack Brady.

"Murder at the Heartbreak Hotel" by Sarah Black : Peter Moon, proprietor of a charming little get-away in the Land of the Midnight Sun, finds himself headed for less comfortable accommodations when he's accused of murder. Then his personal heartbreak showed up, fresh from six months in a Yukon River fish camp, determined to help.

17 livres

Asking for help can be a challenge for even the best of us, and so it’s doubly intimidating for quiet, introverted Tommy Roth. An online exchange leads to a meeting with a psychic who assures Tommy that his naturally subdued aura is to blame for his timidity. Blue and violet tones are out, and shades of yellow and red are in!

Of course it’s a bunch of baloney, and to make it worse, the intimidating shop clerk overheard the whole conversation.

Just when it seems like Tommy’s life can’t get any more dreary, a colorful character drops out of the sky. Nathan’s so vivid, he seems to good to be true. Is he?

7 livres
2 lecteurs

Ellery Page, aspiring screenwriter, Scrabble champion and guy-with-worst-luck-in-the-world-when-it-comes-to-dating, is ready to make a change. So when he learns he's inherited both a failing bookstore and a falling-down mansion in the quaint seaside village of Pirate's Cove on Buck Island, Rhode Island, it's full steam ahead!

Sure enough, the village is charming, its residents amusingly eccentric, and widowed police chief Jack Carson is decidedly yummy (though probably as straight as he is stern). However, the bookstore is failing, the mansion is falling down, and there's that little drawback of finding rival bookseller--and head of the unwelcoming-committee--Trevor Maples dead during the annual Buccaneer Days celebration.

Still, it could be worse. And once Police Chief Carson learns Trevor was killed with the cutlass hanging over the door of Ellery's bookstore, it is.

2 livres
1 lecteurs

Paul Hammond is dead. That's what tough and sexy LAPD Detective Daniel Moran tells his lover, Hollywood actor Sean Fairchild--and Sean wants to believe him, but what about those threatening postcards in Hammond's handwriting? The last thing Sean needs is someone doubting him. But then, what does Sean really know about his new boyfriend? Dan is a dark horse--and maybe Sean is betting too much on this relationship. He can't afford to take foolish chances. It not just Sean's career at stake or his relationship or even his sanity--it's his life.

1 livres
2 lecteurs

The truth is out there. Way, way, way out there!

Drew Lawson is racing against the clock. He's got a twenty-four-hour window to authenticate the mummy of Princess Merneith. If he's not at his boyfriend's garden party when that window closes, it'll be the final nail in their relationship coffin.

The last thing he needs traipsing on the final shred of his patience is brash, handsome reality show host Fraser Fortune, who's scheduled to film a documentary about the mummy's Halloween curse.

The opportunity to film a bona-fide professor examining the mummy is exactly the aura of authenticity Fraser needs. Except the grumpy PhD is a pompous ass on leave from his ivory tower. Yet something about Drew has Fraser using a word he doesn't normally have to draw upon: please.

With no time to waste -- and a spark of attraction he can't deny -- Drew reluctantly agrees to let Fraser follow his every move as he unwraps the mummy's secrets. Soon they're both making moves behind the scenes that even the dead can't ignore!

1 livres

Wyatt loves Graham. Graham is still in love with Jase. But things could be worse. They could be camping.

Tous les livres de Josh Lanyon

Clever and ambitious, Special Agent Adam Darling (yeah, he's heard all the jokes before) was on the fast track to promotion and success until his mishandling of a high profile operation left one person dead and Adam "On the Beach." Now he's got a new partner, a new case, and a new chance to resurrect his career, hunting a legendary serial killer known as The Crow in a remote mountain resort in Oregon.

Deputy Sheriff Robert Haskell may seem laid-back, but he's a tough and efficient cop -- and he's none too thrilled to see feebs on his turf -- even when one of the agents is smart, handsome, and probably gay. But a butchered body in a Native American museum is out of his small town department's league. For that matter, icy, uptight Adam Darling is out of Rob's league, but that doesn't mean Rob won't take his best shot.

Recovering from a near fatal accident, artist Finn Barret returns to Seal Island in Maine to rest and recuperate. But Seal Island is haunted with memories, some sweet, some sad; three years ago Finn found his lover in the arms of Fitch, Finn's twin brother. Since that day, Finn has seen neither Conlan nor Fitch. In fact, no one has seen Fitch.

What happened to him? Did Fitch run away, as everyone believes? Or did he meet a more sinister fate? To put the past to rest - and see if there's any chance of a future with Con - Finn must discover the truth. But the deeper he digs, the more reason he has to fear Con is the only one who knows what truly happened to Fitch...

Stress kills. So does loneliness. A very short, very sweet story by Josh Lanyon.

Nothing cracks Army Ranger "Stone Man" Vic Black's granite front. A mission to retrieve an injured Navy SEAL from the treacherous mountains of Afghanistan is all in a day's work -- until he learns the missing SEAL is his former lover. This time it's personal.

Quatrième de couverture :

Il y a plus d’un siècle, l’illusionniste David Berkeley s’est suicidé dans son manoir au bord de la mer, condamnant ainsi son esprit à errer pour l’éternité. Du moins, c’est ce que raconte la légende locale…

Le Professeur Rhys Davies, un para-psychologue à mi-temps, écrit un livre sur les lieux hantés de Californie et il croit que les ruines de la Maison Berkeley pourront lui servir dans un chapitre terrifiant – s’il parvient à accéder à la propriété. Le seul obstacle est le troublant policier et gardien auto-proclamé du domaine, Sam Devlin.

Et quand on parle d’obstacles, Devlin en est un grand. Mais vous savez ce qu’on dit. Plus on s’élève et plus dure sera la chute…

Colin Lambert is in Paris to study art and escape his domineering grandfather when he runs into ex-FBI Special Agent Thomas Sullivan. Once upon a time Colin had quite a crush on Thomas, but Thomas had rules about getting involved with clients -- especially underage ones. Now Colin is all grown up and Thomas has a one night layover in Paris…

Don t talk to strangers, young man especially the dead ones.

It s the Roaring Twenties. Skirts are short, crime is rampant and booze is in short supply. Prohibition has hit Little Egypt, where newspaperman David Flynn has come to do a follow-up story on the Herren Massacre. The massacre isn t the only news in town though. Spiritualist medium Julian Devereux claims to speak to the dead and he charges a pretty penny for it.

Flynn knows a phoney when he sees one, and he s convinced Devereux is as fake as a cigar store Indian. But the reluctant attraction he feels for the deceptively soft, not-his-type Julian is as real as it gets.

Suddenly Julian begins to have authentic, bloodstained visions of a serial killer, and the cynical Mr. Flynn finds himself willing to defend Julian with not only his life, but his body.Warning: This novella contains phony spiritualists, cynical newspapermen, labor disputes, illicit love affairs, high-calorie southern cooking, and more than fifty-percent humidity!

Grieving over the death of his lover, British flying ace Bat Bryant accidentally kills the man threatening him with exposure. Unfortunately there’s a witness: the big, rough American they call “Cowboy” – and Cowboy has his own price for silence.

Message in a bottle.

Somewhere in the cobwebbed cellar of the decrepit antebellum mansion known as Ballineen are the legendary Lee bottles -- and Austin Gillespie is there to find them. The last thing on his mind is a hot and heavy romance with handsome bad boy Jeff Brady. But Jeff has other ideas and, after one intoxicating night, so does Austin.

The only problem is they have different ideas. Jeff doesn't believe in love at first sight, and even if he did, he's buried more deeply in the closet than those famous missing bottles of vintage Madeira. Popping a cork or two is one thing. Popping the question? No way. No how.

Unless Austin is ready to give up on another dream, he's going to have to figure out how to make sure the lights go on -- and stay on -- in Georgia.

Fed up with his desk duty in the Imperial Arcane Library, book hunter Colin Bliss accepts a private commission to find The Sword’s Shadow, a legendary and dangerous witches’ grimoire. But to find the book, Colin must travel to the remote Western Isles and solve a centuries’ old murder.

It should be nothing more than an academic exercise, so why is dour — and unreasonably sexy — Magister Septimus Marx doing his best to keep Colin from accepting this mission — even going so far as to seduce Colin on their train journey north?

Septimus is not the only problem. Who is the strange fairy woman that keeps appearing at inconvenient times? And who is working behind the scenes with the sinister adventuress Irania Briggs? And why do Colin’s employers at the Museum of the Literary Occult keep accusing Colin of betraying them?

As Colin digs deeper and deeper into the Long Island’s mysterious past, he begins to understand why Septimus is willing to stop him at any price — but by then, it’s too late to turn back.

Valentine Strange, late of his Majesty’s 21st Benhali Lancers, needs money. Happily, the wealthy Holy Orders of Harappu are desperate to retrieve the diadem of the Goddess Purya from an ancient temple deep in the mountainous jungle—an area Strange knows well from his days quelling rebellions. The pay is too good and the job seems too easy for Strange to refuse. But when Master Aleister Grimshaw, a dangerous witch from a traitorous lineage, joins the expedition, Strange begins to suspect that more is at stake than the retrieval of a mere relic.

Grimshaw knows an ancient evil surrounds the diadem— the same evil once hunted him and still haunts his mind. However, experience has taught him to keep his suspicions to himself or risk being denounced as a madman. Again.

Harried by curses, bandits and unnatural creatures, Strange and Grimshaw plunge onward. But when a demonic power wakes and the civilized world descends into revolution, their tenuous friendship is threatened as each man must face the destruction of the life he has known.

Growing up in rural Texas, Mitchell Evans' ambition to be a dancer made him a target. Though he found success in New York City, Mitch is at a crossroads, and heads home for the first time in twelve years to figure things out. When what appears to be a reindeer jumps out in front of his car, he drives off the road and into the path of the one man he hoped to avoid.

The last person Texas Ranger Web Eisley expects to see four days before Christmas is his first love. He hasn't seen Mitch since they quarreled over coming out to their friends and family years ago. Though he's not in the closet now, Web has worked hard for the respect of his fellow officers, but he still regrets the loss of Mitch in his life. And his bed.

The attraction between them is as strong as ever, and it doesn't take long for the men to pick up where they left off. But is love enough to keep Mitch in town in the New Year?

On the eve of the new millennium, diamond thief Noel Snow seduced FBI special agent Robert Cuffe, then fled into the dawn. Now a successful novelist, Noel uses his capers as fodder for his books, and has modeled his hero's nemesis (and potential love interest) on Cuffe. Though he leaves Robert a drunken phone message every New Year's Eve, Noel hasn't seen or heard from him in a decade.

So he's thrilled when his former lover shows up at his upstate farm one Christmas Eve. Elation quickly turns to alarm when Robert accuses Noel of being responsible for a recent rash of diamond heists. Robert is all business and as cold as ice: it seems his only interest in Noel is to put him behind bars.

Innocent of the crimes, and still as attracted as ever to the oh-so-serious lawman, Noel plans a second seduction—providing he can stay out of jail long enough

He was chuckling, a deep, sexy sound as he pushed Peter back on the satiny cushions. Was this for real? Was he going to go through with it? Peter blinked up as his tie was unfastened, tossed aside, his shirt unbuttoned, laid wide. The evening breeze -- scented of smog and jasmine -- felt cool against his overheated skin, like the lightest breath...

Peter Killian, curator at Constantine House in Los Angeles, wakes in the hospital to find himself accused of stealing a tenth century Chinese sculpture. Peter knows he’s not a thief -- but that’s all he knows. Why is hot and handsome Detective Mike Griffin so sure he’s guilty -- and so hell-bent on seeing Peter arrested?

And why is Peter having these weird dreams about an unseen lover who somehow reminds him uncomfortably of Michael Griffin?

A quirky holiday romance about Faith, Hope, and…er…glow-in-the-dark condoms!

Three years ago, a scandal cost antiquarian “book hunter” James Winter everything that mattered to him: his job, his lover and his self-respect. But now the rich and unscrupulous Mr. Stephanopoulos has a proposition. A previously unpublished Christmas book by Charles Dickens has turned up in the hands of an English chemistry professor by the name of Sedgwick Crisparkle. Mr. S. wants that book at any price, and he needs James to get it for him. There’s just one catch. James can’t tell the nutty professor who the buyer is.

Actually, two catches. The nutty Professor Crisparkle turns out to be totally gorgeous—and on the prowl. Faster than you can say, “Old Saint Nick,” James is mixing business with pleasure…and in real danger of forgetting that this is just a holiday romance.

Just as they’re well on the way to having their peppermint sticks and eating them too, Sedgwick discovers the truth. James has been a very bad boy. And any chance Santa will bring him what he wants most is disappearing quicker than the Jolly Old Elf’s sleigh

Sometimes the adventure chooses you.

Lover of fine poetry and lousy choose-your-own-adventure novels, Professor Sebastian Swift was once the bad-boy darling of the literati. The only lines he does these days are Browning, Frost and Cummings. Even his relationship with the hot, handsome Wolfe Neck Police Chief Max Prescott is healthy.

When one of his most talented students comes to him bruised and begging for help, Swift hands over the keys to his Orson Island cabin—only to find out that the boy’s father is dead and the police are suspicious. In an instant, the stable life Swift has built for himself hangs on finding the boy and convincing him to give himself up before Max figures out Swift’s involvement in the case.

Max enjoys splitting an infinitive or two with his favorite nutty professor, but he’s not much for sonnets or Shakespeare. He likes being lied to even less. Yet his instincts—and his heart—tell him his lover is being played. Max can forgive lies and deception, but a dangerous enemy may not stop until Swift is heading up his own dead poet’s society.

Fatigué de son travail de bureau à la Librairie Impériale des Arcanes, le chasseur de livres Colin Bliss accepte de mener l’enquête afin de trouver L’Ombre de l’Epée, un grimoire de sorcellerie légendaire et redoutable. Mais pour le trouver, Colin doit se rendre jusqu’aux lointaines Îles Occidentales et résoudre un meurtre remontant à de nombreux siècles.

Cela ne devrait être rien de plus qu’un exercice académique, alors pourquoi le glacial – mais déraisonnablement sexy – Magister Septimus Marx fait-il tout pour l’empêcher d’accepter cette mission – allant jusqu’à le séduire durant leur voyage en train vers le nord ?

Septimus n’est pas le seul problème. Qui est cette étrange fée qui ne fait qu’apparaître aux moments les moins commodes ? Et qui travaille dans l’ombre avec la sinistre aventurière Irania Briggs ? Et pourquoi les employeurs de Colin, au Musée de l’Occulte Littéraire, ne cessent de l’accuser de les avoir trahis ?Alors que Colin creuse de plus en plus dans le passé mystérieux de l’Île Longue, il commence à comprendre pourquoi Septimus est déterminé à le stopper à tout prix – mais c’est déjà trop tard pour reculer.

Christmas on Catalina Island--it's just what the doctor ordered.

Injured in the line of duty, FBI Special Agent Shane Donovan is longing for a few days of peace and quiet. Some nice meals, a couple of good books, and maybe a bottle of the best. No family, no friends, no Fa la la la la...just a little time on his own to think things through.

But an offshore storm, a geriatric treasure hunter, and the guy who dumped him without a word two years earlier are about to unwrap all Shane's carefully laid holiday plans.

Qui, ou quoi, est responsable des horribles morts des membres de la société secrète connue sous le nom de l'Ordre d'Osiris ? Le docteur Armiston, un irascible célibataire endurci qui ne croit qu'en la médecine, est certain qu'elles ne sont que de tragiques accidents. 

Les membres de l'Ordre quant à eux, pensent qu'une bien plus sinistre force est à l'œuvre. Ils sont certains qu'une ancienne malédiction a été jetée sur eux. Sur ces entrefaites, le magnifique et mystérieux capitaine Maxwell demande l'aide d'Armiston. Les cartes de tarot ? L'égyptologie ? Le spiritisme ? Le scientifique n'a aucune patience pour ces superstitions et ces passe-temps de riches ridicules, mais il aime néanmoins les bonnes énigmes... À moins qu'il ne soit bien plus attiré par le jeune capitaine qu'il n'accepte de le reconnaître ? 

Quoi qu'il en soit, il va devoir résoudre le secret de la malédiction du sarcophage sans tarder, car Maxwell est le prochain sur la liste...

Un fan de polars part en Écosse pour une immersion dans ses romans préférés, mais très vite, la réalité rattrape la fiction...

Carter Matheson est un jeune bibliothécaire fan de l’autrice de polars Dame Vanessa Rayburn, et il est bien déterminé à profiter pleinement de la tournée en bus à travers l’Écosse qui doit lui permettre de sillonner l’univers de ses romans.

Et même si Trevor, son ex, fait également partie du voyage avec son nouveau petit ami, forçant Carter à partager sa chambre avec un inconnu, celui-ci refuse de laisser passer l’occasion de rencontrer son autrice préférée.

John Knight, son colocataire, se révèle aussi mystérieux qu’un protagoniste issu des livres de Vanessa. Son comportement étrange et ses errances nocturnes éveillent les soupçons de Carter.

Lorsque la mort de l’un de leurs compagnons de voyage fait naître des rumeurs d’homicide, Carter se demande s’il peut faire confiance à son entourage. Pris au jeu de l’intrigue, il cherche des réponses tout en essayant de repousser l’attirance grandissante qu’il éprouve pour John.

Mais quand de nouveaux drames inexpliqués se produisent, ils doivent se rendre à l’évidence : il y a peut-être un meurtrier parmi eux.

Qui sera le prochain sur la liste ?

Après une rupture particulièrement désastreuse, Jeff Blythe se sert de ses économies pour faire le tour de l’Europe, à l’ancienne. Armé d’un guide touristique illustré et satirique édité en 1960 ayant appartenu à son grand-père, lui qui partait en quête d’aventure se retrouve dans des situations auxquelles il ne s’attendait absolument pas…

À Londres, esquiver les questions de criminels au sujet d’un mystérieux paquet qu’il n’a absolument jamais vu, s’avère assez simple. Semer une bande de malfrats armés qui le prennent pour quelqu’un d’autre l’est beaucoup moins. Et quand son vieil ami George lui offre son aide (dont un endroit où dormir et peut-être même plus), les choses ne font qu’empirer.

George est-il vraiment qui il paraît ? Et Jeff est-il enfin prêt à laisser parler son attirance ?

Les INTÉGRALES MxM Bookmark et Collection Infinity reviennent, découvrez la série Adrien English, de Josh Lanyon avec cette intégrale de tous les tomes disponibles en français !

Soit 5,5 tomes à dévorer tout de suite.

Un beau matin, Adrien English, libraire et aspirant auteur vivant à Los Angeles, se retrouve face à un meurtre. Son ancien camarade de lycée (et employé) a été trouvé poignardé dans une ruelle après qu’il ait été vu en pleine dispute avec Adrien le soir précédent. Naturellement, les flics ont quelques questions à poser à Adrien. Ils ne sont pas vraiment impressionnés par ses réponses et, quelques heures plus tard, quand quelqu’un s’introduit dans la boutique d’Adrien et la vandalise, la police a tendance à penser qu’Adrien essaie de détourner les soupçons qui pèsent sur lui. Mais Adrien n’est pas dupe. Adrien sait qu’il est le prochain sur la liste.

Rest and Be Thankful by Joanna Chambers

Two stormy hearts find peace when feuding neighbors in the Scottish Highlands are trapped by a blizzard.

Things haven’t been going well for Cam McMorrow since he moved to Inverbechie. His business is failing, his cottage is falling apart and following his very public argument with café owner Rob Armstrong, he’s become a social outcast.

Cam needs to get away from his troubles and when his sister buys him a ticket to the biggest Hogmanay party in Glasgow, he can’t leave Inverbechie quick enough. But when events conspire to strand him in the middle of nowhere in a snowstorm, not only is he liable to miss the party, he’ll also have to ask his nemesis, Rob, for help.

Out by Harper Fox

Can a stranger unlock the courage and passion in a young man’s captive heart?

It’s Christmas at Edinburgh’s magnificent Barlinney Hotel, and chief housekeeper Cosmo Grant is in charge of the festivities. He’s already got his hands full when handsome Ren Vaudrey checks in.

It soon turns out that Ren is an undercover cop. Cosmo wants to help him, but unless he can do it within the Barlinney’s walls, Cosmo is stuck. A victim of crippling agoraphobia, he’s been a prisoner in this gilded cage for over a year. Cosmo gathers all his courage to do the right thing by Ren and Sam—and as a glittering Christmas Eve descends on the city, finds himself confronting his very darkest fears.

Waiting for Winter by LB Gregg

Some mistakes are worth repeating.

Luke always thought he and Winter were the perfect couple—until the day Winter announced he was taking a new job and they were uprooting and headed for Germany. No discussion. No debate. For the first time in his life, Winter miscalculated. Badly. Now Luke is trying his best to move on with his life, but Winter is back in town and he’s set on digging their relationship out of the deep freeze.

Baby, It's Cold by Josh Lanyon

Or maybe it's the flu. Breaking up is hard to do -- especially around the holidays.

Talk about Kitchen Nightmares! TV Chef Rocky and Foodie blogger Jesse have been pals forever, so it should have been the most natural thing in the world to move their relationship to the next level. Instead, it turned out to be a disaster. But Christmas is the season of love, and someone's cooking up a sweet surprise...

It’s a secret international organization operating in cities on every continent. It polices relations between the earthly realm and those beyond this world, enforcing immigration laws, the transfers of magical artifacts, and crimes against humanity.

The agents who work for the NATO Irregular Affairs Division can’t tell anyone what they do, or how hard they work to keep us safe. It brings a colorful collection of men together:

Agent Henry Falk, the undead bum. Agent Keith Curry, former carnivore chef turned vegetarian; Agent Rake, Babylonian demon with a penchant for easy living; and Agent Silas August, uncompromising jerk.

Four cities, four mysteries, four times the romance. Is your security clearance high enough to read on?

For the last fourteen years, former celebrated Boy Detective Merle Madison has been trying to build a grown-up career for himself as a private investigator. There are just two problems: there’s not a lot of serious crime in the small town of Hayvenhurst—and Police Chief Isaac Ramsay keeps denying Merle’s application for a PI license.

Merle and Isaac have history, some good and some bad, so when someone seems determined to put Merle out of business—permanently—he naturally turns to his former sidekick for help.

But Isaac’s days of playing second fiddle to a Junior Sherlock Holmes are long past. In fact, Merle will be lucky if Isaac doesn’t kill him himself.

"Un mystère non élucidé, un avocat récalcitrant et un reporter bien trop curieux..."

Il y a de ça vingt ans, Brian Arlington, héritier de la fortune des Arlington, a été kidnappé. Et si une rançon a bien été payée, alors pourquoi Brian n’a-t-il jamais été revu depuis ? Ni aucun cadavre retrouvé ?

Quand le reporter Griffin Hadley vient interroger Pierce Mather, l’avocat en charge de la fortune de l’illustre famille, ce dernier est loin d’être ravi. Mais Griffin est bien décidé à découvrir ce qui est vraiment arrivé à Brian. Et ce ne sont pas l’avocat indocile ni la famille dysfonctionnelle qui l’en empêcheront.

En fouillant dans le passé des Arlington, Griffin va remuer de vieux souvenirs, et déterrer des secrets qui auraient dû le rester, mettant ainsi sa vie en danger. Et alors que les « accidents » se multiplient, de nouvelles révélations pourraient bien tout remettre en question.

Les INTÉGRALES des éditions Bookmark reviennent ! Découvrez la série Holmes et Moriarity, de Josh Lanyon.

Pendant plus de seize ans, l’auteur de romans policiers solitaire Christopher (Kit) Holmes a joui d’une brillante carrière grâce à la popularité de la détective Miss Butterwith, vieille fille d’un certain âge, et de son chat ingénieux, monsieur Pinkerton. Malheureusement, les ventes sont en chute libre, excepté pour les romans de chick-lit, et le nouvel éditeur de Christopher n’aime pas particulièrement les inspecteurs du troisième âge. Décidément, monsieur Holmes voit la vie en rose !

À la demande de son agent, Christopher accepte à contrecœur de participer à une convention d’auteurs de romans policiers organisée dans une exploitation viticole isolée, au nord de la Californie. À peine arrivé, il découvre dans les bois le corps d’une femme uniquement vêtue d’un pyjama. Après avoir écrit des enquêtes pendant près de deux décennies, la conclusion qu’elle n’est pas morte de causes naturelles s’impose à lui.

Alors qu’une tempête fait rage et que le seul accès au domaine est bloqué, les forces de l’ordre sont dans l’incapacité de venir à leur rescousse.

On se croirait presque dans l’une des classiques histoires de meurtre qui se déroulent dans un manoir perdu en pleine campagne que Christopher écrit depuis seize ans ! Si seulement Miss Butterwith était à portée de mains. Ou même monsieur Pinkerton...

#SherlockHolmes, #aventure, #enquête, #MM

The decades-old disappearance of twenty-one-year-old teaching student Deirdre Duncan is the Holy Grail for true crime buffs—and Skylar Brennan, the host of the Ugly Town podcast, is no exception. In fact, on the mean streets of the internet, he’s considered an expert on the case. (In law enforcement circles, he’s viewed as just another crackpot internet sleuth.)

Every February, the remote New Hampshire village of Woodlark is the site of a candlelight vigil for Deirdre. Family, friends, and “supporters” of the long missing girl, gather at the spot where she was last seen. This is Skylar’s first vigil, and his fans are excited, but maybe not as excited as the person who’s been anonymously emailing him coordinates to what this poison pen pal claims is Deirdre’s grave.

For museum curator Andrew Allison, the sleepy little Maine village of Safehaven has always lived up to its name—until now. Fleeing an abusive relationship, Andy has returned to Safehaven for a few weeks while he figures out the future and helps his elderly Uncle Cuthbert run his antiques shop. But when Andy arrives, he learns Uncle Cuthbert is in the hospital, critically injured, the victim of a late-night break-in.

Worse, one of the first messages on the shop answering machine is from Marcus, Andy’s ex, demanding to know Andy’s whereabouts.

Nor does the bad news stop there. It seems whoever broke into Time in a Bottle is still looking for that mysterious whatever. Something they didn’t find the first time. Something they now believe Andy has.

Something worth killing for?

The good news is former bad boy Quinn Rafferty, Andy’s high school crush, is back in town and interested in renewing their acquaintanceship.

Quinn is not a man to run from things that go bump in the night, be they mysterious midnight prowlers or a relationship-shy fish-out-of-water museum curator.

But Quinn has a few secrets of his own…

It was like those crazy detective novels he read as a kid…

Fledging PI Zachariah Davies’s wealthy and eccentric client, toymaker Alton Beacher, wants to hire an investigator who can pose as his boyfriend while figuring out who is behind the recent attempts on his life. And Zach, struggling to save the business his father built, is just desperate enough to set aside his misgivings and take the job.

But it doesn’t take long for Zach to realize all is not as it seems (and, given that it all seems pretty weird…). The only person he can turn to for help is equally struggling, equally desperate–but a whole lot more experienced–rival PI Flint Carey.

Former Marine Flint has been waiting for Zach to throw in the towel and sell whatever’s left of the Davies Detective Agency to him. Still, he’s unwillingly attracted to the game but inexperienced accountant-turned-shamus, and can’t help offering a helping hand when Zach runs into trouble.

Especially when it’s hard to imagine any worse trouble than having your client murdered.

When his enigmatic partner takes off on an annual fishing trip, City of Angeles gumshoe Barry Fitzgerald is left to handle an All Hallows’ Eve kidnapping case on his own.

The victim? A murdered millionaire’s penny-pinching son and heir. The culprit? That’s where it gets tricky. According to the missing man’s sister, vampires are behind Patrick O’Flaherty’s disappearance.

Barry doesn’t believe in ghosts, goblins or vampires, but when the case goes—literally—to hell…well, who you gonna call?

How The Cookie Crumbled

As sole heir to the Bredahl Cookies and Cakes fortune, Casper led a comfortable, happy-go-lucky life. Some would say, a charmed life.

Sure, there were challenges: relentless pressure to join the family business, and his unrequited feelings for former high school crush Raleigh Jackson. But yeah, a charmed existence, compared to life after being arrested for murder and spending nearly a year in Chippewa Falls County Jail, awaiting trial.

Exoneration, freedom, came at too steep a price. To say Casper isn’t in the mood for the holidays, is putting it mildly. In fact, the only thing he wants for Christmas is to see Detective Raleigh Jackson, the man responsible for wrongly putting him behind bars, get his just desserts.

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