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Toutes les séries de N. R. Walker

2 livres
353 lecteurs

Après s’être fait larguer par son petit ami de longue date à cause de son surpoids, Henry Beckett décide de s’imposer des changements radicaux.

Dans une vaine tentative pour récupérer son petit ami, il fait la chose la plus absurde et la plus effrayante qu’il puisse imaginer. Il s’inscrit dans une salle de sport. Reed Henske est un coach personnel qui n’est pas certain d’être prêt à se lancer dans une nouvelle histoire d’amour. Il en a marre des types qui ne s’intéressent qu’à l’image d’un corps parfait et qui ne le voient jamais tel qu’il est vraiment. Alors que Reed torture Henry à coups de régimes et d’exercice, celui-ci ravit son entraîneur grâce à ses recettes et ses éclats de rire.

Mais tandis que les limites de l’amitié commencent à s’estomper, Henry est convaincu qu’il n’y a aucune chance que Reed, cette incarnation terrestre de Thor, puisse s’intéresser à un gars dans son genre. Reed doit convaincre Henry que la vie ne consiste pas à atteindre son poids idéal.

Il s’agit de trouver son contrepoids idéal.

Source : Kobo.fr

6 livres
285 lecteurs

Bienvenue à Sutton Station, l’un des plus grands ranch du monde, au beau milieu de l’Australie : si les animaux et la chaleur ne vous tuent pas en premier, c’est votre cœur qui pourrait bien lâcher.

Charlie Sutton dirige Sutton Station de la seule façon qu’il connaisse ; comme son père avant lui. Bien déterminé à garder la tête sur les épaules et son cœur à l’œil, Charlie jure que la terre rouge et poussiéreuse qui l’entoure (et qui l’isole) coule dans ses veines.

Travis Craig, un étudiant américain en agronomie, débarque à Sutton Station pour découvrir comment les agriculteurs gagnent leur vie dans l’un des environnements les plus rudes de la planète. Mais ce ne sont pas les paysages arides, brutaux et absolument magnifiques qui le captivent, c’est l’homme au cœur aussi aride que l’Outback.

4 livres
344 lecteurs

Commençant un nouvel emploi dans une nouvelle ville, le vétérinaire Carter Reece se rend à une consultation à domicile pour un client spécial.

Arrogant, de mauvaise humeur et totalement magnifique, Isaac Brannigan est aveugle depuis l’âge de huit ans. Après la mort de sa chienne-guide et meilleure amie Rosie, son partenariat avec son nouveau chien, Brady ne se passe pas bien.

Carter tente d’aider à la fois le maître et le chien à traverser cette phase d’initiation, mais au juste… Qui dirige qui ?

4 livres
208 lecteurs

L’inspecteur de la police de New York, Alec MacAidan a toujours été familier avec l’étrange. Après tout, sa vie n’est qu’une suite de phénomènes inexplicables. Mais quand un homme blessé lui laisse des indices cryptiques, puis est réduit en poussière devant lui, l’avis d’Alec sur le bizarre change pour toujours.

Cronin est un vampire ancestral, qui a passé ces derniers mille ans à attendre Alec. On lui a dit que son destiné serait un homme armé d’un bouclier, mais il ne s’attendait pas à ce qu’il soit humain, et encore moins que ce bouclier soit un insigne de police.

Les deux hommes, tenaces avec de fortes volontés, en sont encore à apprendre comment faire face à l’attirance liée au fait d’être destinés l’un à l’autre, quand le Destin les jette en plein mystère.

La rumeur se propage rapidement, provoquant des troubles en Égypte. Des clans de vampires fuient après la nouvelle qu’un vampire aurait des dons pas comme les autres, s’acharnant à déclencher la colère de la Mort.

Alec et Cronin sont plongés dans un monde étrange qu’Alec n’aurait jamais pu imaginer. Ce qu’il a appris à l’école sur les anciens pharaons et sur les dieux égyptiens était très loin de la vérité. Au lieu de ça, il découvre de première main que l’Histoire n’est pas toujours ce qu’elle semble être.

4 livres
64 lecteurs

Spencer Cohen est le type qui obtient des réponses aux questions relatives aux relations. Jouant le rôle du nouvel amoureux, son travail consiste à faire comprendre à l’ex de son client l’une des deux choses suivantes : soit il ne veut pas rompre, soit il le veut vraiment. Dans les deux cas, son client obtient des réponses.

L’ex peut soit s’excuser et supplier, soit opérer un demi-tour et partir. Mais finalement, le client de Spencer gagne. S’il voulait récupérer son ex et qu’il a réussi, génial. Si le type s’en va, même si c’est dur pour le client, au moins il sait que c’est fini. Quelle que soit l’issue, le travail de Spencer est fait.

L’ex d’Andrew Landon l’a quitté sans même une explication. Mais sa sœur ne supporte pas de le voir malheureux, alors, au grand dam d’Andrew, elle engage Spencer comme nouveau petit ami de son frère pour faire revenir son ex.

Pour Spencer, ce n’est jamais personnel. C’est juste une transaction commerciale. Pas d’émotions, pas d’attaches, pas de complications.

Oui, c’est ça.

Même un aveugle pourrait voir comment ça va finir.

3 livres
40 lecteurs

Même les bâtiments les plus solides commencent par des plans sur papier, et tous les architectes savent que ceux-ci doivent parfois être modifiés. Parfois, ces leçons sont apprises sur le tas.

Architecte new-yorkais prospère, Thomas Elkin a presque tout réussi. Après avoir révélé son homosexualité et mis fin à son mariage avant son quarantième anniversaire, il a dû commencer à vivre sa vie. Quatre ans plus tard, alors que sa relation avec son fils s’est rétablie et après quelques amours éphémères, ce dessinateur traditionnel estimé pensait tout savoir de l’architecture et de la vie.

Cooper Jones, vingt-deux ans, est sur le point de prendre d’assaut le monde des architectes. Talentueux, professionnel, motivé et complètement exaspérant, Cooper est la définition de la génération Y.

En commençant un stage auprès de Thomas, Cooper est sur le point de faire basculer le monde de Tom. Tom peut apprendre à Cooper ce qu’est l’industrie, mais Cooper est sur le point d’apprendre à Tom certaines choses sur la vie.

Description VO :

Even the strongest of buildings start out as plans on paper, and every architect knows that sometimes plans need to change. Sometimes, these lessons are learned on the job.

A successful New York architect, Thomas Elkin almost has it all. Coming out as gay and ending his marriage before his fortieth birthday, he needed to start living his life. Now, four years later, with his relationship with his son back on track, and after a few short-lived romances, this esteemed traditional draftsman thought he knew everything about architecture, about life.

Cooper Jones, twenty-two years old, is about to take the architect world by storm. Talented, professional, driven, and completely infuriating, Cooper is the definition of Generation Y.

Starting an internship working with Thomas, Cooper is about to knock Tom’s world off its axis. Tom can teach Cooper about the industry, but Cooper is about to teach Tom a few things about life.

7 livres
25 lecteurs

1752, London

When John Trent, a dedicated member of the new Bow Street Runners, finds an exquisite carved angel floating in the Thames, he can’t stop thinking about it. He tracks down its creator, a sad and quiet young sculptor. But neither the angel nor the sculptor is done with John just yet. The blasted angel refuses to leave him be, behaving not at all like an inanimate object should.

Alec Allston is resigned to the fact that his love will ever be a river that flows out and never flows in. All he wanted to do was create a special gift so that a small part of himself could be with his unattainable and noble beloved, always. But when the gift keeps showing back up at his shop in the hands of a windblown and rugged thief-taker, Alec will need to reconsider his conviction that love is destined to remain an aethereal ideal.

8 livres
8 lecteurs


Tyson Langley thinks the king in Franklin University Kings is in reference to him. Star lacrosse player and God’s gift to the female and male population, there’s nothing the spoiled jock can’t have.

It’s impossible for us to be in the same room without talking crap to each other. But I also have a secret… As much as I despise Ty, I want him too. I revel in our banter and in never knowing what he’ll say next.

I’ve spent too much time on the wrong side of the law for someone like Ty, though, and if I want to make it through college and escape my past, he’s a distraction I don’t need.


Braxton Walker needs to learn to lighten up. If you search brooding online, his name pops up. He’s the bad boy with a leather jacket and a scowl. We couldn’t be more different.

Finding ways to annoy him is like the longest foreplay session of my life. And when we end up working together, it gets harder to deny how hot he makes me.

What’s a little hooking up between enemies?

We weren’t supposed to become friends or share secrets. We weren’t supposed to understand each other and all the complicated stuff we’re going through.

I’m used to playing games, only the more time I spend with Brax, the less it feels like playing around and the more it becomes something real.

13 livres
2 lecteurs

Shy science guy Liam and fun-loving jock Isaiah have been roommates since their freshman year in college. On the surface, they couldn’t be more different. What the rest of the world doesn’t know is that tucked between basketball, classes, and hanging with friends are some of Isaiah’s favorite moments—just Liam and Isaiah in their room, watching documentaries or goofing off. Liam certainly never imagined Isaiah would become one of his favorite people, but their friendship was pretty much solidified the first time Isaiah saved Liam from a killer spider.

When Isaiah discovers Liam is looking for a hookup to help him explore a secret kink, the idea of anyone touching Liam that way sparks a protective instinct Isaiah has never felt before. Then, Isaiah confesses that he’d like to be the one Liam experiments with, and Liam is completely bowled over—equal parts thrilled and wary of ruining their friendship.

From the first sting of Isaiah’s palm, Liam’s fantasy finally comes to life. The more they explore together, the closer they become, uncovering feelings neither were willing to admit before. But outside the haven of their room, reality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Isaiah isn’t out, and worries about his college basketball career. And Liam won’t be someone’s secret, not after he promised himself he’d stop hiding and being afraid.

Deciding how to navigate the world together will be the final exam they’ll need to ace.


PLEASE NOTE: For the first 90 days of this title’s publication, all sales and page reads will be donated to The LGBT Community Center of Cleveland and The LGBT Center of Raleigh.

**Science and Jockstraps is part of a multi-author series of books that take place in the same fictional town. Each story can be read in any order. The connecting element in the Ace's Wild series is an adult store owned by Ace and Wilder. The main characters from each book will make at least one visit to Ace's Wild, where they'll buy a toy to use in their story! The only characters who crossover to each book are Ace and Wilder. And with various heat levels, there's sure to be something for everyone!

3 livres
4 lecteurs

Dallas Muller has everything he never expected he’d have. He owns a successful motorbike mechanic shop in Newcastle, and he’s madly in love with his boyfriend of four years, Justin Keith.

Justin has always struggled to find where he fit in, never realising his true worth or what it means to be loved—until he met Dallas. Living and working together might be too much for some, but Dallas and Justin wouldn’t have it any other way.

When a terrible accident tears their world apart, Justin’s left with no memory of Dallas or their relationship. Trying to put the pieces back together is almost impossible when some pieces are blank and some are missing altogether. Dallas has to let Justin find his own way back to him and just hope that their love will light the way.

2 livres
7 lecteurs

Bienvenue à Sutton Station, l'un des plus grands ranch du monde, au beau milieu de l'Australie : si les animaux et la chaleur ne vous tuent pas en premier, c'est votre cœur qui pourrait bien lâcher. Charlie Sutton dirige Sutton Station de la seule façon qu'il connaisse ; comme son père avant lui. Bien déterminé à garder la tête sur les épaules et son cœur à l’œil, Charlie jure que la terre rouge et poussiéreuse qui l'entoure (et qui l'isole) coule dans ses veines. Travis Craig, un étudiant américain en agronomie, débarque à Sutton Station pour découvrir comment les agriculteurs gagnent leur vie dans l'un des environnements les plus rudes de la planète. Mais ce ne sont pas les paysages arides, brutaux et absolument magnifiques qui le captivent, c'est l'homme au cœur aussi aride que l'Outback.

2 livres
8 lecteurs


Cameron Fletcher and Lucas Hensley are advertising executives who have Sixty Five Hours to pull together the campaign of their careers.

Sixty Five Hours to get along. Sixty Five Hours to not kill each other. Sixty Five Hours to fall in love.

Disclaimer: This is a re-written fanfiction, available only as a free read. Do not pay to download.

Also, as stated on my blog, this book has not been professionally edited.

2 livres
2 lecteurs

Maddox Kershaw is the main vocalist of the world’s biggest boy band. He’s at the top of every music chart, every award show, every social media platform, and every sexiest-man-alive list. He’s the bad boy, the enigma, the man everyone on the planet wants a piece of.

He’s also burned out and exhausted, isolated and lonely. Not in a good headspace at the start of a tour.

Roscoe Hall is Maddox’s personal manager. His job is high-flying, high-demand, high-profile, and he loves it. Maddox has consumed his entire life for the past four years. Roscoe knows him. He sees the real Maddox no one else gets to see.

He’s also in love with him.

When the tour and stress become too much, when the world begins to close in, Roscoe becomes Maddox’s lifeline. But as Maddox knows already, and as Roscoe is about to learn, the brighter the spotlight, the darker the shadow.

2 livres
2 lecteurs

Malachi Keogh finds himself in a job he neither wanted nor asked for when his father, boss of Sydney’s postal service, sends him to the end of the business line, aka The Dead Letter Office. Malachi expects tedious and boring but instead discovers a warehouse with a quirky bunch of misfit co-workers, including a stoic and nerdy boss, Julian Pollard.

Malachi’s intrigued by Julian at first, and he soon learns there’s more to the man than his boring clothes of beige, tan, and brown; a far cry from Malachi’s hot pink, lilac, and electric blue. Where Julian is calm and ordered, Malachi is chaos personified, but despite their outward differences, there’s an immediate chemistry between them that sends Malachi’s head—and heart—into a spin.

To keep his father happy, Malachi needs to keep this job. He also needs to solve the mystery of the pile of old letters that sits in Julian’s office and maybe get to the bottom of what makes Julian tick. Like everything that goes through the mail centre, only time will tell if Malachi has found his intended destination or if he’ll find himself returned to sender.

4 livres
2 lecteurs

Hamish Kenneally is moving from Australia to the US for a fresh start, starting with Christmas at his sister’s place in Idaho. When a snowstorm diverts his plane to Montana and leaves him stranded two days before Christmas, he hires a car and drives right into a blizzard.

Ren Brooks has always called Hartbridge, Montana, and his family hardware store, home. After a few failed attempts at love, he’s resigned to being single forever—after all, no guy wants to stay in his sleepy little town for long. And after his dad’s passing earlier in the year, Ren’s Christmas is looking bleak. But when a car runs off the road in front of his property, Ren pulls the driver out and takes him home to get out of the cold.

With the storm and the holidays leaving Hamish with nowhere else to go, Ren kindly offers a place to stay. Hamish is certain he’s crashed right into a Hallmark Christmas movie, despite more car delays and road closures and the prospect of not seeing his sister for Christmas. And with help from Hamish, Ren is beginning to feel a little Christmas cheer.

These two unlikely strangers have more in common than they first realise, and after two days of Christmas decorations, cookies, and non-stop conversation, it looks like Christmas might be saved after all.

4 livres
4 lecteurs

Nerdy, introverted genius lepidopterist, Lawson Gale, is an expert on butterflies. He finds himself in a small town in Tasmania on a quest from an old professor to find an elusive species that may or may not even exist.

Local Parks and Wildlife officer, Jack Brighton, is an ordinary guy who loves his life in the sleepy town of Scottsdale. Along with his Border collie dog, Rosemary, his job, and good friends, he has enough to keep from being lonely.

But then he meets Lawson, and he knows he’s met someone special. There’s more to catching butterflies, Jack realises. Sometimes the most elusive creatures wear bow ties, and sometimes they can’t be caught at all.

Lawson soon learns there are butterflies he can’t learn about it in books. They exist only in a touch, in a kiss, in a smile. He just has to let go first, so these butterflies can fly.

Imago is the story of finding love, bow ties, and butterflies.

4 livres

Paul Morgan has been running his luxury camping tour business in Kakadu National Park for the last five years. Taking small groups glamping, hiking, climbing, and swimming. It’s been a busy five years, a hard five years, as he tried to forget the man he left behind.

Derek Grimes pushes people away—a self-preservation reflex. Because they can’t break his heart if he breaks theirs first, right? Five years on, lost and lonely, he tracks down the one and only love of his life. Maybe seeing how Paul had moved on will help Derek move on too . . .

Paul can’t believe it when a familiar name pops up on his client list, and Derek can’t believe how good Paul looks, or just how happy living his dream job has made him. The spark between them never waned, but five years on, they’ve learned a few things about themselves and what they want.

They could have everything they ever dreamed of—if they’re prepared to trust each other. Because a second chance at first love comes but once in a lifetime.

3 livres
2 lecteurs

Matthew Elliot is one of LA’s best detectives—a smart, tough, closeted gay man. When he falls for his gym instructor, it’s not his colleagues he should be worried about finding out…it’s the bad guys.

Matthew Elliot is one of LA’s best detectives. He's been labelled the golden boy of the Fab Four: a team of four detectives who've closed down drug-rings all over the city. He’s smart, tough and exceptionally good at his job.

He's also a closeted gay man.

Enter Kira Takeo Franco, the new boxing coach at the gym. Matthew can't deny his immediate attraction to the man his fellow cops know as Frankie. But in allowing himself to fall in love with a man known to his colleagues, Matthew risks outing them both.

Matt and Kira work to keep their relationship and private lives hidden from Matt’s very public life, fearing it would be detrimental to their careers.

But it's not the other cops who Matthew should be worried about finding out his deepest, darkest secret…it's the bad guys.

Tous les livres de N. R. Walker

Brent Kelly is a laid-back tradesman whose only concerns are drinks with friends and which man to bed next. In need of a new accountant to sort out his nightmarish shoebox of tax receipts, he's referred to Logan Willis. He doesn't expect to be intrigued by the science fiction-loving, geeky guy with dark-rimmed glasses and a TARDIS-blue shirt. So his fascination with the soft-spoken Englishman surprises him, and their mutual attraction is completely unexpected. He most certainly never expects to fall in love. One a jock and the other a geek, both men know the differences between them are vast and could cause problems. But in this opposites-attract erotic drama, maybe it's the differences between them that make staying together worth the fight.


Resigned to living a sexless, loveless life, Doctor Nathan Tierney knows something is missing. In a rash decision, he leaves his life-consuming job at Mass General Hospital, Boston, to be the small-town doctor in Belfast, Maine.

With the job comes a house, and with the house comes a handyman-painter. Trent Jamieson, a nomadic artist, and his dog Bentley, are offered free accommodation for the few weeks he fixes up the hospital-owned house.

Nathan is transfixed by this free-spirited, undeniably gorgeous man. Confused but amazed to feel any kind of attraction - much less to a man - Nathan convinces himself to put aside any preconceived ideas, and allows himself to just feel.

As their attraction for each other grows, one man learns to live, the other learns to love. But just who is teaching who?

Disclaimer: This is a re-written fanfiction, available only as a free read. Do not pay to download.

As stated on my blog, this story has not been professionally edited.

This edition is no longer available

After being publicly outted and his restaurant business in tatters, instead of vacationing with his lover, Wilson Curtis goes to Key West alone. He meets Simon and Adam and is soon invited into their bed for some holiday fun.

But once isn't enough, and the offer is extended for the remainder of his stay. As they get to know each other, in and out of the bedroom, sparks fly and ten days is all it takes to change their lives.

When it comes time for Wil to leave, with outside tensions closing in and time running out, tempers flare and emotions fray. Beneath the misunderstandings and lack of communication, is the realization these three men aren't ready to say goodbye.

This book is 2440 Kindle locations.

A short story, approx. 12.5K words.

Heartbroken, Dean Cartwright leaves Sydney and heads home, to the coastal town of Newcastle. In a bid to make new friends, he signs up for a local rugby league team where he meets a man known as Macca.

Dean and Macca are both front row forwards, meaning they’re the biggest guys on the team. Over six feet tall and over a hundred kilos each, they’re a force to be reckoned with on the field.

But when Dean gets knocked out, Macca gets even by punching the other guy, and both Dean and Macca end up on the sideline.

Dean soon realizes that being knocked unconscious is the best thing to ever happen to him.

Story is set in Australia, and uses Australian English


It was just an ordinary day for Alex Harper at Harper's Antiquities, until Callum Winters walked in with a watch.

"It was my Grandfather's. I was hoping you could tell me something about it."

A love story of two couples, generations apart.

Disclaimer: This is a rewritten fanfiction. And is available only as a free read. Do not pay to download. It has not been professionally edited.

Bienvenue à Sutton Station, l’un des plus grands ranch du monde, au beau milieu de l’Australie : si les animaux et la chaleur ne vous tuent pas en premier, c’est votre cœur qui pourrait bien lâcher.

Charlie Sutton dirige Sutton Station de la seule façon qu’il connaisse ; comme son père avant lui. Bien déterminé à garder la tête sur les épaules et son cœur à l’œil, Charlie jure que la terre rouge et poussiéreuse qui l’entoure (et qui l’isole) coule dans ses veines.

Travis Craig, un étudiant américain en agronomie, débarque à Sutton Station pour découvrir comment les agriculteurs gagnent leur vie dans l’un des environnements les plus rudes de la planète.

Mais ce ne sont pas les paysages arides, brutaux et absolument magnifiques qui le captivent, c’est l’homme au cœur aussi aride que l’Outback.

Découvrez les 4 tomes de la série Red Dirt Heart avec cette intégrale.

Ayant besoin de changer d’air, Griffin Burke quitte Brisbane pour Coolum Beach afin de commencer un nouveau travail. Le sable blanc, l’océan turquoise, le ciel bleu et les brises d’été sont tout ce dont il rêve. Ce qu’il trouve cependant, c’est un chien couvert de boue, perdu et affamé, portant une médaille et un numéro de téléphone.

Dane Hughes est coincé à Surfers Paradise pour une conférence d’une semaine lorsqu’il reçoit un appel de sa mère désemparée. Son chien, son bébé à fourrure, Wicket, s’est enfui. Incapable de quitter la conférence et se sentant impuissant et misérable, il reçoit un texto d’un type. « Je crois que j’ai trouvé ton chien… »

Griffin et Dane commencent alors à discuter, et Griffin accepte de s’occuper de Wicket jusqu’à ce que Dane puisse le récupérer. Ayant quelques jours devant lui avant que son nouveau travail commence, Griffin emmène Wicket dans ses aventures sur la côte et envoie à Dane des photos de leur escapade. C’est ainsi que commence quelque chose de nouveau et d’assez merveilleux.

Griffin a peut-être déménagé à Coolum pour commencer une nouvelle vie, mais ce qu’il trouve est bien plus que cela. Et ce qu’il souhaite garder pourrait bien nécessiter l’aide d’une bête à quatre pattes.


A BDSM-lite MMM story

Founded over four hundred years ago, Sanctus Infinitus Redemptio is a private and very elite society where dominance and submission are revered. Steeped in tradition and excellence, every Dominant and every submissive, and their pairing, are selected with great care.

When Hunter Vargo is brought into the Sanctus, his need for strict dominance sees him paired with the wrong Master. But only a short time later, mistreated and his trust broken, he’s recalled, his collar removed. The Grand Master knows it will take a special kind of Dominant to restore the sub’s faith and trust.

Sig Bruckner’s world is perfect. He has a great job, he has high standing within the Sanctus, and he has Levin, the very best submissive. When he’s asked to take on a second sub, a young man with issues and a rule not to touch him, Sig’s world is turned upside down.

When his dominance, his patience, and self-control are tested, and when Sig’s relationships with both subs are pushed past his limits, everything begins to unravel. Yet Sig knows every good Dom learns from their subs, and he’s no exception. He might not be able to fix everything on his own, but perhaps the three of them together can.

Nathaniel and Chasan are no ordinary angels.

Destiny chose them to be twin flames, fated mates. But Nathaniel has avoided Chasan for nearly a thousand years.

When sent to Earth on a mission to live and work together, Nathaniel comes face-to-face with his destiny. Short-tempered, petulant, and grumpy, he hates the idea of being fated to anyone and has chosen an existence of isolation rather than spending time with the calm, kind, and serene Chasan. But now he has no choice.

One is fire, the other is air; a true dichotomy of angels. Together they will be ignited, or they will be extinguished. This assignment will seal their fate either way.

En 2068, les androïdes font partie intégrante de la vie quotidienne. Big Brother ne surveille plus depuis l’ombre, il se trouve dans tous les foyers.

Lloyd Salter a des troubles obsessionnels compulsifs et il se sent très mal à l’aise avec les autres êtres humains. Quand son ex lui affirme que la seule chose capable de lui correspondre serait un androïde, il ne l’écoute que d’une oreille. Pourtant, deux ans plus tard, Lloyd admet qu’il avait peut-être raison.

SATinc, le plus grand fabricant d’androïdes en Australie, a inventé l’Unité Entièrement Compatible, également appelée Classe A 10. Sa dernière création est d’ailleurs l’androïde plus connu sous le nom de SHAUN.

Shaun répond à tous les besoins de Lloyd, aussi bien physiquement qu’intellectuellement. Mais Lloyd réalise rapidement que Shaun n’est pas comme les autres : il apprend, il s’adapte.

Personne ne doit savoir à quel point Shaun est spécial. Personne ne doit savoir qu’il a évolué.

#Anticipation #RomanceSF #MM


« Et voilà, N.R. Walker réitère l’exploit. Mignon, romantique, crève-cœur... le tout joliment emballé dans un magnifique livre. » Barbara – Goodreads

« Ce roman est tout simplement génial. Mon livre coup de cœur de l’année, ou tout du moins dans mon top 5. Je le recommande chaudement à tout le monde. » Mindy – Goodreads

« Que dire ? Ce livre m’a scotchée ! Un roman à ne rater sous aucun prétexte, même si vous n’êtes pas fan de science-fiction. Vous ne le regretterez pas. » AKI – Goodreads

**This 20,000-word story is told in drabbles: each chapter consisting of only 100 words.**

Sebastian Gilman meets a guy on a dance floor every Friday night. He knows nothing about him, not even his name, only to find one day this familiar stranger turns up on his building site and they need to work together.

Ryland Keller knows better than to get involved. Alone and half a country away from home, he revels in isolation until a handsome man in a gay bar turns his world upside down.

Sebastian wants to help Ryland recover from a horrible past, but only if Ryland can let his guard down long enough to see that he can have the best of both worlds.

Quintus Furius Varus is one of the best lanistas in Rome. Tall and strong in build, fearsome in manner, and sharp of wit, he trains the best gladiators bound for the arenas of Rome. When Senator Servius Augendus seeks personal guards, he attends the Ludus Varus for purchase of the very best. He puts to Quintus an offer he cannot refuse, and Quintus finds himself in Neapolis, contracted as a trainer of guards instead of gladiators.

Kaeso Agorix was taken from his homelands of Iberia and delivered to Rome as a slave. Bought by a senator to be trained as a guard, his fate is handed to the man who would train him. Absent free will, Kaeso knows his life is no longer his own, though he soon realises the gods have favoured him when he learns his new master has a kind heart.

Quintus and Kaeso forge a bond that far exceeds the collar at Kaeso's neck, and together they discover the senator's move for promotion has an ulterior motive. Thrown into a world of politics and conspiracy, of keeping enemies close, they move against time to save Rome before traitors and the gods themselves see to their end.

And in doing so, see the dawn of the nova praetorian--the new guard--rise.

Un petit garçon emmailloté de vert, une tache de naissance en forme d’arbre visible sur le poignet. Une petite fille enveloppée de rouge, marquée des trois lignes des vents du désert. Un garçon dans des linges blancs, avec le signe flamboyant de la carpe sur son poignet. Et un dernier nouveau-né bordé de noir, porteur de la marque du corbeau pour sceller son destin.

* * *

Il y a vingt-cinq ans, la main du destin marqua quatre nouveau-nés et les envoya aux points cardinaux des Grands Royaumes. Ils y furent instruits et entraînés afin que, le jour de la cérémonie de l’Éclipse Dorée, ils deviennent les dirigeants de leurs terres.

Crow, souverain des Terres du Nord, épéiste doué et tacticien hors pair, est aussi solitaire et stoïque que les montagnes qui l’entourent.

Tancho, lui, a passé sa vie à suivre une discipline stricte, gouvernant les Terres de l’Ouest avec un esprit juste et une main douce. Calme et discret, il n’en est pas moins un combattant mortel. Il incarne les eaux près desquelles il demeure.

Alors que l’éclipse approche et que le festival commence, une nouvelle menace s’annonce. Des envahisseurs venus de terres inconnues déclenchent une guerre. Crow et Tancho devront choisir leur camp.

Dans la vie comme dans la mort, leur destin est lié, et ils n’auront d’autre choix que de s’allier pour s’en sortir.

#Fantasy #EnemiesToLovers #ForcedProximity #Royaumes #Danger #Mystère #MM

« Encore une fois, la magie N.R. Walker a divinement opéré ! Une intrigue complexe riche en rebondissements qui est brillamment menée. Un décor des plus fascinants. Des personnages forts et attachants. Des émotions vives bien présentes. Si vous cherchez une romance fantasy MM et slow-burn, laissez-vous tenter, vous n’allez pas le regretter ! » - Blog Mon Paradis des Livres

« J’adore la fantasy, c’est mon premier amour et je suis toujours heureuse de voir de nouveaux auteurs de MM. Avec Lacuna, l’autrice a non seulement fait un très bon travail en créant un univers d’une richesse rare, mais aussi en réussissant à intégrer une magnifique romance au cœur du scénario. » - Cadiva, Goodreads

« J’ai adoré ce livre ! Dès les premières lignes, j’ai été happée par l’histoire. Les personnages principaux donnent le rythme du récit et les personnages secondaires l’enrichissent et le complètent. L’univers est bien construit et détaillé, permettant de se plonger dans la lecture et de voyager. Si vous aimez la fantasy (ou que vous voulez essayer), il faut que vous lisiez ce livre ! » - Blog Joyfully Jay

"Parce que quand on ne boit que de la haine, c'est tout ce qu'il y a en nous."

Erik Keston, fils de l’empire immobilier Keston, sait ce qu’il faut pour réussir. Malgré ses moyens, il se débrouille. Il travaille dur, il a les pieds sur terre, et il est brillant. Il est aussi secrètement amoureux de son meilleur ami.

Monroe Wellman ne s’est jamais remis de la perte de ses parents, trois ans plus tôt. Hériter de l’entreprise familiale et de la richesse ne signifie rien, et sa spirale autodestructrice est aussi spectaculaire que généralisée. Surnommé le mauvais garçon de Sydney, il passe plus de jours ivre que sobre, et la seule personne qui l’a soutenu à travers toutes ces épreuves est son meilleur ami.

Mais son monde s’arrête quand Erik lui pose un ultimatum. Ce n’est que lorsque la brume se dissipe que Monroe peut vraiment voir que ce qu’il cherchait ne se trouvait pas au fond d’une bouteille, mais à ses côtés depuis le début.

#MM #friendstolovers #secondechance

Attention, ce livre parle de dépendance à l'alcool et du combat pour en sortir.


"La haine au fond du verre a été une montagne russe d'émotions : angoisse, espoir, désespoir, douleur, amour, envies et bien d'autres choses encore." - Annika

Des affaires non élucidées, un meurtre, des mensonges et une vérité inimaginable.

L’inspecteur de Sydney August Shaw a passé la dernière décennie à résoudre des affaires non élucidées. Depuis la mort de son petit ami il y a huit ans, August travaille seul, vit seul, est seul – et ça lui convient parfaitement. Son travail représente toute sa vie, et il est convaincu qu’une suite d’affaires de suicides non résolues est liée à ce qui pourrait être la pire histoire de tueur en série d’Australie. Le problème, c’est que personne ne le croit.

Le constable senior Jacob Porter aime sa vie dans la petite ville de Tallowwood, située au milieu des forêts pluviales du nord de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Il anime des camps d’été pour les gamins aborigènes de la région, joue au rugby avec ses potes, a une famille soudée, et il est l’agent de liaison pour les LGBTQIA+ et les Aborigènes.

Quand des restes humains sont retrouvés dans les terrains de camping de la réserve de Tallowwood, la nouvelle affaire de Jake se révèle être reliée aux affaires dormantes d’August, et Jake est d’accord que ce ne sont pas du tout des suicides. Maintenant que Jacob est fermement acquis à la cause d’August, ils font face à une série d’obstacles ; même après la découverte de nouveaux restes humains, ils ne semblent pas trouver d’appui auprès de leur hiérarchie.

Mais quand un autre policier est tué selon le même mode opératoire, on ne peut plus nier l’évidence. August et Jake doivent traquer cet ennemi invisible avant que le tueur fasse une autre victime ou avant qu’il s’en prenne à l’un des deux coéquipiers.

Michael Pietersen isn’t up for complications. He’s one of Sydney’s fastest-moving career-focused corporate realtors, and the only thing he has time for is one-night stands with zero fuss.

Bryson Schroeder’s back home from two years overseas with plans to leave his family’s hotel empire and begin his own business ventures. Out with friends to celebrate his return, he sees a gorgeous blond man across the bar, and with merely a smile and a raised eyebrow, they leave together for a night of incredible chemistry.

The rules are clear: no names, no details, no complications.

But one night becomes one more night, and eventually the arrangement suits them both for weeks . . . until their professional and personal worlds collide. With their hearts already on the line, Michael and Bry need to decide just how complicated they want to get.

Eighteen-year-old Harrison Haddon has grown up alone. Surrounded by wealth, nannies, and material things, all he craves is the approval of his father. Sent away to the boarding school his father and grandfather attended, it’s assumed he will follow in their footsteps from Sydney’s prestigious Ivy League school straight into medical school.

But Harrison doesn’t want to be a doctor.

He dreams of music and classical piano. His only true happiness, his escape from the world expected of him, is dismissed by his intolerant and emotionally detached parents.

Levi Aston arrives from London for a three-month student exchange program. Free-spirited and confident in who he is and what he wants to do with his life, Levi convinces Harrison not give up on his dreams.

But convincing Harrison not to give up on his family might not be so easy.

Stuart Jenner’s job is high stress, high stakes, and everything he’s strived for. So why, when the apex of his career is within reach, does he stumble? At his doctor’s insistence, he books a privately chartered yacht to sail around the Whitsundays for two weeks of sun, surf, and sex. When his friend-with-benefits bails on him at the last minute, Stuart decides to go alone.

Foster Knight left the rat race behind six years ago, bought a yacht, and now calls the Great Barrier Reef his home. Sailing tourists around tropical waters is all in a day’s work, and he’s never been happier. When his next client arrives alone, the two-week charter will be the most private job he’s ever had.

Foster can see how stressed and exhausted Stuart is, and he promises him extensive rest and relaxation. Stuart slowly realises his original plan for two weeks of sun, surf, and sex might not be lost yet. Confined to a yacht, isolated by aqua-coloured oceans and the sweltering sun, Stuart and Foster are about to find out just how hot the tropics can get.

Saisissant sa seule chance de s’échapper, Ethan Hosking quitte son ex-petit ami violent en laissant toute sa vie derrière lui et se retrouve sur la trajectoire déchainée d’un feu de brousse. Cherchant désespérément à repartir à zéro, désormais un homme nouveau nommé Aubrey Hobbs sort de la forêt ravagée par le feu. Sans carte d’identité ni argent et avec pour seul bagage le télescope de son grand-père, il va là où la Croix du Sud le mène.

Patrick Carney est le gardien de phare de Hadley Cove, une petite ville située sur l’île isolée de Kangaroo Island, au large de la côte sud de l’Australie. Après la mort tragique de son amant il y a quatre ans, il mène une vie solitaire ; juste lui, un chat, les océans Indien et Austral, et une bonne dose de solitude. Il est satisfait de sa vie jusqu’à ce qu’un étranger débarque et lui fasse tourner la tête.

Patrick ne s’attendait pas à s’intéresser à quelqu’un d’autre.

Aubrey ne s’attendait pas à être heureux.

Entre l’amour d’Aubrey pour les étoiles et celui de Patrick pour l’océan, ces deux cœurs fragiles doivent naviguer sur de nouvelles eaux. S’ils parviennent à surmonter la tempête de leur passé, ils pourraient bien vivre un amour qui éclipse tout.

La vie d'Israel Ingham n'a jamais été facile. Il a grandi dans un foyer dépourvu d'amour et de chaleur. Il ne faisait jamais rien d’assez bien. Son homosexualité n’a fait qu'ajouter à la longue liste des déceptions de son père.

Puis une lettre de l'hôpital pour enfants d'Eastport change la donne.

Une terrible erreur humaine est révélée au grand jour : vingt-six ans plus tôt, deux bébés ont été échangés à la naissance et sont repartis dans la mauvaise famille.

Sam, le meilleur ami d'Israel, a toujours été sa seule source d'amour et de soutien. Avec lui à ses côtés, il décide de rencontrer sa mère biologique et son fils, celui-là même qui a vécu la vie qu'Israel aurait dû avoir.

Au milieu des émotions tumultueuses de la rencontre avec sa famille biologique, Israel et Sam se rapprochent plus que jamais, et ce dernier commence à remettre en question ses sentiments envers son meilleur ami. Alors qu'Israel s'ouvre à de nouvelles possibilités, il a besoin de disséquer sa relation douloureuse avec ses parents s’il veut sauver ce qu’il en reste.

Car parfois, la preuve qu'on n'est pas vraiment une famille suffit pour en devenir une.

A fun and sexy romance where the kiln isn't the only thing that's scorching hot.

Leo Secombe loves his life, and he’s convinced himself he’s happy to be single. In his spare time, he keeps himself busy at a local LGBTQ centre that pairs a younger person with a community elder to help them feel included in today’s rainbow family. Leo and Clyde have been buddies for a few years now, and signing up for a pottery class seems like fun.

Merrick Bowman has been so focused on getting his pottery business up and running that he’s forgotten how to date. How to live, even. But when a young, bubbly Leo and an older, grumpy Clyde walk through his door, Merrick has no idea how much Leo is about to centre his world.

Throwing clay has been Merrick’s entire life, but Leo's about to change all that. Maybe Merrick's ready to throw caution to the wind. And maybe he’s ready to finally throw his heart on the line.

Jordan O’Neill n’est pas très fan des étiquettes, il en a déjà bien assez comme ça. Gay, geek, rat de bibliothèque, socialement inadapté, bavard nerveux, introverti, exclu. La dernière chose dont il a besoin, c’est d’une étiquette supplémentaire. Mais lorsqu’il réalise que le label asexuel pourrait expliquer beaucoup de choses, cela retourne sa vie sens dessus dessous.

Hennessy Lang a déménagé à Surry Hills après s’être séparé de son petit ami. Le fait qu’il soit asexué a mis fin à beaucoup de ses relations, mais il est déterminé à rester fidèle à lui-même. Laissant derrière lui son groupe de soutien de North Shore, il crée le sien à Surry Hills, où il rencontre Jordan, son premier participant.

Un peu déconcerté et effrayé, mais tout à fait adorable, Hennessy est touché par ce type qui essaie de trouver sa place. Hennessy pourra-t-il convaincre Jordan que son monde n’est pas sens dessus dessous, mais qu’il est maintenant – pour la première fois de sa vie -dans le bon sens ?

Nearing the end of a suspended jail sentence should unlock a brighter future for CJ Davis, only the chip on his shoulder is as hard to shift as his bad reputation. Born into a family of career criminals who live down Davis Road, an address the cops have dubbed Davis Row, his name alone is like a rap sheet that makes optimism impossible.

Brand-new parole officer Noah Huxley is determined to see the good in men like CJ. After all, he knows firsthand that bad things can happen to good people. His colleagues mock his doe-eyed optimism, but Noah soon sees CJ’s bad attitude and bravado are weapons he uses to keep people at a distance.

Both men know one simple mistake can change a life forever. At first glance, they might seem to be polar opposites. Yet underneath, they're not that different at all.

Calvin Lynch and Troy Hoffman have been best mates since they were fourteen years old. They’re both hard-working tradesmen, both love weekends away fishing, both gay, but have never been single at the same time. Until now.

What is supposed to be a weekend away fishing with a group of mates, changes at the last minute when friends bail out in an attempt to give Cal and Troy some alone time.

With more than just hooks on the line, can these two see what’s been right in front of them the whole time?


The Perfect Catch is a short story about falling for your best friend hook, line, and sinker.

A 20K short story which was part of the It Was Always You anthology.

Ex-Australian Specialist Response Group leader, Tim “Harry” Harrigan, has been running covert ops for almost a decade. A lone wolf, he’s single-handedly taken down terrorists and national security threats, or so he thinks. He’s been in the game far too long, and when he sees a familiar threat, he knows his time is up.

Asher Garin is a dangerous man. A man without loyalty, a man without a nationality, without a country, without a home. He’s also a mercenary for hire to the highest bidder. His next job is a face he recognises, and after a tip-off, he learns he too is a marked man.

It’s a different game now, and Harry and Asher have a better chance at surviving if they stick together. But it’s not just the game or the rules that have changed. The stakes have too.

Because on their own, they had nothing to lose. Together, they do.


#EnemiesToLovers #GayAssassins #UsAgainstThem

Caution: on-page physical and gun violence. Reader discretion advised.

Spencer Cohen est le type qui obtient des réponses aux questions relatives aux relations. Jouant le rôle du nouvel amoureux, son travail consiste à faire comprendre à l’ex de son client l’une des deux choses suivantes : soit il ne veut pas rompre, soit il le veut vraiment. Dans les deux cas, son client obtient des réponses.

L’ex d’Andrew Landon l’a quitté sans même une explication. Mais sa sœur ne supporte pas de le voir malheureux, alors, au grand dam d’Andrew, elle engage Spencer comme nouveau petit ami de son frère pour faire revenir son ex.

Pour Spencer, ce n’est jamais personnel. C’est juste une transaction commerciale. Pas d’émotions, pas d’attaches, pas de complications.

Oui, c’est ça.

Intégrale comprenant trois tomes.


Read the entire Storm Boys Series in one convenient book! Over 170,000 words of action and adventure, second chances, and risking it all for love.


Second Chance at First Love - Prequel

Paul Morgan has been running his luxury camping tour business in Kakadu National Park for the last five years. Taking small groups glamping, hiking, climbing, and swimming. It’s been a busy five years, a hard five years, as he tried to forget the man he left behind.

Derek Grimes pushes people away—a self-preservation reflex. Because they can’t break his heart if he breaks theirs first, right? Five years on, lost and lonely, he tracks down the one and only love of his life. Maybe seeing how Paul had moved on will help Derek move on too . . .

Paul can’t believe it when a familiar name pops up on his client list, and Derek can’t believe how good Paul looks, or just how happy living his dream job has made him. The spark between them never waned, but five years on, they’ve learned a few things about themselves and what they want.

They could have everything they ever dreamed of—if they’re prepared to trust each other. Because a second chance at first love comes but once in a lifetime.


Outrun the Rain

Tully Larson has loved tropical storms since he was a kid and spent his summers with his dad in the wilds of Kakadu National Park. He’s happiest outdoors, a rough and ready kind of guy who loves the power of Mother Nature and chasing the thrill of electrical storms every chance he gets.

Jeremiah Overton, a fulminologist from Melbourne, chases storms for a whole different reason. Lightning has shaped his entire life and he’s driven to study it, to understand it, so heading to Kakadu in the middle of the storm season is a logical thing to do. After all, the Top End is the lightning capital of Australia.

Tully wasn’t sure how a week at his remote bunker with an academic type would pan out. And Jeremiah didn’t expect much from the storm-chasing cowboy who volunteered to take him.

But both men know all too well that when opposites attract, lightning strikes.


Into the Tempest

Jeremiah Overton is now in charge of Darwin’s Bureau of Meteorology, and his storm chaser boyfriend, Tully Larson, couldn’t be happier. For Tully, it means watching summer storms with the love of his life but for Jeremiah, it means relearning everything on equipment that’s older than he is.

But summer storms also mean it’s cyclone season. While Tully’s no stranger to tropical storms and the occasional cyclone, for Jeremiah, it’s a first.

As Tropical Cyclone Hazer bears down on the city, Jeremiah and Tully prepare to stay behind. Jeremiah knows what to expect, theoretically, but living through it is a different story.

If they live through it at all.


Touch the Lightning

Without a working office, Jeremiah is tasked with repairing the automated weather station on Oxley Island. It’s remote, only accessible by boat, and with there being a good chance of crocodiles, he’s dreading it.

Tully, on the other hand, can’t wait.

With a boat licence, his dad’s boat, and two days alone with Jeremiah—and with thunderstorms likely—to Tully, it’s another perfect adventure.

But their plans go awry when Jeremiah’s research gets far too close for comfort. Thirty years ago, the day his life was touched by lightning, he was changed forever.

It’s about to change again, only this time he’s determined to set things right.



I hate Valentine Tye.

I’ve hated him since we were ten years old. I hate everything he is, everything he stands for. Even the mention of his name gets my back up.

And when I see him?

My blood boils. My jaw clenches and my hands curl into fists. That’s how much I hate him.

I want to cause him pain. I want to hold him down and actually hurt him.

And if that’s not bad enough, that’s exactly what he wants me to do to him.


I know what people think of me. I know what they assume. They all think I’m some spoiled rich guy who’s had everything handed to him.

They don’t know me at all.

Behind my carefully constructed walls is an emptiness so dark it scares men away. I like pain. I like being used. For some messed up reason, it validates me. I don’t need love or affection or, hell forbid, emotional attachment.

What I need is a man who hates me, a man who despises me.

A man like Marshall Wise.

Because never in a million years would he ever feel anything for me.


Keats McCulloch opened his florist shop in Sydney two years ago and he’s living his dream. Even though running his own business leaves little room for a personal life, he is very single, sometimes lonely, but otherwise happy.

Linden Acres has sworn off men for all eternity. Armed with his cheating boyfriend’s credit card and a floriography list, he decides to buy him the perfect farewell gift. The biggest, prettiest bouquet of ‘murder flowers’ his money can buy.

Keats convinces Linden to avoid possible jail time and go with a more subdued, somewhat passive aggressive bouquet of black roses and basil leaves. After all, nothing else says you’re dead to me and I hate you with such elegance.

Keats finds Linden hilarious and charming, and Linden thinks Keats is kind of wonderful . . . It’s too bad he’s sworn off men forever. Yet their paths cross again and again, as if fate was planting seeds in the hope that one will bloom.

“I’m more of a green carnations kind of guy.”

Dessiner un plan : Architecte new-yorkais prospère, Thomas Elkin a presque tout réussi. Après avoir révélé son homosexualité et mis fin à son mariage avant son quarantième anniversaire, il a dû commencer à vivre sa vie. Quatre ans plus tard, alors que sa relation avec son fils s'est rétablie et après quelques amours éphémères, ce dessinateur traditionnel estimé pensait tout savoir de l'architecture et de la vie.

Cooper Jones, vingt-deux ans, est sur le point de prendre d'assaut le monde des architectes. Talentueux, professionnel, motivé et complètement exaspérant, Cooper est la définition de la génération Y. En commençant un stage auprès de Thomas, Cooper est sur le point de faire basculer le monde de Tom. Tom peut apprendre à Cooper ce qu'est l'industrie, mais Cooper est sur le point d'apprendre à Tom certaines choses sur la vie.

Tracer les lignes : Éperdument amoureux, Thomas Elkin et Cooper Jones ont décidé de se donner une chance et voir où leur relation les mène. Ce à quoi ils ne sont pas préparés, c'est à la réaction de leurs familles, qui tentent de les séparer.

Les deux hommes sont sur le point d'apprendre qu'il faut parfois tracer des lignes pour protéger ce qu'il y a de plus important. Parfois, les lignes s'estompent, d'autres fois elles deviennent claires comme de l'eau de roche.

Ancrer les fondations : Thomas Elkin et Cooper Jones bénéficient enfin du soutien de leur famille et leur amour se renforce chaque jour. Vivant désormais ensemble, ils pensent que rien ne peut leur faire obstacle.Mais des influences extérieures tentent de les séparer. Cooper rencontre un homme plus proche de son âge et ayant des relations haut dans la chaîne de promotion immobilière, qui veut que Cooper soit à lui.

Tom est confronté à la discrimination et aux intentions cachées de la part d'un collègue associé principal qui tente de le faire tomber. Peu importe ce que le monde leur réserve, Tom et Cooper sont authentiques. Mis à part la différence d'âge, Tom a enfin trouvé son sentiment d'appartenance. Son seul véritable centre, son foyer.

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