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Red Zone Rivals, Tome 5 : False Start

Description ajoutée par Gkone 2024-05-22T18:39:24+02:00


Kyle Robbins: Seattle's rookie tight end and the first boy to break my heart.

Oh, did I mention he's also my new client... and fake boyfriend?

I thought I left Kyle and our complicated past behind me, but when he saunters up as my new client at a house showing, I’m quickly reminded how much he still haunts me.

I try to walk away, but the stubborn jerk isn’t having it. In fact, he doubles down on working with me, as if our tragic history doesn’t exist at all.

The commission from working with him is the key to a new life for me and my son. It’s worth putting up with the cocky athlete long enough to find him a house. But when Kyle sees the bruises left by my darling ex-husband, he thinks he can save me — and suddenly, he’s interested in much more than just being a client.

Before I know it, I’m wrangled into a scheme so crazy it just might work. Kyle pretends to be my fake boyfriend so he can keep my ex in line until I get the commission from this house sale and get the hell out of Seattle for good.

But with a past as thick with chemistry and tension as ours is, it’s not long before those fake touches feel all too real. Every brush of his hand against my back has me spinning back to that night. Every kiss has me dizzy with the love I felt at eighteen. And every day that passes without me finding him a house has me wondering how much longer I can survive this game we’re playing.

Fake-dating each other was supposed to be for my safety.

But I can't help thinking my heart is more at risk now than ever before.

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Where do I begin to tell you about this absolutely incredible book? Honestly, I loved it from start to finish. A sport romance saga, written by Queen Kandi Steiner should be enough to make you want to start this series. An exceptional found family. The characters are all great, authentic and different from each other, yet so lovable. These are butterflies-in-your-belly romances, with tension and spice mastered to perfection. All wrapped up with just the right amount of humor, drama and sublime quotes on love and friendship.

I'll say it again, but for me this saga is perfect, it conveys great messages and this tome perfectly joins my top 3 of the saga along with Hail Mary and Blind Side.

Now let's talk about this book in more details. First of all, Kyle, what a man? I didn't think I'd be able to get attached to his character, and yet... he's got all the qualities of a 100% green flag soft boy.

He's thoughtful, caring and loves Madelyne to death. Not to mention the incredible relationship he has with Sebastian, whom he has directly accepted as his own son and who totally got under my skin.

Then there's Mads, an incredible young woman who fights body and soul for her son and for herself. I adored her and was over the moon to see her finally touch the happiness she so desperately deserved.

Mads and Kyle really are the perfect couple for me. They are the very definition of a second chance, but at the same time of perfect love, the kind you don't forget despite the passage of time. They're true soul mates who were destined to end their days together. And then this book puts a smile on our faces with the incredible found family that has grown up over the years. Each of them is so endearing that we'd love to have them all as friends. In short, I recommend x1000 reading this saga, for all romance lovers.

Thanks a million to Kandi Steiner for sending me this ARC, it means a lot to me. It was one of the books I was most looking forward to this year! ❤️

🇫🇷 : Par quoi commencer pour vous parler de ce tome absolument incroyable ? Honnêtement j’ai tout aimé de A à Z. Une saga sport romance, écrite par la reine Kandi Steiner devrait être suffisant pour vous donner envie de commencer cette saga. Une found family exceptionnelle, des protagonistes tous géniaux, authentiques et différents les uns des autres et à la fois si attachant. Des romances qui nous font avoir des papillons dans le ventre, de la tension et du spicy maitrisé à la perfection. Le tout enrobé avec ce qu’il faut d’humour, de drama et de sublimes citations sur l’amour et l’amitié. Je le répète mais pour moi cette saga est parfaite, elle véhicule de supers messages et ce tome vient parfaitement rejoindre mon top 3 de la saga avec Hail Mary et Blind Side.

Maintenant parlons de ce tome-ci plus en détail. Premièrement Kyle, what a man ? avant son tome, je ne pensais pas pouvoir m’attacher à son personnage et pourtant… le monsieur possède absolument toutes les qualités, on est sur un soft boy en puissance 100% green flag.

Il est attentionné, aux petits soins avec Madelyne et l’aime d’un amour avec un grand A. Sans parler de la relation incroyable qu’il entretient avec Sebastian qu’il a directement accepté comme son propre fils et qui m’a totalement touchée. Puis Mads, une jeune femme incroyable, qui se bat corps et âme pour son fils et pour elle. Je l’ai adoré et j’ai été sur un petit nuage de la voir enfin toucher du doigt le bonheur qu’elle méritait tant.

Mads et Kyle forme vraiment le couple parfait pour moi. Ils sont la définition même d’une seconde chance mais à la fois du parfait amour, celui qu’on oublie pas malgré le temps qui passe. Ce sont de véritables âmes soeurs qui étaient désintés à finir leurs jours ensemble.

Et puis ce tome vient nous mettre du baume au coeur avec cette incroyable found family qui s’est créée au fil des tomes. Chacun d’eux est tellement attachant qu’on aimerait tous les avoir comme amis. En bref, je vous conseille x1000 de lire cette saga, pour tous les amoureux de romances.

Instagram : Zay_et_livres

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