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Les Sutherland, Tome 3 : Et fondre de désir...

Description ajoutée par Ju_Books 2020-07-06T22:21:57+02:00


Quand son frère lui ordonne d'épouser le vieux laird Matheson, Moira consent bravement à ce sacrifice. Les enjeux politiques sont trop importants pour qu'elle songe à ses désirs. Tandis que la noce se prépare, Gahan Sutherland, le fils bâtard de leur suzerain, la prévient: cette union avec Matheson scellera en réalité un pacte félon contre les Sutherland. Il lui propose alors de s'enfuir avec lui. Loyale, Moira ne peut envisager de trahir son clan. Mais comment résister à la passion que le beau Highlander déchaîne en elle ?

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Classement en biblio - 44 lecteurs


Extrait offert par Mary Wine :

“Inspecting yer new possession?”

She recognized Gahan’s voice instantly. It was slightly unnerving how swiftly she identified him.

“Yer sister would have found it beneath her,” he added.

Gahan parted from the shadow of a doorway. The hall was farther behind her than she’d realized; the setting of the supper table was now only a dim buzz. A strange twist of excitement went through her belly, startling her. But it also left a bitter taste in her mouth, because she realized she preferred Gahan to her groom.

It was knowledge she could have done well without.

“Nae that I’d expect any less of any woman wedding such an old man,” Gahan informed her.

His tone was condescending at best, and it irritated her. He was her better. The fine weave of his kilt and the silver buttons running up the sides of his knee-high boots showed off just how much his father gave him. She should have kept her mouth shut, but her pride flared up and she propped her hand onto her hip.

“And will yer father give ye any choice when he contracts a bride for ye?” She questioned boldly “Or will ye turn yer nose up no matter who is depending upon ye to do yer duty? Like a spoiled child who knows naught of the way alliances keep a clan safe?”

His eyes narrowed. For a moment, it looked like he was considering what she said, almost as if she’d surprised him somehow.

“Nae if me duty includes making sure me kin can start a feud.”

“I have no such desire.” She shouldn’t snap at him but just couldn’t squelch the urge. “A contented man”—she had to stop to swallow the lump lodged in her throat—“is happy to stay at home.”

He studied her for a long moment, one that felt far longer than it really could have been. She felt like he was looking at her thoughts, his gaze cutting past her realistic reasons, to see her true feelings.

“So what is it that draws ye to a man old enough to be yer grandfather? The title? I suppose I can believe that. Yer sister was certainly enchanted by titles.”

“Half sister.” She paused, realizing that what Bari had so often used to insult her was something she prided herself on.

“And I’m bastard-born,” he replied softly. “Which changes nothing when it comes to me loyalties. Or, I doubt, yers.”

He was trying to intimidate her, but instead, his words somehow impressed her. There was something in his dark eyes that intrigued her, and she stared into the dark orbs, trying to decipher it.

He snorted at her. “Do nae try it.”

“Try what?”

He crossed his arms over his chest, and she suddenly realized just how close he was. There was no more than a pace between them now, and she jumped back, colliding with the hard stone of the wall. His lips twitched.

“I admit, ye play the innocent better then Sandra ever did, but ye’ll nae find it simple to seduce me.”

She straightened up, stepping away from the wall as her temper simmered. “Ye have no right to accuse me of nae being innocent. Or of trying to act like a harlot. Ye were the one waiting in the shadows.”

His lips parted to flash his teeth at her. “I knew ye had claws. Ye are a Fraser after all.”

How to Handle a Highlander

There was a ring of triumph in his tone, which irritated her beyond every bit of self-discipline she had.

“What I have is the sense to know when I’m hearing naught but dribble. Son of an earl or nae, ye do nae have the right to insult me for obeying me laird. I do nae need the Matheson thinking I turned up me nose at their laird. Marriage is for forming alliances. I’m nae so selfish as to think an insult to a laird, like refusing his offer, will nae become a festering point of contention.”

But her voice lowered as she finished, and she had to push the last sentence past her lips because she just didn’t want to believe she was one day away from having to wed Achaius Matheson.

“And I was nae trying to seduce ye,” she added.

His grin remained arrogant and large, but he opened his arms, offering her a view of just how wide his chest was. “Ye were looking into me eyes.”

“And ye were looking into mine,” she countered. He was suddenly too large and the hallway far too compact to suit her. “Enough arrogance. Perhaps ye are accustomed to only the sort of women who like to seduce, but I am nae of that sort. I’m set to wed, and I do nae think it wise to be standing here acting like—”

“Like lovers flirting in the night shadows?”

His voice dipped low and sent a tingle along her limbs. There was a gleam of mischief in his dark eyes.

She shook her head, her tongue feeling frozen with shock.

“Nay, we are nae acting like lovers, or are ye arguing that we are nae lovers—yet?” He pressed forward another few inches.

Something snapped inside her. She gasped and went to shove him away from her.

“Ye obnoxious urchin!”

She flattened her hands against his chest, but he didn’t budge. She’d used a fair amount of strength, but Gahan Sutherland only chuckled at her attempt to move him.

“Ye have no right to accuse me of such indecent things. Maybe there are plenty who would remind me that ye’re me better and can say what ye will, but I will do me duty.”

He closed his hands around hers, but he didn’t remove them from his chest. Instead, he trapped her there with her hands upon him.

“What if I told ye I would nae be opposed to becoming yer lover? I promise ye will find me bed more to yer liking.”

Her mouth dropped open, and her temper exploded. She never really thought about what she was doing; her body simply refused to remain still. With a snarl, she sent her knee toward his unprotected groin. One moment he was chuckling at her, and the next, she felt her blow connecting. Pain flashed across his face as he whipped into action. She was free in a moment, but his hand rose into position to deliver a strike to her jaw.

“I’m looking into yer eyes sure enough, Gahan Sutherland…”

She realized she’d never really seen his emotions, because his face became a mask of fury now, yet it was mixed with self-loathing. He lowered his fist and sucked in a deep breath.

“I would nae have hit ye. Me hand went up out of reflex. Ye have to expect that when ye deliver such a low blow to a man.”

She believed him, which was foolish, because men didn’t suffer the sort of thing she’d done to him well. Especially one of noble blood like him. He might have her lashed, but even that knowledge didn’t keep her silent.

How to Handle a Highlander

“Ye should expect such a reaction when ye pin innocents in dark hallways and try and blame them for yer own suspicious nature.”

His face tightened. “Yer sister almost killed me father. That is nae suspicion. It is proven.”

“Which is why ye should leave. Bari is nae content—”

She was saying too much, letting her thoughts spill past her lips without considering the consequences. She needed to prevent bloodshed, not give Gahan Sutherland solid reason to go looking for Bari’s blood. Even if she knew Bari deserved it.

“Is nae… what?”

Gahan’s voice was soft, but there was a flame flickering in his dark eyes that terrified her. She hadn’t been afraid of him until that moment, because she was certain she was looking at the rage churning inside him over almost losing his father. She felt his pain but was powerless to soothe it.

“I cannae help ye, no more than I can stop me own wedding.”

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Lu aussi

Bien que j’aie apprécié les personnages, les trouvant attachants, l’intrigue est pour moi invraisemblable, folklorique et tellement peu crédible. C’est mal exploité. Le point fort de cette série sont les protagonistes, le point faible est une histoire rocambolesque de servie à chaque fois. Pour moi c’est imbuvable. J’y ai trouvé peu de logique et beaucoup d’incohérences.

Néanmoins, je continue avec le T4 car les héros présentés jusqu’à présent sont charmants. J’espère retrouver dans l’opus suivant, un peu de crédibilité trouvée dans les rebondissements du T2.

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Les tomes deviennent bien meilleurs au fil de la série. Plus on avance et plus on prend plaisir à retrouver ces highlanders. Ce tome est centré sur Gahan Sutherland demi-frère de Norris du tome précédent, il nous est donc pas totalement inconnu. Encore un mâle alpha, un highlander pur jus comme on les aime. J’ai vraiment apprécié son tempérament et son caractère, il est droit, honnête et qui sait ce qu’il veut. On reprend quasi l’intrigue du tome précédent, avec un arrière goût de représailles, afin de se venger des Sutherland, Bari FRASER va se servir de sa demi-sœur Moira. Elle sera l’outil de sa vendetta. Moira est l’opposée de sa fratrie, douce, agréable, effacée pour sa tranquillité elle se résigne à son sort, à sa position de pion qu’elle représente. Pourtant à défaut de subir j’ai eu la sensation qu’elle prenait son destin en main. Deux personnages principaux qui à première vue auraient dus se détester, vont se découvrir, se désirer et s’aimer. C’est aussi avec plaisir qu’on retrouve les anciens personnages, le clan Sutherland dans son ensemble et de nouveaux personnages qui viennent enrichir l’histoire. Bon moment de lecture.

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Pas le meilleur tome selon moi, l'histoire est sympa mais sans plus, je m'attendais a mieux de ce tome.

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Très belle histoire ! Quel plaisir de revoir Gahan Sutherland, demi-frère de Norris.

C'est une histoire palpitante où il y a de multiples rebondissements. Une histoire d'amour impossible entre Gahan et Moira. En effet, un amour continuellement mis à rude épreuve par des enjeux politiques entre clans et par un désir de vengeance de Sandra & Bari.

La romance Gahan et Moira est belle et compliquée. Le lecteur s'attache à ce couple dont tout sépare. J'ai adoré Gahan, ce fier et loyal highlander et ce depuis le précédent opus. Je me suis attachée à Moira qui relève sans cesse les défis que son frère ou sa soeur mettent sur son chemin. Néanmoins, j'ai moins accroché au personnage de Moira qu'à celui de Daphné ou de Clarissa les héroines des tomes précédents.

Encore une très belle histoire même si j'ai préféré le tome précédent consacré à mes chouchous : Norris & Daphné.

Je me précipite sur le derniers opus consacré à Nareen & Saer ; vu leurs personnalités je pense que leur histoire d'amour va être explosive.

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Une saga époustouflante : des highlanders sexy et imprévisibles, une intrigue palpitante et déroutante et un couple de héros follement attachant.

Voici une de mes séries "Révélation" et j'attend la sortie de chacun des tomes avec impatience.

C'est confirmé avec ce troisième tome qui est tout aussi exaltant et passionnant que ces prédécesseurs ...

Je suis sous le charme de la plume singulière de Mary Wine qui tout en nous plaçant dans un cadre lu et relu en Romance Historiques (les Highlands), nous livre une histoire unique et parvient à nous surprendre en menant ses personnages principaux là où l'on est persuadé qu'ils n'iront pas !!!

C'est agréable de ne pas avoir de certitude sur le destin de nos héros, de les voir ainsi tester les limites et sortir parfois du cadre habituel des intrigues qu'on lit habituellement !

Ce roman nous présente un couple impossible que tout, vraiment tout, aurait dû séparer !

Elle est la sœur de l'ennemi juré du clan de notre héros.

Il ne peut avoir confiance en elle comme elle ne peut prendre le risque de n'être qu'une instrument de vengeance dans ses mains à lui ...

Et pourtant !

Pourtant, ils vont se désirer...

Pourtant ils vont s'aimer !

Malgré la situation de Moira, et malgré la condition de Gahan !

D'instants volés en rendez-vous secrets, nos tourtereaux risquent de se brûler les ailes à trop jouer avec le feu ...

Lu en à peine quelques heures et d'une seule traite, j'ai grandement apprécié l'absence de prévisibilité de l'intrigue.

Les diverses connexions avec les personnages principaux des précédents tomes sont plus que bienvenues et admirablement bien présentées ! Nous sommes presque contaminés par cet élan de loyauté, d'amitié et de fraternité qui unit nos mâles alpha et personnellement , j'ai vraiment hâte de lire le dernier tome de cette saga sur le mystérieux et très impressionnant laird Saër MacLeod (frère de notre héroïne du premier tome) et Nareen (sœur de notre héros du second tome).

Ne passez pas à coté de ce roman, ni même de cette série !

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Dates de sortie

Les Sutherland, Tome 3 : Et fondre de désir...

  • France : 2020-08-19 - Poche (Français)
  • USA : 2013-11-05 - Poche (English)

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Titres alternatifs

  • Les Sutherland, Tome 3 : Et fondre de désir - Français
  • How to Handle a Highlander - Anglais
  • How to Handle a Highlander (The Sutherlands #3) - Anglais


Les chiffres

lecteurs 44
Commentaires 5
extraits 1
Evaluations 13
Note globale 6.54 / 10

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