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Les Joyaux Noirs, Tome 5 : Dreams Made Flesh

Description ajoutée par lost-library 2012-06-12T12:24:40+02:00


Return to the realm of the Blood in Dreams Made Flesh—featuring four revelatory all-new adventures of Jaenelle and her kindred….

Jaenelle is the most powerful Witch ever known, centuries of hopes and dreams made flesh at last. She has forged ties with three of the realm’s mightiest Blood warriors: Saetan, the High Lord of Hell, who trains Jaenelle in magic and adopts her as his daughter; Lucivar, the winged Eyrien warlord who becomes her protector; and the near-immortal Daemon born to be Witch’s lover. Jaenelle has assumed her rightful place as Queen of the Darkness and restored order and peace to the realms…but at a terrible cost.

In Dreams Made Flesh, discover the origin of the mystical Jewels, and experience the forbidden passion between Lucivar and a simple hearth witch. Witness the clash between Saetan and a Priestess that may forever change reality. And learn whether the sacrifice of Jaenelle’s magic has destroyed any hope of happiness between her and Daemon.

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Classement en biblio - 20 lecteurs


"Kaeleer's Heart" :

"Let me see if I understand this," Jaenelle said.


"You and Falonar have decided to go your own ways," Jaenelle said with a patience that made Surreal wary.

She shrugged. "It was a mutual decision." The bastard.

"Uh-huh. So you packed your bags..."

"It was his eyrie," Surreal cut in. "I certainly didn't want to live there." And I didn't want to watch him courting Nurian in ways he never thought to court me.

"...and left Ebon Rih without telling Lucivar."

"Who would have strung Falonar up by the heels"... or by the balls, which might have been interesting to watch... "before having a little chat."

"No," Jaenelle said, "he would have waited for Chaosti to show up, and then he would have strung Falonar up by the heels." She paused. "Maybe by the heels."

Which just confirmed why Surreal had slipped away from Ebon Rih before Lucivar had time to notice. As the Warlord Prince of Ebon Rih dealing with a Warlord Prince who was his second-in-command, Lucivar would have been nasty and explosive. Chaosti, the Warlord Prince of the Dea al Mon and a kinsman on her mother's side, would have approached Falonar with the protective viciousness that made Warlord Princes such a deadly facet of Blood society.

Dealing with the male relatives she'd acquired since coming to Kaeleer was so much fun.

"And you entered the Hall through one of the side doors to avoid seeing Daemon, who's working in his study and would have met you before you got out of the great hall."

Feeling more wary by the minute, Surreal did her best to look indifferent. "No reason for him to get involved in this." Sweet Darkness, please don't let him think this is any business of his. "Besides, I don't need either of them getting all snarly and protective over something that was a mutual decision."

"So instead of mentioning this to either of them, you went to the Keep and told Saetan."

Surreal winced. "Well, I figured I should tell someone before leaving Ebon Rih."

"Uh-huh. So you told the High Lord of Hell, the patriarch of this family, the man from whom Daemon and Lucivar inherited the temper you were trying to avoid." Jaenelle pushed the quilt aside and swung her legs over the side of the couch to sit up straight. "Did I miss something ?"

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Lorsque je suis tombée sur ce livre, ma première pensée a été : « Alléluia !! Encore d'autres histoires dans le monde des Joyaux Noirs ! » Et la lecture a été à la hauteur de mes (très hautes) attentes :

- "Weaver of Dreams" offre un aperçu unique et fascinant sur l'origine de certains pouvoirs ;

- "The Prince of Ebon Rih" relate un épisode sur lequel je m'étais personnellement posée mainte questions, à savoir l'histoire de Lucivar et Marianne ;

- "Zuulaman"... celle-ci est une histoire si triste et sombre qu'elle m'a brisé le cœur ;

- Et enfin "Kaeleer's Heart", la seule de ce recueil que se passe après la trilogie originale, et le rêve de tout lecteur : l'histoire après l'Histoire Spoiler(cliquez pour révéler)(ou, si vous préférez, la guérison de Jaenelle et son mariage avec Daimon).

En bref, un ouvrage magnifique.

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Les chiffres

lecteurs 20
Commentaires 1
extraits 9
Evaluations 3
Note globale 8.33 / 10