Dates de sortie
- France : 2017-08-23 - Poche (Français)
- USA : 1900-01-01 (English)
Activité récente
Titres alternatifs
- Phantastes : A Faerie Romance - Anglais
- Le Fate dell'Ombra - Italien
- Fantastes - Espagnol
- Snílci - Tchèque
- 112ème MOOC Fantasy 2015 (70 participants)
- Palala Press
- Xist Classics
- SMK Books
- Forgotten Books
- Phantasmo Press
- Kypros Press
- CreateSpace
- Dodo Collections
- L'Atalante
- Pearl Necklace Books
- Dover Publications
- Translate House
- Nisyros Publishers
- Horse's Mouth
- Stonewell Press
- Start Publishing LLC
- Volvox Globator
- Bottom of the Hill Publishing
- Greenbook Publications LLC
- Hendrickson Publishers
- British Library
- Martino Fine Books
- Suzeteo Enterprises
- MobileReference
- Hardpress Publishing
- eBooksLib
- Nabu Press
- Kessinger Publishing
- Publishing
- BiblioLife
- General Books
- Book Jungle
- Classic Books Library
- Boomer Books
- Wildside Press
- Waking Lion Press
- Paternoster
- BiblioBazaar
- The Echo Library
- NuVision Publications
- Aegypan
- Dodo Press
- Blackstone Audiobooks
- Johannesen Printing & Publishing
- Everyman Paperbacks
- Schoken Books Inc.
- Schocken
- Lion Publishing
- Eerdmans
- Ballantine Books
Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women is a fantasy novel written by George MacDonald, first published in London in 1858. The story centers on the character Anodos ("pathless" or "ascent" in Greek) and takes its inspiration from German Romanticism, particularly Novalis. The story concerns a young man who is pulled into a dreamlike world and there hunts for his ideal of female beauty, embodied by the "Marble Lady." Anodos lives through many adventures and temptations while in the other world, until he is finally ready to give up his ideals. C.S. Lewis wrote, concerning his first reading of Phantastes at age sixteen, "That night my imagination was, in a certain sense, baptized; the rest of me, not unnaturally, took longer. I had not the faintest notion what I had let myself in for by buying Phantastes."
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